R&S FPL1000 User Manual

R&S®FPL1000 I/Q Analyzer User Manual
1178338602 Version 10
This manual applies to the following R&S®FPL1000 models with firmware version 1.60 and later:
R&S®FPL1003 (1304.0004K03) - FPL1000 with maximum frequency 3 GHz
R&S®FPL1007 (1304.0004K07) - FPL1000 with maximum frequency 7.5 GHz
In addition to the I/Q Analyzer application in the base unit, the following options are described:
R&S FPL1000-B5, Additional Interfaces (1323.1883.02)
R&S FPL1000-B40, Bandwidth extension 40 MHz (1323.1931.02)
R&S FPL1-K9 Power Sensor Support(1323.1754.02)
© 2020 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Mühldorfstr. 15, 81671 München, Germany Phone: +49 89 41 29 - 0 Email: info@rohde-schwarz.com Internet: www.rohde-schwarz.com Subject to change – data without tolerance limits is not binding. R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG. Trade names are trademarks of the owners.
1178.3386.02 | Version 10 | R&S®FPL1000
Throughout this manual, products from Rohde & Schwarz are indicated without the ® symbol, e.g. R&S®FPL is indicated as R&S FPL.
1.1 Documentation-Overview.............................................................................................5
1.2 Conventions Used in the Documentation...................................................................7
2.1 Starting the I/Q Analyzer Application..........................................................................9
2.2 Understanding the Display Information....................................................................10
4.1 Processing Analog I/Q Data from RF Input.............................................................. 17
4.2 Basics on FFT..............................................................................................................20


1 Preface.................................................................................................... 5
2 Welcome to the I/Q Analyzer Application............................................ 9
3 Measurement and Result Displays.....................................................13
4 Basics on I/Q Data Acquisition and Processing............................... 17
4.3 Basics on Input from I/Q Data Files...........................................................................26
4.4 I/Q Data Import and Export.........................................................................................26
5 Configuration........................................................................................28
5.1 Configuration Overview..............................................................................................28
5.2 Import/Export Functions............................................................................................ 30
5.3 Receiving Data Input and Providing Data Output.................................................... 33
5.4 Amplitude.....................................................................................................................44
5.5 Frequency Settings.....................................................................................................49
5.6 Trigger Settings...........................................................................................................51
5.7 Data Acquisition and Bandwidth Settings................................................................54
5.8 Display Configuration.................................................................................................60
5.9 Adjusting Settings Automatically..............................................................................61
6 Analysis................................................................................................ 64
6.1 Trace Settings..............................................................................................................64
6.2 Spectrogram Settings.................................................................................................68
6.3 Trace / Data Export Configuration.............................................................................73
6.4 Marker Usage...............................................................................................................76
7 How to Perform Measurements in the I/Q Analyzer Application..... 99
7.1 How to Capture Baseband (I/Q) Data as RF Input....................................................99
3User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10
7.2 How to Analyze Data in the I/Q Analyzer................................................................ 100
9.1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 103
9.2 Common Suffixes......................................................................................................108
9.3 Activating I/Q Analyzer Measurements...................................................................108
9.4 Configuring I/Q Analyzer Measurements................................................................ 113
9.5 Configuring the Result Display................................................................................154
9.6 Capturing Data and Performing Sweeps................................................................ 162
9.7 I/Q Analysis................................................................................................................168
9.8 Retrieving Results.....................................................................................................217
9.9 Importing and Exporting I/Q Data and Results...................................................... 227
8 How to Export and Import I/Q Data...................................................101
9 Remote Commands to Perform Measurements with I/Q Data....... 103
9.10 Programming Examples........................................................................................... 229
Annex.................................................................................................. 232
A Formats for Returned Values: ASCII Format and Binary Format.. 232
B Reference: Format Description for I/Q Data Files........................... 233
C I/Q Data File Format (iq-tar)...............................................................235
C.1 I/Q Parameter XML File Specification......................................................................236
C.2 I/Q Data Binary File................................................................................................... 239
List of Commands..............................................................................241
4User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10

1 Preface

1.1 Documentation-Overview

1.1.1 Getting Started Manual

This chapter provides safety-related information, an overview of the user documenta­tion and the conventions used in the documentation.
This section provides an overview of the R&S FPL1000 user documentation. Unless specified otherwise, you find the documents on the R&S FPL1000 product page at:
Introduces the R&S FPL1000 and describes how to set up and start working with the product. Includes basic operations, typical measurement examples, and general infor­mation, e.g. safety instructions, etc.
A printed version is delivered with the instrument. A PDF version is available for down­load on the Internet.

