Portable Refrigerant Identifier
Liquid Samples will Damage Unit
Do not operate if filter has red flecks.
Replace filter every 3 months
or after every 25 uses.
Always have a spare
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4075 East Market Street
York, Pennsylvania 17402
Phone: 800-468-2321 or 717-840-0678
Fax: 717-755-8304
E-mail: rti@rtitech.com
Web-site: www.rtitech.com
Manual No. 035-80979-00
Table of Contents
I. Cautions and Warnings 3
II. Functional Description 4
III. Hardware Description 5
A. Instrument 5
1. Case 5
2. Hanger 5
3. Sample Filter 5
4. Control Panel 5
5. Air Intake Port 5
6. Sample Exhaust Port 5
7. Sample Inlet Port 5
8. Air Detection Sensor 5
9. Control Circuit Board 5
10. Purge Pump 5
11. Power Connector 5
B. Sample Hoses 6
1. R12 Sample Hose 6
2. R134a Sample Hose 6
C. Power Harnesses 6
1. Vehicle Battery Adapter 6
2. Wall Power Adapter 6
D. R134a Tank Adapter Fitting 6
E. Storage Case 6
IV. Operation Procedures 7
A. Pre-Operation Inspection 7
B. Operation Procedure 7
C. Post Operation Procedure 8
V. Maintenance 9
A. Error Codes 9
B. Maintenance Procedures 10
1. Sample Filter Replaceme nt 10
2. Sample Hose Cleaning 10
3. Air Detection Sensor Replacement 11
C. Spare Parts Listing 11
VI. Specifications 12
I. Cautions and Warnings
A. Cautions
Never use any sample hose other than those approved for u se w i t h the ID900. The use o f ot her hose t y pes may introduce
errors and excessive refrigerant loss.
Always verify that the refrigerant sour ce t o be test ed w i ll not emit oil or liquid refrigerant before connecting the ID900
sample hose.
Never connect the ID900 to any refrigerant source that exceeds 300-psi pressure.
Do not utilize the coupling supplied on the ID900 R134a sample hose for any purpose other than ID900 sampling. The
coupler supplied on the R134a hose does not contain check valves and will continually vent refri ger ant .
Never obstruct the sample exhaust or air intakes of the i nstrument during use.
Do not throw, drop, immerse in l i qui d or ot h e rwise mistreat the instrume nt.
Always store the instrument in its storage case when not in use.
Maintain the cleanliness of the instrument at all times to prevent contamination and prolong life.
B. Warnings
Read and understand this manual before attempting to utilize the instrument.
Flammability Warning: The ID900 is not capable of direct detection and indicatio n of t h e pr esence of h y dr ocarbo n
compounds. Hydrocarbon compounds may present a flammability hazard when present in sufficient concentrations. The
user is cautioned that whenever the ID900 indicates that unknow n co nt aminates are present the potential exists for a
hydrocarbon flammability hazard.
Sample Filter Warning: Always inspect the outside diameter of the white sample filter element before and after each use
of the instrument. As soon as red spots begin t o appear on any por t i on o f t he w hi t e el em ent out si de di ameter the filter will
require replacement. Failure to replace the filter when so indicated may result in out of warranty damage to the instrument.
Sample Input Warning: The instrument requires connection of the sample hose to the low or vapor side port of the
source vehicle or refrigerant cylinder . Connection of the sample hose to the high or liqui d por t of t he sou r ce vehi cl e or
refrigerant cylinder will result in out of warranty damage to the instrument. Additionally, the low side or vapor port shall
not emit sample gas in excess of 300 psig or sam ple gas that cont ai ns oi l or li qui ds.
Sample Hose Warning: Always inspect the sample hose before and after each use of the instrument. Immediately replace
the hose if it appears cracked, crazed, obstructed or fouled with oil.
When testing vehicle air conditioning systems make sure that the vehicle is turned off and not runnin g. This will prevent
EMI/RFI problems as well as eliminate potential user hazards from moving parts of the vehicle.
Air Sensor Warning: The air detection sensor is a chemical fuel cell sensor t hat wi ll expi r e aft er 6- 15 months of
operation. The user must replace the air detection sensor whenever the instrument indicates as such. Failure to replace the
air detection sensor will result in non-functionality of the instrument.
Always wear eye and skin protection when working with refrigerants. Escaping refrigerant vapors can freeze upon contact.
DO NOT direct refrigerant vapors escaping from the sample hose towards exposed skin or the face.
Connection to Power Sources greater than 14V D C could cause “Out of Warranty” damage.
Connection to a battery which is not fully charged or is smaller than a typical car battery, may cause errors in reading.
If using the optional wall power adapter, be sur e t he volt a ge rating of the adapter (115 or 230 VAC inle t ) ma t ches t he AC
power source.
DO NOT use wall power adapter in areas where it could get wet.
clip to the positive 12 volt battery terminal; then, connect the BLACK clip to a metal ground location away from the 12
volt battery.
II. Functional Description
Contamination of refrigerant in ai r conditioning systems or st or age cy l i nders can lead to component corrosion, component
destruction, elevated system head pressure and system failures when utilized by unsuspecting technicians. The ability of a
technician to determine refrigerant type and purity is severely hampered by the presence of air when attempting to utilize pressuretemperature relationships. The development of substitute refrigerants further complicates refrigerant identification and purity
determination based upon pressure - t emperature relationships.
The ID900 Automotive Refrigerant Identifier will provide a fast, easy and accurate means to determine refrigerant type and purity
in refrigeration systems and refrigerant storage cylinders. The instrument utilizes a combination of infrared and chemical fuel cell
technologies to determine purit y and cont amination levels or refrigerants R12 and R134a as well as air concentr at i ons i n both
refrigerant types.
The instrument is supplied in a storage case that will house al l com ponents. R12 and R134a sample hoses are provi de d as well as a
R134a cylinder adapter fitting and a power cord for connection directly to the vehicle battery. An optional wall power adapter is
available to permit powering of the instrum ent di rectly from standard wall power outlet s.
Sample gas is admitted into the instrument throug h t he sup pli e d sample hose and presented to the sensing devices. The instr um e nt
will provide a digital readout of refrigerant purity, a pass or fail condition and the amount of air contamination. A sample will be
considered to be pure, or passed, if the concentration has been det e rmined to be 98% by weight or greater of a single refrigerant.
The instrument will also provide the user with a dir ect r eadout o f unknown compounds that can be R22, hydrocarbons or other
refrigerants commonly utilized in blended refrigerant types.
All operating instructions are provide d t o the user t hr oug h d i spl ay prompts to avoid mistakes and erroneous r eadi n gs.
The ID900 Automotive Refrigerant Identi fi er w il l provi de t h e r e fr i gerant technici an w i t h know l e d ge of r efr i ger ant pur i t y and
protection against equipment and air condi ti oning system damage resul t i ng from contamination.