Romer PROTON II User Manual

Manual coating equipment
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
Spis treści
General safety regulations ............................................................................................................................. 4
Safety symbols (pictograms) ...................................................................................................................... 4
Static charges ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Grounding .............................................................................................................................................. 7
PROTON II "V" ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Scope of delivery ........................................................................................................................................ 9
PROTON II..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Operating modes ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Technical Data .............................................................................................................................................. 12
PROTON II Manual gun control unit ........................................................................................................ 12
Start-up and operation ................................................................................................................................ 13
PROTON II CONTROL PANEL ........................................................................................................................ 16
Initial start-up............................................................................................................................................... 19
Daily start up ............................................................................................................................................ 20
Remote control by PROTON II manual gun .............................................................................................. 24
Error diagnosis of the software.................................................................................................................... 25
Spare parts list PROTON II ............................................................................................................................ 28
Ordering spare parts ................................................................................................................................ 28
PROTON II Manual gun control unit ............................................................................................................ 29
Manual gun control unit - outside rear wall ........................................................................................ 30
Manual gun control unit - outside rear wall ........................................................................................ 31
PROTON II manual powder gun ................................................................................................................... 33
Scope of delivery ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Technical Data .............................................................................................................................................. 34
PROTON II manual powder gun ............................................................................................................... 34
Start-up and operation ................................................................................................................................ 35
Connecting guide ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Function check ......................................................................................................................................... 37
Start-up .................................................................................................................................................... 38
Maintenance and cleaning ........................................................................................................................... 39
Daily maintenance ................................................................................................................................... 39
Weekly maintenance ............................................................................................................................... 39
Cleaning........................................................................................................................................................ 40
Troubleshooting guide ................................................................................................................................. 43
General information ................................................................................................................................ 43
Spare parts list PROTON II ............................................................................................................................ 44
Ordering spare parts ................................................................................................................................ 44
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
PROTON II manual powder gun - spare parts list ........................................................................................ 45
PROTON II manual powder gun - spare parts list ........................................................................................ 46
PROTON II manual powder gun - spare parts list (cont.) ............................................................................. 47
PROTON II manual powder gun - accessories .............................................................................................. 48
PROTON II flat jet nozzles - overview....................................................................................................... 48
PROTON II round jet nozzles - overview .................................................................................................. 49
Powder hose connectors - overview........................................................................................................ 50
Injector G2 ................................................................................................................................................... 51
Principle of the injector and influence of ................................................................................................ 51
supplementary air ................................................................................................................................... 51
Powder volume setting table for G2 injector .......................................................................................... 52
Guide values for PROTON /PROTON II with G2 injector ...................................................................... 53
Cleaning and maintenance .......................................................................................................................... 54
Injector cleaning....................................................................................................................................... 54
Cleaning the check valves ........................................................................................................................ 55
Troubleshooting guide ................................................................................................................................. 56
Problem fixing .......................................................................................................................................... 56
Spare parts list G2 ........................................................................................................................................ 57
Ordering spare parts ................................................................................................................................ 57
G2 powder injector (G2 type) - spare parts list ........................................................................................... 58
G2 powder injector (G2 type) - spare parts ............................................................................................. 59
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
General safety regulations
Safety symbols (pictograms)
The following warnings with their meanings can be found in the Ge-ma operating instructions. The general safety precautions must also be followed as well as the regulations in the operating instructions.
Danger due to live electricity or moving parts Possible consequences: Death or serious injury
Improper use of the equipment could damage the machine or cause it to malfunction. Possible consequences: Minor injuries or damage to equip­ment
Useful tips and other information
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
The manual coating equipment is built to the latest specification and conforms to the recognized technical safety regulations and it is de­signed for the normal application of powder coating.
Any other use is considered as non-conform. The manufacturer is not re­sponsible for any damage resulting from this - the risk for this is assumed by the user alone! If the manual coating equipment is to be used for other purposes or other substances outside of our guidelines, then ROMER should be consulted.
Observance of the operating, service and maintenance instructions specified by the manufacturer is also part of conformity of use.
The relevant accident prevention regulations, as well as other generally recognized safety regulations, occupational health and structural regula­tions are to be observed.
Furthermore, the country-specific safety regulations also must be ob-served.
Further safety and operation notices will be found on the accompanying CD or on the homepage
The start-up is forbidden until it has been established that the manual co­ating equipment has been set up and wired according to the EU guide­lines for machinery.
Unauthorized modifications to the manual coating equipment exempts the manufacturer from any liability from resulting damages or accidents.
