Saito 2008 FG-20, 2008 FG-36, FG-20, FG-36 Owner's Operating Manual

Owner’s Operating Instruction Manual
Saito™ 4-Stroke Gasoline Engines
Model FG-20 & FG-36 | Version 2008
• Donotmodifyanypartsoftheengine
• Incaseofmodificationsbythecustomer,HorizonHobbyInc.shallnotbearany   responsibilityfromanydamagecausedbysuchmodification
• Keeptheignitionsystemwellmaintained
Distributed exclusively by
Horizon Hobby, Inc., Champaign, IL 61822
© 2009
Printed 01/09
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Congratulations on purchasing this fine engine.
It has been over 20 years since Saito introduced their first 4-stroke glow engine, the FA-30. Since that time Saito has led the way in the development of powerful 4-stroke glow engines, from the small FA-30 to the large FA-325 5-cylinder radial engine. Leading the way in innovations, we have seen the V-twins, and now Saito is proud to introduce the 4-stroke gasoline-powered engine.
Saito 4-stroke gasoline engines are developed exclusively for model airplanes. They are designed with an emphasis on high performance, durability and weight savings. Their components are modified to adapt to the gasoline version of existing glow engines and are equipped with a 4-stroke gasoline engine carburetor and ignition systems.
Remember, a properly cared for engine will offer many years of modeling enjoyment.
Contents Included
Engine Engine Mount (SAIG3695) Ignition (SAIG36153) Muffler (SAIG3674) Muffler Manifold (SAIG3675) Muffler Nut, 2 pcs (SAIG3680) Spark Plug CM-6 (SAIG36120) Spark Plug Wrench (SAIG36969) Valve Adjusting Tools Muffler Wrench Instruction Manual Saito Decal
Engine Ignition (SAIG20153) Muffler (SAIG2074) Muffler Manifold (SAIG2075) Muffler Nut, 2 pcs(SAIG2080) Spark Plug 1/4-32 (SAIG20120) Spark Plug Wrench (FG20967) Valve Adjusting Tools Instruction Manual Saito Decal
Safety Precautions
This manual describes the engine and its general operating procedures. For mounting and control, see the instruction manual for the model airplane. Some suggestions are included in this manual for mounting the engine using the included motor mount.
Features of the Gasoline 4-Stroke Engine
• Fuel efficient
• Fuel cost is low
• Aircraft stays relatively clean
during operation
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
Contents Included ............................................................................................................. 1
Safety Precautions ............................................................................................................ 1
Engine Mounting and Muffler Attachment Notes ....................................................... 2
Throttle Linkage ................................................................................................................ 3
Propeller ............................................................................................................................. 3
Propeller and Fuel Consumption ................................................................................... 3
Fuel ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Fuel Tank and Plumbing ................................................................................................. 4
Ignition System .................................................................................................................. 4
Spark Plug ......................................................................................................................... 5
Carburetor ......................................................................................................................... 5
Preparation Before Starting the Engine ....................................................................... 6
Starting the Engine ........................................................................................................... 6
Adjustment of the Carburetor ....................................................................................... 9
General Operating Procedures ....................................................................................10
Normal Operation, Maintenance and Additional Information .............................. 10
Troubleshooting Guide .................................................................................................. 11
Engine Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 11
Valve/Tappet Gap Adjustment ..................................................................................... 12
Carburetor Maintenance .............................................................................................. 12
FG-20 Dimensions and Specifications ......................................................................... 16
FG-20 Parts List .............................................................................................................. 17
FG-36 Dimensions and Specifications ......................................................................... 18
FG-36 Parts List .............................................................................................................. 19
Full Parts List .................................................................................................................. 20
Consumer Warranty and Repair Policy ..................................................................... 22
Failure to read and follow these instructions before you proceed to start your engine may result in engine damage and the voiding of your warranty.
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Note: For proper heat transfer, it is important to use a metal motor mount when mounting these engines in a model aircraft.
• The engine is designed for use on
a model radio control airplane. If it is used for any other purpose, we cannot be responsible for its reliability or safety.
• Always use genuine Saito parts
for replacements.
• Be sure to check the propeller before
each flight. If it is damaged, replace the propeller with a new one.
• If the propeller hits something while
the engine is in operation, immediately stop the engine and check for damage.
• Start the engine on a flat surface free
of stones or other debris.
• When mixing fuel, or operating the
engine, do so in a well-ventilated area.
Engine Mounting and Muffler Attachment Notes
Mount the engine on aircraft-grade plywood with more than 6mm thickness
for the FG-20 and 10mm of thickness for the FG-36 or to a mount of equivalent strength, and firmly fixed, with 4 bolts. We highly recommend the use of the Saito Motor Mount (SAIG3695 for the FG-36 or SAIG2095 for the FG-20) to mount this engine to a model aircraft.
