The R&S SMCVB-K155 is a firmware application that adds functionality to generate
signals in accordance with the AM/FM/RDS digital standards.
The R&S SMCVB-K155 option features:
This user manual contains a description of the functionality that the application provides, including remote control operation.
All functions not discussed in this manual are the same as in the base unit and are
described in the R&S SMCV100B user manual. The latest version is available at:
Welcome to the AM/FM/RDS Option
Documentation Overview
Audio AM broadcast signal generation
Audio FM broadcast signal generation
Audio FM RDS/RBDS signal generation
You can find detailed installation instructions in the delivery of the option or in the
R&S SMCV100B service manual.
1.1Accessing the AM/FM/RDS Dialog
To open the dialog with AM/FM/RDS settings
► In the block diagram of the R&S SMCV100B, select "Baseband > AM/FM/RDS".
A dialog box opens that displays the provided general settings.
The signal generation is not started immediately. To start signal generation with the
default settings, select "State > On".
1.2Documentation Overview
This section provides an overview of the R&S SMCV100B user documentation. Unless
specified otherwise, you find the documents on the R&S SMCV100B product page at:
7User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
1.2.1Getting Started Manual
Introduces the R&S SMCV100B and describes how to set up and start working with the
product. Includes basic operations, typical measurement examples, and general information, e.g. safety instructions, etc. A printed version is delivered with the instrument.
1.2.2User Manuals and Help
Separate manuals for the base unit and the software options are provided for download:
Welcome to the AM/FM/RDS Option
Documentation Overview
Base unit manual
Contains the description of all instrument modes and functions. It also provides an
introduction to remote control, a complete description of the remote control commands with programming examples, and information on maintenance, instrument
interfaces and error messages. Includes the contents of the getting started manual.
Software option manual
Contains the description of the specific functions of an option. Basic information on
operating the R&S SMCV100B is not included.
The contents of the user manuals are available as help in the R&S SMCV100B. The
help offers quick, context-sensitive access to the complete information for the base unit
and the software options.
All user manuals are also available for download or for immediate display on the Internet.
1.2.3Service Manual
Describes the performance test for checking compliance with rated specifications, firmware update, troubleshooting, adjustments, installing options and maintenance.
The service manual is available for registered users on the global Rohde & Schwarz
information system (GLORIS):
1.2.4Instrument Security Procedures
Deals with security issues when working with the R&S SMCV100B in secure areas. It
is available for download on the Internet.
1.2.5Printed Safety Instructions
Provides safety information in many languages. The printed document is delivered with
the product.
8User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
1.2.6Data Sheets and Brochures
The data sheet contains the technical specifications of the R&S SMCV100B. It also
lists the options and their order numbers and optional accessories.
The brochure provides an overview of the instrument and deals with the specific characteristics.
1.2.7Release Notes and Open Source Acknowledgment (OSA)
The release notes list new features, improvements and known issues of the current
firmware version, and describe the firmware installation.
The open-source acknowledgment document provides verbatim license texts of the
used open source software.
Welcome to the AM/FM/RDS Option
1.2.8Application Notes, Application Cards, White Papers, etc.
These documents deal with special applications or background information on particular topics.
Tasks (in manual or remote operation) that are also performed in the base unit in the
same way are not described here.
In particular, it includes:
Managing settings and data lists, like saving and loading settings, creating and
accessing data lists, or accessing files in a particular directory.
Information on regular trigger, marker and clock signals and filter settings, if appropriate.
General instrument configuration, such as checking the system configuration, configuring networks and remote operation
Using the common status registers
For a description of such tasks, see the R&S SMCV100B user manual.
9User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
1.4Notes on Screenshots
When describing the functions of the product, we use sample screenshots. These
screenshots are meant to illustrate as many as possible of the provided functions and
possible interdependencies between parameters. The shown values may not represent
realistic usage scenarios.
The screenshots usually show a fully equipped product, that is: with all options installed. Thus, some functions shown in the screenshots may not be available in your particular product configuration.
