Rosslare HLX24G User Manual

Advanced Wireless Security Panel
Hardware Installation and Programming Manual
Copyright © 2015 by Rosslare. All rights reserved.
This manual and the information contained herein are proprietary to ROSSLARE ENTERPRISES LIMITED and/or its related companies and/or subsidiaries’ (hereafter: "ROSSLARE"). Only ROSSLARE and its customers have the right to use the information.
No part of this manual may be re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of ROSSLARE.
ROSSLARE owns patents and patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering the subject matter in this manual.
The furnishing of this manual to any party does not give that party or any third party any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property rights, except as expressly provided in any written agreement of ROSSLARE.
ROSSLARE reserves the right to revise and change this document at any time, without being obliged to announce such revisions or changes beforehand or after the fact.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..................................................................... 10
1.1 General ............................................................................................ 10
1.2 Special Features ................................................................................ 10
2. HLX-24 Quick Reference .................................................. 11
2.1 The Panel .......................................................................................... 11
2.2 The Keypad ...................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 Keypad Operated Functions ....................................................................... 13
2.3 Sound Indicators ............................................................................... 14
2.4 LED Indicators ................................................................................... 14
3. Specifications .................................................................. 16
3.1 RF Data............................................................................................. 16
3.2 Environmental Data .......................................................................... 16
3.3 Electrical Data ................................................................................... 16
3.4 Communication ................................................................................ 17
4. Installation ...................................................................... 18
4.1 Unpacking the Equipment................................................................. 18
4.1.1 HLX-24 Package Content ........................................................................... 18
4.2 Supply Power to the Unit .................................................................. 18
4.3 Planning and Programming ............................................................... 18
4.4 Wiring the System ............................................................................ 19
4.5 Connecting the AC Transformer ....................................................... 20
4.6 Connecting to a PC .......................................................................... 20
4.7 Mounting the Back Plate ................................................................... 20
4.7.1 General ..................................................................................................... 20
4.7.2 Required Space ......................................................................................... 21
4.8 Dismounting the Control Panel ......................................................... 22
4.9 Replacing the Backup Batteries ......................................................... 22
HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual iii
Table of Contents
5. Programming the HLX-24 ............................................... 23
6. Installer Menu ................................................................. 24
6.1 Change Code ................................................................................... 25
6.2 Zones ............................................................................................... 25
6.3 Enrolling ........................................................................................... 27
6.3.1 Detectors .................................................................................................. 28
6.3.2 Remote Controls (KE-30 RFID Function) ...................................................... 28
6.3.3 RF Siren ..................................................................................................... 29
6.3.4 Keypads .................................................................................................... 29
6.3.5 Repeaters .................................................................................................. 30
6.4 Security ............................................................................................ 30
6.4.1 Exit Delay .................................................................................................. 31
6.4.2 Exit Restart ................................................................................................ 32
6.4.3 Entry Delay ................................................................................................ 32
6.4.4 Auto Arming ............................................................................................. 32
6.4.5 Siren Time ................................................................................................. 33
6.4.6 Siren Mode ............................................................................................... 33
6.4.7 Local Siren ................................................................................................ 33
6.4.8 External Siren ............................................................................................ 33
6.4.9 Supervision Time ....................................................................................... 33
6.4.10 Jamming ................................................................................................... 34
6.4.11 No Activity Time ........................................................................................ 34
6.4.12 Trouble Beeps ........................................................................................... 34
6.4.13 Bypass Option ........................................................................................... 35
6.4.14 Quick Arm ................................................................................................ 35
6.4.15 Arm Instant ............................................................................................... 35
6.4.16 Panic Button .............................................................................................. 36
6.4.17 Duress Code .............................................................................................. 36
6.4.18 Alarm Cancel ............................................................................................ 36
6.4.19 Alarm Abort Time ...................................................................................... 37
6.4.20 Backlight Time ........................................................................................... 37
6.4.21 Hide Display .............................................................................................. 37
6.4.22 Key Beeps ................................................................................................. 38
6.4.23 Select Language ........................................................................................ 38
6.4.24 EN-CENELEC ............................................................................................. 38
iv HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual
Table of Contents
6.4.25 CP-01 ....................................................................................................... 39
6.5 Communications .............................................................................. 41
6.5.1 System Telephone ..................................................................................... 42
