Ross Video Incorporated, P.O. Box 880, Ogdensburg, New York, USA 13669 0880 Tel. (613) 652-4886
Ross Video Limited, P.O. Box 220, 8 John St., Iroquois, ON., Canada K0E 1K0 Fax. (613) 652-4425
Synergy 1 Control Panel
Product Overview
Thank you for considering the purchase of a Synergy SD Digital Production Switcher.
Ross Video has designed and manufactured production switchers for over thirty years. We
hope that you join the many thousands of satisfied video professionals around the world
that are proud owners of Ross Production Switchers. Ross has been known for innovation
in production switcher technology and has had many industry firsts including such
patented technology as Soft Edge Borders and Transition Preview, which have become
industry standard features. As you read through this Ordering Guide, you will discover
that Ross has again broken new ground with our Synergy SD Series…
Des gned fo Liveir!
Ross Video developed the Synergy series of digital production switchers for live news, live
sports, and live production. Because the switcher is the center of the action, it is
important that it be powerful and versatile yet maintain its ease of operation. This frees
the operator to concentrate on the programming instead of the equipment.
Des gned fo DT V!
Synergy is the only production switcher that can truly handle dual aspect ratio production.
In the transition period to DTV, there is a need for dual aspect ratio production. The
Synergy 1 includes, as an option, an internal aspect ratio converter (Aspectizer
Aspectizer is internal and integrated with the Synergy control system, simultaneous dual
aspect production is enabled. Both 16:9 and 4:3 programs can be put together with your
existing crew at the same time!
Des gned to be HDTV Upg adeable!
Ross provides an HDTV upgrade path for our Synergy customers. It is possible to upgrade
all existing Synergy Series SD digital production switchersto HDTV simply by exchanging
the rack frame electronics. Ask your Ross sales representative for details on this unique
Des gned fo Youir!
The Synergy Series, our fourth generation of switchers, was designed with the direct input
of video professionals experienced in news, sports, and mobile production. Key members
of the Synergy design team are part of an ongoing program where they provide switcher
demonstrations, assist with switcher installation, and train operators. As a result, the
Synergy line continues to advance Ross Video’s tradition of easy to use and logical panel
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or comments you have related to
this Ordering Guide at Tel: +1-613-652-4886, Fax: +1-613-652-4425 or email:
• Aspectizer®. Ideal for DTV requirements, the Aspectizer is an internal aspect ratio
converter that makes Synergy capable of handling simultaneous dual aspect ratio
production. It allows conversion from 4:3 to 16:9, 16:9 to 4:3, and now with version
2, six of the Aspectizer looks can be moved horizontally or vertically to provide even
more real estate on the screen for added flexibility. Any number of switcher inputs
and outputs can have aspect ratio conversion and, because the Aspectizer is built in, it
is tightly controlled from the Synergy 1 control panel.
• Powerful Keyers. The two full function keyers in the MLE have dedicated
pushbuttons, flying borders for every key type, Squeeze & Tease
, chroma keying, key
over transition, quick key preview, transition generators, and bicolor on-air status.
• Dual DSKs. The Synergy 1 has optional DSKs that can extend the keying power to an
impressive total of 4 keyers (not counting the additional keyer used for external DVE
• OverDrive™ Compatible. The Synergy Series has evolved to control every single
piece of equipment in the control room. The next step in this evolution is the
revolutionary OverDrive Production Control System. With dual touch screens, the
TD can now automate a production when required. Thumbnail based, the TD can
step through the show’s run-down or instantly break away to unscripted events. When
connected to a newsroom automation system, a live MOS-based link keeps the two
systems in constant and instant synch, providing clear communication between the
producer and the TD.