Welcome to the AM/FM/RDS Option
Notes on Screenshots
10User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
2About the AM/FM/RDS Option
Use the AM/FM/RDS coder option to generate broadcast signals in FM and AM.
In FM, you can generate a mono or a stereo signal. For stereo signals generated
according to the multiplex method, an RDS coder is available and is used to code fixed
data. Many parameters can be changed over wide setting ranges. See Chapter 4,
"Audio FM Configuration and Settings", on page 17.
In AM, you can generate amplitude modulated signals. See Chapter 3, "Audio AM Con-
figuration and Settings", on page 12.
To generate an audio FM broadcast signal
1. Select "Baseband > Audio FM > State > On".
2. Select "RF > RF Level > State > On".
To generate an audio AM broadcast signal
About the AM/FM/RDS Option
Required Options
1. Select "Baseband > Audio AM > State > On".
2. Select "RF > RF Level > State > On".
2.1Required Options
The equipment layout for generating AM/FM/RDS signals includes:
Base unit
Option Enable Broadcast Standard (R&SSMCVB-K519)
Option AM/FM/RDS (R&SSMCVB-K155)
11User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
3Audio AM Configuration and Settings
► Select "Baseband > Audio AM".
This section provides an overview on the AM settings.
The remote commands required to define these settings are described in Chapter 6.1,
"Audio AM Commands", on page 56.
How to:"To generate an audio AM broadcast signal"on page 11
Activates the standard and deactivates all the other digital standards and digital modulation modes in the same path.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:STATe on page 56
Set To Default
Calls the default settings. The values of the main parameters are listed in the following
12User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:PRESet on page 56
Accesses the "Save/Recall" dialog, that is the standard instrument function for saving
and recalling the complete dialog-related settings in a file. The provided navigation
possibilities in the dialog are self-explanatory.
The settings are saved in a file with predefined extension. You can define the filename
and the directory, in that you want to save the file.
See also, chapter "File and Data Management" in the R&S SMCV100B user manual.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:SETTing:CATalog on page 56
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:SETTing:DELete on page 56
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:SETTing:LOAD on page 57
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:SETTing:STORe on page 57
Audio AM Configuration and Settings
AM Modulator Settings
StateNot affected by the "Set to Default"
3.2AM Modulator Settings
► Select "Baseband > Audio AM > AM Modulator".
The dialog provides settings necessary to configure the AM modulator.
●Audio Signal Settings..............................................................................................14
Sets the audio source for the AM modulator signal.
"Audio Generator"
"Audio Player"
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:INPut on page 59
Uses an external audio signal input at the "User 2" connector.
The audio source is fixed to "Source > S/PDIF".
Uses an internal audio generator as the signal source.
You can enable the audio channel, set the audio level and set the
audio frequency.
Uses a file, that is saved to the memory of the R&S SMCV100B.
You can load a file, set the audio channel and set the attenuation.
Disables the audio source for the AM modulator.
Requires "Input Signal > Audio Generator/Audio Player".
Enables or disables the audio channel.
14User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:AUDio:AF on page 59
Requires "Input Signal > Audio Generator".
Sets the frequency.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:AUDGen:FRQ on page 58
Requires "Input Signal > Audio Generator/Audio Player".
Sets the level.
The nominal level, at which the modulation depth adjusts to the nominal modulation
depth, is 6 dBu. If the level is set to 6 dBu, the generated modulation depth corresponds to the set value.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:AUDGen:LEV on page 58
Audio AM Configuration and Settings
AM Modulator Settings
Load File
Requires "Input Signal > Audio Player".
Provides access to the standard "File Select" function of the instrument. The provided
navigation possibilities in the dialog are self-explanatory.
See also, chapter "File and Data Management" in the R&S SMCV100B User Manual.
You can load files with extension *.wv and *.wav. Load, e.g. the predefined file
default_sine_1khz.wv. The name of the loaded file is displayed next to the button.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:APLayer:LIBRary:CATalog on page 58
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:APLayer:LIBRary:SELect on page 58
Requires "Input Signal > Audio Player".
Sets the attenuation.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:APLayer:ATT on page 57
Requires "Input Signal > External".