6.5.2 Private Report ............................................................................................ 42
6.5.3 CS Report Setup ........................................................................................ 43
6.5.4 Line Test ................................................................................................... 45
6.5.5 AC Fail Report ........................................................................................... 45
6.5.6 Fax Defeat ................................................................................................. 45
6.5.7 Number of Rings ....................................................................................... 45
6.5.8 Select Region/Country ............................................................................... 46
6.6 Automation ...................................................................................... 46
6.6.1 Keypad Manual ......................................................................................... 46
6.6.2 Set Triggers ............................................................................................... 47
6.7 Messages .......................................................................................... 47
6.7.1 Keypad Mute ............................................................................................ 48
6.7.2 House Name ............................................................................................. 48
6.7.3 Custom Zones ........................................................................................... 48
6.8 Maintenance .................................................................................... 49
6.8.1 Factory Defaults......................................................................................... 49
6.8.2 RF Test ...................................................................................................... 49
6.8.3 Test Indicators ........................................................................................... 50
6.8.4 Sirens Test ................................................................................................. 50
6.8.5 Test Devices .............................................................................................. 50
7. User Menu Structure ....................................................... 51
8. Reading the Event Log ................................................... 53
A. Quick Reference to Installer Menu ................................ 54
B. Quick Reference to User Menu ...................................... 56
C. Sensor Placement and Helpful Reference Tables ........ 57
C.1 Default Zone Descriptions ................................................................. 57
C.2 Custom Zone Descriptions ................................................................ 58
C.3 Detector Deployment Plan ................................................................ 58
C.4 Remote Control ................................................................................ 59
HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual v
Table of Contents
D. Reporting Codes .............................................................. 60
E. GSM Stick Errors .............................................................. 62
F. Settings Requirements for CENELEC ............................. 63
G. Default Parameter Values .............................................. 64
H. Labeling Instructions ...................................................... 69
I. Declaration of Conformity ............................................. 70
J. Limited Warranty ............................................................ 71
vi HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual
List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 1: HLX-24 Panel ................................................................................. 11
Figure 2: HLX-24 Keypad .............................................................................. 12
Figure 3: Panel Wiring .................................................................................. 19
Figure 4: Back Plate Wiring ........................................................................... 20
Figure 5: Back Plate Mounting Holes ............................................................ 21
Figure 6: Backup Batteries ............................................................................ 22
HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual vii
List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1: Control Panel Functions .................................................................. 11
Table 2: Keypad Functions ............................................................................ 12
Table 3: Keypad Operated Functions............................................................. 13
Table 4: Sound Indicators ............................................................................. 14
Table 5: Power LED Indicator ........................................................................ 14
Table 6: Status LED Indicator ........................................................................ 14
Table 7: Keypad Function Indicators ............................................................. 15
Table 8: HLX-24 Connections ....................................................................... 19
Table 9: CP01 Menu..................................................................................... 39
Table 10: Trigger Type and Parameters ......................................................... 47
Table 11: User Menu Structure ..................................................................... 51
Table 12: Installer Menu ............................................................................... 54
Table 13: User Menu .................................................................................... 56
Table 14: List of CID Codes .......................................................................... 60
Table 15: GSM Stick Errors ........................................................................... 62
viii HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual
Notice and Disclaimer
Notice and Disclaimer
This manual’s sole purpose is to assist installers and/or users in the safe and efficient installation and usage of the system and/or product, and/or software described herein.
The system must not be used for purposes other than those for which it
was designed.
The use of the software associated with the system and/or product, if
applicable, is subject to the terms of the license provided as part of the purchase documents.
ROSSLARE exclusive warranty and liability is limited to the warranty and
liability statement provided in an appendix at the end of this document.
This manual describes the maximum configuration of the system with the
maximum number of functions, including future options. Therefore, not all functions described in this manual may be available in the specific system and/or product configuration you purchased.
Incorrect operation or installation, or failure of the user to effectively
maintain the system, relieves the manufacturer (and seller) from all or any responsibility for consequent noncompliance, damage, or injury.
The text, images and graphics contained in the manual are for the
purpose of illustration and reference only.
All data contained herein is subject to change without prior notice. In no event shall manufacturer be liable for any special, direct, indirect,
incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages (including, without limitation, any and all damages from business interruption, loss of profits or revenue, cost of capital or loss of use of any property or capital or injury).
All graphics in this manual are for reference only, some deviation between
the image(s) and the actual product may occur.
All wiring diagrams are intended for reference only, the photograph or
graphic of the PCB(s) are intended for clearer illustration and understanding of the product and may differ from the actual PCB(s).
HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual ix

