RoyalTek REB-3300 User Manual

REB-3300 Operational Manual
REB-3300 Operational Manual
Version 1.0 2004/11/24
Prepared by RoyalTek Company LTD.
8F,256 Yang Guang Street, Neihu Chiu,Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL: 886-2-77215000
FAX: 886-2-77215666
REB-3300 Operational Manual
RoyalTek GPS Module: REB-3300 Operational Manual
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 3
PRODUCT FEATURES ....................................................................................................…. 3
PRODUCT APPLICATIONS .................................................................................................. 3
PRODUCT PICTURE................................................................................................................ 4
REB-3300 SERIES SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM.................................................................. 5
REB-3300 TECHNIQUE SPECIFICATION..........................................................................…. 6
APPLICATION CIRCUIT .....................................................................................………….. 7
RECOMMENDED LAYOUT PAD ............................................................................………….. 8
GPS ANTENNA SPECIFICATION .......................................................................................….9
MECHANICAL LAYOUT .......................................................................................……….…...10
HARDWARE INTERFACE …….............................................. ................................................11
DEFINITION OF PIN ASSIGNMENT ........................................................ ......................……12
TEST SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION ..............……......................................... ......................14
SOFTWARE INTERFACE................................................................................…… ……….…15
NMEA V3.0 PROTOCOL..................................................................................…… ……….…15
GPS RECEIVER USER’S TIPS......................................................................................……..20
MTBF ESTIMATION………………….............................................. .......................……......… 21
PACKAGE SPECIFICATION AND ORDER INFORMATION................. ................……......…21
CONTACT INFORMATION SECTION....................................................................……......…21
REB-3300 Operational Manual
RoyalTek GPS Module: REB-3300 Operational Manual
RoyalTek REB-3300 low power and small form factor board is the newest generation of
RoyalTek GPS Receiver. The GPS receiver is powered by SiRFStarIIe/LP technology with
XTrac 2.0 firmware and RoyalTek proprietary navigation algorithm that providing you more
stable navigation data. The smallest form factor and miniature design is the best choice to be
embedded in a portable device like PDA, personal position and navigation like personal locator,
speed camera detector and vehicle locator. The excellent sensitivity of REB-3300 gets the
great performance when going though the urban canyon and foliage.
Product Features
12 parallel channels
Operable from 3.3V/65mA continuous mode.
SMT type with stamp holes
Pin reserved for Backup battery and RF connector
TCXO design
7 I/O lines(GPIO) available to connect
0.1 second reacquisition time
Small form factor.
NMEA-0183 compliant protocol/custom protocol.
Enhanced algorithm for navigation stability.
Excellent sensitive for urban canyon and foliage environments.
SBAS (WAAS, EGNOS and MSAS) support
Auto recovery while RTC crashes
Trickle power supported
ARM 7 CPU core accessible
4/8/16Mbits Flash Memory
SiRFStarII normal version firmware
SiRFStarII enhance(ES) version firmware
XTrac 2.0 high sensitivity(HS) version firmware

Product applications

Automotive navigation
REB-3300 Operational Manual
Personal positioning and navigation
Marine navigation
Timing application
Product Picture
Pin16 Pin 15
Pin 32 Pin 1
REB-3300 Interface Board
RoyalTek Evaluation Kit REV-2000 for REB-3300
(Please refer to RoyalTek Evaluation Kit REV-2000 for REB-3300 Operational Manual
for more information)
REB-3300 Operational Manual
REB-3300 Series System Block Diagram
REB-3300 engine board consists of SiRF star IIe/LP chipset technology, 4/8/16Mbits flash
memory, and proprietary software. The system is described as follows.
a. Support external active patch antenna
b. Support 4/8/16 Mega bits flash memory
c. 30 I/O pins
REB-3300 Operational Manual
REB-3300 Technique Specification
No Function Specification
GPS receiver
1 Chipset SiRF GSP 2e/LP, GRF 2i/LP 2 Frequency L1 1575.42MHz. 3 Code C.A. Code. 4 Channels 12. 5 Sensitivity (Tracking)
6 Sensitivity (Cold Start) 36 dBHz (SSII normal version software)
7 Sensitivity (Warm Start) 36 dBHz (SSII normal version software)
8 Cold start 45sec typical (SSII normal version software, Open sky)
9 Warm start 38sec typical (SSII normal version software, Open sky)
10 Hot start 8 sec. typical (SSII normal version software, Open sky)
11 Reacquisition 0.1sec typical 12 Clock drift
13 Clock offset 14 Position accuracy 15 Maximum altitude 18000 m
16 Maximum velocity 514 m/s 17 Trickle power mode
18 Update rate Continuous operation: 1Hz 19 Navigation filter
20 Testability It shall be able to be tested by SiRF test II and single channel
22 Protocol setup It shall store the protocol setup in the SRAM memory. 23 DGPS 1.WAAS, EGNOS
24 LNA
25 I/O Pin 30pin stamp holes
It shall show C/No 37 dB-Hz when external power =
-130dBm. 28 dBHz (SSII normal version software) 28 dBHz (SSII ES version software) 16 dBHz (SSII XTrac version software)
33 dBHz (SSII ES version software) 32 dBHz (SSII XTrac version software)
33 dBHz (SSII ES version software) 28 dBHz (SSII XTrac version software)
75sec typical (SSII ES version software, Open sky) 45sec typical (SSII XTrac version software, Open sky)
40sec typical (SSII ES version software, Open sky) 35sec typical (SSII XTrac version software, Open sky)
18 sec. typical (SSII ES version software, Open sky) 4 sec. typical (SSII XTrac version software, Open sky)
200Hz in 60 sec 90000HzClock offset100000Hz 25m CEP.
Duty cycle 34%. (Variable)
Default: disable(option: enable)
It shall freeze the navigation update when speed
2.5 km/hr
2.RTCM protocol
On board LNA :
a. Gain ≧14dB
b. N.F. < 2dB
REB-3300 Operational Manual
Mechanical requirements
26 Weight
Power consumption
27 Vcc DC 3.3 ±5% 28 Current REB3300:
29 Trickle power mode 30 Power down mode current 1. It means that the GPS receiver is in power down mode.
31 Operating temperature 32 Humidity 33 Interface Protocol 1. NMEA 0183 ver 3.0, GGA, GSA, RMC and GSV once per
Application Circuit
Current 65mA@3.3V typical (w/o ext. antenna) Average current ≦ 65mA. (IO float)
2. Current ≦800μA.
-40 ~ 85 95%
2. SiRF Protocol
3. 4800 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bits
(1) Ground Planes:
REB-3300 GPS receiver needs two different ground planes. The GND_A pin(11 121314151618) shall be connect to analog ground. The GND pin(2、10、30) connect to digital ground.
(2) Serial Interface:
The Serial interface pin(RXA、TX1、TXB、RXB) is recommended to pull up(10KΩ).
It can increase the stability of serial data.
(3) Backup Battery:
It’s recommended to connect a backup battery to V_BAT.
In order to enable the warm and hot start features of the GPS receiver. If you don’t
intend to use a backup battery, connect this pin to GND or open.
If you use backup battery, shall need to add a bypassing capacitor (10uF) at V_bat
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