RTX 2300 User Manual

User’s Manual V1.00 RTX2300 – Smart ATE 1
Smart ATE
User Manual
Version: 1.00
User’s Manual V1.00 RTX2300 – Smart ATE 2
Information contained in t his document is subject to change without notice. RTX A/S makes no warranty of any kind regarding this material, in cluding, but n ot limited to, th e implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. RTX A/S shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages about the furnishings, performance, or use of this material.
This instrument is warranted against defects in material and Workman ship for a period of one year from date of shipment. During the warranty period, RTX A/S will at its option, either repair or replace products, which prove to be defective. For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facility designated by RTX A/S. Buyer shall prepay shipping charges to RTX A/S and RTX A/S shall pay shipping charges, duties, and taxes for products returned to RTX A/S from another country. RTX A/S warrants that its software and firmware designated by RTX A/S for use with an instrument will execute its programming instructions when properly installed on that instrument. RTX A/S does not warrant that the operation of the instrument or firmware will be uninterrupted or error free.
Limitation of Warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by Buyer, Buyer-supplied software or interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications for the product, or im­proper site preparation or maintenance. NO OTHER WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED.RTX A/S SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
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General information
This document and the information contained, is property of RTX A/S, Denmark. Unauthorized copying is not allowed. The information in this document is believed to be correct at the time of writing. RTX A/S reserves the right at any time to change said content, circuitry and specifications.
The general safety precautions, according to the information provided in the RTX2300 User’s Manual, must be observed during all phases of operation. RTX A/S assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with th ese requirements.
The purpose of the document is to provide guidance to users of the RTX2300 Smart ATE. The User’s manual describes general functions of the test equipment and describes the use of the related Windows® based interface, as well as interfacing with a production application program.
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Safety information
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation and service of this instrument. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. RTX A/S assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.
DO NOT operate the product in an explosive atmosphere or in the pre­sence of flammable gasses or fumes.
DO NOT use repaired fuses or sh ort-circuited fuse holders: For continued protection against fire, replace the line fuse(s) only with fuse(s) of the same voltage and current rating and type.
DO NOT perform procedures involving cover or shield removal unless you are qualified to do so – it is therefore strongly emphasized here th at operating personnel must not remove equipment covers or shields. Procedures involving the removal of covers and shields are for use by service-trained personnel at RTX A/S only.
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Electrostatic Discharge
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage electronic test equipment. Working with electronic components or test equipment sho uld always be performed at a static-safe place.
High Voltage
Some power supplies can generate high voltage, which can damage the all the port of the unit. To prevent damage to the RTX2300 Smart ATE please make sure that the device is properly earthed.
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Documentation information
This User’s Manual contains essential items of information needed for general-purpose use of the test equipment along with a detailed description for high throughput production purposes. In t his document yo u will find valua ble informatio n on how to unpack, install and operate your RTX2300 Smart ATE unit.
The User’s Manual provides programming guidance to users of the RTX2300 Smart ATE who would like to write their own test programs. A few examples on how to use the DLL function calls in your source code are also outlined. However, please note that the examples and code fragments are included for informational reasons only and sho ul d only be used as a guidance to ease test program development. It is therefore strongly
emphasized here that RTX takes no responsibility for debugging and verification of the actual test program developed by the customer.
Conventions Used in this Manual
The following text conventions are used in this guide:
Parameter used to represent a parameter, value or data in an entry field RUN used to represent the text in the Windows® based user interface
Abbreviations Used in this Manual
The following abbreviations are used in this guide:
API Application Programming Interface ATE Automatic Test Equipment CCB Customized Connector Block (physically the same as SCB but with
customized connectors)
DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications DUT Device Under Test GUI Graphical User Interface LED Light Emitting Diode PSU Power Supply Unit QSK Quick-Swap Kit REPS RTX EAI Port Server RF Radio Frequency SCB Standard Connector Block (PCB with 2 connectors – one 2x25 pin header and 3x14 pin + 6RF option + 2 pneumatic) SCPI Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments SMPS Switch Mode Power Supply THD Total Harmonic Distortion DUT Devicenit Under Test
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GETTING STARTED .............................................................................................................................. 11
A. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 11
B. UNPACKING THE RTX2300 SMART ATE .......................................................................................................... 12
i. Initial Inspection ............................................................................................................................................ 12
ii. Box content .................................................................................................................................................... 12
C. GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE RTX2300 SMART ATE UNIT ................................................................................... 12
i. Rear Panel Connectors ................................................................................................................................... 12
ii. Internal Connectors ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Shielded Fixture Bay Connectors ......................................................................................................................... 14
Controller Chamber Connectors ......................................................................................................................... 16
iii. Front Panel Functions .................................................................................................................................... 17
D. OVERVIEW OF INSTRUMENTATION AND FUNCTIONAL BLOCKS ................................................................................ 19
i. Digital AC & DC Voltmeter (DVM) .................................................................................................................. 20
ii. Tone Generator .............................................................................................................................................. 20
iii. Signal multiplexer .......................................................................................................................................... 20
iv. GPIO ............................................................................................................................................................... 20
v. Main functional blocks in the RTX2300 .......................................................................................................... 21
Fixture and box control ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Power supply ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
Communication interfaces .................................................................................................................................. 22
Expansion slot USB interfaces ........................................................................................................................ 22
RTX2300 control interface ............................................................................................................................. 22
CCB USB interface .......................................................................................................................................... 22
SCB USB interface .......................................................................................................................................... 22