1.1.2 User Manuals and Help

Separate user manuals are provided for the base unit and the firmware applications:
Base unit manual Contains the description of all instrument modes and functions. It also provides an introduction to remote control, a complete description of the remote control com­mands with programming examples, and information on maintenance, instrument interfaces and error messages. Includes the contents of the getting started manual.
Firmware application manual Contains the description of the specific functions of a firmware application, includ­ing remote control commands. Basic information on operating the R&S FPL1000 is not included.
The contents of the user manuals are available as help in the R&S FPL1000. The help offers quick, context-sensitive access to the complete information for the base unit and the firmware applications.
All user manuals are also available for download or for immediate display on the Inter­net.
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1.1.3 Service Manual

1.1.4 Instrument Security Procedures

1.1.5 Printed Safety Instructions

Describes the performance test for checking the rated specifications, module replace­ment and repair, firmware update, troubleshooting and fault elimination, and contains mechanical drawings and spare part lists.
The service manual is available for registered users on the global Rohde & Schwarz information system (GLORIS):
Deals with security issues when working with the R&S FPL1000 in secure areas. It is available for download on the Internet.
Provides safety information in many languages. The printed document is delivered with the product.

1.1.6 Data Sheets and Brochures

The data sheet contains the technical specifications of the R&S FPL1000. It also lists the firmware applications and their order numbers, and optional accessories.
The brochure provides an overview of the instrument and deals with the specific char­acteristics.
See www.rohde-schwarz.com/brochure-datasheet/FPL1000

1.1.7 Release Notes and Open Source Acknowledgment (OSA)

The release notes list new features, improvements and known issues of the current firmware version, and describe the firmware installation.
The open-source acknowledgment document provides verbatim license texts of the used open source software.
See www.rohde-schwarz.com/firmware/FPL1000

1.1.8 Application Notes, Application Cards, White Papers, etc.

These documents deal with special applications or background information on particu­lar topics.
See www.rohde-schwarz.com/application/FPL1000
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1.1.9 Calibration Certificate

1.2 Conventions Used in the Documentation

1.2.1 Typographical Conventions

Conventions Used in the Documentation
The document is available on https://gloris.rohde-schwarz.com/calcert. You need the device ID of your instrument, which you can find on a label on the rear panel.
The following text markers are used throughout this documentation:
Convention Description
"Graphical user interface ele­ments"
[Keys] Key and knob names are enclosed by square brackets.
Filenames, commands, program code
Input Input to be entered by the user is displayed in italics.
Links Links that you can click are displayed in blue font.
"References" References to other parts of the documentation are enclosed by quota-
All names of graphical user interface elements on the screen, such as dialog boxes, menus, options, buttons, and softkeys are enclosed by quotation marks.
Filenames, commands, coding samples and screen output are distin­guished by their font.
tion marks.

1.2.2 Conventions for Procedure Descriptions

When operating the instrument, several alternative methods may be available to per­form the same task. In this case, the procedure using the touchscreen is described. Any elements that can be activated by touching can also be clicked using an addition­ally connected mouse. The alternative procedure using the keys on the instrument or the on-screen keyboard is only described if it deviates from the standard operating pro­cedures.
The term "select" may refer to any of the described methods, i.e. using a finger on the touchscreen, a mouse pointer in the display, or a key on the instrument or on a key­board.

1.2.3 Notes on Screenshots

When describing the functions of the product, we use sample screenshots. These screenshots are meant to illustrate as many as possible of the provided functions and possible interdependencies between parameters. The shown values may not represent realistic usage scenarios.
7User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10
Conventions Used in the Documentation
The screenshots usually show a fully equipped product, that is: with all options instal­led. Thus, some functions shown in the screenshots may not be available in your par­ticular product configuration.
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2 Welcome to the I/Q Analyzer Application

Welcome to the I/Q Analyzer Application
Starting the I/Q Analyzer Application
The R&S FPL1 I/Q Analyzer is a firmware application that adds functionality to perform I/Q data acquisition and analysis to the R&S FPL1000.
The R&S FPL1 I/Q Analyzer features:
Acquisition of analog I/Q data
Import of stored I/Q data from other applications
Spectrum, magnitude, I/Q vector and separate I and Q component analysis of any I/Q data on the instrument
Export of I/Q data to other applications
This user manual contains a description of the functionality that the application pro­vides, including remote control operation.
All functions not discussed in this manual are the same as in the base unit and are described in the R&S FPL1000 User Manual. The latest version is available for down­load at the product homepage http://www.rohde-schwarz.com/product/FPL1000.
Additional information
Several application notes discussing I/Q analysis are available from the Rohde & Schwarz website:
1EF85: Converting R&S I/Q data files
1EF92: Wideband Signal Analysis
1MA257: Wideband mm-Wave Signal Generation and Analysis
1EF84: Differential measurements with Spectrum Analyzers and Probes
The R&S FPL1 I/Q Analyzer application is part of the standard base unit and requires no further installation.