Displays the audio source, that is fixed to S/PDIF.
Remote command:
Sets the nominal modulation depth.
The depth denotes the referenced depth and depends on the input signal, see "Input
Signal"on page 14.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:DEPTh on page 59
Mod. Depth
Displays the modulation depth.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:AM:MODulation:DEPTh? on page 59
16User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
4Audio FM Configuration and Settings
► Select "Baseband > Audio FM".
This section provides an overview on the FM and RDS settings. The variety of settings
depends on whether the FM mode. For "Mode > Stereo", you can further specify left
and the right channel settings, see "Mode"on page 24.
The remote commands required to define these settings are described in Chapter 6,
"Remote-Control Commands", on page 55.
How to: "To generate an audio FM broadcast signal"on page 11
Activates the standard and deactivates all the other digital standards and digital modulation modes in the same path.
17User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:STATe on page 61
Set To Default
Calls the default settings. The values of the main parameters are listed in the following
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:PRESet on page 60
Accesses the "Save/Recall" dialog, that is the standard instrument function for saving
and recalling the complete dialog-related settings in a file. The provided navigation
possibilities in the dialog are self-explanatory.
The settings are saved in a file with predefined extension. You can define the filename
and the directory, in that you want to save the file.
See also, chapter "File and Data Management" in the R&S SMCV100B user manual.
Audio FM Configuration and Settings
FM Modulator Settings
StateNot affected by the "Set to Default"
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:SETTing:CATalog on page 61
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:SETTing:DELete on page 61
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:SETTing:LOAD on page 61
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:SETTing:STORe on page 61
4.2FM Modulator Settings
► Select "Baseband > Audio FM > FM Modulator".
The dialog provides access to settings necessary to configure the input signal and
the FM modulator.
●Audio Signal Settings..............................................................................................19
Sets the audio source for the FM modulator signal.
Uses an external audio signal input at the "User 2" connector.
The audio source is fixed to "Source > S/PDIF".
19User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
"Audio Generator"
"Audio Player"
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:INPut on page 65
AF Mode
Requires "Input Signal > Audio Generator" and "Modulation > Mode > Stereo".
Sets the relationship of the two audio channels with respect to each other.
"L = R"
Audio FM Configuration and Settings
FM Modulator Settings
Uses an internal audio generator as the signal source.
You can enable the audio channel, set the audio level and set the
audio frequency for mono and stereo modulation mode.
Uses a file, that is saved to the memory of the R&S SMCV100B.
You can load a file, set the audio channel and set the attenuation.
Disables the audio source for the FM modulator.
Only the audio signal from the left audio channel is processed further.
The right audio channel is ignored.
Only the audio signal from the right audio channel is processed further. The left audio channel is ignored.
The audio signal for the left and right channel is identical. Only the
audio signal of the left channel is used, the audio signal of the right
channel is ignored. Therefore, only the settings for the left channel
are available.
As a result, the stereo signal (L-R)/2 disappears as upper and lower
sideband around the suppressed 38 kHz carrier.
"L = -R"
"L ≠ R"
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDio:MODE on page 64
Audio Left
Displaying the panel requires "Modulation > Mode > Stereo".
The panel groups level and frequency parameters of the left audio channel. The
description of the parameters also applies for "Mode > Mono", since the left audio
channel is the mono audio channel.
Audio ← Audio Left
Enables or disables the audio channel.
You can enable 1 or 2 audio channels depending on the modulation mode:
If "Modulation > Mode > Stereo", enable left or right audio channel separately.
If "Modulation > Mode > Mono", enable the audio channel, that is the left audio
The phase of the audio signal for the left and right channel is offset by
180 degrees. Only the audio signal of the left channel is used, the
audio signal of the right channel is ignored. Therefore, only the settings for the left channel are available.
As a result, the mono signal (L+R)/2 disappears in the frequency
range up to 15 kHz.
The audio signals from the left and right audio channel are processed
according to the coding standard for a stereo multiplex signal.
20User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDio:AF1 on page 63
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDio:AF2 on page 63
Level ← Audio Left
Requires "Input Signal > Audio Generator".
