RSA Security Inc.
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Tel (US) 1 877 RSA 4900, +1 781 301 5000
Fax +1 781 301 5170
RSA Security Ireland Limited
Bay 127, Shannon Free Zone
Shannon, County Clare, Ireland
Tel +353 61 72 5100
Fax +353 61 72 5110
See our Web Site for regional Customer Service telephone and fax numbers.
ACE/Server, BSAFE, Genuine RSA Encryption Engine, Keon, RC2, RC4, RC5, RSA,
RSA SecurPC, SecurCare, SecurID, SoftID, and WebID are registered trademarks, and
RC6, RSA Security, RSA Secured, SecurSight, and The Most Trusted Name in
e-Security are trademarks, of RSA Security Inc.
Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their
respective owners.
License agreement
This software and the associated documentation are proprietary and confidential to
RSA Security, are furnished under license, and may be used and copied only in
accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of the copyright
below. This software and any copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made
available to any other person.
Note on encryption technologies
This product may contain encryption technology. Many countries prohibit or restrict
the use, import, or export of encryption technologies, and current use, import, and
export regulations should be followed when exporting this product.
Limit distribution of this document to trusted personnel.
RSA Security notice
The RC5® Block Encryption Algorithm With Data-Dependent Rotations is protected
by U.S. Patent #5,724,428 and #5,835,600.
The RC6™ Encryption Algorithm is the subject of pending U.S. and foreign patent
The DES implementation in this product contains code based on the "libdes" package
written by Eric A. Young ( and is included with his permission.
Compaq MultiPrime™ technology is protected by United States patent 5,848,159 and
is the subject of patent applications in other countries.
Dear Crypto-C Developer:
Congratulations on your purchase of RSA BSAFE®
the-art in cryptographic software toolkits. Crypto-C provides developers with the
most important privacy, authentication, and data integrity routines. Crypto-C
contains a full palette of popular cryptographic algorithms. This software
development kit enables you to develop applications for a wide range of purposes,
including electronic commerce, home banking, Webcasting, and enterprise security.
software for enabling applications to share encrypted information, verify the
correspondent’s authenticity, and confirm data integrity. RSA Security’s generalpurpose cryptography software has the flexibility to suit a wide variety of security
applications or services. This robust, fully supported product is from the most trusted
name in e-security: RSA Security.
Crypto-C is written in C and is intended to be completely portable. It is available on a
number of platforms and can be ported to most platforms with a minimum of effort.
Crypto-C is a toolkit, not an application; it is intended to be integrated into operating
systems, communications systems, and other applications. Therefore, you have a
modest amount of work ahead of you. We have tried to make this task as clear as
possible without limiting your options. This User’s Manual, with its code samples and
tutorials, is the best place to start.
Crypto-C 5.2.2 is the latest version of RSA Security’s cryptographic
Crypto-C (Crypto-C), the state-of-
Thanks, and welcome to the RSA Security family.
The Crypto-C Development Team
RSA Security
What’s New in Version 5.2.2?
What’s New in Version 5.2.2?
Following is a list of RSA BSAFE Crypto-C features that are new in version 5.2.2:
Improved performance
With the new performance improvements, you’ll be able to use RSA BSAFE CryptoC’s algorithms at unprecedented levels of speed and throughput across a wide range
of hardware platforms. RSA BSAFE Crypto-C’s support for the Intel Itanium™ and
Pentium™4 processors will allow developers the ability to take advantage of benefits
of these powerful processors. Also, RSA Security’s implementation of Compaq’s
patented MultiPrime technology is designed to process encryption/decryption tasks
more than two times faster than previous methods. Typical tasks where customers
will experience these performance enhancements are for SSL transactions (signing on
the server or client side) and non-repudiation operations (verifying on the client side).
Hardware support
RSA BSAFE Crypto-C products include PKCS #11 hardware support to allow
communication with hardware like smart cards (for secure key storage) and
cryptographic accelerator cards (for performance improvements). PKCS #11 support
is in addition to the BHAPI hardware support offered in previous versions of CryptoC.
MultiPrime RSA
MultiPrime RSA functionality has been added to Crypto-C v5.2. Use this new
function to generate RSA public/private key pairs. RSA MultiPrime key generation
follows the same steps as standard RSA key generation with two exceptions: the use
of a different AI, AI_RSAMultiPrimeKeyGen, and a different AM must be passed in
during the B_GenerateInit call: AM_RSA_MULTI_PRIME_KEY_GEN.