2.1 Starting the I/Q Analyzer Application

The I/Q Analyzer is an application on the R&S FPL1000.
To activate the I/Q Analyzer application
1. Select the [MODE] key. A dialog box opens that contains all applications currently available on your
R&S FPL1000.
2. Select the "I/Q Analyzer" item.
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Welcome to the I/Q Analyzer Application
Understanding the Display Information
The R&S FPL1000 opens a new channel setup for the I/Q Analyzer application.
The measurement is started immediately with the default settings.
It can be configured in the I/Q Analyzer "Overview" dialog box, which is displayed when you select the "Overview" softkey from any menu (see Chapter 5.1, "Configura-
tion Overview", on page 28).
Multiple Channel Setups and Sequencer Function
When you activate an application, a new channel setup is created which determines the measurement settings for that application (channel setup). The same application can be activated with different measurement settings by creating several channel set­ups for the same application.
The number of channel setups that can be configured at the same time depends on the available memory on the instrument.
Only one measurement can be performed at any time, namely the one in the currently active channel setup. However, in order to perform the configured measurements con­secutively, a Sequencer function is provided.
If activated, the measurements configured in the currently defined channel setups are performed one after the other in the order of the tabs. The currently active measure­ment is indicated by a
The result displays of the individual channel setups are updated in the tabs (as well as the "MultiView" ) as the measurements are performed. Sequential operation itself is independent of the currently displayed tab.
For details on the Sequencer function see the R&S FPL1000 User Manual.
symbol in the tab label.

2.2 Understanding the Display Information

The following figure shows a measurement diagram during I/Q Analyzer operation. All different information areas are labeled. They are explained in more detail in the follow­ing sections.
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Welcome to the I/Q Analyzer Application
Understanding the Display Information
2 3
Figure 2-1: Screen elements in the I/Q Analyzer application
1 = Channel Setup bar for firmware and measurement settings 2+3 = Window title bar with diagram-specific (trace) information 4 = Diagram area with marker information 5 = Diagram footer with diagram-specific information, depending on result display 6 = Instrument status bar with error messages and date/time display
Channel Setup bar information
In the I/Q Analyzer application, the R&S FPL1000 shows the following settings:
Table 2-1: Information displayed in the channel setup bar for the I/Q Analyzer application
Ref Level Reference level
(m.+el.)Att (Mechanical and electronic) RF attenuation
Ref Offset Reference level offset
Freq Center frequency
Meas Time Measurement time
Rec Length Defined record length (number of samples to capture)
SRate Defined sample rate for data acquisition
RBW (Spectrum evaluation only) Resolution bandwidth calculated from the
sample rate and record length
In addition, the channel setup bar also displays information on instrument settings that affect the measurement results even though this is not immediately apparent from the display of the measured values (e.g. transducer or trigger settings). This information is displayed only when applicable for the current measurement. For details see the R&S FPL1000 Getting Started manual.
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Welcome to the I/Q Analyzer Application
Understanding the Display Information
Window title bar information
For each diagram, the header provides the following information:
Figure 2-2: Window title bar information in the I/Q Analyzer application
1 = Window number 2 = Window type 3 = Trace color 4 = Trace number 5 = Detector 6 = Trace mode
Diagram footer information
The information in the diagram footer (beneath the diagram) depends on the evalua­tion:
Center frequency
Number of sweep points
Range per division (x-axis)
Span (Spectrum)
Status bar information
Global instrument settings, the instrument status and any irregularities are indicated in the status bar beneath the diagram.
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3 Measurement and Result Displays