Sets the level.
The nominal level, at which the modulation depth adjusts to the nominal modulation
depth, is 6 dBu. If the level is set to 6 dBu, the generated modulation depth corresponds to the set value.
You can set levels for one or two audio channels depending on the modulation mode:
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDGen:LEV1 on page 63
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDGen:LEV2 on page 63
Audio FM Configuration and Settings
FM Modulator Settings
If "Modulation > Mode > Stereo", set left or right audio levels separately.
If "Modulation > Mode > Mono", set the level related to the left audio channel.
Frequency ← Audio Left
Requires "Input Signal > Audio Generator".
Sets the frequency.
You can set frequencies for one or two audio channels depending on the modulation
If "Modulation > Mode > Stereo", set left or right audio frequencies separately.
If "Modulation > Mode > Mono", set the frequency related to the left audio channel.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDGen:FRQ1 on page 63
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDGen:FRQ2 on page 63
Attenuation ← Audio Left
Requires "Input Signal > Audio Player".
Sets the attenuation.
You can set the attenuation for one or two audio channels depending on the modula-
tion mode:
If "Modulation > Mode > Stereo", set left or right attenuations separately.
If "Modulation > Mode > Mono", set the attenuation related to the left audio channel.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:APLayer:ATT1 on page 62
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:APLayer:ATT2 on page 62
Audio Right
Displaying the panel requires "Modulation > Mode > Stereo".
The panel groups level and frequency parameters of the right audio channel.
Audio ← Audio Right
Enables or disables the audio channel.
21User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
You can enable 1 or 2 audio channels depending on the modulation mode:
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDio:AF1 on page 63
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDio:AF2 on page 63
Level ← Audio Right
Requires "Input Signal > Audio Generator".
Sets the level.
The nominal level, at which the modulation depth adjusts to the nominal modulation
depth, is 6 dBu. If the level is set to 6 dBu, the generated modulation depth corresponds to the set value.
You can set levels for one or two audio channels depending on the modulation mode:
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDGen:LEV1 on page 63
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDGen:LEV2 on page 63
Audio FM Configuration and Settings
FM Modulator Settings
If "Modulation > Mode > Stereo", enable left or right audio channel separately.
If "Modulation > Mode > Mono", enable the audio channel, that is the left audio
If "Modulation > Mode > Stereo", set left or right audio levels separately.
If "Modulation > Mode > Mono", set the level related to the left audio channel.
Frequency ← Audio Right
Requires "Input Signal > Audio Generator".
Sets the frequency.
You can set frequencies for one or two audio channels depending on the modulation
If "Modulation > Mode > Stereo", set left or right audio frequencies separately.
If "Modulation > Mode > Mono", set the frequency related to the left audio channel.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDGen:FRQ1 on page 63
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDGen:FRQ2 on page 63
Attenuation ← Audio Right
Requires "Input Signal > Audio Player".
Sets the attenuation.
You can set the attenuation for one or two audio channels depending on the modula-
tion mode:
If "Modulation > Mode > Stereo", set left or right attenuations separately.
If "Modulation > Mode > Mono", set the attenuation related to the left audio channel.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:APLayer:ATT1 on page 62
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:APLayer:ATT2 on page 62
Load File
Requires "Input Signal > Audio Player".
22User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
Provides access to the standard "File Select" function of the instrument. The provided
navigation possibilities in the dialog are self-explanatory.
See also, chapter "File and Data Management" in the R&S SMCV100B User Manual.
You can load files with extension *.wv and *.wav. Load, e.g. the predefined file
default_sine_1khz.wv. The name of the loaded file is displayed next to the button.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:APLayer:LIBRary:CATalog on page 62
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:APLayer:LIBRary:SELect on page 63
Requires "Input Signal > External".
Displays the audio source, that is fixed to S/PDIF.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDio:SOURce? on page 64
Feeds a stereo signal to the modulator according to the multiplex
method with:
Pilot tone: 19 kHz tone. You can disable the pilot tone and set the
pilot deviation. See "Pilot"on page 52 and "Freq. Dev. Pilot"
on page 24.
