UMA Wireless GPS Receiver
User Guide
Ver. 1.4
RoyalDigital Inc.
UNA wireless GPS receiver (BS1100)
Product Development Division
Tech. Description
UMA wireless GPS r eceiver i s an ultra comp act GPS r eceiver w ith Bluetooth in terface.
The dimension is 62mm (L) x 47mm (W) x 18mm (H), and the weight approximates
70g (including rechargeable Li-lon battery). UMA wireless GPS receiver has excellent
performance such as high GPS sensitivity. After its rechargeable Li-Ion battery is fully
charged, UMA wireless GPS receiver can be used up to 8 to 10 hours.
Power Switch, Power Jack
The large power switch mak es users power on the UMA wi r eless GPS r eceiver easily.
The power jack of UMA wireless GPS receiver is compatible with many kinds of the
PDA. UMA always knows what friendly design is.
Power Jack
Power Switch
Status indicator
The simple status indicator makes you easily understand the status of UMA wireless
GPS receiver.
Power charge status indicator
Link status indicator
Link status indicator
Blinking blue light:
Blinking blue light indicates your Bluetooth device is powered on but unlinked.
Constant blue light:
Constant blue light indicates your Bluetooth device is linked.
Power charge status indicator
Red light:
Red light indicates the rechargeable Li-Ion battery is being charged.
Green light:
Green light indicates the rechargeable Li-Ion battery is fully charged.
Let‘s get starting
Before your first use of UMA wireless GPS receiver, please fully charge the
rechargeable Li-Ion batter y ov er 8 hour s unti l the pow er char ge statu s indi cator s how s
green light (Note: Only the first use of UMA wireless GPS receiver requires over 8
hours of battery charge. Normally, it takes about 3.5 hours to charge the battery).