Serialization for algorithm objects performing RC4,
Diffie Hellman key exchange
A new algorithm information type, AI_RC4Serialize, has been added to Crypto-C
xviRSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
Organization of This Manual
V5.2. Use this AI to save the internal state of an RC4 encryption or decryption object,
or to create a new object from the saved state of a previous RC4 object.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Crypto-C includes basic AES support for the cutting edge in processor technology:
Intel Itanium and Pentium 4.
Organization of This Manual
This manual is organized as follows:
•Chapter 1, “Introduction,” introduces the Crypto-C toolkit. It lists the algorithms,
cryptographic standards, NIST standards, and ANSI X9 standards used in
•Chapter 2, “Quick Start,” uses a code example to describe the basic encryption
and decryption operations in Crypto-C.
•Chapter 3, “Cryptography,” presents a brief outline of the basic cryptographic
principles and terminology that are used in this manual.
•Chapter 4, “Using Crypto-C,” presents a brief description of the Crypto-C
algorithm info types and key info types by functionality. It also covers system
considerations when using Crypto-C.
•Chapters 5-8 present sample code for the major Crypto-C operations.
•Chapter 9, “Putting it all Together: An X9.31 Example,” presents sample code for
the steps involved in creating and verifying RSA digital signatures in accordance
with the X9.31 standard.
•Appendix A, “Command-Line Demos,” describes the three Crypto-C command
line demo applications: BDEMO, BDEMODSA, and BDEMOEC.
Preface xvii
Conventions Used in This Manual
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following typographical conventions are used in this manual.
Italic is used for:
•new terms where they are introduced
•the names of manuals and books
Lucida Typewriter Sans is used for:
•anything that appears literally in a C program, such as the names of structures
and functions supplied by Crypto-C: for example,
Lucida Typewriter Sans Italic
is used for:
•function parameters and placeholders that indicate that an item is replaced by
some actual value in your own program: for example,
Lucida Typewriter Bold
is used for:
•text the user types in command line demos and text that is printed to the screen
by the demos (Appendix A only)
Structures and routines defined by Crypto-C are boxed. Direct quotes from the RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Reference Manual are also boxed:
/* Structures defined by Crypto-C */
Crypto-C procedures to use with algorithm object:
B_EncryptInit, B_EncryptUpdate, B_EncryptFinal;
Application code and samples are displayed in a box with a shaded outline:
/* Application code and samples */
Some Crypto-C functions are only available when used with a hardware
application that has a BSAFE Hardware API interface (BHAPI). These
functions are marked with the icon of a hammer.
xviiiRSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
Terms and Abbreviations
Terms and Abbreviations
The following table lists terms and abbreviations used in this document. Refer to the
Glossary for a list of security and cryptographic terms and abbreviations, along with
their definitions, that are used throughout the RSA BSAFE Crypto-C documentation
Term or AbbreviationDefinition
Crypto-CRSA BSAFE Crypto-C: Cryptographic software development kit developers
use to develop secure applications.
.doc (file)Word for Windows, version 6.x or version 7.x files.
.htm (file)Hypertext Markup Language formatted files used for releasing documents on
the RSA Security internet site.
.pdf (file)Portable Document Format created by Adobe Acrobat Distiller and read by
using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
.rtf (file)Rich Text Format files that are compatable with Microsoft Word for Windows.
.txt (file)Unformatted, cross-platform text files.
PKIThe Public Key Infrastructure that combines private key, trust, and certificate
databases for the reserve of needed private keys and certificates for signing
or encrypting messages.
Public Client APIThe default application programming interface between PKI services and the
developer's application.
SPIService provider interfaces that enable customized implementation to
augment or replace the default Cert-J functionality.
User InterfaceAny interface that the end user sees or accesses. This includes any HTML
browser-based interfaces
Preface xix
Related Documents
Related Documents
Following is a list of documents referenced in this book and suggested material for
further reading.
2.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Today’s Cryptography, RSA Laboratories.
3.The following Internet Standard documents:
•RFCs 1421, 1422, 1423, 1424 on Privacy Enhancement for Internet
Electronic Mail.
•RFCs 1319 (MD2), 1321 (MD5).
4.The following CCITT Recommendation documents:
•X.690: Specifications for the Basic Encoding Rules (BER) for Abstract
Notation One (ASN.1).
•X.509: The Directory — Authentication Framework.
5.Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman, A method for obtaining digital signatures and
public-key cryptosystems. Communications of the ACM, 21(2):120-126, February
6.A. Shamir, How to share a secret. Communications of the ACM, 22(11):
612-613, November 1979.
7.W. Diffie and M. E. Hellman, New directions in cryptography. IEEE Transactions
on Information Theory, IT-22:644-654, 1976.
