White Wine Court Bouillon
White Fish, Salmon, Pike, Sea Bass, Red Snapper or Striped Bass
all make delicious poached fish. A whole fish makes a festive dish, but fish
steaks and fillets may also be used.
4-5 lbs. fish
2 qts. water
2 c. dry white wine
1/2 c. chopped celery
1/4 c. chopped carrots
2-3 sprigs parsley
1 lemon peel strip
1 clove garlic
1 onion, stuck with 2 cloves
1 Tbsp. salt
1 bay leaf

Put wine and water in the fish poacher. Temporarily immerse fish in
liquid to make sure liquid completely covers fish. If more liquid is
needed, increase wine and water in equal proportions. Remove fish
from liquid. Add remaining ingredients, except fish. Place the fish
poacher on stovetop over two elements and bring liquid to a boil.
Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Measure depth of fish at
thickest part of body and cook exactly 10 min. per inch. Carefully
lower fish into simmering bouillon. Cover quickly and bring liquid
back to a simmer. After liquid has returned to simmer, start timing. Do
not allow bouillon to boil while fish is immersed as this may cause fish
to be tough and break apart. When cooked, remove fish from liquid
and drain immediately. Carefully slide fish off the poaching rack onto a
warm serving platter.