1. Introduction

1.1 General

The HLX-24 panel by Rosslare is the perfect wireless security system for intrusion protection of the home, or small office providing security monitoring and VIP Voice messaging.
Users receive the latest RF technology in a wide selection of advanced wireless sensors and remotes, and benefit from smooth and easy operation of a large number of security and communication options.
The HLX-24 panel is easy to install and set up via local programming and via direct or modem connection to a PC running the HLX-24 PC Software.
The panel has two full split reporting features for communicating to central station for Contact ID and voice enabled event reporting and vocal communications.
VIP features include option to provide status to the user via telephone and an option to activate arming options by using DTMF phone communication for up to three destinations by calling the user when there is an issue.
In addition to the regular version of the HLX-24 control panel, the HLX-24IP version allows users to control and monitor the status of the panel by using the HLX-24 mobile application, HomeLogiX™APP from a smartphone. For more information see the

1.2 Special Features

24 wireless zones Supports 8 remote controls, 4 wireless sirens, 4 wireless keypads, and 4
Programmable remote control buttons Interactive telephone voice menu PGM automation features Five custom textual zone descriptions Advanced testing and diagnostics options Lockout feature upon wrong code entry Programmable No Activity timer
HLX-24 Mobile Application User Manual
10 HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual
HLX-24 Quick Reference
Power Indicator

2. HLX-24 Quick Reference

This chapter describes the control panel and the keypad, as well as the chimes emitted when the buttons on the keypad are pressed.

2.1 The Panel

Figure 1 presents the components of the wireless panel.
Figure 1: HLX-24 Panel
Status Indicator
Keypad Door
Table 1: Control Panel Functions
Power Indicator
Status Indicator
Keypad Door
LCD display
Power LED: green FLASHING when there is an AC power failure and during
Walk Test
Status LED: green On: system armed Off: system disarmed Flash: entry and exit delay (according to beep rate) FLASHING without beeps during Walk Test
Open to access the keypad buttons
HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual 11
HLX-24 Quick Reference

2.2 The Keypad

Figure 2 shows the HLX-24 keypad.
Figure 2: HLX-24 Keypad
Table 2 describes the keypad functions:
Table 2: Keypad Functions
Key Icon Function
Keys 0 – 9
Arm Away
Arm Home
When pressed for 3 seconds a standard panic alarm sounds
Enters alphanumeric entries Press 0 to enter a space
Arms all sensors and detectors for use when there is no one at home/office
Arms all perimeter sensors and detectors as defined by the installer (for use when home/office is occupied)
Disarms all armed sensors and detectors
Up/Down Arrows
Ignores an entry or moves one level up in a menu
Accepts an entry or selection
Use to navigate between menus
12 HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual
HLX-24 Quick Reference