DUT serial communication configuration ...................................................................................................... 22
E. INSTALLING RTX2300 OPTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 24
i. Installing modules .......................................................................................................................................... 24
ii. Installing Quick-Swap Kit ................................................................................................................................ 25
Installing the fixture bay part of the Quick-Swap Kit ........................................................................................... 25
Installing the fixture part of the Quick-Swap Kit ................................................................................................. 26
iii. Installing a fixture kit ..................................................................................................................................... 28
With QSK installed: ................................................................................................................................................... 28
Without QSK installed: ............................................................................................................................................. 29
F. SYSTEM SETUP AND INSTALLATION OF THE RTX2300 .......................................................................................... 30
i. Connecting the RTX2300 Smart ATE .............................................................................................................. 30
G. INSTALLING THE PC SOFTWARE ...................................................................................................................... 31
i. Installing the RTX2300 Basic Unit SW ............................................................................................................ 33
ii. Installing the RTX2300 USB Bridge Driver ...................................................................................................... 36
iii. Installing the RTX EAI Port Server .................................................................................................................. 37
iv. Installing the RTX2300 DUT UART driver ....................................................................................................... 39
v. Installing the RTX2300 Basic Unit Communication driver .............................................................................. 41
2. RTX2300 BASIC UNIT SW PACKAGE ..................................................................................................... 43
A. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 43
B. CONTENTS OF THE RTX2300 BASIC UNIT SW PACKAGE ..................................................................................... 43
i. Windows applications .................................................................................................................................... 43
ii. Documentation .............................................................................................................................................. 44
iii. Source Code and Binaries .............................................................................................................................. 44
C. RTX EAI PORT SERVER ................................................................................................................................. 44
i. Setup - General Page Overview ..................................................................................................................... 45
ii. Setup - UART Page Overview ......................................................................................................................... 46
iii. Setup – Socket Page Overview ....................................................................................................................... 47
iv. Status Window Overview ............................................................................................................................... 48
D. RTX2300 DETECTIVE DEBUG APPLICATION ....................................................................................................... 48
i. I/O Page Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 48
Output pane ........................................................................................................................................................ 51
Input pane ........................................................................................................................................................... 52
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ii. Ad/Da Page Overview .................................................................................................................................... 52
DAC ...................................................................................................................................................................... 53
ADC ...................................................................................................................................................................... 54
iii. Audio Page Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 54
Level .................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Distortion ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
Generator ............................................................................................................................................................ 56
iv. PWM Page Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 56
v. DUT Page Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 57
SCB bus ................................................................................................................................................................ 58
USB enable .......................................................................................................................................................... 58
DUT SerCom ........................................................................................................................................................ 58
vi. Power Supply Page Overview ........................................................................................................................ 58
Voltage ................................................................................................................................................................ 58
Current ................................................................................................................................................................ 58
Current range ...................................................................................................................................................... 59
PSU Selection ...................................................................................................................................................... 59
Measurements .................................................................................................................................................... 59
vii. General Page Overview .................................................................................................................................. 60
Status .................................................................................................................................................................. 61
Access Mode ....................................................................................................................................................... 61
viii. Info Page Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 61
Serial number ...................................................................................................................................................... 63
Insert/CCB Info .................................................................................................................................................... 64
ix. Firmware Page Overview ............................................................................................................................... 65
Firmware information ......................................................................................................................................... 66
Firmware update ................................................................................................................................................. 66
x. User Data Page Overview............................................................................................................................... 67
xi. Logs Page Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 68
Logs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Errors ................................................................................................................................................................... 68
xii. Settings Page Overview .................................................................................................................................. 69
3. USING THE RTX2300 WINDOWS SW .................................................................................................... 70
A. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 70
B. USING THE RTX2300 DETECTIVE DEBUG APPLICATION ....................................................................................... 70
i. Configuring the RTX EAI Port Server (REPS) ................................................................................................... 70
ii. Launching and use of the RTX2300 Detective application ............................................................................. 74
Launching RTX2300 Detective ............................................................................................................................. 74
Using the RTX2300 Detective application for debugging purposes .................................................................... 76
C. PERFORMING UNIT TESTS WITH THE RTX2300 .................................................................................................. 77
4. RTX2300 SMART ATE OPTIONS ........................................................................................................... 81
A. MODULES .................................................................................................................................................. 81
i. Programmable PSU Module ........................................................................................................................... 82
ii. Frequency Counter Module ........................................................................................................................... 82
Standard Frequency Counter .............................................................................................................................. 83
High-Stabilty Frequency Counter ........................................................................................................................ 83
B. QUICK-SWAP KIT (QSK) ............................................................................................................................... 83
i. Fixture bay part .............................................................................................................................................. 83
ii. Fixture part .................................................................................................................................................... 84
C. FIXTURE KITS .............................................................................................................................................. 84
i. Standard Fixture Kit with pneumatic slide ..................................................................................................... 84
ii. Standard Fixture Kit without pneumatic slide ................................................................................................ 85
D. CONNECTIVITY OPTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 85
i. DUT Interface ................................................................................................................................................. 85
SPI interface to DUT ............................................................................................................................................ 85
I2C interface to DUT ............................................................................................................................................ 86
ii. Rear panel ...................................................................................................................................................... 86
RJ45 connection .................................................................................................................................................. 86
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5. FIXTURE BAY CONNECTOR INTERFACES ............................................................................................... 87
A. STANDARD FIXTURE BAY CONNECTORS ............................................................................................................ 88
i. SCB ................................................................................................................................................................. 89
ii. CCB ................................................................................................................................................................. 89
B. QUICK-SWAP KIT CONNECTORS FIXTURE BAY PART (OPTION) ............................................................................ 89
i. SCB ................................................................................................................................................................. 90
ii. CCB ................................................................................................................................................................. 91
C. QUICK-SWAP KIT CONNECTORS FIXTURE PART (OPTION) .................................................................................. 91
i. SCB ................................................................................................................................................................. 93
ii. CCB ................................................................................................................................................................. 93
D. SCB INTERFACE PIN OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 94
E. CCB INTERFACE PIN OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 97
F. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR FIXTURE INTERFACES .................................................................................... 100
6. RTX2300 CUSTOMIZATION ................................................................................................................ 102
A. CONTROLLER CHAMBER CUSTOMIZATION INTERFACE ........................................................................................ 102
B. CUSTOMIZATION INTERFACE PIN OVERVIEW ................................................................................................... 103
i. Customization Output Connector Pin Overview (J402) ............................................................................... 104
ii. Customization Input Connector Pin Overview (J400) .................................................................................. 106
iii. Customization Input Connector Pin Overview (J401) .................................................................................. 108
iv. Customization Input Connector Pin Overview (J403) .................................................................................. 110
v. External AUX Interface Connector (J1205) ................................................................................................... 112
C. CREATING A CUSTOMIZATION BOARD FOR THE RTX2300 .................................................................................. 113
i. Customization board - dimensions and connector types ............................................................................. 114
Board dimensions and connector location ........................................................................................................ 114
Connector types ................................................................................................................................................ 114
ii. Reference PADS file ..................................................................................................................................... 115
D. CUSTOMIZATION OF FIXTURES FOR THE RTX2300 ............................................................................................ 115
7. IMPLEMENTING RTX2300 TEST PROGRAMS ...................................................................................... 118
A. RTX2300 API OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 118
B. HOW TO IMPLEMENT A RTX2300 TEST PROGRAM ........................................................................................... 120
i. Example 1 – simple test program ................................................................................................................. 120
ii. Example 2 – test program controlling multiple RTX2300 units .................................................................... 122
iii. Example 3 – firmware update program ....................................................................................................... 124
C. DYNAMIC LINK LIBRARY INTERFACING ............................................................................................................ 126
i. Dynamic Link Library Interface Description ................................................................................................. 126
Calling Convention ............................................................................................................................................ 126
Explicit DLL Linking ............................................................................................................................................ 127
Implicit DLL Linking ............................................................................................................................................ 127
8. SPECIFICATIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................... 128
A. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 128
B. RTX2300 SMART ATE BASIC UNIT ............................................................................................................... 128
i. D/A channels ................................................................................................................................................ 128
ii. Tone generator ............................................................................................................................................ 128
iii. Audio buffer ................................................................................................................................................. 129
iv. A/D channels ................................................................................................................................................ 130
v. Audio measurement .................................................................................................................................... 131
vi. GPIO ............................................................................................................................................................. 132
vii. General Specifications.................................................................................................................................. 133
Power supply ..................................................................................................................................................... 133
Mechanical specification ................................................................................................................................... 133
Reliability requirements .................................................................................................................................... 133
Input/output connectors ................................................................................................................................... 134
C. OPTIONAL MODULES .................................................................................................................................. 135
i. Programmable PSU ...................................................................................................................................... 135
ii. Frequency counter ....................................................................................................................................... 136
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9. MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................. 137
A. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 137
B. GENERAL CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................... 137
C. OPERATOR MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................................... 137
i. General maintenance ................................................................................................................................... 137
Replacing lid gasket ........................................................................................................................................... 137
Replacing fuses .................................................................................................................................................. 138
Calibration of pneumatic pressure .................................................................................................................... 139
ii. Cleaning the RTX2300 unit ........................................................................................................................... 139
D. CONTACTING RTX A/S OR RTX2300 DISTRIBUTORS ........................................................................................ 140
i. Before calling RTX A/S or the distributor ..................................................................................................... 140
ii. Check the Basics ........................................................................................................................................... 140
iii. Sales and Service Office ............................................................................................................................... 141
E. RETURNING YOUR RTX2300 UNIT FOR SERVICE ............................................................................................. 142
i. Obtaining an RMA for service return ........................................................................................................... 142
ii. Packing the Unit for Shipment ..................................................................................................................... 143
APPENDIX A – EXAMPLE CODE – SIMPLE TEST PROGRAM (C++) .................................................................. 144
APPENDIX B – EXAMPLE CODE – MULTIPLE RTX2300 UNITS (C++) ............................................................... 146
APPENDIX C – EXAMPLE CODE – FIRMWARE UPDATE (C++) ........................................................................ 149
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1. Getting Started
A. Introduction
The RTX2300 Smart ATE is a highly optimized automated test solution for calibration and functional test in the production of wireless devices (including DECT, GSM, Wi-Fi, Blue­tooth™, etc.). The design of the RTX2300 is based on extensive experience within devel­opment and installation of Automated Test Equipment (ATE) systems, and hence, key parameters as handling-time, flexibility and size have been considered as part of the design process.
The RTX2300 Smart ATE is a multipur pose solution to simplify and cost-reduce the pro­duction test environment dramatically compared to traditional “rack and stack” wireless test implementations. The RTX2300 reduces the complexity and size of the ATE system through the inclusion of mo dular instrumentation internal to the test unit, including a digital volt meter, tone generator, and signal multiplexer. Optional internal instrumentation includes a programmable power supply, and a frequency counter. These components allow for the calibration and test of the baseband and audio portions of a Device Under Test (DUT) without the need for additional external equipment.
The flexible nature of the RTX2300 Smart ATE enables a swift physical reconfiguration and it can streamline th e manufacturing process, since in literally a matter of seconds, it can be physically reconfigured to accommodate different products and test types. The RF shielded compartment of the RTX2300 can be customized with a device-specific probe fixture, including a pneumatic capture unit to automatically hold the DUT in place during test. Furthermore, the RTX2300 can decrease overall product test time since it has been designed to allow several units to be set up in parallel, enabling optimal use of RF, base­band, acoustic test resource, and effectively reducing the handling time of the DUTs.
The RTX2300 Smart ATE can be used for Printed Circuit Board (PCB) as well as final product testing. It features a customization area that enables the interco nnection betwee n internal and external measurement functionality and the DUT, hence reducing both space requirements and complexity for the total test system. The flexibility of the RTX2300 simplifies the customization of the test platform, and enables economical replication. A production test system can be implemented by using one or more RTX2300 Smart ATE units in combination with an RF communication test e r (s uch a s the RTX2011/RTX2012 HS DECT/DECT 6.0/CAT-iq RF Tester or Agilent 8960) and a PC for executing the test appli­cation.
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B. Unpacking the RTX2300 Smart ATE
i. Initial Inspection
Please inspect the shipping container for damage. If the shipping container or packaging material is damaged, it should be kept until the contents have been checked mechanically and electrically. If any mechanical or electrical damage is observed, please no tify RTX A/S. Please refer to the description on how to contact RTX A/S provided in this document. Please also keep the damaged shipping materials (if any) for inspection by t he carrier a nd an RTX A/S representative.
NOTE: The handle on the shield must not be used for lifting the RTX2300 out of the box.
ii. Box content
When unpacking the RTX2300 Smart ATE please verify that the items listed below are included in the box:
• RTX2300 Smart ATE unit
• Power Supply
• USB cable (for communication b etween the RTX2300 unit and a PC)
• Optional items (modules, fixtures, QSK kit etc.) – if ordered
C. General overview of the RTX2300 Smart ATE Unit
The RTX2300 Smart ATE unit provides a wide range of external as well as internal con­nectors. The connectors and functions can be divided into the following categories:
• Rear panel Connectors
Internal Connectors
o Shielded Fixture Bay Connectors o Controller Chamber Connectors
Front Panel Functions
Each of these categories will be descibed in more detail in the following.
i. Rear Panel Connectors
The RTX2300 Smart ATE provides rear panel inputs/outputs for many functions. Below a brief overview of the available connectors is provided alon g with a description of each of the connectors.
