Installation Guide for model 6 &
model 30 hyperSTATION Upgrade
PN: 830-0002-01 Rev G
Trademarks and Copyright
ROSS, ROSS Technology, and the ROSS Technology, Inc. logo are registered trademarks of ROSS Technology, Inc. ROSS Microcomputer Corporation,
ROSS Microcomputer Corporation Logo and hyperSTATION are trademarks of ROSS Microcomputer Corporation. hyperSPARC is a trademark of SPARC
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All SPARC trademarks, including the SCD Compliant Logo, are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. SPARCstation and
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Portions of this document are used with permission from Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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Portions of this product may be derived from the UNIX® and Berkeley 4.3 BSD systems, licensed from UNIX Systems Laboratories, Inc. and the Uni versity
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The product described in this manual may be protected by one or more U.S. patents, foreign patents, or pending applications.
Important words about this manual:
We have tried to make this manual as comprehensive and factual as possible. We reserve the right, however, to make changes at any time, without notice, in
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Table of Contents
Trademarks and Copyright ................................................................................................ ii
Table of Contents ..............................................................................................................iii
Canadian RFI Statement: ................................................................................................3-1
hyperSTATION Upgrade Installation Guideiii
hyperSTATION Upgrade Installation Guideiv
Thank you for purchasing a ROSS Microcomputer hyperSTATION Upgrade for your
SPARCstation 5 or SPARCstation 20 workstation. This manual describes how to unpack
and install the hyperSTATION Upgrade.
Package Contents
Your hyperSTATION Upgrade package includes:
•The hyperSTATION upgrade motherboard
•One or more ROSS hyperSPARC MBus modules
•Memory SIMMs (optional)
•ROSS Technology hyperSPARC kernel patch for Solaris 4.1.3 and 4.1.3_U1. (CD and
instruction sheet)
•Disposable wrist grounding strap
•Warranty information
•Product Registration card
•Upgrade Rebate Certificate
•Replacement Plastic Feet
•Audio Cable (3.5mm Stereo to 3.5mm Stereo)
•Packing List
The number of ROSS hyperSPARC MBus modules and memory SIMMs included in your
Upgrade kit depends on the kit you purchased. The Packing List describes the exact
number of hyperSP ARC modules and the type and number of memory SIMMs pro vided in
your package.
Product Registration
Please complete and mail in the ROSS Microcomputer Registration card provided with
your upgrade kit. This allows ROSS Microcomputer to provide you with the best possible
customer support.
hyperSTATION Upgrade Installation Guidev
hyperSTATION Upgrade Installation Guide
Chapter 1
Set Up for Installing the
hyperSTATION Upgrade
This chapter provides information about how to prepare for installing the hyperSTATION
Upgrade kit. This includes:
•System requirements
•Tools needed to perform the upgrade
•Precautions and safety information
•Unpacking the Upgrade kit
System Requirements
The Operating System version on your SPARCstation 5 or SPARCstation 20 must be one
SunOS 4.1.3 or 4.1.3_U1, with the ROSS kernel patch provided with this upgrade kit
SunOS 4.1.4 or above
Solaris 2.3 or above
If the system to be upgraded does not meet the above requirements, you must upgrade the
O/S version to meet one of the above requirements prior to doing the hyperSTATION
Important : If you are running SunOS 4.1.3 or 4.1.3_U1, carefully follow the attached
instructions for installing the Ross Technology hyperSPARC kernel patch CD for Solaris
4.1.3 and 4.1.3_U1. You must do this before starting the hyperSTATION upgrade . If you
ever need to re-install your 4.1.3 or 4.1.3_U1 system software after performing this
hyperSTATION upgrade, call ROSS Microcomputer Corporation. You will not be able to
install generic SunOS 4.1.3 or 4.1.3_U1 on your system after upgrading it to a
hyperSTATION, since the generic SunOS 4.1.3 and 4.1.3_U1 releases do not contain
support for the hyperSPARC module(s).
Read all precautions and safety information before you start the
upgrade procedure.
Note : AFX Bus cards must be removed from SPARCstation 5 computers where fitted and
cannot be reused with the new hyperSTA TION motherboard. SB US graphics options must
be used.
For all product issues, contact ROSS Microcomputer Corporation Technical Support at
1-888-RMCC-NOW (1-888-762-2669). For all SunOS or Solaris questions after the
upgrade, please contact your system administrator or your SunSoft Representative.
hyperSTATION Upgrade Installation Guide1-1
Set Up for Installing the hyperSTATION Upgrade
Tools Needed to Perform the Upgrade
Locate the following tools and have them ready before you begin the upgrade procedure:
•Phillips screwdriver (size #1)
•Phillips screwdriver (size #2)
•Flat Head Screwdriver
•Anti-static wrist strap (provided with Upgrade kit)
An anti-static mat is also useful. If none is available, use the anti-static packaging
provided with the hyperSTATION Upgrade kit.
Precautions and Safety Information
This section provides information intended to minimize the risk of damage to the
computer and to the upgrade kit components. Please read this section carefully before you
begin the upgrade procedure.
Component Handling Precautions
Follow these precautions when you handle the motherboard and other internal components
during the upgrade procedure:
•Make sure the power switch on the back panel of the computer is set to the off position
before you open the computer.
• Important: Be sure that the power cable for the computer is unplugged from the
computer power socket on the back of the computer. Damage may occur to the
hyperSTATION motherboard if the power cable is connected to the computer during
the motherboard installation.
•Use the disposable wrist strap provided with the upgrade kit to ensure proper
grounding during the installation procedure.
•Touch the metal casing of the computer’s power supply to discharge any static
electricity that may have accumulated on you.
•Leave the motherboard, CPU module(s) and memory SIMMs (if any) in their
protective packaging until you are ready to install them.
•Handle the motherboard by the back panel. If you must touch the circuit board, handle
it by the edges.
•Handle the ROSS hyperSPARC modules and memory SIMMs by the edges. Do not
touch the connectors.
•During installation, never force components into their slots. Excessive force can
Wrist strap
hyperSTATION Upgrade Installation Guide
+ 16 hidden pages
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