Rosslare AYCEX5 User Manual

AYC-Ex5/T65 Series
Convertible Backlit Proximity & PIN Readers/Controllers
Installation and Programming Manual
Ex5 Models:
T65 Models:
Copyright © 2019 by Rosslare. All rights reserved.
This manual and the information contained herein are proprietary to ROSSLARE ENTERPRISES LIMITED and/or its related companies and/or subsidiaries’ (hereafter: "ROSSLARE"). Only ROSSLARE and its customers have the right to use the information.
No part of this manual may be re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of ROSSLARE.
ROSSLARE owns patents and patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering the subject matter in this manual.
The furnishing of this manual to any party does not give that party or any third party any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property rights, except as expressly provided in any written agreement of ROSSLARE.
ROSSLARE reserves the right to revise and change this document at any time, without being obliged to announce such revisions or changes beforehand or after the fact.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................... 9
1.1 Reader/Controller Types............................................................ 9
1.2 Box Content ............................................................................. 10
1.3 Ancillary Equipment ................................................................. 10
2. Installation .......................................................................... 11
2.1 Mounting .................................................................................. 11
2.2 Wiring ....................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 Wiring the Unit as a Reader .............................................................12
2.2.2 Wiring the Unit as a Controller.........................................................13
3. Reader Operation ................................................................ 16
3.1 General ..................................................................................... 16
3.2 Programming as a Reader ....................................................... 17
3.2.1 Entering Programming Mode ..........................................................18
3.2.2 Exiting Programming Mode ............................................................18
3.2.3 Selecting Keypad Transmission Format ........................................19
3.2.4 Selecting Proximity Card Transmission Format ...........................24
3.2.5 Changing the Programming Code ..................................................26
3.2.6 Changing the Facility Code..............................................................27
3.2.7 Setting the Backlight Behavior ........................................................27
3.2.8 Return to Factory Default Settings .................................................28
3.2.9 Replacing a Lost Programming Code ............................................29
4. Controller Operation ............................................................ 30
4.1 Normal, Secure, and Master Users .......................................... 30
4.2 Modes of Operation ................................................................. 31
AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual iii
Table of Contents
4.2.1 Normal Mode ....................................................................................31
4.2.2 Bypass Mode ....................................................................................31
4.2.3 Secure Mode .....................................................................................32
4.2.4 Changing the Modes of Operation .................................................32
4.3 Auxiliary Input and Output ....................................................... 34
4.4 Door Alarms ............................................................................. 34
4.5 Internal Case and Back Tamper .............................................. 34
4.6 Lockout Feature (Keypad Tamper) .......................................... 34
4.7 REX Function ........................................................................... 35
4.8 Secured Intelligent Power Supply ............................................ 35
4.9 Programming as a Controller .................................................. 36
4.9.1 Entering Programming Mode ..........................................................37
4.9.2 Exiting Programming Mode ............................................................37
4.9.3 Changing Lock Strike Code .............................................................38
4.9.4 Changing Auxiliary Code..................................................................38
4.9.5 Changing the Programming Code ..................................................39
4.9.6 Changing the Normal/Secure Code ...............................................40
4.9.7 Changing the Normal/Bypass Code and Door Chime Settings ...40
4.9.8 Setting Fail Safe/Secure Operation, Tamper Siren and Lock Strike
Release Time ....................................................................................41
4.9.9 Defining the Auxiliary Input and Output .........................................43
4.9.10 Setting the Lockout Feature ............................................................48
4.9.11 Setting the Backlight Behavior ........................................................49
4.9.12 Enrolling Primary and Secondary Codes........................................50
4.9.13 Deleting Primary and Secondary Codes ........................................54
4.9.14 Relay Codes Assignment.................................................................56
4.9.15 PIN Code Length/Factory Default Settings ...................................59
4.9.16 Replacing a Lost Programming Code ............................................59
iv AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual
Table of Contents
4.9.17 Exiting Secure Mode if Normal/Secure Code was Lost ...............60
5. Technical Specifications ..................................................... 61
A. Declaration of Conformity ................................................... 63
B. Limited Warranty ................................................................. 64
AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual v
List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 1: Drilling and Mounting Template..........................................................11
Figure 2: Controller Application Wiring Diagram ...............................................14
Figure 3: Controller Wiring – Using the Internal Power ....................................15
Figure 4: Controller Wiring – Using the External Power ...................................15
vi AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual
List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1: Wiring the Reader to the Controller......................................................12
Table 2: Wiring the Unit as a Controller..............................................................13
Table 3: Reader Programming Menus ...............................................................17
Table 4: Controller Programming Menu.............................................................36
Table 5: Quick Reference Guide for Auxiliary Mode Setting ............................43
AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual vii
Notice and Disclaimer
Notice and Disclaimer
This manual’s sole purpose is to assist installers and/or users in the safe and efficient installation and usage of the system and/or product, and/or software described herein.