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Available rear panel
AUX Port (): Connector (type 25-pin DSUB female) for external acquisition unit measurement channels (e.g. Agilent 34970A or similar). For a detailed pin description please refer to section
v on page 112. Th e AUX Port can be used for connecting external measurement equipment to the DUT, and it provides the fol­lowing internal routing:
o 10 voltage measurement channels (20 wires) are routed to the Customized
Connector Block (CCB) selection matrix (for more information regarding the CCB block please see chapter 5)
o One channel (2-wire) for current measurement is routed directly to the
Standard Connector Block (SCB) matrix (for more information regarding the SCB block please see chapter 5)
o One channel from the internal AD converter can be routed to the acquisition
Ground connector (): This ground connector is used for connecting all instru­mentation together to avoid ESD problems.
CLK Port (): Connector (type SMA female) for connecting to external equipment. The port has the following functions:
o DUT CLK output to external frequency counter (e.g. Agilent 53181A) o 10MHz reference in (a reference signal from an extern al source is used as
reference for the optional internal frequency counter to measure the DUT Clock)
o 10MHz reference out (a source signal from the optional internal frequency
counter and to external equipment)
USB Interface (): This interface should be used together with a Windows® based PC to control the test set and to query data from the test set. The USB interface on the RTX2300 unit is a Type B receptacle, and hence, a standard USB cable with Type A-B plugs can be used to connect the RTX2300 unit to a PC. Please note that the external USB connector is internally connected to a 7-port USB HUB to provide both USB connection and a serial connection. Furthermore, 4 of these ports are available as USB ports for the 4 expansion slots. The USB ports support USB 1.1.
LAN/PSTN () (optional): This connector (RJ45 type) is optional and is a con­nector for Ethernet testing options. Furthermore, this connector can also be used for PSTN/FXO/FXS testing options.
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DUT Ext. Power supply (): Connector (type is XLR-4 male) for the external power supply of the DUT and should provide V+, V-, V+ s ense and V- sense. Please note that double pins for V+ and GND must be used.
Fixture power supply connections (): Connector (type XLR-3 male) for the fixture power supply (+12V, 5A) – i.e. the main positive supply for the RTX2300 unit.
RF IN/OUT (): Connector (type SMA female) for the RF interface to the DUT. In the standard configuration the RF is routed directly to the SCB block to enable measurements of one antenna. If measurements of more antennas are need ed an RF Switch Module (opti on) ca n be install ed in the RTX2300, hence pro viding acce ss to more than one antenna at the SCB/CCB block through the RF IN/OUT connector on the rear panel. When connecting the SMA male connector at the RF IN/OUT connector it must be mounted with a maximum torque of 1.4 Nm.
Air connector (): Connection for air supply for the pneumatic activators in the RTX2300 Smart ATE.
ii. Internal Connectors
The RTX2300 is divided into two chambers:
Shielded Fixture Bay Chamber – connector s in the internal shiel ded chamber are used for connecting the fixture to the RTX2300.
Controller Chamber – connectors in the main controller chamber are used for connecting optional modules and customizing the internal routing of signals.
The connectors in each of the chambers are briefly described in the following.
Shielded Fixture Bay Connectors
The fixture bay is prepared with interfaces to the Smart ATE functionalities and external RF equipment. The signal lines are filtered and ca n be accessed ei ther at the co nnectors in the bottom part of the fixture bay (standard interface in the basic unit) or the optional Quick-Swap Kit (QSK) connectors. Consequently, the se connectors are used for connecting the fixture to the sig nal l ines . In th e fi gures bel ow the fixt ure b ay connectors are shown in both the basic configuration and with a QSK (fixture bay part) installed.
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Available Fixture Bay Connectors (basic configuration)
Power supply for DUT (): In the basic RTX2300 configuration the power supply connectors for the DUT are in the 9-pin male DSUB connector. With a Quick-Swap Kit installed the power supply for the DUT is accessible through two connectors Type M-Flat female connectors (GND and Power).
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Available Fixture Bay Connectors (with fixture bay Quick-Swap Kit installed)
Standard Connection Block (SCB) (): The SCB is used for general purpose connections to the test-interface. In the basic configuration the SCB signals are distributed over the 9-pin male DSUB and two 25-pin male DSUB’s. With a QSK installed the SCB connector is a 60 + 4 Type M female. Please note that the power supply for the DUT is available from this connector (as mentioned above).
Pneumatic connectors (): Connectors f or pneumatic control of fixture. In the basic RTX2300 configuration the pneumatic connectors are placed to the right on the bay wall. With a QSK installed the pneumatic connectors are placed on the QSK PCB for easy access.
Customization Connection Block (CCB) (): The CCB is used for user configu- rable connections to the test-interface. In the basic configuration the CCB signals are distributed over two 25-pin male DSUB’s. With a QSK in stalled the CCB con­nector is a 60 + 4 Type M female.