2.2.1 Keypad Operated Functions

When the system is idle, the alphanumeric keys initiate the commands shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Keypad Operated Functions
Press Icon To
7 Record User Message
Memory Display
Press once to display the alarms caused during the last arming period per zone. The first line of the displays shows the alarm memory, and the second line shows the zone description, event and time. The display toggles between zone description and the date by pressing Enter.
Press Menu to display the next alarmed zone. Press Esc to exit.
Note: When EN-CENELEC standard is enabled, only the master
user can access the memory display.
Press once to turn on the PGM.
Press once to turn off the PGM.
Chime ON/OFF
Manually toggle the chime on and off
Manually toggle the beep volume level
Manually toggle keypad tone and other sounds on and off
Enter the User menu Bypass option
Record a voice message of up to 15 seconds. Press and hold key 7 for 3 seconds to erase a message.
Event Log Display
Press once to display the event log. The first line of the display shows the event log and the second line shows the zone description (or system, if a system event is displayed), event date and time. The display toggles between zone description and the date by pressing Enter.
Press again or press Menu to display the next event. Press Esc to exit the menu. Note that a Master code is required to access this function.
HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual 13
HLX-24 Quick Reference

2.3 Sound Indicators

Table 4 presents the sounds emitted by the system and push buttons if enabled during programming.
Table 4: Sound Indicators
Sound Sounded when
Single beep
Long Beep
Three short beeps
Four short beeps a minute
Short beep every second
This table does not include actual alarm sounds.
Note that the audible indication of a fire zone differs from that of a normal intrusion zone.

2.4 LED Indicators

Table 5, Table 6, and Table 7 describe the LED indicators of the various panel indicators.
A key is pressed
There is an illegal key entry
An entry is successfully accepted
If enabled, on trouble condition
An exit/entry delay is activated (beep sounded every 0.5 seconds during last 10 seconds of delay)
When feature is activated (1 chime sounds)
Table 5: Power LED Indicator
Power LED
Green ON Normal AC mode
FLASHES red every 0.5 seconds AC Failure
Table 6: Status LED Indicator
Status LED
Green ON Panel ready Red ON Panel not ready
Green FLASHES every 1 second Walk Test mode
14 HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual
HLX-24 Quick Reference
Table 7: Keypad Function Indicators
Arm Away
Arm Home Disarm
Arming Home OFF OFF FLASHES every 1
every 1 second (until last 10 seconds flashes every
0.5 seconds)
Panic ON Previous LED
status continues
second (until last 10 seconds flashes every 0.5 seconds)
Previous LED status continues
Previous LED status continues
HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual 15

3. Specifications

This chapter provides the various specifications for the HLX-24 control panel.

3.1 RF Data

RF Unit Type
Antenna Type
Operating Frequencies
Receiver Sensitivity
Transmitter Power
Range (open field)
RF Device ID Coding
Integrated RF transceiver shielded super heterodyne, fixed frequency
Printed PCB type antenna
G series – 433.92 MHz H series – 868.35 MHz Up to -100 dBm
Up to +10 dBm, less based on country requirements
Up to 170 m (558 ft) in open space for detectors, and 110 m (361 ft) for hand-held remote controls
Three-bytes non-replicated per sensor type, or multiples of 16 million possible codes, make it almost impossible to have two like coded transmitters
The HLX-24 system has optimum range if installed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, though this range may be affected by radio noise from high-power nearby sources, or interference with the signal (blocking) by large metal surfaces, or multiple concrete walls.

3.2 Environmental Data

Operation Temperature Range C to 40ºC (32ºF to 104ºF)
Storage Temperature Range -25ºC to 70ºC (-13ºF to 158ºF)
Relative Humidity 85% at 30ºC (non-condensing)
Dimensions (L x W x D)
Weight 330 g (11.6 oz)
174 x 152 x 48 mm
(8.5 x 5.7 x 1.9 in.)

3.3 Electrical Data

Two lines of 16 characters, backlit LCD display One PGM open collector outputs, 100 mA, PTC protected Local, 85 dBA siren 220 VAC/50 Hz, 110 VAC/60 Hz (15 VDC, 800 mA) external power supply Complies with the following standards:
16 HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual
Current consumption:
150 mA (standby), 300 mA (max)
Auxiliary power output: 13.8 VDC, 500 mA max
Output voltage range max. 13.8 VDC, minimum 9 VDC Maximum output pick-to-pick ripple 0.6 Vptp Maximum auxiliary current output 200 mA – EN50131-6 standard
Four rechargeable AA type batteries (1800 mAh) are included

