© 2012 Roving Networks. All rights reserved.
RN-WIFLY-EVAL-UM Version 1.32r 10/9/2012
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This document describes the hardware and software setup for Roving Networks evaluation kits, which contain the
hardware you need to evaluate the RN-171 or RN-131 WiFly 802.11 b/g modules. The RN-171 and RN-131 WiFly
modules are mounted to evaluation boards. Each board contains status LEDs, connections for the programmer and UART
interfaces, a voltage regulator, and easy access to GPIO pins.
You can use the evaluation kits to configure and program the WiFly module using the command interface, create
connections, and transfer data. The command interface is made up of simple ASCII commands. See “Resources &
Related Documents” on page 13 for information on available documentation.
Evaluation Kit Description
The evaluation kits include the hardware required to connect the evaluation board to your computer. See Table 1 for
information on which hardware is provided with each kit. Additionally, Appendix A provides photographs and detailed
information on each kit’s contents. To evaluate the module on the evaluation board, you need a computer with a USB port
running the Microsoft Windows or Mac OS-X operating system.
NOTE: Before beginning your evaluation, you may need to install the driver for the USB cable. You can download the
drivers (as well as other tools and utilities) from the Roving Networks website at
Table 1. Evaluation Kit Hardware, Note (1)
Contains the WiFly module and connectors.
Links your computer to the evaluation board.
Provides power to the evaluation board (requires 2 AA batteries).
Trace antenna included on the PCB.
On-board chip antenna
and U.FL.
The PCB includes an on-board chip antenna and a U.FL.
1. See “Appendix A: Legacy Evaluation Kits” on page 14 for more information on evaluation boards that use a serial cable.
Figure 1 shows the RN-131-EK evaluation board and pin information. Table 2 describes the LED indicators.
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Figure 1. RN-131-EK Evaluation Board
UART Interface (J3)
RX - input to evaluation board
TX - output from evaluation board
Sensor 4 (3.3-V tolerant)
Sensor 5 (3.3-V tolerant)
WARNING: Sensors must not have more
than 1.2-V DC. Otherwise, the module may
be permanently damaged.
Table 2. RN-131-EK Evaluation Board LED Indicators
Figure 2 shows the RN-171-EK evaluation board and pin information. Table 3 describes the LED indicators.
Interface (J1)
LED Indicators
UART Interface
AP/WPS/Factory Reset
Pushbutton (GPIO9)
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Figure 2. RN-171-EK Evaluation Board
Sensor 4 (3.3-V tolerant)
Sensor 5 (3.3-V tolerant)
WARNING: Voltage on pins marked 1.2 V
Only should not exceed 1.2 V or
permanent damage will occur.
RX - input to evaluation board
TX - output from evaluation board
1. The RN-171 module drives GPIO8 HIGH on powerup, which overrides software configured powerup values, such as set sys value
0x0000 on GPIO8.
LED Indicators
UART Interface
Interface (J5)
PCB Trace
AP/WPS/Factory Reset
Pushbutton (GPIO9)
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Table 3. RN-171-EK Evaluation Board LED Indicators
To set up the evaluation hardware, perform the following steps:
1. Provide power to the board:
• RN-131-EK—The USB cable supplies power to the board.
• RN-171-EK—Insert 2 AAA batteries into the battery pack. Alternatively, the USB cable can supply power to
the board.
2. Connect the USB cable to a USB port on your computer and to the USB connector on the evaluation board.
Windows should automatically install the drivers for the cable. If it does not, download and install the FTDI drivers
from the Support page on the Roving Networks website at http://www.rovingnetworks.com/support.php. Note the
COM port to which you have attached the cable.
Figure 3 shows the completed hardware setup for the evaluation boards.
Figure 3. Hardware Setup
RN-131-EK Evaluation Board Hardware Setup
RN-171-EK Evaluation Board Hardware Setup
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The WiFly module operates in two modes: data mode (default) and command mode. While in data mode, the WiFly
module is essentially a data pipe. When the module receives data over Wi-Fi, it strips the TCP/IP headers and trailers and
passes the user data to the UART. When data is written to the UART, the module constructs the TCP/IP packet and sends
it out over Wi-Fi. Thus, the entire process of sending/receiving data to the host is transparent to the end microprocessor.
See Figure 4.
Figure 4. Data & Command Modes
By default, the module is in data mode. Sending the escape sequence $$$ causes the module to enter command mode.
Once in command mode, you can configure the WiFly device using simple ASCII commands. To exit command mode and
return to data mode, type exit <cr>.
Basic configuration only requires the wireless network access point’s name (SSID) and authentication password. The WiFly
module can only associate with one network at a time. Roving Networks recommends that you begin your evaluation by
configuring the WiFly module using an open access point to simplify the setup.
There are two ways to configure the WiFly module:
• Over the UART, which is connected to a computer or microprocessor
• Via Wi-Fi using ad hoc networking
You need a terminal emulator to complete the setup.
NOTE: Roving Networks suggests using either the TeraTerm (Windows OS) or CoolTerm (Mac OS-X) terminal
emulator program.
Configuration Using a Cable
The RN-131-EK and RN-171-EK boards use a USB cable to allow your computer to communicate with the WiFly module
on your evaluation board. The following instructions describe how to use a terminal emulator to go into configuration mode,
send commands to find networks, associate with an access point, and save your configuration.
Wi-Fi Interface
$$$ $$$
User Data
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Configure the Module Using a Terminal Emulator
To communicate with the module using a terminal emulator, perform the following steps:
1. Determine the COM port that was assigned to the USB cable. If you do not know the COM port number, you can find
it using the Windows Device Manager, which is in the system tools. In the Device Manager, browse and expand the
selection for Ports (COM & LPT). In the example shown in Figure 5, the port is COM9.
For OS-X, if you are using CoolTerm, you can view and select the port from within the application.
NOTE: Legacy evaluation boards use a USB-to-serial cable. If you are using one of these boards, use the COM port to
which the USB-to-serial cable is attached.
2. Open your terminal emulation program.
3. Specify the COM port. If you are using TeraTerm, select Serial and choose the COM port number from the Port dropdown list box.
NOTE: The default serial port setting for the WiFly module is 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.
Figure 5. Finding the COM Port Number in Windows