• Squeeze & Tease
. A 2D DVE can be built into each MLE keyer. Every type of key
can be repositioned, squeezed, and zoomed. In fact, it’s possible to simultaneously
crop, reposition, flip, squeeze or zoom, mask, border, and
add a glowing transparent
color-washed drop shadow to a key inside a single keyer. These options also make
Squeeze & Tease wipes possible, where you can push, squeeze, tumble and swoop in
keys, over-the-shoulder boxes, and backgrounds.
• Squeeze & Tease
WARP. A 3D DVE with over 20 WARP effects can be built into
both MLE keyers. Every type of key can be squeezed or zoomed, cropped,
repositioned, and rotated in 3D space. You can perform 3D key or background
transitions, or build your own sequences with complex timelines, keyframe editing,
and quick “shot box” sequence recall. In addition, the 3D WARP functionality opens
up a new world for the creative mind. You get 2 channels of 10-bit 3D modifiable
WARP effects including page turn, positionable light source, on-board still store,
preprocessor effects such as defocus, mosaic, posterization, colorization, strobe, picture
frame borders, object builder for slabs, timeline sequences, and lots more.
• Chroma Keying Standard. Synergy’s standard chroma keyers feature natural and
simulated shadows, spill suppression, and hue rejection.
• Ultimatte
Insider Matting Device. Award winning Ultimatte Technology on a
card that plugs right into Synergy, for extra critical chroma keying requirements.
Ultimatte is a trademark of Ultimatte Corporation.
• Networked Still and Clip Server. Imagine hours of video storage, virtually unlimited
stills, and animations all playing out with their companion key channels. Next,
combine live video and key capture with Ethernet drag and drop capability, and you
have the perfect marriage of video and networkability. Even better, this solution
comes bundled with Synergy’s powerful Video Server Control.
• VTR Control. Select a VTR on the PST bus, display its current time code on the
preview monitor, roll it from the transition area, and take it to air. Fast forward,
rewind, and cue to time code are also available at the touch of a button on the control
panel. An “Auto roll” feature ensures that any connected VTR is always rolling when
you take it to air.
• Video Server Control. Select, play, and monitor server clips by name right from the
Synergy 1 control panel. The clip menu keeps track of clips and allows instant recall
and cue.
• Audio Server Control. Controls the DigiCart
and see the name and duration. Use a Custom Control macro button to link audio
clips to a switcher or DVE transition.
• Router Control. Synergy 1 can connect to several different routers, and even several
different brands of routers, simultaneously. Any number of the 16 inputs can be
assigned as a router input, and setup is fast and easy with our router control menu.
audio server. Dial up the desired clip
• Serial Tally Interface. This option enables Serial Tally Interface using industry
standard protocols to Under Monitor Display and Tally Systems.
• Peripheral Bus II Inter face. This option provides support for Thompson GVG
Peripheral Bus II Protocol for external device integration. Coordinate the store and
recall of the settings of some still stores, CGs, and device controllers with the store and
recall of your Synergy 1 settings.
• Still Store (Aprisa
) Interface. Access any still or clip on your Chyron Aprisa
directly, through any of Synergy 1’s serial ports.
• Audio Mixer Interface. There are two options available, depending on the number of
inputs on your audio mixer. Large or small mixers can be controlled serially from
your Synergy 1 panel, making an integrated A/V production possible.
• Robotic Camera System Interface. Pan, tilt, zoom, and more, directly from your
Synergy 1 control panel.
• Custom Control Macro Buttons. 24 macro buttons (shiftable to 128) have been
positioned close to the operator for powerful single touch control. Recall any
combination of switcher memories, button pushes, and external device control as part
of a timeline.
• Editable Custom Contro ls. Custom Control macros can now be viewed and edited
directly on the switcher menu. This versatile and time saving feature displays the
contents of the Custom Control and allows complete editing capabilities.
Chyron Aprisa is a trademark of Chyron Corporation.
• Two Pattern Generators - Standard. The Synergy series comes standard with a
primary pattern generator for wipes and PST PATT 1 and a secondary pattern
generator for PST PATT 2. The primary generator comes equipped with extensive
traditional, rotary, and matrix wipes.