Measurement and Result Displays
Access: "Overview" > "Display Config"
Or: [MEAS] > "Display Config"
The I/Q Analyzer can capture I/Q data. The I/Q data that was captured by or imported to the R&S FPL1000 can then be evaluated in various different result displays. Select the result displays using the SmartGrid functions.
For details on working with the SmartGrid see the R&S FPL1000 Getting Started man­ual.
Result displays for I/Q data:
Magnitude .................................................................................................................... 13
Spectrum ......................................................................................................................13
I/Q-Vector .....................................................................................................................14
Real/Imag (I/Q) .............................................................................................................15
Marker Table ................................................................................................................ 15
Marker Peak List .......................................................................................................... 16
Shows the level values in time domain.
Remote command: LAY:ADD:WIND? '1',RIGH,MAGN, see LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]? on page 155 Results:
TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 221
Displays the frequency spectrum of the captured I/Q samples.
13User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10
Measurement and Result Displays
The specified Analysis Bandwidth is indicated by vertical blue lines. Note that a peak search is performed only within the indicated Analysis Bandwidth ,
unless you specify Search Limits ( Left / Right ) in the marker settings. Remote command:
LAY:ADD:WIND? '1',RIGH,FREQ, see LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]? on page 155 Results:
TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 221
Displays the captured samples in an I/Q-plot. The samples are connected by a line.
Note: For the I/Q vector result display, the number of I/Q samples to record ( "Record Length" ) must be identical to the number of trace points to be displayed ("Sweep Points"; for I/Q Analyzer: 10001). For record lengths outside the valid range of sweep points the diagram does not show valid results.
14User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10
Measurement and Result Displays
Remote command: LAY:ADD:WIND? '1',RIGH,VECT, see LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]? on page 155 Results:
TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 221
Real/Imag (I/Q)
Displays the I and Q values in separate diagrams.
Remote command: LAY:ADD:WIND? '1',RIGH,RIM, see LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]? on page 155 Results:
TRACe<n>[:DATA]? on page 221
Marker Table
Displays a table with the current marker values for the active markers. This table is displayed automatically if configured accordingly. (See " Marker Table Display " on page 80).
Tip: To navigate within long marker tables, simply scroll through the entries with your finger on the touchscreen.
Remote command: LAY:ADD? '1',RIGH, MTAB, see LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]? on page 155 Results:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:X on page 187 CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:Y on page 226
15User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10
Measurement and Result Displays
Marker Peak List
The marker peak list determines the frequencies and levels of peaks in the spectrum or time domain. How many peaks are displayed can be defined, as well as the sort order. In addition, the detected peaks can be indicated in the diagram. The peak list can also be exported to a file for analysis in an external application.
Remote command: LAY:ADD? '1',RIGH, PEAK, see LAYout:ADD[:WINDow]? on page 155 Results:
CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:X on page 187 CALCulate<n>:MARKer<m>:Y on page 226
16User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10
4 Basics on I/Q Data Acquisition and Pro-

Basics on I/Q Data Acquisition and Processing

Processing Analog I/Q Data from RF Input
Some background knowledge on basic terms and principles used when describing I/Q data acquisition on the R&S FPL1000 in general, and in the I/Q Analyzer application in particular, is provided here for a better understanding of the required configuration set­tings.
The I/Q Analyzer provides various possibilities to acquire the I/Q data to be analyzed:
Capturing analog I/Q data from the [RF Input] connector
Importing I/Q data from a file
Background information for all these scenarios and more is provided in the following sections.
Processing Analog I/Q Data from RF Input.............................................................17
Basics on FFT.........................................................................................................20
Basics on Input from I/Q Data Files........................................................................ 26
I/Q Data Import and Export..................................................................................... 26

4.1 Processing Analog I/Q Data from RF Input

Complex baseband data
In the telephone systems of the past, baseband data was transmitted unchanged as an analog signal. In modern phone systems and in radio communication, however, the baseband data is modulated on a carrier frequency, which is then transmitted. The receiver must demodulate the data based on the carrier frequency. When using mod­ern modulation methods (e.g. QPSK, QAM etc.), the baseband signal becomes com­plex. Complex data (or: I/Q data) consists of an imaginary (I) and a real (Q) compo­nent.
Sweep vs sampling
The standard Spectrum application on the R&S FPL1000 performs frequency sweeps on the input signal and measurements in the frequency and time domain. Other appli­cations on the R&S FPL1000, such as the I/Q Analyzer, sample and process the indi­vidual I and Q components of the complex signal.
I/Q Analyzer - processing complex data from RF input
The I/Q Analyzer is a standard application used to capture and analyze I/Q data on the R&S FPL1000. By default, it assumes the I/Q data is modulated on a carrier frequency and input via the "RF Input" connector on the R&S FPL1000.
The A/D converter samples the IF signal at a rate of 100 MHz. The digital signal is down-converted to the complex baseband, lowpass-filtered, and the sample rate is
17User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10
Basics on I/Q Data Acquisition and Processing
Processing Analog I/Q Data from RF Input
reduced. The analog filter stages in the analyzer cause a frequency response which adds to the modulation errors. An equalizer filter before the resampler compensates for this frequency response. The continuously adjustable sample rates are realized using an optimal decimation filter and subsequent resampling on the set sample rate.
A dedicated memory (capture buffer) is available in the R&S FPL1000 for a maximum of 25 Msamples (25*1000*1000) of complex samples (pairs of I and Q data). The num­ber of complex samples to be captured can be defined (for restrictions refer to Chap-
ter 4.1.1, "Sample Rate and Maximum Usable I/Q Bandwidth for RF Input",
on page 18).
The block diagram in Figure 4-1 shows the analyzer hardware from the IF section to the processor.
Figure 4-1: Block diagram illustrating the R&S FPL1000 signal processing for analog I/Q data (with-
out bandwidth extension options)

