Sakar 24282 User Manual

O w ner’s M anual
© 2006 SakarInternational,Inc.A llrightsreserved. Window s and the W indow s logo areregistered tradem arks ofM icrosoftC orporation. Allothertradem arks a rethe propertyoftheirrespective .
Section One -Profile Overview
Thank you forpurchasing thisdigitalcam era.N otonlycan ittake photos butitalso has built-inPC cam erafunctions.This cam erais equipped with8MB SDRAM .In orderto dow nload photos from yourcam erato yourcom puter,you need only
the U S B cablefrom yourcom puter to yourcam era.You can also use the
connect built-inPC cam eratoholdavideo conference viathe internet,enabling face face online conversations.
Package Contents
*DigitalCam era * User’s M anual * N eck Strap * C am eraStand * Software CD * USB
System Requirements
¾ Window s98 S E /2000/M E /X P ¾ 125M B orm orefree harddisk space,32M B orm oreRAM. ¾ Available USB Interface and CD-ROM drive. ¾ ColorM onitor(R ecom m ended atleast800*600,24 bitorhigher)
Getting to Know your Digital Camera:
A. Cam era/C hargerselector B. View finder C. Lens D. U SB E. M ode Butt F. S hutter/C onfirmButton
Section Two - Lithium Battery
Beforeusing yourcam eraforthe firsttime,charge you rcam era’s battery. O n ce the batteryischarged,m ove the C am era/Chargerselectorto“Cam era”m ode.D o not move the selector back to“Charge” m ode untilyou have dow nloaded all yourphotos to yourcom puterand are ready torecharge the cam era.
S ocket
Switching to Charge mode will erase all the photos on your camera.
To recharge yourcam era’s battery,con ne ctthe cam eratoyourcomputerw iththe U S B cableand move the C am e ra/C hargerselectorto“Charge”m ode.W hen the batteries arerecharging,the LE D willb e red.O nce the batteries arefullycharged, turngreen (afterless than 3hours).The cam erawillfunction normallywhilecharging. We recom m end chargi up the fullm em orycapacityofthe cam era.
The camera batteries must be recharged for at least four hours on the
NOTE: first use.
Inorder to conserve battery pow er,ifthe cam erais notused for30 se con ds,the cam erawillautom atically enterenergy save m ode.
Section Three – S oftware and C am eraDriver Installatio n IMPORTANT:Beforeattem pting toinstallthe so f the cam eraattached to yourcom puter.Thiswillaffectthe installation process and couldcause yourinstallat the entireinstallation process has been com pleted.W e recom m end the step by step instructions thatw illappearon yourscreen during the installation process.
ng you rcam era’sbatteryevery 7 days orw hen yo u have used
tware,ensurethatyou do nothave
ion tofail.D o notconnectthe cabletothe com puteruntil
the LE D will
1. Insertthe C D intoyourCD-Rom drive.M ake surethatyourcam era
is not
connected tothe com puter.
2. ForW IN 2000 orW INXP operating system s -O n the “Install your camera software”screen,selectyourcam era m odelfrom the drop dow n listand click the “Install”button toinstallPhoTags Expre ss follow ed by the installation ofP hoTags W ebC am Express and your cam e radriver.
ForW IN 98SE operating system - On the “Install your camera
software”screen follow these instructions:
1. Click the “DirectX ” button and follow the installation instructions, restartyourcom puterafterthe installation.
2. Insertthe C D intoyourCD-Rom drive.M ake suret is notconnected tothe com puter.
3. On the “Installyour cam erasoftware ” screen,selectyourcam era m odelfrom the drop dow n li PhoTags Express follow ed by the installation ofP hoTags W ebC am Express and your ca m e radriver.
4. On the “PhoTags Express" screen,click the “Next” button.
st,click the “Install”button toinstall
hatyourcam era
5. Please review the license terms and click the “Agree” button to continue.
6. Letthe “P hoTags Expre ss” installercreatethe folderw herethe program willb e installed to,and then click “Install”
7. Click “Finish”toletthe “P hoTags Expre ss” installerfinish the installation program .
8. Thiswillautom aticallylaunch the Installshieldforthe cam eradriver. Click “Next”to continue.
9. Once the program has finished installing you will
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