Note: Be sure to use flat washers or a
metal plate on the reverse side of the mount to prevent the bolts from
sinking into the plywood. Before
flying the airplane, be sure to check for loose bolts.
Note: Since this engine is equipped with a float less carburetor with a diaphragm pump, the direction of the cylinder and the position of the fuel tank can be upright or inverted.
When you attach the muffler, use a drop of oil on the threads to ease the assembly. Screw the exhaust manifold into the engine exhaust port and the
Figure 1
muffler as far as the thread will allow (see above drawing). Notice the use of the two wrenches used in tightening the two nuts on the muffler/manifold connection. Use of threadlock is recommended.
Remember to ensure cooling air passes by the engine and muffler in a cowled environment.
Throttle Linkage
Carefully attach the throttle linkage to the engine using a ball link on the carburetor throttle arm. Make sure the linkage is free to operate from low throttle to high throttle. Also, confirm that the low throttle setting on the transmitter closes the carburetor throttle barrel to the low idle position. Adjust the length of the pushrod until full throttle opens the carburetor throttle barrel to the fully open position, while low throttle, low trim completely closes the throttle barrel.
Recommended Propeller Sizes: The recommended propeller sizes are shown in the table below. The use of a carbon fiber propeller is highly recommended. Remember that the use of a large propeller will require care in balancing it. Vibration will reduce performance and can result in damage to the engine and airframe.
For break-in, Saito recommends the use of a smaller propeller for initial break­in and approximately 20 subsequent flights.
The engine produces the maximum output when the engine is running at about 8,300–9,000 rpm. We would recommend using a propeller which makes the engine run at approximately 7,000–9,500 rpm while the airplane is in flight.
Propeller and Fuel Consumption
In order to decrease fuel consumption and prolong the life of the engine, a propeller should be selected that maximizes rpm's when the throttle is fully open, and an airframe that will perform flights at about 90% of the propeller output. If the load is large, (the diameter and pitch of the propeller is large) the air-fuel mixture will have to be rich. If the load is small, the rpm’s will be high, but the fuel consumption is lowered because the high-speed needle valve is closed or leaned out more.
15 x 6-10"
16 x 6-8"
17 x 6"
3 blade 15x7-9"
Diameter x Pitch (inches)
17 x 10-13"
18 x 8-10" 19 x 8-10"
20 x 8"
Photo is of the engine mount for the FG-36
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• Mix a ratio of gasoline to oil of 20:1
for break-in and continuous operation on all engines.
• A mixture of commercial regular
gasoline and a reliable High quality 100% Synthetic oil for 2-cycle engines must be used (we recommend Evolution Oil, EVOX1001Q). Unleaded high-octane gasoline is not required for Saito engines.
• Remember to use caution in the
storage, use and transport of gasoline.
• Since commercial gasoline has
many impurities, please be sure to use a reliable fuel filter (SAI50109) in your fuel system.
• Be sure to use a gasoline-resistant
type of fuel tubing (like Tygon). DO NOT use any silicone rubber type of fuel line to the engine or in the fuel tank.
• The use of fuel with up to 10%
ethanol has been tested and found to work fine.
Fuel Tank and Plumbing
Be sure to include a reliable fuel filter
in your fuel system. The drawing above suggests use of a fuel feed line and an air intake line. Also, be sure to use a fuel line compatible with gasoline.
IMPORTANT: Air is necessary to cool the engine during operation. Make sure that sufficient air circulation through the cowling is provided. As a basic reference, the outlet area should be 3 to 5 times the area of the inlet area to provide adequate cooling.
Ignition System
Saito gasoline four-stroke engines come with Saito’s own ignition system composed of the ignition unit, cord for sensor (black and white), cord for earth to ground (green) insulated plug cap, and cord (black and red) for connection to a battery (not included). You will also need to secure an on/off switch (safety switch system). The switch must be
Figure 2
capacity of more than 1,000mA. Be
sure to mount the ignition system in a location near the engine and away from
the receiver to prevent any unwanted interference. Please refer to the diagram below.
Spark Plug
NGK-CM6 (SAIG36120) is the standard-equipped plug with the FG-36. The FG-20 comes with Saito's own 1/4-32 spark plug (SAIG20120). When needed, please replace with identical appropriate plugs.
The carburetor used on gasoline four­stroke engines are exclusive to Saito. Since they have a negative pressure type fuel pump, the engine can be mounted in any position.
