Rosco Flemex DF Data Sheet

Roscoflamex fire retardants have been formulated to meet the extreme needs of the entertainment industry, designed to treat the wide range of diverse materials used in scenery, props and costume construction. Roscoflamex products are non-toxic and meet fire retardant standards as established by NFPA, ASTM, ANSI, and UL and have been approved by the CA Fire Marshall and New York City Fire Dept.
Roscoflamex for Delicate Fabrics should be used on sheer fabrics, fine synthetic weaves, rayon, or silk. Premixed for easy use straight out of the bottle, Roscoflamex for Delicate Fabrics maintains the gentleness and soft hand of delicate or fragile fabrics and draperies.
PRODUCT NO: 150 079DF 0128 - 1 US Gallon (3.79 L)
DESCRIPTION: Roscoflamex for Delicate Fabrics is a proprietary, non-durable
flame retardant.
APPEARANCE: Clear liquid, dries clear.
USE: Sheer fabrics, fine weave synthetic fabrics, silk and rayon.
FINISH: Leaves no residue and will not affect the hand of the fabric.
APPLICATION: Spray (recommended), brush or dip. Perform tests to determine
the appropriate application to achieve an effective treatment. Properly treated material will have increased in weight by 10­20% when dry. For best results, hang fabric vertically and spray in light, overlapping, passes from the bottom to the top. The hand and drape of delicate materials may be altered if oversaturated. Test a sample to insure proper application methods.
MIX RATIO: Roscoflamex for Delicate Fabrics is designed to be used straight
out of the bottle. In rare instances when a residue develops on the surface of the fabric, dilute 15% with water and re-test.
HAZARD: May cause skin and eye irritation on some people. Use in a well
ventilated area.
COVERAGE: Estimated 600 square feet per gallon, based on weight.
DRYING: Allow to dry naturally or using forced hot air.
COMPOSITION: Water soluble inorganic salts. Safe for professional use.
CERTIFICATION: NFPA 701; NYC FD Certificate of Approval #5022; CA State Fire
Marshall C-139.02