Rubetek RV 3410 User Manual

Date &Time Positions Preset
HD 720P
neon /off
Hang-up Resolution indicator
Smart home wifi camera
For p ro duct safety a nd p rivacy, pl ease kindly cha nge the
defau lt account an d pa ssword befo re u sing our prod uc t.
FCC Sta tement: Thi s de vice complies w ith part 15 of th e FC C rules. Ope ra tion is subje ct t o the followi ng t wo conditio ns : (1) this devic e may not cause h ar mful interf er ence, and (2) t hi s devic e must accept a ny i nterferen ce r eceived, in cl uding inter ference tha t ma y cause undes ir ed operatio n.
Chang es or modificat ions not expr es sly approve d by t he party r esponsibl e fo r complianc e co uld void th e user's auth or ity to operat e th e equipment .
NOT E: This equip ment has been tes ted and found to co mply with th e limits for a Cl as s B digital dev ic e, pursuant t o pa rt 15 of the F CC Rules. These limits are d esigned to prov ide reaso nable protect ion against har mful interf er ence in a resid ential instal lation. This equipment g enerates uses a nd can rad iate radio freq uency energy an d, if not insta ll ed and used in a ccordance wit h the instruc ti ons, may caus e ha rmful inter ference to ra di o communica ti ons. Howeve r, th ere is no guara ntee that int er ference wil l no t occur in a part ic ular insta llation. If t hi s equipment d oe s cause harmf ul inter ference to ra di o or televisi on r eception, w hi ch can be deter mined by turn in g the equipme nt o ff and on, th e user is encou raged to try to c or rect the inte rf erence by one o r mo re of th e fo llowing mea su res:
Reo ri ent or reloca te t he receivin g an tenna. Reori ent or relocate t he receivin g an tenna. Reori ent or relocate t he receivin g an tenna. Consu lt the dealer or an e xperienced ra dio/TV tech ni cian
for h el p important a nn ouncement Imp or tant Note: Radia tion Exposu re S tatement Thi s eq uipment com pl ies with FCC ra di ation expos ur e limits set for th for an uncon tr olled envir on ment. Thi s equipment shoul d be installed an d operated with m inimum distan ce 20cm be tween the rad ia tor and your bo dy.
Andr oidEnable Alarm Vibrate, AlarmRin g,
setA larm Ring.
IOSA larm Vibrate and Alar m Ring is not
configur able inIp hone.
General settings
Choose the right time, press “Apply” Attention: wrong time may affect recording function.
/ ╙Ă■┼ś Ăŕ▓╜■ password, Set guest password (it enables users only to view, listen and talk, not to set or to view recordings)
Set alarm interval (default 10s)
Check if you blocked the camera. If yes, just
delete it, then you can receive alarm messages.
Device list
Alarm pushing
Snapshots More system settings
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