Roper Dishwasher User Manual

Installer: Leave lnstallotion Instructions
Save Installation Instructions for local
Before vou start...
Proper installation is your responslblltty Make sure you have everything necessary for correct installation It is the responsibility of the customer to contact a qualified installer to assure that the plumbing and electrical
national and local codes and ordlnonces.
IMPORTANT: Observe all governing codes and ordinances. -
are adequate and meet
Proper electrlcol, drain and water
lines must be ova~loble or must be Installed. as speclfled. wlthin shaded area. See “Electrical requirements:’ “Water requirements:’ and “Drain requlrements”sectlons Plumbing and wiring should not cross in front of the motor or the dishwasher legs
Take care not to damage power cord during installation
or removal of dishwasher
Check location where dishwasher will be Installed. The locofion should provide:
Easy access to water, electricity and drainage lines
Convenient loading -
the best position is lefl or right of kitchen sink
Square opening for proper dishwasher operation and appearance
Cabinet front that is perpendicular to floor.
ProtectIon so that water Inlet valve and drain cannot freeze
A” mlnlmum clearance between motor and flooring to prevent motor overheatina.
Electrical ground is required. See “Elecfricol requirements” section.
Do Not Install dishwasher over carpeted flwrlng.
Read and follow the “Electrical requirements:’ “Water requirements:’ and “Drain requirements” connection section before installing the dishwasher
wall receptacle
Wllhhl3~ max.
horn fighl or
wIthInlO” mar.
from ten of
dmln llne -W hole of
.Iecm;al be- whole,
Electrlcal Shock Hazard
Electrlcal wlrlng and componenls must Nol contact any plumbing material or draln hose.
exposed wlrlng. Failure to do so
could result In fire, electrlcal shock, or other personal Injury from exposed wlrlng.
Persanal Inlury/Product Damage
Avold openlng dlshwasher door before dlshwasher Is Installed. Dlshwasher may tlp over when door is opened, resulting In personal Injury or product damage.
Tools needed for installation:
Electrical reqbements
Electdcal ground Is required on thlr appliance.
Check with a quallfled etectrtclan If you are In doubt as to whether the aoallance Is properly grounded.
Improper cannectlon of the equlpment-groundlng conductor can result In fire, electrical shock. or other personal Injury.
Disconnect the power supply at the junctlon box.
Do Not connect appliance to electrical supply until appliance Is permanently grounded.
Do Not use an exienslon cord wlth this appliance.
lhls appliance must be connected to a grounded. metallic. permanent wlrtng system or a grounding conductor should be
terminal or wire lead on the appliance.
Do Not use a fuse In the neutral.
Fallure to follow these lnsttuctlons could result In a fire. electrtcal shock or other personal Inlulv.
to the groundlng
Figure 2
A 120.volt. 60.Hz, AC only. 15. or 20. ampere, fused, electrical supply is required. Time-delay fuse or circuit breaker is recommended. recommended that a separate circuit serving only this appliance be provided
It is the personal responsibility and obligation of the customer to contact a qualifted electrician to assure the electrical inslallotion is adequate and in conformance with the National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA 70.latest editIon. and local codesond ordinances.
The dishwasher must be connected with copper wire only.
Wirrfng methods
Pick one method to follow depending upon your dishwasher and local codes
Direct wire method (cable connecting dishwasher to a junction box)
ReTt;rdmended grounding
1. Disconnect the power supply.
2. Run flexible, armored or non­metallic sheathed. copper cable [with grounding wire] from the fused disconnect, circuit breakerorjunction box through the %” or larger cabinet hole to the dishwasher location. The cable must extend 24” frdm the back wall.
The hole cut through a wood cabinet should be sanded until smooth.
The hole cut through a metal cabinet must be covered with a grommet (Part No. 302797).
A U.L.-listed strain relief must be ;nstalled at each end of the power supply cable (at the dishwasher and at the junction box]. Wire sizes (COPPER WIRE ONLY] must conform
with the rating of the dishwasher.