The operator must ensure that all users do have the appropriate training for powder spraying equipment and are aware of the possible sources of danger.
Any operating method, which will negatively influence the technical safety of the powder spraying equipment, is to be avoided.
For your own safety, only use accessories and attachments listed in the operating instructions. The use of other parts can lead to risk of injury. Only original ROMER spare parts should be used!
Repairs must only be carried out by specialists or by authorized ROMER service centers. Unauthorized conversions and modifications can lead to injuries and damage to the equipment, and the ROMER guarantee would no longer be valid.
These general safety regulations must be read
and understood mandatory be-fore start-up!
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
Explosion hazard
Slip hazard
The connecting cables between the control unit and the spray gun must be installed in such a way, that they cannot be damaged during the op­eration. Please observe the local safety regulations!
The plug connections between the powder spraying equipment and the mains should only be removed when the power supply is switched off.
All maintenance activities must take place when the powder spraying equipment is switched off.
The powder coating equipment may be able to be switched on only if the booth is in operation. If the booth stops, the powder coating device must switch off too.
The control units for the spray guns must be installed and used in zone 22. Spray guns are allowed in zone 21.
Only original ROMER spare parts will guarantee that the explosion protection will be preserved. If damages occur by using spare parts from other manufacturers, the warranty or compensation claim is void!
Conditions leading to dangerous levels of dust concentration in the pow­der spraying booths or in the powder spraying areas must be avoided. There must be sufficient technical ventilation available, to prevent a dust concentration of more than 50% of the lower explosion limit (UEG = max. permissible powder/air concentration). If the UEG is not known, then a
value of 10 g/m³ should be considered (see EN 50177).
All unauthorized conversions and modifications to the electrostatic spray­ing equipment are forbidden for safety reasons.
No safety devices should be dismantled or put out of operation. The operating and job instructions has to be written in an understandable
form and in the language of the persons employed, and has to be an­nounced in a suitable place in the working area.
Powder lying on the floor around the powder spraying equipment is a po­tentially dangerous source of slipping. Booths may be entered only in the places suitable for it.
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
Observe the
grounding regulations
Fire and
smoke prohibition
The stay for
persons with
cardiac pacemakers
is forbidden
Static charges
Static charges can have the following consequences: Charges to people, electric shocks, sparking. Charging of objects must be avoided by a pro­per grounding.
All electricity conducting parts found in the workplace of 5 meters around each booth opening, and particularly the objects to be coated, have to be grounded. The earthing resistance of each object must amount to maxi-mally 1 MOhm. This resistance must be checked/tested regularly when starting work.
The condition of the work piece attachments, as well as the hangers, must guarantee that the work pieces remain grounded. The appropriate measuring devices must be kept ready in the workplace, in order to check the grounding.
The floor of the coating area must conduct electricity (normal concrete is generally conductive).
The supplied grounding cable (green/yellow) must be connected to the grounding screw of the electrostatic manual powder coating equipment. The grounding cable must have a good metallic connection with the coat­ing booth, the recovery unit and the conveyor chain, respectively with the suspension arrangement of the objects.
Smoking and igniting fire are forbidden in the entire plant area! All spark­generating works are forbidden!
As a general rule for all powder spraying installations, persons with pa­cemakers should never enter high voltage areas or areas with electro­magnetic fields. Persons with pacemakers should not enter areas with powder spraying installations!
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
Photographing with flashlight can lead to unnecessary releases and/or disconnections by safety devices.
Photographing with
flashlight is forbidden
Disconnect the plugs before the machines are opened for maintenance or repair.
The plug connections between the powder spraying equipment and the mains should only be removed when the power supply is switched off.
Disconnect from mains
before maintenance
works take place
As far as it is necessary, the operating firm must ensure that the operat-ing personnel wear protective clothing (e.g. facemasks).
The operating personnel must wear electrically conductive footwear (e.g. leather soles).
The operating personnel should hold the gun with bare hands. If gloves are worn, these must also conduct electricity.
These general safety regulations must
be read and understood mandatory
be-fore start-up!
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
Scope of delivery
1. The control unit
2. Manual Gun
3. Injector
4. Stand with holder
5. Suction pipe / fluidized bed
6. Vibrating table
7. Carton of paint
8. Swivel arm sleeve
9. The filter (not visible)
10. Gun holder
11. Handle on snake powder
12. Quick couplings
13. Shelf
14. Circle Rubber
15. Rotary wheel
max. 10 bar / 145 psi min. 6 bar / 87 psi
100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
1. The control unit
2. Couplings
3. Injector
4. The paint
5. Stand with holder
6. The rotary wheel
7. Circle Plastic
8. Reducing air filter
9. Holder powder hose (not visible) 10 Gun
11. The fluidizing plate
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
Operating modes
The PROTON II Manual gun control unit can be operated with two operating modes. According to the selected application mode, the spray voltage and the spray current are automatically adjusted and limited.