CAUTION: If fuel remains in the carburetor after flight, the components made from rubber, such as the diaphragm, will deteriorate over time.
After a flying session, it is best to remove any fuel remaining in the carb­uretor by disconnecting the fuel line and
Figure 4
Spark gap = .7-.8mm (.024 - .028 in)
Spark gap = .4 - .5mm (.016 - .020 in)
Figure 3
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Counter-clockwise direction
(for rich mixture)
Clockwise direction
(for lean mixture)
Clockwise direction
(for lean mixture)
Counter-clockwise direction
(for rich mixture)
High-Speed Needle Valve
Low-Speed Needle Valve
Ball-joint for linkage
Throttle lever
sure that the spark plug is screwed in and tightened, and that the plug socket cap is fitted in place and fastened down properly. Fix the ignition sensor in the proper position at the bottom of the engine crankcase. The throttle servo should be mounted at a distance of 8 to 12 inches from the engine. The spark plug cable must not touch any part of the model structure as vibration may damage the shielded cable. If this is not practical, it will be necessary to provide an insulation material for the cable. The ignition unit itself should be wrapped in foam rubber to prevent engine vibration from damaging the electronic components. All components must be protected from contact with engine
fuel. Be sure to use an on/off (Safety or
“kill”) switch to allow the ignition to be turned off and on.
IMPORTANT: Never turn the engine over with the ignition turned on unless the spark plug is inserted in the plug socket. This could lead to ignition damage.
Note: Saito 4-stroke gasoline engines come with a pumped carburetor. You do not have to choke the engine as you normally would a 2-stroke engine.
When you are ready to start the engine, switch the ignition on and set the throttle to a slightly high idle speed. We highly recommend the use of an electric starter.
Be sure to have a helper hold the model
securely. a. Turn on the transmitter first, then the receiver and check the operation of the throttle servo and other controls.
b. Turn on power to the ignition system.
c. Using an electric starter, begin cranking the engine. It should fire within seconds of applying the starter. Allow the engine to idle for 30 to 45 seconds.
d. If the engine does not start, even after using the electric starter to crank the engine a second time, open the throttle to maximum, turn off the ignition and turn the engine over about 4 revolutions. Switch the ignition on again and then restart the engine with the throttle at a fast idle position.
e. If the engine still will not start, unscrew the spark plug and check its
Figure 5
rated to a minimum 3A.
Saito recommends the use of a battery with a voltage of 4.8V to 6V and running the engine until it is dry.
Do not needlessly disassemble the carburetor. If you experience problems with the carburetor, return it to the Saito Horizon Service Center.
Preparation Before Starting the Engine
(prior to break-in)
• Mount the engine on a strong, flat test
bench or on the aircraft. (In either case, the engine should be secured so it is immobile.)
• Check to make sure the throttle
barrel will open and close completely.
• Check the wiring of the ignition
system to make sure it is connected correctly and securely.
• Make sure the fuel line is connected
securely to the carburetor.
• For break-in, use a fuel/oil mix ratio
of 20:1.
• FG-36: Mount an 18x8 or 19x8
carbon fiber propeller such as
a Bolly or Mejzlik. Be sure it has
been balanced. (Remember to check the tightness after every flight.)
• FG-20: Mount a 15x6 plastic or wood propeller. Be sure it has
been balanced. (Remember to check the tightness after every flight.)
• It is suggested you employ a
spinner when using an electric starter. (Remember to check the tightness after every flight.)
• Use a tachometer to prevent over-
revving of the engine.
• Be sure to connect a gasoline-proof
line to the breather nipple to vent oil from the airframe.
• Check the battery of the electric
starter to make sure it is fully
charged. Be sure to use a safety
on/off switch from the battery to the ignition.
WARNING: Do not let people stand in front of or to the side of the engine while attempting to start it. Also, make sure the engine test bench or aircraft is completely secure from movement.
Starting the Engine
(assuming the engine is mounted in an aircraft) Saito’s carburetors come adjusted to a basic setting. This setting should be maintained during the initial break-in runs. The standard carburetor settings are as follows: The high-speed needle valve is set to about 2 1/3 turns from the fully closed position. The low speed or idle needle valve is set to about 4 turns out from the fully closed position. Please refer to the diagrams on the next page.
Before you first start the engine, make
High-Speed Needle Valve
Counter-clockwise direction
(for rich mixture)
Clockwise direction
(for lean mixture)
Low-Speed Needle Valve
High-Speed Needle Valve
Counter-clockwise direction
(for rich mixture)
Clockwise direction
(for lean mixture)
Counter-clockwise direction
(for rich mixture)
Clockwise direction
(for lean mixture)
Figure 6
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