• Unique Preview Overlay. This powerful feature presents VTR and video server time
code, a count up/down timer, source ID, safe title, and more. They are individually
selectable and put on the preview monitor for quick reference.
• Configurable Safe Titles. This feature (available as part of Preview Overlay) allows
you to configure the SMPTE standard safe title and safe action grid on screen to fit
your specific application. Up to five groups of settings may be saved.
• Exter nal DVE Integration. Advanced DVE effects from all popular DVEs are
seamlessly integrated as switcher transitions with unmatched ease and power. Not
only can a Synergy peel off backgrounds and keys, but it is unique in its ability to prekey backgrounds and one or two keys together and then peel off the result! The
process uses the MLE’s third keyer and special layering hardware to make this possible.
Aux Buses, tallies, and video path control are all handled automatically.
• Remote Aux Bus Panels. Up to 8 remote Aux panels can be added to the Synergy 1
allowing control over the 10 built-in Aux Buses from anywhere in your facility.
• Minimal Processing Delay. The Synergy 1 has only 1/10 line processing delay
through the switcher. This is significant in reducing system timing issues.
• Compact Size. The Synergy 1 frame is an impressive 2 RU.
• Growth Path. The same video processing frame is used for our Synergy 100, GVG
100/110 digital upgrade, and RVS-210A/216A digital upgrade. Buy a smaller system
now and then upgrade to a larger control panel as your needs grow.
• HDTV Upgrade Path. The Synergy 1 SD can be upgraded to HDTV by exchanging
the SDI electronic chassis for a Synergy MD multi-definition chassis, capable of
production in either SD or HD. If an HDTV upgrade path is important to you, please
ask your Ross Video representative about our written guarantee.
• Upgrades from the Web. Software and even some hardware can be upgraded by
downloading files from our web site onto a standard floppy disk. It’s fast and it’s easy.
• Affordable. A powerful switcher at a great price!
• Built to Last. It’s no secret that Ross products are tough. They’re built to handle
years of demanding, continuous use. The Synergy 1 is backed by a comprehensive 3year transferable warranty. The design of our fourth generation fader bars is so good,
that they are guaranteed for life.
Your purchase decision must be based on a careful look at your present and future
programming requirements. To ensure your investment is an informed one, and that the
switcher is equipped for your programming needs, Ross Video has put together this
Ordering Guide for the Synergy 1. In this guide, we describe the Synergy 1 and its many
standard and optional features. As you go through the information, please feel free to call
us. We will be happy to address any of your questions.
Regardless of what options are ordered, you will always receive a control panel with every
button, knob, display, and light installed. This means that your Synergy 1 and your
control room will look their very best - even if your budget is tight.
16 Serial Digital Inputs
The Synergy 1 switcher comes standard with 16 serial digital inputs. Any input can be
assigned to any control panel pushbutton - simplifying installation. These inputs can be
used as video or alpha channels. A 17
an analog reference is desired, Ross Video will optionally provide external conversion to
One Full MLE Effects System
Standard equipment on the Synergy 1 includes one full MLE (Multi-Level Effect) system.
Two wipe generators come standard with the MLE. Both keyers in the MLE can matte fill,
key invert, mask, self key, linear key, preset pattern key, and chroma key. Both keyers also
offer extensive optional bordering that works with every key type. Of special note is the
optional Squeeze & Tease feature allowing up to two simultaneous squeezes or zooms of
any key or full screen image. The MLE also features seven comprehensive matte
generators, two of which incorporate noise effects and complex mattes that far exceed
traditional wash generators. Full preview is available to reduce on-air surprises.
Two Pattern Generators
There is one primary generator used for wipe transitions and PST PATT 1 and one
secondary generator for PST PATT 2. The primary generator comes equipped with
extensive traditional, rotary, and matrix wipes. The secondary generator provides
additional traditional patterns.
