System layout
The system layouts shown are a guide to typical positions of the
system components. This will obviously vary depending on the
premises and level of protection to be afforded. However the
general rules given cover all installation layouts.
General rules
1. Final exit doors should have magnetic contact switches fitted
to ensure that the premises cannot be vacated with the doors
left open and also to protect against forced entry.
2. PIR detectors are best fitted where an intruder has to pass
through an area to gain access (i.e.halls and landings) or to
protect specific valuable items (i.e. lounge). Care should be
taken in siting to avoid direct sunlight, strong lighting and
heat sources (hence the vibration detector s in the kitchen) as
these may cause nuisance tripping. They are best sited so
the intruder cuts across the field of view, see figure 2 (some
products are specif ically designed for long corridors in this
instance this rule does not apply),hence a corner position is
usually adopted.
3. PIR, ultrasonic, vibration detectors, etc. all have complex
electronics. These are best given their own zone as in the
event of a fault occurring isolating the fault will be quicker
and nuisance tripping quickly eliminated. Magnetic door
contacts tend to be very reliable if installed well within their
magnetic actuation limit. Hence these can be put in ser ies
together on a loop if appropriate. They are also easier to test
if faulty.
4. Wir ing is best concealed where possible to prevent damage
and tampering. Try to avoid running alongside mains cables
as interference may occur.
5. The sounder/SAB unit should be fitted well above head
height to avoid tampering. The wiring should pass directly
through the wall behind the unit to make it inaccessible.
6. The control panel requires a 240V power source. An
unswitched fused spur preferably direct from the consumer
unit on its own fuse wired in accordance with the current IEE
regulations should be provided.
Using the above general rules you should plan your installation
on your sketched drawing considering the panel siting,how the
cable runs can be minimised, where different types of detector
will be fitted and which zone they will be on. When you have
finalised your plan you can begin installation.
The following instructions should be followed in sequence to
ensure trouble free installation. To begin with, the alarm panel
should be tested.
The control panel
Printed circuit board (PCB) is clearly marked with each output,
input, and the relevant polarity. Wire links are f itted to each of
the 6 zones and the three 24 hour circuits, to simulate closed
circuits. The wire links are removed during installation as each
zone/circuit is connected. Wire links should never be fitted
where no link is depicted across the terminals on the PCB. Most
of the detectors in the security industry are normally closed
contacts these must be wired in series,normally open detectors
such as pressure mats can also be used, wire them between the
zone and the 24 hour terminal.
Testing the control panel
The control panel is fitted with the factory fitted wire links, to
enable the panel to be tested prior to installation.
1. Remove the two front cover screws (located behind the LED
flap) and the front cover, and place safely to one side in the
box provided to eliminate the chance of damage.
2. Check that the 9 factory fitted links (see figure 4) are
positioned across each pair of the 6 zone inputs, PA,
24 hour and SCB terminals. Press down the lid tamper
spring. (It is important that this spring is depressed
throughout the test to avoid the control panel activating). Or
to temporarily defeat the lid tamper connect a wire between
the SCB 0 terminal and the left 24 hour terminal. Do not
forget to remove this wire before commissioning the
3. Fit the 12V battery (
RS stock no. 597-813) to the unit using
battery connecting wires provided. Observe the correct
polarity, red wire to red (+) terminal, black wire to black (-)
terminal. The panel is now ready to test.
4. Press (full guard),the clear LED will illuminate.
5. Remove a factory fitted link wire from zone 1 and the
respective zone LED will light and a tone indication will be
heard. Ref it the link and the zone LED will extinguish.
6. Repeat step 5 for all other zones. For each of the zones
opened a tone indication will be heard,the number of bleeps
will depend on what zone is open i.e. 1 bleep for zone 1, 2
bleeps for zone 2 and so on.
7. Test the lid tamper by releasing the tamper spring, the
internal sounder will activate, replace tamper spring, and
enter user code (1,2,3,4). The 24 hour LED will be
illuminated and the sounder will cease. Press the (reset)
key to return to standby.
8. To test the 24 hour SCB and PA circuit repeat the above
sequence removing and replacing the wire link in each
circuit in turn. After each test enter user code (1,2, 3, 4) then
press reset to return to standby. Disconnect the battery when
you have finished testing.
Siting the control panel
Site the panel in a position which is above the accessible height
of small children. Try to site the control panel close to a mains
electricity supply.
Mark the two fixing holes on the left and right-hand sides of the
bottom and the hole in the top centre on the wall, and fix the
panel loosely. Only secure tightly once installation is complete.
The exact positioning of the detection devices should now be
decided and the detectors wired. Typically for passive infrared
detectors (PIR) 6-core cable will be required (RS stock no.365-
587) and for door/window contacts 4-core cable (RS stock no.
365-571). If only a limited number of magnetic contacts are
used wire 6-core throughout. Wire the correct cable to each
position. Connect the detectors as shown in figure 5.
Connecting to the mains supply
Before connecting the control panel to the mains supply ensure
that the supply is disconnected at the consumer unit.
The ideal mains supply is direct from the consumer unit, on its
own fused spur, wired in accordance with the latest IEE
regulations. You will require 5A 3-core cable suff icient in length
to connect the control panel to the mains power supply.
Figure 4
Cable clamp