The system must not be used for purposes other than those for which it
was designed.
The use of the software associated with the system and/or product, if
applicable, is subject to the terms of the license provided as part of the purchase documents.
ROSSLARE exclusive warranty and liability is limited to the warranty and
liability statement provided in an appendix at the end of this document.
This manual describes the maximum configuration of the system with
the maximum number of functions, including future options. Therefore, not all functions described in this manual may be available in the specific system and/or product configuration you purchased.
Incorrect operation or installation, or failure of the user to effectively
maintain the system, relieves the manufacturer (and seller) from all or any responsibility for consequent noncompliance, damage, or injury.
The text, images and graphics contained in the manual are for the
purpose of illustration and reference only.
All data contained herein subject to change without prior notice.
In no event shall manufacturer be liable for any special, direct, indirect,
incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages (including, without limitation, any and all damages from business interruption, loss of profits or revenue, cost of capital or loss of use of any property or capital or injury).
All graphics in this manual are for reference only, some deviation
between the image(s) and the actual product may occur.
All wiring diagrams are intended for reference only, the photograph or
graphic of the PCB(s) are intended for clearer illustration and understanding of the product and may differ from the actual PCB(s).
8 AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual
Keypad Type
1. Introduction
The AYC-Ex5/T65 series are integrated convertible readers and controllers with a piezoelectric keypad. The units are vandal resistant and water resistant, suitable for indoor or outdoor mounting.
These units automatically determine whether to function as a reader or as a controller. If the unit is connected to a standard access control unit, then it functions as a reader. If the unit is connected to a Rosslare secured intelligent power supply, it functions as a secured controller.
As a controller, the units accept up to 500 users, and allow entry via a personal identification number (PIN) and/or by presenting a proximity card. The PIN code length for the controller has several options. The PIN code length can be a set number of 4, 5, or 6 digits or it can be a 4- to 8-digit code.
For information on how the unit functions as a reader, see Chapter 3.
For information on how the unit functions as a controller, see Chapter 4.
1.1 Reader/Controller Types
The different types of units described in this manual are:
Type E55 has PIN only Types E65 and T65 have PIN and proximity card
AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual 9
1.2 Box Content
Before beginning verify that all of the following is in the box. If anything is missing, please report the discrepancy to your nearest Rosslare office.
One AYC-Ex5/T65 unit Installation kit Installation and operating instructions
1.3 Ancillary Equipment
The following equipment is required to complete your installation:
When functioning as a reader:
Compatible host controller (not supplied) – UL listed access control unit, such as model AC-215U
When functioning as a controller:
Secured intelligent power supply – such as the PC-25T, PS-A25T, PS-C25T, or PS-C25TU secure controllers
The controller connects to the following: Electric lock strike mechanism or a magnetic lock device,
which implements fail safe (power to lock) or fail secure (power to open) functions.
Request-to-Exit (REX) button – normally open type
Switch is closed when pressed.
Door monitor switch
Rosslare accessories can be found on
10 AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual
2. Installation
Installation of an RFID reader adjacent to metallic surfaces might alter the reader’s specifications. To diminish this interference, use a plastic spacer when mounting the reader.
2.1 Mounting
Before starting, select the location to mount the unit. This location should be at shoulder height.
To mount the unit:
1. Peel off the back of the self-adhesive mounting label template and place it on the required mounting location.
2. Using the template as a guide, drill two holes (of the size indicated on the template) on the surface to mount the unit (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Drilling and Mounting Template
AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual 11
3. Insert the wall plugs into both mounting holes.
4. Drill a 10-mm (7/16”) hole for the cable. If the surface is metal, place a grommet or electrical tape around the edge of the hole.
