Using your ComPoint system
ComPoint is easy and fun to use. You’ll find
these instructions simple to follow. Take a
little time to get familiar with them so you
can start enjoying your system right away.
Things you’ll need to know
With ComPoint, we refer to areas with keypads as
. A zone may be a single
room or an area with more than one room,
such as a kitchen and dining area.
Every communication has a sender and a
receiver. With ComPoint, we call any zone
that starts a communication the
. The zone or zones to which the com-
munication is sent are
receiving zones
even though they may reply to the initial
communication. For an intercom session,
the receiving zone is also the
target zone
Certain communications take priority over
others. A door station call interrupts any
other communication in progress. Paging is
allowed only when there is no door station
call or intercom session already under way.
An intercom session is allowed only when
there is no door station call or page in
progress. Paging and intercom interrupt
Listen mode.
Your ComPoint system is configured with
either ISK1 Basic or ISK2 Advanced keypads. The way you use your system and the
way it gives you information depends on
which keypads you have.
With either keypad, pressing the Talk key
sounds a ping tone in the receiving zones
to announce your message. Releasing the
Talk key sounds a double ping.
If the system is already in use when you try
to send a page or start an intercom session, the Talk key blinks red for 7 seconds
to let you know the system is busy. Also, the
Advanced Keypad indicates Busy on its
LCD panel.
Paging lets you send
an announcement
throughout your
home or business
from any keypad.
To send a page, just
press and hold the
Talk key, then speak.
Release the key
when you’re done.
Your page will be heard in all zones except
those that are in Do Not Disturb mode. For
privacy and to avoid disturbing your neighbors, your page will not be heard at either
door station.
If a zone key is lit red on the Basic Keypad,
press the key to deselect that zone before
you press the Talk key to send a page.
Using the Talk key for paging