4.1.1 Sample Rate and Maximum Usable I/Q Bandwidth for RF Input

Input sample rate (ISR): the sample rate of the useful data provided by the device connected to the input of the R&S FPL1000
(User, Output) Sample rate (SR): the user-defined sample rate (e.g. in the "Data Acquisition" dialog box in the "I/Q Analyzer" application) which is used as the basis for analysis or output
Usable I/Q (Analysis) bandwidth: the bandwidth range in which the signal remains undistorted in regard to amplitude characteristic and group delay; this range can be used for accurate analysis by the R&S FPL1000
Record length: Number of I/Q samples to capture during the specified measure­ment time; calculated as the measurement time multiplied by the sample rate
For the I/Q data acquisition, digital decimation filters are used internally in the R&S FPL1000. The passband of these digital filters determines the maximum usable I/Q bandwidth. In consequence, signals within the usable I/Q bandwidth (passband)
18User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10
Basics on I/Q Data Acquisition and Processing
Processing Analog I/Q Data from RF Input
remain unchanged, while signals outside the usable I/Q bandwidth (passband) are suppressed. Usually, the suppressed signals are noise, artifacts, and the second IF side band. If frequencies of interest to you are also suppressed, try to increase the out­put sample rate, which increases the maximum usable I/Q bandwidth.
Bandwidth extension options
You can extend the maximum usable I/Q bandwidth provided by the R&S FPL1000 in the basic installation by adding options. These options can either be included in the ini­tial installation (B-options) or updated later (U-options). The maximum bandwidth provi­ded by the individual option is indicated by its number, for example, B40 extends the bandwidth to 40 MHz.
As a rule, the usable I/Q bandwidth is proportional to the output sample rate. Yet, when the I/Q bandwidth reaches the bandwidth of the analog IF filter (at very high output sample rates), the curve breaks.
Relationship Between Sample Rate, Record Length and Usable I/Q Bandwidth... 19 Relationship Between Sample Rate, Record Length and Usable I/Q Bandwidth
Up to the maximum bandwidth, the following rule applies:
Usable I/Q bandwidth = 0.8 * Output sample rate
Regarding the record length, the following rule applies:
Record length = Measurement time * sample rate
Maximum record length for RF input
The maximum record length is the maximum number of samples that can be captured.
Table 4-1: Maximum record length
Sample rate Maximum record length
100 Hz to 100 MHz 25 Msamples
The Figure 4-2 shows the maximum usable I/Q bandwidths depending on the output sample rates.
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4.2 Basics on FFT

Basics on I/Q Data Acquisition and Processing
Basics on FFT
Usable I/Q bandwidth [MHz]
35 30 25 20 15
Figure 4-2: Relationship between maximum usable I/Q bandwidth and output sample rate
BW = 0.80 *
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
With 40 MHz
bandwidth ext. option
Output sample
rate f
The I/Q Analyzer measures the power of the signal input over time. To convert the time domain signal to a frequency spectrum, an FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation) is per­formed which converts a vector of input values into a discrete spectrum of frequencies.

4.2.1 Window Functions

The Fourier transformation is not performed on the entire captured data in one step. Only a limited number of samples is used to calculate an individual result. This process is called windowing.
After sampling in the time domain, each window is multiplied with a specific window function. Windowing helps minimize the discontinuities at the end of the measured sig­nal interval and thus reduces the effect of spectral leakage, increasing the frequency resolution.
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Basics on I/Q Data Acquisition and Processing
Basics on FFT
Various different window functions are provided in the R&S FPL1000 to suit different input signals. Each of the window functions has specific characteristics, including some advantages and some trade-offs. Consider these characteristics to find the optimum solution for the measurement task.
Ignoring the window function - rectangular window
The rectangular window function is in effect not a function at all, it maintains the origi­nal sampled data. This may be useful to minimize the required bandwidth. However, be aware that if the window does not contain exactly one period of your signal, heavy sidelobes may occur, which do not exist in the original signal.
Table 4-2: Characteristics of typical FFT window functions
Window type Frequency
Rectangular Best Worst Worst No function applied.
Blackman-Harris (default)
Gauss (Alpha = 0.4)
Flattop Worst Best Good Accurate single tone measurements
5-Term Good Good Best Measurements with very high

