Proven best-in-class performance, reliability and safety
•Over 7 million installed
•Meet your application needs with extensive offering
•Real world total performance of ±0.12%
•Reference accuracy of ±0.04%
Maximize Installation Flexibility with Coplanar Platform
•Improve reliability and performance with integrated DP Flowmeters, DP Level
and manifolds
•Easy installation with all solutions fully assembled, leak-tested and calibrated
•Meet your application needs with an unsurpassed offering
Product Data Sheet
00813-0100-4001, Rev MA
May 2012
Unlock the Value of Devices with the Smart Wireless THUM™ Adapter
• Gain access to field intelligence and improve quality, safety, availability,
operations and maintenance costs
• Remotely manage devices and monitor health
• Enable new wireless measurement points
• Utilize existing loop power
Innovative, Integrated DP Flowmeters
• Fully assembled, configured, and leak tested for out-of-the-box installation
• Reduce straight pipe requirements, lower permanent pressure loss and achieve
accurate measurement in small line sizes
• Up to 1.65% volumetric flow accuracy at 8:1 turndown
Proven, Reliable and Innovative DP Level Technologies
• Connect to virtually any process with a comprehensive offering of process
connections, fill fluids, direct mount or capillary connections and materials
• Quantify and optimize total system performance with QZ option
• Operate at higher temperature and in vacuum applications
• Optimize level measurement with cost efficient Tuned-System
Instrument Manifolds – Quality, Convenient, and Easy
• Designed and engineered for optimal performance with Rosemount transmitters
• Save installation time and money with factory assembly
• Offers a variety of styles, materials and configurations
Product Data Sheet
3051C Coplanar
Pressure Transmitter
00813-0100-4001, Rev MA
May 2012
Rosemount 3051
Rosemount 3051C Coplanar Pressure Transmitter
This ordering table contains the following Rosemount 3051C configurations:
ConfigurationTransmitter Output Code
4-20 mA HART
-Enhanced 3051
(1) The enhanced 4-20 mA HART device can be ordered with Transmitter Output option code A plus
any of the following new option codes: DA0, M4, QT, DZ, CR, CS, CT, HR5, HR7.
See Specifications and Options for more details on each configuration.
Q16Surface finish certification for sanitary remote seals★
Toolkit Total System Performance Reports
QZRemote Seal System Performance Calculation Report★
Conduit Electrical Connector
GEM12, 4-pin, Male Connector (eurofast®)★
GMA size Mini, 4-pin, Male Connector (minifast®)★
HART Revision Configuration
(5)(6) (26)
Typical Model Number: 3051CD 2 A 2 2 A 1 A B4
(1) 3051CD0 is available only with Output Code A, Process Flange Code 0 (Alternate Flange H2, H7, HJ, or HK), Isolating Diaphragm Code 2, O-ring Code
A, and Bolting Option L4.
(2) HART Revision 5 is the default HART output. The Enhanced 3051 can be factor y or field configured to HART Revi sion 7. To order HAR T Revision 7 factory
configured, add option code HR7.
(3) Option code M4 - LCD Display with Local Operator Interface required for local addressing and configuration.
(4) Materials of Construction comply with recommendations per NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 for sour oil field production environments. Environmental limits
apply to certain materials. Consult latest standard for details. Select ed materials also conform to NACE MR0103 for sour refining environments.
(5) Only available with HART 4-20 mA output (output code A).
(6) Select Configuration Buttons (option code D4 or DZ) or Local Operator Interface (option code M4) if local configuration buttons are required.
(7) Requires 0 code in Materials of Construction for Alternate Process Connection.
(8) Not valid with optional code P9 for 4500 psi Static Pressure.
(9) “Assemble-to” items are specified separately and require a completed model number.
/2 -14 NPT flange adapter(s)★
316 SST Conduit Plug★
RC ¼ Flange with RC ½ Flange Adapter - SST
External Ground Screw Assembly★
Configured for HART Revision 5★
Configured for HART Revision 7★
May 2012
Product Data Sheet
00813-0100-4001, Rev MA
May 2012
(10) Process Flange limited to Coplanar (codes 2, 3, 5, 7, 8) or Traditional (H2, H3, H7).
(11) Not valid with optional code D9 for RC
(12) Not valid for optional codes DF and D9 for Adaptors.
(13) Panel mounting bolts are not supplied.