5. Insert the unit’s cable wire into the cable hole and wire the unit as described in Section 2.2.
6. Using the two mounting screws, screw the unit to the wall through the two wall plugs.
The unit can also be mounted using strong epoxy glue. After application, firmly hold the unit in place until the glue dries.
2.2 Wiring
The unit is supplied with a 6-conductor 150-cm (60-in.) pigtail with exposed wires coated with solder.
2.2.1 Wiring the Unit as a Reader
If you connect the unit to a standard access control unit, it automatically functions as a reader.
To connect the unit as a reader (to a controller):
1. Select the appropriate connections according to Table 1.
Table 1: Wiring the Reader to the Controller
Wire Color Function
Black/Shield Ground (+)
Red Vin (-)
Green Data 0/Data (D0)
White Data 1/Clock (D1)
Brown LED control
Purple Tamper
2. Prepare the controller cable by cutting the cable jacket back 3.2 cm (1¼”) and strip the wire 1.3 cm (½”).
12 AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual
cable from external interference.
3. Splice the reader’s pigtail wires to the corresponding controller wires and cover each joint with insulating tape.
4. If the tamper output is being utilized, connect the purple wire to the correct input on the controller.
5. Trim and cover all conductors that are not used.
The individual wires extending from the reader are color-coded according to the required Wiegand standard.
When using a separate power supply for the reader, this supply and the controller’s power supply must have a common ground. A linear power supply is recommended.
Attach the cable shield wire on the reader to an earth ground (best), or to a signal ground connection at the panel or power supply end of the cable. This configuration is best for shielding the reader
2.2.2 Wiring the Unit as a Controller
If you connect the unit to a Rosslare secured power supply, it automatically functions as a controller.
To connect the unit as a controller:
1. Select the appropriate connections according to Table 2.
Table 2: Wiring the Unit as a Controller
Controller Wire Color Func tion Note
- Red +DC Input Wired to the PS-x25x
+ Black Ground Wired to the PS-x25x
C 1 White Communication Wired to the PS-x25x
C 2 Green Communication Wired to the PS-x25x
AUX. IN Brown Auxiliary Input Wired to input
Purple Not in use N/A
AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual 13
Attach the cable shield wire on the unit to an earth ground (bes t). You can also attach it to a signal gro und connection at the panel or power supply end of the cable. This configuration is best for shielding the controller cable from external interference.
2. Prepare the secured power supply’s cable by cutting the cable jacket back 3.2 cm (1¼”) and strip the wire 1.3 cm (½”).
3. Splice the controller pigtail wires to the corresponding secured power supply’s wires and cover each joint with insulating tape.
4. Trim and cover all conductors not used.
5. To connect the unit to the desired power supply option, refer to the relevant wiring diagrams that follow.
Figure 2 shows the wiring for the controller application using a dual relay secured intelligent power supply.
Figure 2: Controller Application Wiring Diagram
14 AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual
Figure 3 shows the auxiliary output connection using the internal power.
Figure 3: Controller Wiring – Using the Internal Power
Figure 4 shows the auxiliary output connection using the external power.
Figure 4: Controller Wiring – Using the External Power
AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual 15
Reader Operation
3. Reader Operation
The AYC-Ex5/T65 series can function both as a reader and as a controller. If the unit is connected to standard access controller, it functions as a reader, indicated by one beep immediately after power-on reset.
The use of a proximity card is not relevant for the AYC-E55 model.
3.1 General
The default mode of the reader is Standby mode. In Standby mode, the unit is ready to receive data from a presented proximity card or an entered PIN code.
Programming the reader programming menu system (Section 3.2).
Keypad data can be sent via one of eight keypad transmission formats. For more information, see Section 3.2.3.
Rosslare proximity cards presented to the reader can output card data as Wiegand 26-Bit, Clock & Data, and Wiegand + PIN. See Section 3.2.4 for more information.
When the reader is in Standby mode, the left LED is red and the right LED is off.
When the reader is in Programming mode, the left LED is off and the right LED is green.
When a proximity card is presented or a keypad entry is being transmitted, the left LED flashes green.
is done via the unit's keypad driven
16 AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual
Reader Operation
3.2 Programming as a Reader
Programming is done solely via the unit's keypad driven Programming Menu System. During the manufacturing process, certain codes and settings are pre-programmed. These settings are called the default factory settings.