Two Chroma Keyers
Chroma keying is available on both Key 1 and Key 2. The Synergy 1 is capable of putting
two different chroma keys on air at the same time.
The chroma keying is of a high quality and features internal 4:4:4 chroma channel
interpolation from any of the 4:2:2 inputs.
The chroma keyer provides clip, gain, hue, hue reject, and chroma suppress controls
directly on the control panel. Additional chroma suppression, natural shadow insertion,
and shadow transparency controls are available through the menu system.
A “chroma key memory” button is also available on the panel that instantly recalls a
previously stored chroma key setup into Key 1 or Key 2.
Chroma key shadows can either be extracted from the source image or simulated using the
optional switcher border generators. (Refer to option S1-141: Dual Border Generator
input is dedicated as a digital reference input. If
All ten of the Aux Buses can be used to route video to monitors, DVEs, still stores, tape
machines, technical areas, etc. If any of the destinations require outputs with stable timing
regardless of the source, then the option S1-051: Timed Aux Bus is required. Aux Buses 1
and 2 may be timed using this option.
The following signals are available on a Synergy 1 timed Aux Bus (buses 1 and 2 with
timing option installed):
• Internally generated black
• Internally generated white
• All primary inputs
• DVE SEND (if purchased, used to integrate external DVE effects into switcher
• Clean feed
• MLE program output
• MLE preview output (before overlay added).
The following signals are available on a Synergy 1 untimed Aux Bus:
• Reference input (usually wired with black)
• All primary inputs
• Clean feed
• MLE program output
• MLE preview output (before overlay added).
15 Standard Digital Outputs
In addition to the 10 untimed Aux Bus outputs that come standard with the Synergy 1,
many program and preview outputs also come standard:
Output Type Quantity
Preview 2
Clean Feed 1
Aux Bus (one per bus) 10
Total Outputs 15
Disk Drive and System Control Area
This feature makes it possible to store and recall complete switcher setups including
memory functions, switcher personalities, installation parameters and more, to a standard
high density 3.5 inch floppy disk. The flexibility that this option offers can help save
setup times and allows operators to store their switcher setups to their own disks.
Also included in this feature is a large crisp display that is used to configure the switcher
and to provide advanced operational features.
This feature brings the power of macros to the switcher operator. A series of button
presses can be easily recorded and attached to any of 24 dedicated buttons (shiftable to
128). Step through complex show openings as easily as pressing Custom Control buttons
1, 2, then 3. Confusing timeline programming is now a thing of the past.
Custom Control buttons can also be used to control remote devices or other optional
switcher features:
• Trigger a GPI to advance to the next page of your still store.
• Attach live DVE remote control commands such as go to start, run forward, and run
reverse to simplify your productions.
• Play, stop, or shuttle, up to eight VTRs or Video Servers.
• Trigger a DigiCart audio server and tie sound effects to wipes and external DVE
• Any number of pauses can be added to any macro
Custom Control macros can now be viewed and edited directly on the switcher menu.
100 Event Memory System
The Synergy 1 comes standard with storage for 100 complete switcher snapshots. They’re
easily stored and recalled at the touch of a single button.
All of these memories can be stored to disk providing custom tailored memories for every
operator and every show.
You can even give your memories names - such as “SPORTS”. The alphanumeric display
will tell you what you’ve recalled - or what you’re about to recall.
7 Matte Generators
The MLE has five simple color generators and two complex ones capable of multi-color
washes. Any one of the color generators can be assigned to COLOR BKGD1 or 2, key fill
1 or 2, key border 1 or 2, or wipe pattern edges. This count does not include 6 more
simple matte generators, 2 with the Squeeze & Tease options, and 4 with the Aspectizer
Preview Overlay
This feature makes it possible to present various types of useful information on the two
main preview outputs.