(14) Available only with output codes A - 4-20 mA HART and F - F
(15) Available only with 3051CD and 3051CG and output code A - 4-20 mA HART.
(16) Not available with Alloy C-276 isolator (3 code), tantalum iso lator (5 code ), a ll cast C-27 6 flanges, all pla ted CS fl anges , all DI N flanges, a ll Level fl anges,
assemble-to manifolds (S5 and S6 codes), assemble-to seals (S1 and S2 codes), assemble-to primary element s (S3 and S4 codes), surface finish
certification (Q16 code), and remote seal system report (QZ code).
(17) Not available with F
(18) Only Available with standard 3051 4-20mA HART.
(19) NAMUR-Compliant operation is pre-set at the factory and cannot be changed to standard operation in the field for the standard 3051.
(20) Only available with Standard 3051. See specification section for more information.
(21) Not valid with Alternate Process Connection options S3, S4, S5, and S6.
(22) Transmitter is shipped with a 316 SST Conduit plug (uninstalled) in place of standard carbon steel conduit plug.
(23) Not available with Alternate Process Connection; DIN Flanges and Level Flanges.
(24) The V5 options is not needed with the T1 option; external ground screw assembly is included with the T1 option.
(25) Configures the HART output to HART Revision 5. The device can be field configured to HART Revision 7 if needed.
(26) Configures the HART output to HART Revision 7. The device can be field configured to HART Revision 5 if needed.
OUNDATION fieldbus (output code F).
/2 Adaptors.
OUNDATION fieldbus.
Rosemount 3051
Rosemount 3051
3051T In-Line
Pressure Transmitter
Rosemount 3051T In-Line Pressure Transmitter
Product Data Sheet
00813-0100-4001, Rev MA
May 2012
This ordering table contains the following Rosemount 3051T configurations:
ConfigurationTransmitter Output Code
4-20 mA HART
-Enhanced 3051
(1) The enhanced 4-20 mA HART device can be ordered with Transmitter Output option code A plus
any of the following new option codes: DA0, M4, QT, DZ, CR, CS, CT, HR5, HR7.
See Specifications and Options for more details on each configuration.
B4Bracket for 2-in. Pipe or Panel Mounting, All SST★
Product Certifications
C6CSA Explosion-proof, Dust Ignition-proof, Intrinsically Safe, and Division 2★
E2INMETRO Flameproof★
E3China Flameproof★
E4TIIS Flameproof★
E5FM Explosion-proof, Dust Ignition-proof ★
E7IECEx Flameproof, Dust Ignition-proof ★
E8ATEX Flameproof and Dust Certification★
I1ATEX Intrinsic Safety and Dust ★
I2INMETRO Intrinsic Safety★
I3China Intrinsic Safety★
I5FM Intrinsically Safe, Division 2 ★
I7IECEx Intrinsic Safety ★
IAATEX Intrinsic Safety for FISCO; for F
Power Advisory HART Diagnostic★
Assemble to Rosemount 306 Integral Manifold ★
Assemble to one Rosemount 1199 seal★
OUNDATION fieldbus protocol only★
Product Data Sheet
00813-0100-4001, Rev MA
Rosemount 3051
Table 2. 3051T In-Line Pressure Transmitter Ordering Information
★ The Standard offering represents the most common options. The starred options (★) should be selected for best delivery.
__The Expanded offering is subject to additional delivery lead time.
IEFM FISCO Intrinsically Safe; for FOUNDATION fieldbus protocol only★
K2INMETRO Flameproof, Intrinsic Safety★
K5FM Explosion-proof, Dust Ignition-proof, Intrinsically Safe, and Division 2★
K6CSA and ATEX Explosion-proof, Intrinsically Safe, and Division 2 (combination of C6 and K8)★
K7IECEx Flameproof, Dust Ignition-proof, Intrinsic Safety, and Type n (combination of I7, N7, and E7)★
K8ATEX Flame-proof, Intrinsic Safety, Type n, Dust (combination of E8, I1 and N1)★
KBFM and CSA Explosion-proof, Dust Ignition-proof, Intrinsically Safe, and Division 2 (combination of K5 and C6)★
KDFM, CSA, and ATEX Explosion-proof, Intrinsically Safe (combination of K5, C6, I1, and E8)★
N1ATEX Type n Certification and Dust★
N3China Type n★
N7IECEx Type n Certification★
Drinking Water Approval
Shipboard Approvals
SBSAmerican Bureau of Shipping★
Custody Transfer
C5Measurement Canada Accuracy Approval (Limited availability depending on transmitter type and range.