Controller Chamber Connectors
The controller chamber can be accessed by removing the back cover (please see section 0 on page 24 for details on how to remove the back cover). In the controller chamber of the RTX2300 main board provides two main categories of connectors – connectors for modules and connectors for customization boards (input and output) . Please note that two optional module cards have been inst alled in the figure below – i.e. they are not part of a basic RTX2300 configuration.
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Controller Chamber Connectors (with two optional modules installed)
Customization connector (output) (): This connector (2 x 32 pins female) is used for the customization board for output signals (i.e. customization of the CCB functionality).
Customization connectors (input) (): In all three customization input con- nectors (2 x 32 pins female) are available. The connector closest t o the rear panel is also connected to the external AUX-port.
Extension Module connectors (): In total there are five connectors (4 pcs. 2 x 32 pins female and 1 pcs. 60 + 4 pins female) avai lable for (optional) extension modules. Please no te that the basic RTX2300 Smart ATE is not equ ipped with any extension modules.
Please note that the customization connectors also are referred to as the option matrix while the extension connectors are referred to as the instrumentation area.
iii. Front Panel Functions
The front panel on the RTX2300 Smart ATE provides many buttons for controlling the unit (e.g. start/stop of the test sequence) – each of these are briefly described below. Please note that the RTX2300 can be delivered both with (standard) or without (optional) the shielded lid.
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Front panel functions
Emergency stop (): The emergency button is a safety precaution. When pressed all power to the RTX2300 is cut and all pneumatic valves controlled by the RTX2300 are released to disconnect the DUT.
Push buttons / indicators ( & ): The two push buttons are intended to be used as Start/Stop buttons. However, the button functionality can be customized through the SW API. F urthermo re, ea ch of the buttons c an be c onfigure d as nor mal input or as interrupt inputs with a programmable de-bounce time. The indicators in the buttons can be used for showing the status of a test sequence (i.e. PASS / FAIL). They are controlled from the SW API, and hence, the functionality of the indicators can be customized as well.
Top-lid closing mechanism (): The top-lid closin g mechanism is a magnetic “lock” connected to an electrical motor which will pull down the lid. In the standard configuration the test sequence is started when clo sing the lid and upon com pletion of the test sequence the electrical motor will lift the lid. One signal for controlling this mechanism is available from the SW API.
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D. Overview of instrumentation and functional blocks
The figure below provides an overview of the instrumenta tion in the standard confi guration, main functional blocks of the RTX2300 and the available o ptional modules.
Overview of RTX2300 main functional blocks and instrumentation
Shielded Fixture Area
Customization Area Controller
Tone generator
Signal multiplexer
Progammable PSU
Frequency Counter
RF Switch
Battery simulator
New options /
customer modules
Fixture and box control
Power supply
Connectivity Option:
UUT communication
interface (I2C/SPI)
The RTX2300 is a very flexible and well-equipped platform which includes the following instrumentation in the standard configuration:
Digital AC & DC Voltmeter (DVM)
Tone generator
Sign a l m ultiplexer
In addition to the standard instrumentation the RTX2300 Smart ATE also supports instal­lation of optional modules and features like:
Programmable Power Supply Unit (PSU)
Frequency counter
RF switch
DUT communication interface (I2C / SPI)
New opt ions / cu sto mer modules
The instrumentation will be outlined in more detail in the following sections including an overview of the main functional b lock s. For more information on the optional modules and features listed above please refer to chapter 4 (especially section A on page 81).
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i. Digital AC & DC Voltmeter (DVM)
The DVM is divided into two parts – an AC part and a DC part. The DC part is an 8-channel digital voltmeter with an operational range from -10V to 10V in 10mV steps. It can operate in two modes (static / differential) and it supports a wide range of scale configurations.
The AC par t is a 2-channel digital voltmeter. It can operate in static or differential mode and it can be configured to measure RMS or peak value. A built-in attenuator enables attenuation of the input signals and distortion measurements are also supported. Please refer to the formula for THD outlined in section v on page 131.
ii. Tone Generator
The RTX 2300 has tree signal generators – one with high-level output and two with low­level outputs. The two low-level outputs can be confi gured to operate in differential mode. The level, frequency an d confi guratio n of the g enerators can be changed from the SW API.
iii. Signal multiplexer
The RTX2300 Basic unit has 8 relays for signal switching. They are all available through the option matrix (i.e. the customization connectors) and can be routed to the CCB con­nectors. Each relay has two sets of contacts.
In addition to the relays there are 16 connections to the expansion slots. These connections can be used to route signals from the option-board in the expansion slot to the test bed via the option matrix.
iv. GPIO
The RTX2300 Smart ATE has 16 digital output ports (8 sink outputs an 8 source outputs) and 8 digital input ports. The port state of all ports can be controlled and read from the SW API. The 8 digital inputs are 5V TTL logic and the sink and source outputs are as outlined below.