4.2.2 Overlapping

The I/Q Analyzer calculates multiple FFTs per measurement by dividing one captured record into several windows. Furthermore, the I/Q Analyzer allows consecutive win­dows to overlap. Overlapping "reuses" samples that were already used to calculate the preceding FFT result.
Good Good Good Harmonic detection and spurious
Good Good Good Weak signals and short duration
Sidelobe sup­pression
Measurement recommendation
Separation of two tones with almost equal amplitudes and a small fre­quency distance
emission detection
dynamic range
21User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10
Basics on I/Q Data Acquisition and Processing
Basics on FFT
In advanced FFT mode with averaging, the overlapping factor can be set freely. The higher the overlap factor, the more windows are used. This leads to more individual results and improves detection of transient signal effects. However, it also extends the duration of the calculation. The size of the window can be defined manually according to the record length, the overlap factor, and the FFT length.
An FFT overlap of 67%, for example, means the second FFT calculation uses the last 67% of the data of the first FFT. It uses only 33% new data. The third FFT still covers 33% of the first FFT and 67% of the second FFT, and so on.
Figure 4-3: Overlapping FFTs
In "Manual" or "Auto" FFT mode, an FFT length of 4096 and a window length of 4096 (or the record length, if shorter) is used to calculate the spectrum.
Combining results - trace detector
If the record length permits, multiple overlapping windows are calculated and combined to create the final spectrum using the selected trace detector. If necessary, the trace detector is also used to reduce the number of calculated frequency points (defined by the FFT length) to the defined number of sweep points. By default, the Autopeak trace detector is used.
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Basics on I/Q Data Acquisition and Processing
Basics on FFT
Since the frequency points are reduced to the number of sweep points, using a detec­tor other than "Auto Peak" and fewer than 4096 sweep points can lead to false level results.

4.2.3 Dependencies Between FFT Parameters

FFT analysis in the R&S FPL1000 is highly configurable. Several parameters, including the resolution bandwidth, record length, and FFT length, are user-definable. Note, however, that several parameters are correlated and not all can be configured inde­pendently of the others.
Record Length
Defines the number of I/Q samples to capture. By default, the number of sweep points is used. The record length is calculated as the measurement time multiplied by the sample rate.
If you change the record length, the Meas Time is automatically changed, as well.
For FFTs using only a single window ( "Single" mode), the record length (which is then identical to the FFT length) must not exceed 512k.
FFT Length
Defines the number of frequency points determined by each FFT calculation. The more points are used, the higher the resolution in the spectrum becomes, but the longer the calculation takes.
In "Auto" or "Manual" mode, an FFT length of 4096 is used.
If the FFT length is longer than the Window Length the sample data is filled up with zeros up to the FFT length. The FFT is then performed using interpolated frequency points.
For an FFT length that is not a power of 2, a DFT (discrete Fourier transform) is per­formed, which requires more time for calculation, but avoids the effects of interpolation.
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Basics on I/Q Data Acquisition and Processing
Basics on FFT
To display all calculated frequency points (defined by the FFT length), the number of sweep points is set to the FFT length automatically in advanced FFT mode.
Window Length
Defines the number of samples to be included in a single window in averaging mode. (In single mode, the window length corresponds to the " Record Length " on page 56.)
Values from 3 to 4096 are available in "Manual" mode; in "Advanced" FFT mode, val­ues from 3 to 524288 are available. However, the window length must not be longer than the FFT Length .
If the window length is shorter than the FFT Length , the sample data is filled up with zeros up to the FFT length.
If the window length is longer than the Record Length (that is, not enough samples are available), a window length the size of the Record Length is used for calculation.
The window length and the Window Overlap determine how many FFT calculations must be performed for each record in averaging mode (see " Transformation Algorithm
" on page 57).