RDS: 57 kHz, see "RDS/RBDS"on page 25.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:MODE on page 65
Sets the preemphasis factor for the signal to noise ratio improvement.
To improve the SNR, the technique boosts high-frequency components at the modula-
tor and reduces them at the demodulator.
The level increase at an input frequency of 15 kHz and a pre-emphasis of 50 μs is
13.66 dB. At a pre-emphasis of 75 μs, the SNR is 17.07 dB.
The audio input level for audio generator and audio player therefore needs to be
reduced in line with the pre-emphasis.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDio:PREemphasis on page 64
Nom. Freq. Dev. Audio
Defines the signal deviation, that is the deviation only caused by the audio signals.
The nominal deviation is 6 dBu.
Feeds a mono signal to the modulator with band limitation 15 kHz.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDio:NDEViation on page 64
Freq. Dev. Audio
Displays the actual frequency deviation.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:AUDio:DEViation? on page 64
Freq. Dev. Pilot
Defines the resulting 19 kHz frequency deviation of the pilot tone irrespective of the
audio signals.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:PILot:DEViation on page 66
24User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
Requires "Mode > Stereo".
Enables/disables RDS/RBDS.
If enabled, adds a 57 kHz RDS signal to the multiplex signal in accordance with the
specification EN 62106.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:RDS[:STATe] on page 68
Freq. Dev. RDS
Requires "Mode > Stereo" and "RDS/RBDS > On".
Defines the resulting frequency deviation of the radio data system irrespective of the
audio signals.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:RDS:DEViation on page 66
Requires "Mode > Stereo" and "DARC > On".
Sets the DARC frequency deviation.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:DARC:DEViation on page 85
4.3RDS/RBDS Settings
Requires "Baseband > Audio FM > FM Modulator > Mode > Stereo" and "Baseband >
Audio FM > FM Modulator > RDS/RDBS > On".
► Select "Baseband > Audio FM > RDS/RDBS".
The dialog provides general, MS, DI and CTRDS/RBDS settings.
The integrated RDS coder provides a versatile and flexible means of generating an
RDS data stream. It enables data for all the important group types to be entered as
menu inputs.
For group types provided for ODA, see Chapter 4.6.2, "Open Format Settings",
on page 49. You can define the data content of blocks 2, 3 and 4 using hexadecimal
input. The all-purpose input design means that there is no need to distinguish between
Defines the group sequence, that specifies the order of groups.
The group sequence is mandatory within the RDS data. The input field accepts up to
38 groups. A group consists of a group number and a version ("0A" to "15B"). Separate
groups by setting a comma or a space.
If you enter a group number without specifying version A or B, the software adds version A automatically.
26User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
The RDS/RBDS transmission rate is approximately 11.4 group types per second. For
this reason, the repetition rate per time unit is determined decisively from the group
sequence inputs.
Note: Settings on the "RDS/RBDS" tab only take effect, if you enter the related group
in the group sequence.
Once the entered groups have been fully transmitted, the group sequence is repeated.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:RDS:GROup:SEQuence on page 66
Audio FM Configuration and Settings
RDS/RBDS Settings
Requires "MS/DI/CT > CT > On".
Reserved group. Inserts the current CT automatically at each full
Reserved group for appropriate EON setting. The group is automatically sent 8 times.
For more information, see specification EN 62106.
Reserved group for ODA.
Reserved group for appropriate setting. The group is automatically
sent 8 times.
For more information, see specification EN 62106.
Sets the program identification, that is a 16-bit value in hexadecimal representation.
The usage differs for RDS and RBDS operation:
RDS: The PI consists of a code enabling the receiver to distinguish between countries and regions in that the same program is transmitted, and the programs themselves.
It 16-bit value comprises the country code (bit 15 to bit 12), the program type (bit 11
to bit 8) and the program reference number (bit 7 to bit 0).
RBDS: In North america, the program identification code is used differently. In part,
the broadcasting stations define the program identification code themselves.
The PI is transmitted in each group type. For A group types, the PI is transmitted in
block 1. For B group types, it is transmitted in block 1 and block 3.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:RDS:PI on page 67
Sets the program service name.