Table 3 shows the names of all the reader programming menus. Default factory settings are marked by a "*" sign.
Table 3: Reader Programming Menus
Menu Description Default
1 Selecting Keypad Transmission Format
Single Key, Wiegand 6-Bit (Rosslare Format) Single Key, Wiegand 6-Bit with Nibble + Parity Bits Single Key, Wiegand 8-Bit, Nibbles Complemented 4 Keys Binary + Facility Code, Wiegand 26-Bit 1 to 5 Keys + Facility Code, Wiegand 26-Bit 6 Keys BCD and Parity Bits, Wiegand 26-Bit 1 to 8 Keys BCD, Clock & Data
2 Selecting Card Transmission Format
Wiegand 26-Bit Clock & Data Wiegand Card + PIN
3 Changing the Programming Code 1234
4 Changing the Facility Code 0
6 Backlight Options
Off On (default) Off until key press when on for 10 seconds Dimmed until key press when on for 10 seconds
0 Return to Factory Default Settings
AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual 17
Reader Operation
3.2.1 Entering Programming Mode
To reach the Programming Menu System, the unit must first be placed into Programming mode.
The factory 4-digit Programming code is 1234.
If a Programming code is not entered within 30 seconds, the unit
returns to Standby mode.
To enter Programming mode:
1. Press # four times.
The left LED turns off and the right LED turns red.
2. Enter your 4-digit Programming code.
If the Programming code is valid, the right LED turns green.
If the Programming code is invalid, you hear a long beep and the reader returns to Standby mode.
If no key is pressed for 30 seconds while in Programming mode, the unit returns to Standby mode
3.2.2 Exiting Programming Mode
To exit Programming mode:
1. Press # to exit Programming mode at any time.
You hear a beep. The left LED turns red and the right LED turns
This indicates that the unit has returned to Standby mode.
18 AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual
Reader Operation
3.2.3 Selecting Keypad Transmission Format
There are seven keypad transmission formats. More information on each of the keypad transmission formats is
presented in Section
Only one keypad transmission format can be active at any one time.
To select the keypad transmission format:
1. Enter Programming mode.
2. Press 1 to enter Menu 1.
The left LED turns red.
3. Enter one of the following options:
1 – Single Key, Wiegand 6-Bit (Rosslare Format) (default) 2 – Single Key, Wiegand 6-Bit with Nibble + Parity Bits 3 – Single Key, Wiegand 8-Bit, Nibbles Complemented 4 – 4 Keys Binary + Facility Code, Wiegand 26-Bit 5 – 1 to 5 Keys + Facility Code, Wiegand 26-Bit 6 – 6 Keys BCD and Parity Bits, Wiegand 26-Bit 8 – 1 to 8 Keys BCD, Clock & Data Single Key
When selecting Option 8, the right LED turns orange and an additional input is required to specify the number of keys in the PIN code.
You hear three beeps. The system returns to Standby mode.
AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual 19
Reader Operation
If an incorrect option number is entered, the reader returns to Standby mode and the keypad transmission format remains unchanged. Keypad Transmission Formats

Option 1: Single Key, Wiegand 6-Bit (Rosslare Format)
Each key press immediately sends 4 bits with 2 parity bits added – even parity for the first 3 bits and odd parity for the last 3 bits.
0 = 1 1010 0 = "A" in Hexadecimal 6 = 1 0110 0 1 = 0 0001 0 7 = 1 0111 1 2 = 0 0010 0 8 = 1 1000 1 3 = 0 0011 1 9 = 1 1001 0 4 = 1 0100 1 = 1 1011 1 = "B" in Hexadecimal 5 = 1 0101 0 # = 0 1100 1 = "C" in Hexadecimal
Option 2: Single Key, Wiegand 6-Bit Nibble and Parities
Each key press immediately sends 4 bits with 2 parity bits added – even parity for the first 3 bits and odd parity for the last 3 bits.
0 = 0 0000 1 6 = 1 0110 0 1 = 0 0001 0 7 = 1 0111 1 2 = 0 0010 0 8 = 1 1000 1 3 = 0 0011 1 9 = 1 1001 0
4 = 1 0100 1 = 1 1010 0 = "A" in Hexadecimal 5 = 1 0101 0 # = 1 1011 1 = "B" in Hexadecimal
20 AYC-Ex5/T65 Series Installation and Programming Manual
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