Sailor 6004 Installation Manual

SAILOR 6004 Control Panel
Control Panel
Installation manual
Document number: 98-136644-A
Release date: January 3, 2013
Any responsibility or liability for loss or damage in connection with the use of this product and the accompanying documentation is disclaimed by Thrane & Thrane. The information in this manual is provided for information purposes only, is subject to change without notice and may contain errors or inaccuracies.
Manuals issued by Thrane & Thrane are periodically revised and updated. Anyone relying on this information should acquire the most current version e.g. from or from the distributor.
Thrane & Thrane is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any translations or reproductions, in whole or in part, of this manual from any other source.
Thrane & Thrane A/S is trading as Cobham SATCOM.
© 2013 Thrane & Thrane A/S. All rights reserved.
Trademark Acknowledgements
Thrane & Thrane is a registered trademark of Thrane & Thrane A/S in the European
Union and the United States.
SAILOR is a registered trademark of Thrane & Thrane A/S in the European Union, the
United States and other countries.
Other product and company names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.
This product contains Android™ software (a Google Inc. trademark).

Safety summary 1

The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service and repair of this equipment. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture and intended use of the equipment. Thrane & Thrane assumes no liability for the customer's failure to comply with these requirements.
Do not operate the equipment in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of any electrical equipment in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard.
Operating personnel must not remove equipment covers. Component replacement and internal adjustment must be made by qualified maintenance personnel. Do not service the unit with the power cable connected. Always disconnect and discharge circuits before touching them.
DO NOT SUBSTITUTE PARTS OR MODIFY EQUIPMENT Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the equipment.
Minimum compass safe distance: 0.6 m.
Warning! If the Control Panel is flush-mounted in a console with
high ambient air temperature (above 45°C), caution shall be taken to avoid skin burns when servicing the rear metal part of unit.

About the manual 2

Intended readers
This manual is an installation for the SAILOR 6004 Control Panel. The manual is intended primarily for installers of the system and service personnel. Personnel installing or servicing the system must be properly trained and authorized by Thrane & Thrane. It is important that you observe all safety requirements listed in the beginning of this manual, and install the Control Panel according to the guidelines in this manual.
Manual overview
This manual has the following chapters:
Introduction — a short description of the Control Panel.
Installation — a description of how to unpack, store and install
the Control Panel.
Connectors & controls — descriptions and pin-out for the
connectors, guidelines for connecting the Control Panel.
Verification — instructions how to verify a successful
Service & repair — a short description of how to handle
defective units.
Technical specifications — technical specifications for the
Control Panel.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The SAILOR 6004 Control Panel ..................................1
1.1.1 General description .................................................... 1
1.1.2 Key features and functions ..........................................2
1.1.3 System configuration example .....................................2
Chapter 2 Installation
2.1 Unpacking .................................................................. 4
2.1.1 Initial inspection ........................................................4
2.1.2 Storage .....................................................................4
2.2 Installing the Control Panel ........................................ 5
2.2.1 Desktop mounting ..................................................... 5
2.2.2 Flush mount ..............................................................7
2.2.3 Mounting the cable relief bracket ............................... 10
Chapter 3 Connectors & controls
3.1 Connectors ................................................................ 11
3.1.1 Auxiliary connector (AUX) ......................................... 12
3.1.2 Accessories connector (ACC) ...................................... 12
3.1.3 USB connector ......................................................... 13
3.1.4 DC Power input 12—24 V DC (PWR) .............................. 14
3.1.5 LAN connector ......................................................... 16
3.2 Cabling ......................................................................17
3.2.1 Cable requirements .................................................. 17
3.2.2 Grounding ............................................................... 17
3.2.3 Connecting cables .................................................... 18
3.3 Controls .....................................................................18
3.3.1 Power button ........................................................... 18
3.3.2 Dim and night mode ................................................. 18
Table of Contents
Chapter 4 Verification
4.1 Overview ...................................................................19
4.2 Check of the Control Panel ........................................19
4.2.1 Running a self test ................................................... 20
4.2.2 Test log and further information ................................ 22
Chapter 5 Service & repair
5.1 General service information ..................................... 23
5.2 Maintenance & troubleshooting ............................... 23
5.3 Repacking for shipment ........................................... 24
App. A Technical specifications
Index ........................................................................................ 29
Chapter 1
Introduction 1

1.1 The SAILOR 6004 Control Panel

1.1.1 General description

You can use the SAILOR 6004 Control Panel as a generic control panel for a number of ThraneLINK applications. The individual applications are managed in separate windows. Notifications from the applications assist the user in monitoring all applications installed.


The Control Panel has a buzzer for alarm tones. It has also an alarm output providing 2 alarms to external equipment. The display supports night mode. The Control Panel can be remotely switched on.
The basic configuration application for ThraneLINK is already installed in the Control Panel upon shipping. All individual applications are installed and updated from the attached devices (e.g. SAILOR 628x AIS, SAILOR 6390 Navtex Receiver, SAILOR 100 Satellite TV, etc.).
Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1.2 Key features and functions

The Control Panel has the following key features:
7 inch display with touch-screen functionality
Dual LAN (2 Ethernet connectors)
ThraneLINK compatible
Handling of multiple applications
Amplifier for external speaker, e.g. SAILOR 6270 Loudspeaker
Rear mounted USB (x2, e.g. for external keyboard)
Connector for SAILOR 6201 Handset or similar

1.1.3 System configuration example

The following drawing shows an example of how to connect other systems to a SAILOR 6004 Control Panel.
2 The SAILOR 6004 Control Panel
Chapter 2
Installation 2
This chapter provides a description of how to unpack, store and install the Control Panel. It contains the following sections:
Installing the Control Panel
For information on cable connections see chapter 3 Connectors & controls on page 11.


Chapter 2: Installation

2.1 Unpacking

2.1.1 Initial inspection

Inspect the shipping carton immediately upon receipt for evidence of damage during transport. If the shipping carton is severely damaged or water stained, request that the carrier's agent be present when opening the carton. Save the carton packing material for future use.
Warning! To avoid electric shock, do not apply power to the
system if there is any sign of shipping damage to any part of the front or rear panel or the outer cover. Read the safety summary at the front of this manual before installing or operating the system.
After unpacking the system, inspect it thoroughly for damage and loose components or fittings. If the contents are incomplete, if there is mechanical damage or defect, or if the system does not work properly, notify your dealer.

2.1.2 Storage

The Control Panel may be stored or shipped in temperatures between -30° C and +80° C. Protect the Control Panel from extreme temperature variation which can cause condensation.
4 Unpacking
+ 28 hidden pages