Group types "0A" or "0B" transmit the PS in addition to the PI. The PS is transmitted in
block 4 in both version A and version B.
You can enter an 8-character PS code, e.g. "R&S SMCV". For allowed character sets,
see Figure A-1.
Note: Not all receivers can display the full character set. For an overview of the dis-
played information, see Table A-1 and Table A-2.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:RDS:PS on page 67
27User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
Enable/disables the traffic program flag.
A program carries regular traffic reports and is identified by the TP bit. It specifies, that
TA is set, if a traffic announcement occurs. The information is transmitted in block 2 of
each group.
If enabled, the "TA" can identify traffic announcements.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:RDS:TP[:STATe] on page 68
Enables/disables the traffic announcement flag.
If enabled, transmits the TA in block 2 of group types "0A", "0B" and "15B" to identify a
traffic announcement.
If the TA is set or reset, group type "15B" is transmitted 8 times to guarantee transmis-
sion, even if difficult reception conditions are present.
Table 4-1: Implication of TP/TA combinations
Audio FM Configuration and Settings
RDS/RBDS Settings
"Off""Off"The program contains no traffic program.
"Off""On"The program points to EON on a transmitter with traffic program.
Required setting for EON.
"On""Off"The program provides a TP and sets TA to 1, if a traffic announcement
"On""On"A regular traffic announcement is indicated.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:RDS:TA on page 68
Sets the program type.
The program type refers to the transmission content identifier and is transmitted in
block 2 of each group type. 32 possible program types are defined (0 to 31). After
entering the number, the assigned program type is displayed.
For RDS and RBDS, different group types are available, see Table A-1 and Table A-2.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:RDS:PTY on page 67
Sets the program type name.
The PTYN allows to specify the PTY. For example, for RDS "PTY > 4" implies a
"Sport" program, that you can further specify by "Football".
PTYN is optional and is transmitted in group type "10A", blocks 3 and 4. PTYN is only
transmitted if group type "10A" is specified in "Group Sequence".
You can enter an 8-character PTYN. For allowed character sets, see Figure A-1.
28User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
Note: Not all receivers can display the full character set. For an overview of the dis-
played information, see Table A-1 and Table A-2.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:RDS:PTYN on page 67
Sets the radio text.
RT comprises data messages transmitted in the following group types:
Use characters as shown in Figure A-1. It takes 16 group types "2A" to transmit
64 characters (eight characters per group type). Transmission can take time, if there
are several group types specified in "Group Sequence".
Further input inverts the A/B text flag in group type "2A" block 1 or "2B" block 2, signaling to the receiver that another RT is being carried. Sending the RT requires group
type "2A" or "2B" specified in "Group Sequence".
If more than 32 characters are entered and group type "2B" is specified under "Group
Sequence", the radio text is transmitted as far as the 32nd character and the rest of the
characters are ignored. An error message is displayed.
Note: Not all receivers can display the full character set. For an overview of the displayed information, see Table A-1 and Table A-2.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:RDS:RT on page 68
Audio FM Configuration and Settings
RDS/RBDS Settings
Group type "2A": Up to 64 characters transmitted in blocks 3 and 4
Group type "2B": Up to 32 characters transmitted in block 4
Identifies if the transmission contains music or speech.
Use the MS flag to actuate different volume settings in the receiver depending on the
MS. The flag is transmitted in group types "0A", "0B" and "15B". Also, set "Group
Sequence > 0A,0B" to transmit MS information via group types "0A" and "0B".
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:RADio:FM:RDS:MS on page 67
29User Manual 1179.1012.02 ─ 03
4.3.2MS/DI/CT Settings
► Select "RDS/RDBS > MS/DI/CT".
Audio FM Configuration and Settings
RDS/RBDS Settings
The tab provides settings necessary to configure decoder identification and clock
time parameters.
DI Dynamic PTY............................................................................................................30
DI Compressed............................................................................................................. 30
DI Art. Head.................................................................................................................. 31
DI Stereo.......................................................................................................................31