RoyalTek Navi@Mouse User Manual

GPS Receiver
User Manual
What Is Navi@Mouse? ..........................................................................................2
What Have Inside the Package?............................................................................ 2
What Is GPS ? .......................................................................................................2
How to Install & Operate Navi@Mouse ( RS-232 ) ? .............................................3
How to Install & Operate Navi@Mouse ( USB ) for Windows 98?........................5
How to Install & Operate Navi@Mouse ( USB ) for Windows Me?..................... 11
How to Install & Operate Navi@Mouse ( USB ) for Windows 2000?..................15
How to test your Navi@Mouse.............................................................................24
Position update rate ............................................................................................. 29
Software Data ......................................................................................................30
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................35
Appendix : Connector Interface............................................................................ 36
Limited Warranty..................................................................................................37
What Is Navi@Mouse?
Congratulations on your purchase of Navi@Mouse, a GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver for a variety of applications. Navi@Mouse incorporates the latest GPS technology from the leading GPS receiver manufacturer.
By connecting it to a notebook PC with the map or navigation software, Navi@Mouse helps you locate places and points of interest, conduct personal & vehicle navigation, or conduct geographical survey activity.
What Have Inside the Package?
Before you start up, make sure your package includes the following items. If any item is missing or damaged, contact your dealer immediately. Please refer to the contact information on the last page of this manual.
GPS Receiver Application CD
Cable for RS232 or USB (depending on what you buy
What Is GPS ?
In 1974 the USA Department of Defense started development of the Global Positioning System (GPS), a constellation of 24 satellites that orbit 12,000 miles above the Earth. By triangulating the signals from four of the satellites, a receiving unit on Earth can pinpoint its current location to within a few meters. A GPS device receives the data from satellites and then converts the longitude, latitude, and altitude (LLA) data into a location point. Position and navigation information is vital to a wide range of professional and recreational activities including surveying, search and rescue, tracking, hiking, navigating, and so forth.
How to Install & Operate Navi@Mouse ( RS-232 ) ?
Getting Started
Step 1:Plug RS-232 () to COM port of your Notebook PC or Handheld PC.
Step 2:Plug PS2 connector () in the PS2 mouse outlet of your Notebook PC or Handheld PC.
Step 3:Place your Navi@Mouse on the outside roof of your vehicle with magnetic base.
Figure 1 Installation of PS2/RS-232
Step 4:Power on your Notebook PC or Handheld PC. If you have ordered a cigarette adaptor, please plug
the cigarette adaptor into the cigarette outlet of the car.
Step 5:Choose the correct COM port for running the map or navigation software.
Step 6:Run the Navi@mouse test program. Please refer to “
How to test your Navi@mouse
Figure 2 Installation of car cigarette power adaptor
(1) Make sure the power is off before started.
(2) For safety reason, please do not install RGM-1000 while driving.
(3) To receive NMEA0183 navigational data, please use the Hyper Terminal program of Windows
95/98. Please setup the COM port connected with Navi@Mouse to:
Baud rate : 4800 Data bit : 8 Parity : None Stop bit : 1 Flow control : None.
(4) The formats of NMEA messages are illustrated on Software Data section.
(5) To prevent from the poor contact, the 4-pin mini din connector was designed as good fitting. It is
strongly recommend that user doesn’t plug and unplug this connector frequently.
power adaptor
How to Install & Operate Navi@Mouse ( USB ) for Windows 98
Getting Started
Step 1:Plug USB connector () to USB port of your Notebook PC or Handheld PC.
Step 2: After plug in the Navi@Mouse, it will automatically detect the hardware and show up pop-up
dialog as follows. Click “
” button.
Assert the “Search for the best driver for your device”. Click “
” button.
Please assert the “Specify a location” and select the correct directory of the driver, ”\USB_DRIVER” in CD-Disc. Click the “
” button.
It will find the driver from the CD-Disc automatically. Click “
” button.
The USB Serial converter driver is installed now.
You can check the COM port number of Navi@Mouse from the System properties now.
The default COM port is COM3 in this example.
Step 3:Place your Navi@Mouse on the outside roof of your vehicle with magnetic base.
Step 4:Power on your Notebook PC or Handheld PC.
Step 5:Choose the correct COM port for running the map or navigation software.
Step 6:Run the Navi@mouse test program. Please refer to “
How to test your Navi@mouse
(1) Make sure the power is off before started.
(2) For safety reason, please do not install RGM-1000 while driving.
(3) To receive NMEA0183 navigational data, please use the Hyper Terminal program of Windows
95/98. Please setup the COM port connected with Navi@Mouse to:
Baud rate : 4800
Data bit : 8
Parity : None
Stop bit : 1
Flow control : None.
(4) NMEA 0183 data formats are illustrated on Software Data section.
(5) To prevent the poor contact, the 4-pin mini din connector was designed as good fitting. We strongly
recommend user that do not plug and draw this connector frequently.
How to Install & Operate Navi@Mouse ( USB ) for Windows Me
Step 1:Plug USB connector () to USB port to your Notebook PC or Handheld PC.
Step 2:After plug in the Navi@Mouse, it will detect the hardware automatically. Click the “
Please assert the “Specify a location” and select the correct directory of the driver in CD-Disc, ”\USB_DRIVER”. Click the “
” button.
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