5 x 18 V
tools combo
Unique on the market
tthhee mmoobbiillee wwoorrkksshhoopp wwiitthh 55
pprrooffeessssiioonnnnaall 1188VV
ccoorrddlleessss ttoooollss
Multi purpose saw
◆ Quick blade attachment
◆ Electric brake
◆ No load speed 3000 stroke/min
◆ Blade length 130 mm
◆ Blade stroke length 22 mm
◆ 2,8 kg
Mitre saw
◆ Over molded ''D'' handle
◆ Aluminium die cast base plate
◆ 40 TCT blade (diam 210mm)
◆ No load speed 2000 rpm
◆ 9,5 kg
Circular saw
◆ Cutting capacity
45° / 90° : 32mm / 45mm
◆ 18 tooth 150 mm TCT blade
◆ No load speed 4200 rpm
◆ 3,2 kg
Impact drill
◆ Auto lock one hand keyless Chuck
◆ 2 gear ranges 0 to 400
0 to 1300 rpm
◆ 34 Nm torque
◆ 2,6 kg
Flash light
◆ 5 positions rotating head
◆ 1,1kg
3 batt 18v,1,7 amp, 1 one hour multivolt charger; With mitre saw : Dust bag, vacuum
adaptor,1 blade, 2 side extensions, quick clamping device ; With the drill : 2 double
bits ; With the Flash light : one additional bulb ; With multi purpose saw : 2 blades, 2
working keys ; With circular saw : 18 tooth TCT blade, guide fence
Take five total weight : 40 kg
Non contractual document and photos.
5 x 18 V
tools combo
One mobile chest to reach to
any jobsite !
3 “Pack + system” batteries + a 1
hour charger for an unlimited use of
the 5 tools
Unique on the market
tthhee mmoobbiillee wwoorrkksshhoopp wwiitthh 55
pprrooffeessssiioonnnnaall 1188VV
ccoorrddlleessss ttoooollss
Non contractual document and photos.