8.Data Encryption Standard, FIPS Pub 46-2, National Institute of Standards and
Technology. Available from
9.DES Modes of Operations, FIPS Pub 81, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, 1980.
10. Digital Signature Standard and Secure Hashing Algorithm (DSS and SHA):
•FIPS Pub 180-1
•X9.30 Part III
11. The following reports from RSA Laboratories (
•Stream Ciphers
•MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA and Other Hash Functions
•On Pseudo-collisions in MD5
xxRSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
Related Documents
•Results from the RSA Factoring Challenge
•Recommendations on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems
•Recent Results for MD2, MD4, and MD5
12. The following OAEP specifications:
•SET Secure Electronic Transaction Specification. Book 3: Formal Protocol
Definition, version 1.0. SETCo, 1997. (
•PKCS#1: RSA Cryptography Specifications. Version 2.0. RSA Security, 1998.
13. The following ANSI Financial Services Industry documents:
•X9.31 (RSA signatures, reversible DSA)
•X9.52 Draft (Triple DES)
•X9.62 and X9.63 (Elliptic Curves)
14. IEEE Standard Specifications for Public-Key Cryptography on
15. B. Schneier, Applied Cryptography, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1994.
16. G. Simmons, Contemporary Cryptography, IEEE Press.
17. Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, and Scott A. Vanstone. Handbook of
Applied Cryptography. CRC Press, 1996. Chapter 2 of this book, which covers all
aspects of modern cryptography, provides mathematical background on finite
18. A. Menezes, I. Blake, X. Gao, R. Mullin, S. Vanstone, and T. Yaghoobian.
Applications of Finite Fields. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. Provides further
reference material on finite fields, including techniques for representing elements.
19. A. Menezes, Elliptic Curve Public Key Cryptosystems, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
20. Joseph H. Silverman and John Tate, Rational Points on Elliptic Curves, Springer-
Verlag New York, Inc., 1992.
Preface xxi
How to Contact RSA Security
How to Contact RSA Security
RSA Security Web Site
You can visit the RSA Security Web site at It contains
the latest RSA Security news, security bulletins, and information about coming
. RSA Laboratories’ Cryptography FAQ can also be found at
Getting Support and Service
You can get technical support as follows:
SecurCare® Online
Technical Support Telephone Numbers
Call Handling and Escalation Process
xxiiRSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
Chapter 1
This chapter introduces the Crypto-C toolkit. It lists the algorithms, cryptographic
standards, NIST standards, and ANSI X9 standards used in Crypto-C. This chapter is
organized as follows:
•The Crypto-C Toolkit
-Hardware Support
•Cryptographic Standards and Crypto-C
-PKCS Standards and Crypto-C
-NIST Standards and Crypto-C
-PKCS Compared with NIST
-ANSI X9 Standards and Crypto-C
The Crypto-C Toolkit
The Crypto-C Toolkit
Crypto-C provides developers with a state-of-the-art implementation of the most
important privacy, authentication, and data integrity routines.
The following algorithms are implemented in Crypto-C:
Symmetric Ciphers
•Triple DES
•RC2® block cipher
•RC4® stream cipher
•RC5™ block cipher
•RC6™ block cipher
Message Digests
Message Authentication
Random-Number Generation
2RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
Public-Key Algorithms
•RSA Public Key Cryptosystem
•Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement
Digital Signatures
•RSA Digital Signatures
Elliptic Curve Public-Key Algorithms
•Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
In addition to the cryptographic algorithms listed here, Crypto-C offers a hardware
interface that allows vendors of cryptographic hardware to support the Crypto-C
API. One such vendor is Intel®, whose Intel hardware security primitives include the
Intel Random Number Generator.
For information on using the Intel hardware (when present) with Crypto-C, see the
Intel Security Hardware User’s Guide, included on the Crypto-C CD-ROM. For
information about using Crypto-C with other cryptographic hardware, contact the
specific hardware vendor.
RSA BSAFE Crypto-C products include PKCS #11 hardware support to allow
communication with hardware like smart cards (for secure key storage) and
cryptographic accelerator cards (for performance improvements). PKCS #11 support
is in addition to the BHAPI hardware support offered in previous versions of CryptoC.
Chapter 1 Introduction3
Cryptographic Standards and Crypto-C
Cryptographic Standards and Crypto-C
PKCS Standards and Crypto-C
Crypto-C is a general-purpose programming tool that developers can use to write a
wide variety of applications. Crypto-C was built to help developers implement the
Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS), a series of documents that specify a
standard way of performing basic cryptographic operations. Several higher-level
standards, such as S/MIME, SET, IPSec, and SSL, require implementation of various
PKCS standards. Since Crypto-C complies with PKCS standards, developers should
find it fairly easy to integrate Crypto-C into software that implements the PKCS
For copies of the PKCS documents, see the PKCS section of RSA Security’s Web site at, or contact our sales department for a
PKCS diskette.