4.2.4 Frequency Resolution of FFT Results - RBW

The resolution bandwidth defines the minimum frequency separation at which the individual components of a spectrum can be distinguished. Small values result in high precision, as the distance between two distinguishable frequencies is small. Higher val­ues decrease the precision, but increase measurement speed.
The RBW is determined by the following equation:
Equation 4-1: Definition of RBW
(Note: The normalized bandwidth is a fixed value that takes the noise bandwidth of the window function into consideration.)
The maximum RBW is restricted by the Analysis Bandwidth , or by the following equa­tion, whichever is higher:
If a higher spectral resolution is required, the number of samples must be increased by using a higher sample rate or longer record length.
The minimum achievable RBW depends on the sample rate and record length, accord­ing to the following equation:
24User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10
Basics on I/Q Data Acquisition and Processing
Basics on FFT
To simplify operation, some parameters are coupled and automatically calculated, such as record length and RBW.
RBW mode
Depending on the selected RBW mode, the resolution bandwidth is either determined automatically or can be defined manually.
Auto mode:
This is the default mode in the I/Q Analyzer. The RBW is determined automatically depending on the Sample Rate and Window Length , where the window length corre­sponds to the Record Length , or a maximum of 4096.
If the record length is larger than the window length, multiple windows are combined; the FFT length is 4096.
A Flatop window function is used.
Manual mode:
The RBW is user-definable.
The Window Length is adapted to comply with Equation 4-1. Since only window lengths with integer values can be employed, the Sample Rate is adapted, if neces­sary, to obtain an integer window length value.
If the record length is larger than the window length, multiple windows are combined; the FFT length is 4096.
A Flatop window function is used.
Advanced FFT mode
The RBW is determined by the advanced FFT parameters, depending on the selected
FFT Calculation Methods method.

4.2.5 FFT Calculation Methods

FFT calculation can be performed using different methods.
In single mode, one FFT is calculated for the entire record length, that means the win­dow length is identical to the record length.
If the defined FFT Length is larger than the record length, zeros are appended to the captured data to reach the FFT length.
25User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10
Basics on I/Q Data Acquisition and Processing
I/Q Data Import and Export
Figure 4-4: FFT parameters for single FFT calculation
In averaging mode, several overlapping FFTs are calculated for each record; the results are combined to determine the final FFT result for the record.
The number of FFTs to be combined is determined by the Window Overlap and the
Window Length .
Figure 4-5: FFT parameters for averaged FFT calculation

4.3 Basics on Input from I/Q Data Files

The I/Q data to be evaluated in a particular R&S FPL1000 application can not only be captured by the application itself, it can also be loaded from a file, provided it has the correct format. The file is then used as the input source for the application.
The I/Q data must be stored in a format with the file extension .iq.tar. For a detailed description see Chapter C, "I/Q Data File Format (iq-tar)", on page 235.
An application note on converting Rohde & Schwarz I/Q data files is available from the Rohde & Schwarz website:
1EF85: Converting R&S I/Q data files
When using input from an I/Q data file, the [RUN SINGLE] function starts a single mea­surement (i.e. analysis) of the stored I/Q data, while the [RUN CONT] function repeat­edly analyzes the same data from the file.

4.4 I/Q Data Import and Export

Baseband signals mostly occur as so-called complex baseband signals, i.e. a signal representation that consists of two channels; the in phase (I) and the quadrature (Q)
26User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10
Basics on I/Q Data Acquisition and Processing
I/Q Data Import and Export
channel. Such signals are referred to as I/Q signals. The complete modulation informa­tion and even distortion that originates from the RF, IF or baseband domains can be analyzed in the I/Q baseband.
Importing and exporting I/Q signals is useful for various applications:
Generating and saving I/Q signals in an RF or baseband signal generator or in external software tools to analyze them with the R&S FPL1000 later
Capturing and saving I/Q signals with an RF or baseband signal analyzer to ana­lyze them with the R&S FPL1000 or an external software tool later
As opposed to storing trace data, which may be averaged or restricted to peak values, I/Q data is stored as it was captured, without further processing. The data is stored as complex values in 32-bit floating-point format. Multi-channel data is not supported. The I/Q data is stored in a format with the file extension .iq.tar.
An application note on converting Rohde & Schwarz I/Q data files is available from the Rohde & Schwarz website:
1EF85: Converting R&S I/Q data files
The import and export functions are available in the "Save/Recall" menu which is dis­played when you select the
"Import/Export Functions", on page 30).
"Save" or "Open" icon in the toolbar (see Chapter 5.2,
27User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10