Predefined operating mode (Preset mode)
The PROTON II Gun control unit provides three predefined application modes (flat parts, complicated parts and recoat parts already painted one time). When operating in this mode, the spray voltage and spray current are au-tomatically set and limited.
In this operating mode, current (µA) and high voltage (kV) are preset, powder and air volume can be adjusted and saved. The powder and air volume are stored separately for each predefined application mode.
User-defined operating mode (Program mode)
In this operating mode, 20 individually definable programs (P01-P20) are available. These programs are automatically saved and can be recalled again as the application requires.
The values for current, high voltage, powder output, total air, electrode rinsing air and fluidizing air (if available) can be set as needed for a given application.
The specified values in the 20 programs and 3 application modes are saved automatically, without confirmation, after a two second delay and the display changes from preset values to actual values!
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
Technical Data
PROTON II Manual gun control unit
Connectable guns
Attention: The PROTON II Manual gun control unit can only be used with the specified gun types!
Electrical data
Mains input voltage
100-240 VAC
Operating frequency
50-60 Hz
Input power (without vibrator)
40 VA
Nominal output voltage (to the gun)
max. 12 V
Nominal output current (to the gun)
max. 1 A
Vibrator connection and power (on the Aux
110/220 VAC
max. 100W
Protection type
Temperature range
0°C - +40°C
(+32°F - +104°F)
Max. operating temperature
85°C (+185°F)
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
Start-up and operation
PROTON II Gun control unit - connections on the rear wall
Air Supply IN
Compressed air connection (6-10 bar / 87-145 PSI)
2.1 Power IN
Mains cable connection (100-240 VAC)
Vibration motor connection for PROTON II
2.3 Gun
Gun cable connection
Fluidizing air connection
Electrode rinsing air connection
Supplementary air connection
Conveying air connection
Grounding connection
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
1. Check the compressed air connection from filter unit to con-trol unit. Connect the compressed air supply hose from the compressed air circuit directly to the filter unit main connec-tion on the rear side of the equipment (1/4" female BSP)
Note: The compressed air must be free from oil and water!
2. Connect the black hose for fluidizing air (electrically conduc­tive) to the output 1.5 on the rear side of the control unit
3. Connect the grounding cable to the control unit with the grounding screw, and the 5 m long grounding cable with the clamping clip to the booth or the conveyor. Check ground connections with Ohm meter and ensure 1 MOhm or less
4. Connect the gun cable plug to the socket 2.3 on the rear side of the control unit
5. Connect the rinsing air hose to the electrode rinsing air out­put 1.4 and to the powder gun
6. Insert the injector, connect the powder hose to the injector and to the powder gun
7. Connect the red hose for conveying air to the corresponding output 1.2 on the rear side of the control unit and to the injec­tor
8. Connect the black hose for supplementary air to the corre­sponding output 1.3 on the rear side of the control unit and to the injector (this hose is electrically conducting)
9. Connect the mains cable to the 2.1 Power IN plug and tigh­ten with provided screw
Note: If no vibration motor (PROTON II) is connected, the 2.2 Aux output is to be locked tightly with the provided protection cap!
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
Connection guide
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
Buttons nominal values and system parameters
T9 (Select)
Selecting the display level
Changing the program
The choice of programs that can be set (max.20)
The operation mode of painting flat details (factory)
The operation mode of painting places hard to reach (factory)
Mode of operation for repainting (factory)
Enable / disable fluidization air Enable / disable the vibrator and fluidization Turn off the on / off fluidization Switching modes cleaning gun (press and hold for at least 3 sec.)
Turn on / off power supply unit (On / Off)
Manufacturer of high quality equipment for powder coating
Displays the current or programmed (fixed) values and parameters of
voltage, current, air and individual programs of the operator (painter)
Displays the program numbers, error codes, and blow gun
The amount of paint (shown in%)
The value of total air (shown in Nm3 / h)
Current (displayed in uA)
The air for fluidization (shown in Nm3 / h)
High voltage (displayed in kV)
The value of air blowing electrodes (shown in Nm3 / h)
Switch vibrator / fluidization
Permanent program for painting detail flat
Permanent program for painting hard to reach places
An ongoing program for repainting
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