NIST Standards and Crypto-C
Certain Crypto-C releases may be used to produce applications that are compliant
with the Federal Information Processing Standards. Compliance with the FIPS
standards is often required by government agencies and contractors. The National
Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) establishes the FIPS standards, and
certifies FIPS-compliant applications.
As changes are made in a new release, RSA Security may need to reapply for NIST
certification. If you need to verify whether or not a specific release is compliant with
FIPS, contact your sales representative.
NIST Approval and Windows 32-bit Platforms
If you require NIST approval for your Windows 32-bit applications, you may benefit
from using the FIPS-compliant Crypto-C algorithms listed following this paragraph.
NIST may approve the use of these algorithms in your application without requiring
further algorithm-level testing of your application, based on the algorithm certificates
issued to Crypto-C. For more information, see the algorithm compliance Web site
provided by NIST.
Crypto-C includes the following FIPS-compliant algorithms:
4RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
Cryptographic Standards and Crypto-C
•Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA1), as specified in FIPS PUB 180-1, Secure Hash
Standard (SHS)
•RSA Digital Signatures (rDSA), as specified in FIPS PUB 186-2
•Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), as specified in FIPS PUB 186, Digital
Signature Standard (DSS)
•Data Encryption Standard (DES), as specified in FIPS PUB 46-2
•DES Modes of Operation, as specified in FIPS PUB 81
NIST Approval and Windows NT Platforms
If you require NIST approval for your Windows NT applications, you may benefit
from using the “Crypto-C Cryptographic Services Module,” a DLL that is compliant
with the FIPS 140-1 standard. NIST may approve the use of this module in your
application without requiring further testing of your application, based on the NIST
certification issued to the Crypto-C module. For more information, see the \FIPS140
folder on the Crypto-C CD-ROM for Windows NT.
PKCS Compared with NIST
In some cases, such as the RSA algorithm, the PKCS standards differ from the NIST
standards. In such cases, the standard you choose depends primarily on the scope of
your application and how it will be deployed.
As mentioned previously, the PKCS standards, many of which have been in place for
a long time, have widespread acceptance and are used as the base for many other
higher-level standards (for example, S/MIME, SET, IPSec, and SSL). Therefore, if you
are implementing one of these higher-level standards, or if you want compatibility
with other applications that use the PKCS standards, you should use the PKCS-based
However, the United States government may have specific standards requirements
for certain government agencies and for government contractors. These are usually
the standards as defined by NIST. If you are creating applications for U.S.
government use, you should ensure that you are in compliance with any required
Chapter 1 Introduction5
Cryptographic Standards and Crypto-C
ANSI X9 Standards and Crypto-C
Crypto-C also complies with a number of standards established by the X9 Financial
Services Industry committee of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). If
you are writing a financial or government application that must comply with one of
the X9 standards, you may benefit by using Crypto-C. This release is fully compliant
with the following ANSI X9 standards:
•The ANSI X9.31 Standard, which specifies an implementation of RSA Digital
Signatures (rDSA). (Note that this implementation also complies with the NIST
standard for rDSA, specified in FIPS PUB 186-2, as mentioned previously.)
•The ANSI X9.62 Standard, which specifies an implementation of the Elliptic
Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA).
For more information, see the X9 Web site at
6RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
Chapter 2
Quick Start
This chapter provides an introduction to using Crypto-C. You are first presented with
the Crypto-C model and then you are presented an introductory example. This
chapter is organized as follows:
•The Six-Step Sequence
•Introductory Example
•Decrypting the Introductory Example
•Multiple Updates
•Summary of the Six Steps
The Six-Step Sequence
The Six-Step Sequence
The Crypto-C model generally follows a six-step sequence:
In addition, for every application, you must include the necessary header files; we
will call this Step 0.
The six-step sequence makes it easier to maintain your code. For example, if you have
implemented a message digest routine using MD2 and wish to use SHA1 instead, you
simply need to make changes in Steps 2 and 3, Set and Init. The rest of your code can
be reused. Similarly, if you originally programmed a routine under the assumption
that it would get all the data from a single buffer, and you want to modify it to take
data from multiple buffers, you can simply change Step 4, Update.
Note:In some cases, an algorithm may not require an Update step.
The sections in this chapter show the following:
•A six-step encryption example
•A six-step decryption example
•An example using multiple Updates
•A summary of the six-step process
8RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
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