Simplified sink (left) and source (right) output schematic
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In addition to the digital input and output ports the RTX2300 also includes two DACs. Please note that these DACs are only intended for DC values (i.e. they do not support audio signalling).
v. Main functional blocks in the RTX2300
From a functional perspective the functionality of the RTX2300 Smart ATE can be divided into the following categories:
Fixture and box control
Power supply
Communication interfaces
Each of these categories will be outlined in more detail in the followin g.
Fixture and box control
To control the fixture fu nctionality the following signals are av a ilable:
4 sense signals (e.g. for detecting fixture position)
4 control signals (e.g. for motor or relay control)
1 signal for controlling the lid closing mechanism
Signals for controlling the pneumatic slide is available through a pin header
Power supply
The main power supply for the RTX2300 Smart ATE unit is a 12V external switch-mode adaptor connected to the power-plug. This adaptor supplies all the internal circuitry including the installe d modules. By adding an optional Programmable PSU module to the RTX2300 unit the DUT can also be powered through the RTX2300. A more detailed description of this optional module is given on page 82. An alternative way to supply the DUT with power is to connect an external power supply to the DUT Ext. Power connector on the rear panel of the RTX2300 (see figure below). The power supply to use for the DUT can be controlled from the SW API.
Power supply switching for DUT
RTX2300 Smart ATE unit
Power Adaptor
UUT Ext. Power
Programmable PSU Module (option)
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Communication interfaces
The RTX2300 Smart ATE is equipped with one USB connector which serves as the only communication interface between the PC with th e test applicat ion and the RTX2300 unit. Inside the RTX2300 the USB connection is split into 7 USB ports through in an internal full speed USB Hub. Furthermore, a serial communication port is available for DUT com­munication – i.e. the following communication interfaces are supported at the DUT:
Four USB ports are available for the expans ion-slots (i.e. one for each slot)
One USB port is converted to a UART for communication channel to the RTX2300
main board CPU
One USB port is used as communication channel to the CCB
One USB port is used as communication channel to the DUT (i.e. from the PC with
the test program directly to the DUT) through the SCB
Expansion slot USB interfaces
Each expansion slot (except the PSU module slot) is configured with a separate USB connection, and hence, these are used for communicating with the installed modules.
RTX2300 control interface
This interface is used for communication to control the functions in the RTX2300 unit.
CCB USB interface
This interface is a general-purpose USB connection and it is connected directly to the CCB interface.
SCB USB interface
This interface is a general-purpose USB connection and it is connected directly to the SCB interface.
DUT serial communication configuration
To communicate with the DUT the RTX2300 has an UART for serial communication. Seen from the PC the UART is a USB com-port. The UART is implemented as outlined below and it has automatic level detection.
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Simplified DUT UART Port
As indicated in the figure above the UART has tree modes (can be controlled from SW):
Disabled - In Disabled mode the UART is disconnected from the DUT. This is the default mode after power up of the RTX2300.
Normal - In Normal mode th e UART is connected to the DUT and ready for com­munication.
Boot-mode - In boot-mode the RX-line is connected to ground-level to bring th e DUT in boot-mode (RTX equipment). When the DUT is in boot-mode the UART must be set to “Normal” before communication can be established.
RTX2300 Smart ATE unit
UART interface
USB interface
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E. Installing RTX2300 Options
As mentioned before, optional components for the RTX2300 are available – these can be categorized into four different categories:
Quick-Swap Kit
Fixture Kits
Connectivity options
Installation of the firs t three categories will be outlined in more detail in the following.
i. Installing modules
The modules are installed in the controller chamber, and hence, the lid to the controller chamber must be removed (see figure below). Please use a screwdriver to remove the four screws holding the lid.
Removing the four screws holding the controller chamber lid
After removing the lid, the controller chamber is now accessible and the extra module(s) can be installed in the empty extension slots (see figure below). Please be aware that the right most connector is different from the other four connectors. This connector is reserved for the programmable PSU module. Please make sure to install the module correctly in the connector – i .e. with t he front s ide of t he modul e (i.e. the top-side of the PCB with all main components mounted) pointing to the right. To ensure correct operation of the module please also make sure to press the module tightly into the connector on the controller board.
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Controller chamber - installing a module in an empty extension module slot
After installing the module(s) please put the controller chamber lid back on again and tighten the four screws holding the lid. To use the modules from the test program a SW package installation might be necessary. For more details on this issue please refer to the specific module descriptions in chapter 4.
ii. Installing Quick-Swap Kit
The Quick-Swap Kit (QSK) is divided into two parts – a fixture bay part and a fixture part. Installation of each of these parts will be outlined in the following.
Installing the fixture bay part of the Quick-Swap Kit
The first step is to remove the fixture part (if installed) to gain access to the fixture bay. Place the QSK in the fixture bay close to the standard DSUB (male) connectors in the fixture bay and connect the DSUB connectors on the QSK to the standard connectors in the fixture bay. Please ensure tha t the connectors are connected correctly.
