Electronic Combination
Safe Lock
Super Code Operating Instructions
The Super Code
Please find attached the super code assigned to this unit.
This code should be retained in a secure location.
This Super Code is used :-
• As an emergency override code to open the Ross 1000-Series
Electronic Combination Safe Lock.
• It can also be used to:-
1. Change the Super Code.
2. Add and delete the Manger Code.
3. Enable and disable the Manager Code.
• To link the entry pad and the safe lock together. Encrypted data
is loaded from the entry pad to the safe lock to protect against
illegal entry. The safe lock and the entry pad must have the
same super code encryption or the unit will not work.
Recommendation in the use of the Super Code
• It is recommended that a database be maintained that lists the
relevant client information, serial number of the unit and its
assigned super code.
• It is recommended that a unique identifiable serial number be
assigned to the unit. Via the database, the safe’s serial number
then identifies the super code that has been assigned. Each
entry pad should also be labelled with this serial number for
identification and traceability reasons.
• It is recommended that only authorized administrators
manage this database. Records need to be kept of when a
super code inquiry was made, and who required access to
this information.
• Your database needs to record any change in the link
between the super code and the unit’s serial number. If
this link is lost or the super code has been lost, super code
access is not possible. A new entry pad would need to be
installed. The replaced entry pad would also need to be
returned for re-programming of a new factory set super
• It is not recommended that an end-user be provided with
the super code.
Database Example –
Serial# User Name t
y Contac
s y
0 8
ABC locksmith James Bigle
62182 20/4/0
XYZ Security y
Robert Henr
Super Code operating instructions
Getting Started
• This unit runs on a 9V alkaline battery. It is recommended
that either ‘Duracell’ or ‘Energizer’ brands be used.
• Using the cable supplied, connect the entry pad and the
safe lock together, and then install the battery into the
entry pad.
• In the event the unit appears to be not functioning, re-
check the cable and battery connections. If the error
remains, push the reset button on the lock to reset the link
between the entry pad and the safe lock. If the error
persists, contact your supplier for further advice.
Opening the Unit with the Super Code
• Enter the super code assigned to this unit. (2) beeps sound to
indicate the handle on the door can be turned to open the safe.
: It is recommended that the following
Instructions are performed with the safe door open.
To change the Super Code on this unit
• You need to ensure that your database records are updated to
reflect the change in this unit’s Super Code.
• You are not permitted to set the Super Code to ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 ).
• There is a 10 second time limit between each step. If exceeded,
the unit will reset back to its standby status.
To Change the Super Code:-
• Prepare the new ( 6 ) digit Super Code.
• Enter ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 2 beeps sound.
• Enter the existing ( 6 ) digit Super Code. 2 beeps sound.
• Enter the new Super Code. 2 beeps sound.
• To verify, re-enter the same Super Code. 1 beep sounds.
• Enter the new Super Code to verify the new code has been
accepted. 2 beeps sound.
• If 3 beeps sound at any time, the Super Code change process
has failed, and the existing Super Code remains.
To Add the Manager Code on this unit
If no Manager Code has previously been entered :-
• Prepare the new ( 6 ) digit Manager Code.
• Enter the Super Code and
hold down the last digit of the code
until 2 beeps sound. This is then followed by 2 beeps.
• Press button ( 1 ). 2 beeps sound.
• Enter the Manager Code. 1 beep sounds.
• To verify, re-enter the same Manager Code. 1 beep sounds.
• Enter the Manager Code to verify the code has been
accepted. 2 beeps sound.
• If 3 beeps sound at any time, the Manager Code entry
process has failed, and no Manager Code has been accepted.