5 Configuration

Configuration Overview
Access: [MODE] > "I/Q Analyzer"
The I/Q Analyzer is a special application on the R&S FPL1000.
For details see the "Applications, Measurement Channels, and Result Displays" chap­ter in the R&S FPL1000 User Manual.
When you switch to an I/Q Analyzer channel setup the first time, a set of parameters is passed on from the currently active application. After initial setup, the parameters for the channel setup are stored upon exiting and restored upon re-entering the channel setup. Thus, you can switch between applications quickly and easily.
When you activate a channel setup for the I/Q Analyzer application, data acquisition from the input signal is started automatically with the default configuration. The "I/Q Analyzer" menu is displayed and provides access to the most important configuration functions.
The remote commands required to perform these tasks are described in Chapter 9,
"Remote Commands to Perform Measurements with I/Q Data", on page 103.
Importing and Exporting I/Q Data
The I/Q data to be evaluated in the I/Q Analyzer application can not only be captured by the I/Q Analyzer itself, it can also be imported to the R&S FPL1000, provided it has the correct format. Furthermore, the captured I/Q data from the I/Q Analyzer can be exported for further analysis in external applications.
For details see Chapter 4.4, "I/Q Data Import and Export", on page 26.
Configuration Overview...........................................................................................28
Import/Export Functions..........................................................................................30
Receiving Data Input and Providing Data Output................................................... 33
Amplitude................................................................................................................ 44
Frequency Settings................................................................................................. 49
Trigger Settings.......................................................................................................51
Data Acquisition and Bandwidth Settings............................................................... 54
Display Configuration..............................................................................................60
Adjusting Settings Automatically.............................................................................61

5.1 Configuration Overview

Access: all menus
Throughout the channel setup configuration, an overview of the most important cur­rently defined settings is provided in the "Overview" .
28User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10
Configuration Overview
Multiple access paths to functionality
The easiest way to configure a channel setup is via the "Overview" dialog box, which is available from all menus.
Alternatively, you can access the individual dialog boxes from the corresponding menu items, or via tools in the toolbars, if available.
In this documentation, only the most convenient method of accessing the dialog boxes is indicated - usually via the "Overview" .
Figure 5-1: Configuration Overview for I/Q Analyzer Master
In addition to the main measurement settings, the "Overview" provides quick access to the main settings dialog boxes. The individual configuration steps are displayed in the order of the data flow. Thus, you can easily configure an entire channel setup from input over processing to output and analysis by stepping through the dialog boxes as indicated in the "Overview" .
The "Overview" for the I/Q Analyzer provides quick access to the following configura­tion dialog boxes (listed in the recommended order of processing):
1. Input settings See Chapter 5.3.1, "Radio Frequency Input", on page 33
2. Amplitude settings See Chapter 5.4, "Amplitude", on page 44
3. Frequency settings See Chapter 5.5, "Frequency Settings", on page 49
4. Optionally, Trigger/Gate settings See Chapter 5.6, "Trigger Settings", on page 51
5. Bandwidth settings See Chapter 5.7, "Data Acquisition and Bandwidth Settings", on page 54
29User Manual 1178.3386.02 ─ 10
Import/Export Functions
6. Analysis settings and functions See Chapter 6, "Analysis", on page 64
7. Display configuration See Chapter 5.8, "Display Configuration", on page 60
To configure settings
► Select any button in the "Overview" to open the corresponding dialog box.
Select a setting in the channel bar (at the top of the channel setup tab) to change a specific setting.
For step-by-step instructions on configuring I/Q Analyzer measurements, see Chap-
ter 7, "How to Perform Measurements in the I/Q Analyzer Application", on page 99.
Preset Channel Setup
Select the "Preset Channel" button in the lower left-hand corner of the "Overview" to restore all measurement settings in the current channel setup to their default values.
Do not confuse the "Preset Channel" button with the [Preset] key, which restores the entire instrument to its default values and thus closes all channel setups on the R&S FPL1000 (except for the default channel setup)!
Remote command:
SYSTem:PRESet:CHANnel[:EXEC] on page 112
Specific Settings for
The channel setup may contain several windows for different results. Thus, the settings indicated in the "Overview" and configured in the dialog boxes vary depending on the selected window.
Select an active window from the "Specific Settings for" selection list that is displayed in the "Overview" and in all window-specific configuration dialog boxes.
The "Overview" and dialog boxes are updated to indicate the settings for the selected window.

5.2 Import/Export Functions

Access: "Save" / "Open" icon in the toolbar > "Import" / "Export"
The R&S FPL1000 provides various evaluation methods for the results of the per­formed measurements. However, you may want to evaluate the data with further, exter­nal applications. In this case, you can export the measurement data to a standard for­mat file (ASCII or XML). Some of the data stored in these formats can also be re­imported to the R&S FPL1000 for further evaluation later, for example in other applica­tions.
The following data types can be exported (depending on the application):
Trace data
Table results, such as result summaries, marker peak lists etc.
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