8-Port VoIP via Ethernet Card Kit for Cronus
The RVON-C Voice Over IP card introduces all the VoIP functionality of the RVON-8 for ADAM, to the
Cronus intercom system. The RVON-C converts analog audio to digital VoIP audio. Installed directly into
Cronus, the RVON-C expands the connectivity to the Cronus intercom system by supporting eight channels in and out. You can have up to four (4) RVON-C cards in Cronus at one time totaling 32 channels of
VoIP audio plus data.
Fully ethernet capable. RVON-C uses standard ethernet protocols and is compatible with 10 BASE-T or
100 BASE-TX Ethernet compliant devices and networks.
Eight individually addressable audio channels. The RVON-C can feed simultaneously VoIP (voice over
internet protocol) capable keypanels as well as various other matrix intercom systems.
The user has the ability to adjust the audio quality of the matrix intercom to the available bandwidth of the
network through the AZedit software user interface.
RVON-C Specications
RJ-45 Ethernet via backcard
DB-9 Serial Port via backcard
Power: 5W Typical
Physical: 8.25” W x 6.25” L (20.955 cm W x
15.875 cm L)
Fully compatible with internationally recognized
standards, the RVON-C supports the following
protocols: G.711, G.723, and G.729 A & B.
Compression Bit Rate (bpS) Coding Delay
G.711 64K 125μs
G.723 5.3K/ 6.3K 30ms
G.729 A & B 8K 10ms
*Data rate depends on CODEC selection
RJ-45 Pin Function
1 Ethernet TPO +
2 Ethernet TPO 3 Ethernet TPI +
4 TPO +
5 TPO 6 Ethernet TPI 7 TPI +
8 TPI -
DB-9 Pin Function
1 N/A
2 RXD, RVON-C Received Data
3 TXD, RVON-C Received Data
4 N/A
6 N/A
7 N/A
8 N/A
9 N/A
Contact Information
Telex Communications, Inc.
12000 Portland Avenue South
Burnsville, Minnesota 55337
Telephone: 877·863·4169
Fax: (800) 323-0498
Form Number: 38110-519
Date: April, 2006
System Example
Ordering Information
RVON-C Kit Voice-Over IP Card Kit Catalog Number:
Front Card RVON-C Front Card Catalog Number:
Back Card RVON-C Back Card Catalog Number:
This specications information is preliminary and is subject to change without notication.
Brand names mentioned are the property of their respective companies.