3.4 Communication

Frequencies: 433.92 MHz (G) and 868.35 MHz (H) RF jamming detection (UL/EN selectable) Proprietary anti-collision RF protocol Programmable no-activity timer 1–30 minutes, per zone Two central station numbers and accounts, backup and secondary modes Reporting protocols: Contact ID Three private telephone numbers for voice reporting Local connection (with MD-62) port for local upload/download, and
remote programming by PC software
Built-in telephone dialer and 2400 Baud rate modem
HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual 17

4. Installation

4.1 Unpacking the Equipment

The contents of your package are listed below. First, make sure that all the items in the kit have been included. If you find that any item is missing, contact your dealer immediately.

4.1.1 HLX-24 Package Content

HLX-24 unit Four 1800 mAh AA batteries Wall adaptor Installation screw set

4.2 Supply Power to the Unit

It is easier to enroll the ID codes of the transmitting devices to the system before installation. Power the HLX-24 system using the external power transformer or from the backup batteries.
To initiate battery power, connect the batteries, connect external power (transformer), and then disconnect the power to initiate battery power operation.

4.3 Planning and Programming

Register the location of each detector in the tables provided in Appendix C and D. Mark the transmitters and detectors accordingly.
To program the system, refer to Chapter 5. To mount the HLX-24 unit, refer to Section 4.7.
18 HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual

4.4 Wiring the System

Figure 3 shows the various HLX-24 connections, which are described in Table
Figure 3: Panel Wiring
Table 8: HLX-24 Connections
Input Description
LINE (RJ-11)
MD-62 Connection Socket
Battery Compartment
Wall Tamper Switch
Ethernet (RJ-45)*
* HLX-24IP models only
Terminal blocks for PGM activation
Input voltage from AC/DC adaptor VIN = 13.8–15
Telephone line in (from the wall to the system)
Telephone line out (from system to telephone device)
Connection socket for 10-pin plug connecting panel to PC with MD-62
4 AA rechargeable batteries
Tamper switch is pressed when the panel is mounted on the wall
Connection to the HomeLogiX™APP server
HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual 19
To connect the AC transformer:
the wiring

4.5 Connecting the AC Transformer

Complete all the wiring before plugging the transformer in to the AC outlet.
1. Attach the transformer and power up the system. The display shows the HLX-24 logo and the current version.
2. Plug in the transformer. The power LED on the control panel should light up.

4.6 Connecting to a PC

The control panel can be equipped with an optional MD-62 adaptor for serial data interchange with a computer.

4.7 Mounting the Back Plate

4.7.1 General

It is important to mount the back plate first before connecting any of to the unit.
To complete the installation without exposed wires, all the wiring should be done through the wall. The wiring to the back plate can be done without having exposed wires by installing the panel on a standard electrical box or making a hole in the wall for the wiring (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Back Plate Wiring
20 HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual
When drilling the hole for the wires, it is recommended to drill the hole in the marked out areas (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Back Plate Mounting Holes

4.7.2 Required Space

The required space on the wall for the panel is (L) x (H). The hole size for the wires is 2 x 5 cm (0.8 x 2 in.). This is to be drilled according to the openings on the back plate.
The optimum viewing angle of the LCD is achieved when the panel is mounted above the eye level of the user.
HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual 21
To dismount the control panel:
To replace the backup batteries:

4.8 Dismounting the Control Panel

1. Release HLX-24 from the mounted back plate by unscrewing the bottom screws and unlocking the locking hooks on the top of the back plate by lifting them up and out of the recesses on top of the panel.
2. Pull the top of the panel away from the wall to disconnect the connector to the back plate and then remove the panel from the lower posts of the back plate.

4.9 Replacing the Backup Batteries

1. Dismount the panel.
2. Remove the cover of the battery compartment (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Backup Batteries
3. Replace the batteries.
4. Replace the cover.
Do not mix between different rechargeable batteries type and different charging levels.
22 HLX-24 Hardware Installation and Programming Manual
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