Calibration Certification
Q4Calibration Certificate★
QGCalibration Certificate and GOST Verification Certificate★
QPCalibration Certification and tamper evident seal★
Material Traceability Certification
Quality Certification for Safety
Configuration Buttons
Display and Interface Options
M5LCD Display ★
Conduit Plug
Transient Terminal Block
NSF drinking water approval★
Contact an Emerson Process Management representative)
Material Traceability Certification per EN 10204 3.1.B ★
Prior-use certificate of FMEDA Data★
Safety certified to IEC 61508 with certificate of FMEDA★
Analog Zero and Span ★
Digital Zero Trim ★
LCD Display with Local Operator Interface ★
316 SST Conduit Plug★
Transient Protection Terminal Block ★
May 2012
Product Data Sheet
00813-0100-4001, Rev MA
May 2012
Table 2. 3051T In-Line Pressure Transmitter Ordering Information
★ The Standard offering represents the most common options. The starred options (★) should be selected for best delivery.
__The Expanded offering is subject to additional delivery lead time.
Software Configuration
Alarm Levels
Pressure Testing
P1Hydrostatic Testing with Certificate
Cleaning Process Area
P2Cleaning for Special Service
P3Cleaning for <1 PPM Chlorine/Fluorine
High Accuracy
Ground Screw
Surface Finish
Q16Surface finish certification for sanitary remote seals★
Toolkit Total System Performance Reports
QZRemote Seal System Performance Calculation Report★
Conduit Electrical Connector
GEM12, 4-pin, Male Connector (eurofast®)★
GMA size Mini, 4-pin, Male Connector (minifast®)★
HART Revision Configuration
Typical Model Number:3051T G 5 F 2A 2 1 A B4
(1) 3051TG lower range limit varies with atmospheric pressure.
(2) HART Revision 5 is the default HART output. The Enhanced 3051 ca n be factory or field configured t o HART Revision 7. To order HART Revision 7 factory
configured, add option code HR7.
(3) Option code M4 - LCD Display with Local Operator Interface required for local addressing and configuration.
(4) Materials of Construction comply with recommendations per NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 for sour oil field production environments. Environmental limits
apply to certain materials. Consult latest standard for details. Select ed materials also conform to NACE MR0103 for sour refining environments.
(5) Select Configuration Buttons (option code D4 or DZ) or Local Operator Interface (option code M4) if local configuration buttons are required.
(6) “Assemble-to” items are specified separately and require a completed model number.
(7) Panel mounting bolts are not supplied.
Custom Software Configuration (Completed CDS 00806-0100-4001 required with order)★
Analog Output Levels Compliant with NAMUR Recommendation NE 43, Alarm High★
Analog Output Levels Compliant with NAMUR Recommendation NE 43, Low Alarm ★
Custom alarm and saturation signal levels, high alarm (requires C1 and Configuration Data Sheet) ★
Custom alarm and saturation signal levels, low alarm (requires C1 and Configuration Data Sheet)★
Low alarm (standard Rosemount alarm and saturation levels) ★
0.04% Accuracy to 5:1 turndown (Range 2-4) ★
External Ground Screw Assembly★
Configured for HART Revision 5★
Configured for HART Revision 7★
Rosemount 3051
Product Data Sheet
00813-0100-4001, Rev MA
Rosemount 3051
(8) Not available with Alloy C-276 isolator (3 cod e), tantalum isolator (5 code), all cast C-276 flanges, all plated CS flanges, all DIN flanges, all Level flanges,
assemble-to manifolds (S5 and S6 codes), assemble-to seals (S1 and S2 codes), assemble-to primary element s (S3 and S4 codes), surface finish
certification (Q16 code), and remote seal system report (QZ code).
(9) Only Available with standard 3051 4-20mA HART.
(10) Only available with HART 4-20 mA output (output code A).
(11) Not available with F
(12) Transmitter is shipped with 316 SST conduit plug (uninstalled) in place of standard carbo n steel conduit plug.
(13) The T1 option is not needed with FISCO Product Certifications; transient protection is included in the FISCO product certification codes IA and IE.
(14) NAMUR-Compliant operation is pre-set at the factory and cannot be changed to st andard operation in the field for the standard 3051.
(15) Not valid with Alternate Process Connection S5.
(16) Only available with Standard 3051. See specification section for more information.