Next step is to connect the two p neuma tic conn ec tors o n t he QSK to th e con necto r s in the fixture bay. When all connectors have been connected please mount the four spacers (included in the QSK fixture bay part package) in the fixtur e bay a nd p lace the QSK o n top of the spacers. Please ensure that the spacers are tightened. Mount and tighten the four screws (also included in the QSK fixture bay part package) to fasten the QSK on top of the spacers.
Extension module
(front side)
Put module into empty slot with
front side pointing to the right
Controller board
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Installing the Quick-Swap Kit (fixture bay part)
Installing the fixture part of the Quick-Swap Kit
To enable easy installation of the fixture part QSK a new fixture plate should be used (i.e. without any connectors or other equipment installed). However, the installation steps outlined below should apply to all fixtures, but it could be necessary to remove some of the items installed on th e fixture.
The first step is to mount the QSK spacers (included in the QSK fixture part package) on the fixture. Place the QSK on top of the spacers. Mount and tighten the four screws as shown in the figure below.
Please note that only the SCB connector, CCB connector and one of the connectors on the top side of the QSK are mounted, and hence, connecting the QSK interface to the fixture pins must also be done. This is, however, outside the scope of this section but for more information on customizing the fixture please refer to chapter 6 (especially section D on page 115).
Connect the female DSUB connectors
on the QSK to the DSUB connectors on the controller board
Connect the pneumatic connectors
on the QSK to the pneumatic connectors in the fixture bay
QSK spacers
QSK spacers
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Installing the Quick-Swap Kit (fixture part)
QSK spacers
QSK spacers
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iii. Installing a fixture kit
The first step is to remove the fixture part (if installed), hence unlocking the two locks on each side of the fixture and removing it fro m the RTX2300 unit. The next step is to prepare the new fixture and mount it in the fixture bay.
Installing a fixture kit in the RTX2300 Smart ATE unit
The installation process defers slightly depending on whether or not a QSK has been installed:
With QSK installed:
If a QSK has been installed the installation process i s quite straightforward. Just make sur e the (pneumatic, CCB and SCB) connectors on the fi x tur e QSK part are connected p r o perly to the fixture bay part QSK connectors and secure the fixture by locking the two fixture locks.
It is recommended that following steps are followed to mount the fixture insert into the fixture bay of the RTX2300 unit.
1) The fixture must have a guide-pin (see picture 1) mounted at each corner opposite to the quick-swap­connectors of the fixture insert.
2) In the fixture bay are there two guide-holes (see picture 2) in which the guide- pins in which the guide-pins must fit.
Picture 1
Picture 2
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3) The mounting of the fixture insert in the fixture bay must begin with an alignment of the guide-pins with the guide-holes (see picture 3). When the guide-pins and holes are aligned the connectors can be pressed in place (see picture 4)
Without QSK installed:
To connect a fixture without a QSK installed the connectors on the fixture must be connected directly to the standard interface in the fixture bay. If the fixture includes a pneumatic slide the pneumatic tubes must be connected to the pneumatic connectors on the back panel of the fi xture bay (see the figure on page 14 for an overview of the standard fixture bay connectors). The next step is to connect the fixture SCB and CCB connectors to the connectors in the bottom of the fixture bay. Please make sure to connect the fixture correctly and secure the fixture by locking the two fixture locks.
Picture 4
Picture 3
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F. System setup and installation of the RTX2300
The RTX2300 is the key component in an automatic test system setup an d it deliverers most of the instrumentation (PSU, DVM, relays etc) needed to configure a production test setup for a large variety of applications. Th e only external parts required are a Windows based PC and an RF communication tester (if RF testing is required). Hence, a typical setup could look like the one outlined in the figure below. It consists of a Windows based PC, an RTX2012 RF tester (in case of a DECT product) and two RTX2300 Smart ATE uni ts. Please note that one PC can control more than one RTX2300 unit (as indicated in the figure).
Simple automatic production test setup with RTX2300 and RTX2012
i. Connecting the RTX2300 Smart ATE
To configure a simple production test system (as the one outlined above) please follow the four steps below to setup the above RTX2300 Smart ATE system.
1. Connect the RTX2300 units to the PC – the first step is to connect the RTX2300 units to a PC using the provided USB cables. In the example above both units are connected to the same PC.
2. Connect external equipment to the RTX2300 units – if external equipment is required (for example an RF tester) this must be connected to the relevant con­nectors on the rear panel. In the setup above an RTX2012 RF tester has been connected to the two RTX2300 units (through the RF port on the rear panel).
3. Connect air for the pneumatic controls in the RTX2300 units – to enable the pneumatic functionality inside the RTX2300 air must be connected to the air connector on the rear panel of the RTX2300 units.
<RF signal>
Windows© based PC
RTX2012 RF tester
<USB Control>
<USB Control>
Mains power
Air RTX2300 Smart ATE units
+ 121 hidden pages