Data Sheet
Saba Workforce Planning
Proactively identify future workforce needs
before they become critical
Drive company growth by providing
management with the ability to plan for talent
mobility and properly staff critical company
Ensure you have the right people in the right
roles at the right time to achieve organizational
Reduce the risks associated with staffing gaps
and turnover
Scenario planning to support talent mobility
and critical project staffing decisions
Model future workforce allocation through a
rich, graphical user interface
Create and save multiple workforce model
iterations using organization charts and
extensible 9-box grids
Access robust decision-support tools and
detailed profile data to make key talent
Utilize position-management features to enable
a global view of open and filled positions,
incumbents, succession candidates, and
success requirements
Configurable to support unique organizational
Includes embedded career and competency-
management capabilities
The industry’s strongest global capabilities,
including support for 26 languages
Choice of delivery models; in the cloud or
In today’s ultra-competitive environment, smart organizations have spent
significant time and resources defining and communicating a corporate
strategy that charts a course for success. However, few of these
organizations can tell you if they have — or will have — the people to
execute against this plan. Historically, very little focus has been placed on
the actual people that make up these plans, and how the plan interacts
with your talent mobility, performance, and development strategies. This
situation can result in significant operational risk, as these people gaps
constrain the organization from achieving its goals. Thus, organizations are
quickly recognizing that the ability to execute the strategic plan relies upon
having the right people with the right skills and experience needed to hit
organizational growth targets.
Saba Workforce Planning is the industry’s first solution that moves
beyond general headcount and demographic-based planning to enable
organizations to model their future based on unique people profiles and
position requirements. As part of a unified approach to people systems
that includes support for people processes such as learning, performance,
succession, and compensation, Saba Workforce Planning provides
organizations with the dynamic decision-support tools they need to
identify risk, scenario plan, and take action. This ensures that the proper
developmental and retention interventions occur that lead to improved
business results.
With Saba Workforce Planning, you can scenario plan for the future using the familiar
organizational charting paradigm.
Data Sheet n Saba Workforce Planning
Unique Modeling Based on People Profiles and Job
By moving beyond headcount-based planning, which only
considers people from a demographic or budget perspective,
Saba Workforce Planning empowers organizations to align
valuable people process information with business objectives
to model future states. Both workforce planners and line
managers are empowered to scenario plan, including the ability
to create and save models of the organization’s future utilizing
familiar visual representations of the organization’s talent such
as organizational charts and extensible 9-box grids. And
because Saba Workforce Planning is part of Saba’s unified
people systems, these models are based on much more than
just budgets and numbers. Full insight is provided into detailed
people profiles, job requirements, and talent metrics that
help the organization highlight areas of risk, such as too few
employees with the particular skills needed for a critical role.
Dynamic Decision-Support Tools
Accurate, detailed workforce plans can drive better decisionmaking in almost any people process. The most important
decisions require access to rich profile data as well as
innovative views to compare talent and help inform future
workforce placement. This embedded decision support is
particularly helpful in situations such as:
Talent mobility — Does an individual or a group of individuals
have the skills, experience, and personal desire to lead a
new business initiative?
Promotion and/or successor selection — Is this person
ready now, or do they need more time, development, or
more experience/exposure?
Compensation — How much will the workforce we need
cost, and how might a change in how we spend affect
how we retain pivotal talent such as key performers, high
potentials, or critical roles?
Development planning — What are the critical skills we need
to develop internally and how long will it take us to get there?
Recruiting — Which roles need to be filled via recruiting
efforts, because we just don’t have the skills or experience to
fill them via internal promotion or development?
Managers and workforce planning professionals can utilize our extensible
9-box grid as a key decision-making tool today, while also creating
models that represent expectations for the future.
People “System of Record”
Just as Saba provides the tools to create a meaningful
success plan for an individual, managers also need tools that
help plan for an organization’s future success. To do so, a
people “system of record” is needed that enables a global
view of open and filled positions, incumbents, succession
candidates, and success requirements for positions across
the organization. Working in conjunction with job, role,
audience, and organizational information, these innovative
position-management capabilities enable an additional level of
granularity for processes such as succession management,
where position-specific requirements need to be articulated.
Saba Workforce Planning leverages the strength of Saba’s
People Systems to model an organization’s future using a
unified, configurable people system of record. As a result,
organizations can proactively identify future workforce needs
before they become critical, ensure you have the right people
in the right roles at the right time to achieve organizational
success, and reduce the risks associated with staffing gaps
and turnover.
Saba n Power Up Your People
Saba is the premier provider of people systems that enable today’s people-driven enterprises. By combining learning, people management and collaboration
technologies, Saba delivers solutions that help mobilize and engage people to drive new strategies and initiatives, align and connect people to accelerate the
ow of business, and cultivate individual and collective knowhow to achieve exceptional results.
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2400 Bridge P arkway, Redwood Sho res, CA 9406 5-1166 USA
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talen t-ds 02_10/10