(17) The V5 option is not needed with T1 option; external ground screw assembly is included with the T1 option.
(18) Configures the HART output to HART Revision 5. The device can be field configured to HART Revision 7 if needed.
(19) Configures the HART output to HART Revision 7. The device can be field configured to HART Revision 5 if needed.
OUNDATION Fieldbus (output code F)
May 2012
Product Data Sheet
This ordering table contains the following Rosemount 3051CF configurations:
See Specifications and Options for more details on each configuration.
ConfigurationTransmitter Output Code
4-20 mA HART
-Enhanced 3051
(1) The enhanced 4-20 mA HART device can be ordered with Transmitter Output option code A plus
any of the following new option codes: DA0, M4, QT, DZ, CR, CS, CT, HR5, HR7.
00813-0100-4001, Rev MA
May 2012
Rosemount 3051CF Flowmeter Series
Additional Information
Rosemount 3051CFA
Annubar Flowmeter
Table 3. Rosemount 3051CFA Annubar Flowmeter Ordering Information
★ The Standard offering represents the most common options. The starred options (★) should be selected for best delivery.
__The Expanded offering is subject to additional delivery lead time.
FOUNDATION fieldbus Advanced Control Function Block Suite★
Power Advisory HART Diagnostic★
FOUNDATION fieldbus Diagnostics Suite★
LCD Display with Local Operator Interface ★
Prior-use certificate of FMEDA data★
Safety certified to IEC 61508 with certificate of FMEDA ★
Transient terminal block★
May 2012
Product Data Sheet
00813-0100-4001, Rev MA
May 2012
Table 3. Rosemount 3051CFA Annubar Flowmeter Ordering Information
★ The Standard offering represents the most common options. The starred options (★) should be selected for best delivery.
__The Expanded offering is subject to additional delivery lead time.
Manifold for Remote Mount Option
F23-Valve Manifold, Stainless Steel★
F65-Valve Manifold, Stainless Steel★
F13-Valve Manifold, Carbon Steel
F33-Valve Manifold, Alloy C-276
F55-Valve Manifold, Carbon Steel
F75-Valve Manifold, Alloy C-276
Alarm Levels
Configuration Buttons
Ground Screw
HART Revision Configuration
Typical Model Number: 3051CFA D L 060 D C H P S 2 T1 0 0 0 3 2 A A 1
(1) Available in remote mount applications only.
(2) HART Revision 5 is the default HART outp ut. The Enhanced 3051 ca n be factory or field config ured to HART Revision 7 . To order HART Revision 7 factory
configured, add option code HR7.
(3) Option code M4 - LCD Display with Local Operator Interface required for local addressing and configuration.
(4) Applies to assembled flowmeter only, mounting not tested.
(5) Instrument Connections for Remote Mount Options and Isolation Valves for Flo-tap Models are not included in the Material Traceability Certification.
(6) Not available with Transmitter Connection Platform 6.
(7) Materials of Construction comply with metallurgical requirement s within NACE MR0175/ISO f or sour oil field producti on environments. Envi ronmental limits
apply to certain materials. Consult latest standard for details. Select ed materials also conform to NACE MR0103 for sour refining environments.
(8) Only valid with F
(9) Select Configuration Buttons (option code D4 or DZ) or Local Operator Interface (option code M4) if local configuration buttons are required.
(10) Only available with 4-20 mA HART output (output Code A).
(11) Not available with F
(12) Only Available with standard 3051 4-20mA HART.
(13) The T1 option is not needed with FISCO Product Certifications, transient protection is included with the FISCO Product Certification code IA.
(14) NAMUR-Compliant operation is pre-set at the factory and cannot be changed to standard operation in the field for the standard 3051.
(15) The V5 option is not needed with the T1 option; external ground screw assembly is included with the T1 option.
(16) Configures the HART output to HART Revision 5. The device can be field configured to HART Revision 7 if needed.
(17) Configures the HART output to HART Revision 7. The device can be field configured to HART Revision 5 if needed.
NAMUR Alarm and Saturation Levels, High Alarm★
NAMUR Alarm and Saturation Levels, Low Alarm★
Custom alarm and saturation signal levels, high alarm (requires C1 and Configuration Data Sheet) ★
Custom alarm and saturation signal levels, low alarm (requires C1 and Configuration Data Sheet)★
Low alarm (standard Rosemount alarm and saturation levels) ★