This information is color-coded and can be positioned and displayed according to user
You can access the Preview Overlay feature through the switcher’s menu system to control
and display the following types of information:
Source Identification
Source ID is up to 8 characters and displays the name of the current background video,
current preset video and transition type. An example follows: “CAM1 –W-> CHAR GEN”,
indicates Camera 1 is on air and a wipe transition to Character Generator will be initiated
by moving the fader handle or pressing the auto transition button.
When the S1-065: Routing Switcher Interface option is installed, router source names are
displayed in addition to switcher source names.
VTR Time Code
If a VTR, disk recorder, Video Server, or other device using a time code is the current
background of your main preview output, its current time code will be displayed
(e.g., 12:59:59:23). The device’s remote port must be connected to the switcher and option
S1-061: VTR Remote Control and/or option S1-063: Video Server Control must also be
Configurable Safe Title and Safe Area
This places a SMPTE standard safe title and safe area indication over the main preview
output that can be configured and adapted to fit your specific application. Safe title is a
box that outlines the area within which the vast majority of home TV sets will be able to
read text. Safe area is a box that outlines the region within which viewers should be able to
follow action. Two horizontal lines inside the box indicate the minimum size that text
should be to ensure that it is legible on nearly all sizes of television receivers.
Center Cross Hairs
This places cross hairs on the main preview output to indicate the center of the picture. It
is useful in the alignment of text and other information.
Time Clock
This places a count down, count up, or count down then up timer on the main preview
output to time commercial durations or other events. Custom Control buttons on the
switcher panel can be assigned to reset, start, stop, or set the clock in addition to the menu
controls. A particularly useful feature of this clock is the “auto clock” mode, which resets
and starts the clock every time a transition (e.g., cut or auto transition) occurs on air. This
is ideal as a show or segment timer.
Mask Preview
This places a thin outline on the main preview output around any active box mask. The
AREA buttons in the effects control area determine which box mask is currently being
And more!!! The Preview Overlay works in conjunction with the chroma keyer, providing
backing selection crosshairs for auto chroma keying, and also works with S&T WARP’s
StillStore to grab small regions of the screen.
Lots of Displays and Indicators
The Synergy 1 always lets you know what’s going on. Bright red lights at the end of every
bus quickly show what’s on air. Yellow non-sync lights warn you that an input is untimed
and might cause problems. Lights under the key transition buttons and in the keyers glow
red when the key is on air or green when they are active but the MLE is not on air, as may
be the case if an Aux Bus is being used downstream as a cut bus.
Every auto transition rate is constantly visible - including the main transition rates, the
dedicated keyer rates, and the fade to black rate. The last memory number recalled is also
displayed along with an associated eight-character memory name.
General Purpose Interface
The Synergy 1 is equipped with twelve dedicated GPI inputs and twelve dedicated GPI
outputs. The GPI inputs allow the switcher to interface with peripheral equipment such as
editors and DVEs. Each GPI input can be used to perform simple editing and switcher
functions such as fade to black or an auto transition on the switcher’s MLE. For more
complex editing capabilities with the switcher, option S1-060: Editor Interface is available.
GPIs can also be used by DVEs to indicate Aux Bus on air status to the switcher. For more
complex DVE integration, refer to option S1-062: DVE Send and Remote Control. GPI
outputs are used to trigger remote events like “Still Store Next Page” and can be tied to the
switcher’s Custom Control buttons.
Control Panel Tallies
The standard system includes 16 tally relays in the control panel of the Synergy 1. Tally
connections are located on the rear of the Synergy 1 control panel. These connections
provide a contact closure and are fully assignable - any tally can be assigned to any video
System Manuals
The Synergy 1 comes with a complete set of system documentation that includes an
Operation Guide, an Installation Guide, and a Maintenance Guide.
10 Meter Control Cable
The Synergy 1 control panel and rack frame are connected by a single, standard 8-pin flatshielded Telco cable that uses RS-422 communication. The maximum cable length
between the control panel and its rack frame is 1,000 feet or 305 meters.