3. Remove the dlsh&her t6minal cover. Connect the white and black wires of the power supply cable to the white and black leads in the terminal box with twist-on wire connectors. [See Figure 3.)
4. Connect the green, grounding wire of the power supplY cable to the grounding connection screw located inside the terminal box. [See Figure 3 ]
5. Replace terminal box cover.
Alternate groundlng method
If the recommended grounding method is impossible-connect a separate. green. grounding wire [No 16 minimum] from grounding connection screw located inside the termlnol box to a grounded. copper, cold water pipe’ (See Figures.)
Do Not connect to electrical supply until dishwasher is permanently grounded.
Do Not ground to a gas supply pipe or hot water pipe.
hotfn~. eleclrih ~onne~lor shbuld de
,umped w,lh o lenglh 01 NO -4 co,,,,er WIE
securely Clom‘,ed 10 bare melol at bolh ends (See FIgwe 5 )
. Power supply cord method
(connecting dishwasher to
Local codes may permit the use of a U.L.-listed, flexible, three-conductor, power supply cord terminated with o three-prong, grounding-type plug
It is recommended that cord kit, Part No. 675d55, avallable from Your Roper dealer or parts supplier. be used If the cord kit is not available
IocallY, the flexible cord used must be a lJ.L.-listed. three-conductor. l&gauge cord that meets the Notional Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA 70-latest edition. and all local codes and ordinances. The length of the cord must not exceed six
feet. ii must be routed so that it does not touch the dlshwasher motor or the
lower portlon of the dlshwasher tub. A grommet (Part No. 302797) must cover the hole cut In a metal cabinet for the flexible cord. The flexible cord must be plugged Into a mating, three-prong. grounding-type wall receptacle, grounded in accordance with the National Electrlcal Code ANSI/NFPA 70-latest edltion, and all local codes and ordinances. Follow instructlons packaged with the flexible cord.
Dishwashers equipped with a power supply cord have a 3-prong. grounding plug The power supply cord must be plugged Into a mating. 3­prong, grounding~type receptacle. grounded In accordance with the National ElectrIcal Code ANSI/NFPA
70.latest edItIon. and all local codes and ordlnonces If a mollng wall receptacle IS not available. It IS the personal responslblllty and obligation of the customer to have a properly grounded, 3.prong. wall receptacle Installed by a quaIlfled electrIcIon (See Figure 4 )
1. Have a 3.prong. groundlng~type. wall receptacle avaIlable or Installed by o quaIlfled electrIcIon on the rear wall of one cabinet next to dlshwasher opening [See Figure 1. Panel A ]
2. For added personal safety use clomp and
green-COlOred. copper
grounding wfre Connect the aroundina wire 1#16 mlnlmuml from the &ernal grounding connecto; screw inside the terminal box to a grounded, cold water pipe’ [See Figure 5 ) Do Not connect to electrical supply until appliance is permanently grounded.
Do Not ground loo gas supply pipe or hot water pipe.
Do Not ground to a gas supply pipe or hot water pipe.
If power cord cannot be used...
When local codes do not permit use of a power cord with an undercounter dishwasher, the power cord must be removed and dlshwasher wired directly IF THE POWER SUPPLY CORD IS REMOVED, THE DISHWASHER MUST BE CONNECTED WITH COPPER WIRE ONLY
1. Disconnect the power supply.
2. Remove terminal box cover
3. Remove wire connectors from the power cord wires and grounding we screw [See Figure 7.)
4. Disconnect the strain relief (behlnd the terminal box] from the dishwasher leg
5. Remove power cord and strain relief from terminal box hole
6. See “A. Direct wire method:’ Panel A. for further Instructions
Recommended grounding method
ElectrIcal Shock Hazard
ElectrIcal ground Is mqulred on
thls appllsnce.
Improper connectlon of the equlpmentgmundlng conductor can result In a risk of electrlcal shock.
Check wlth a qualtfled electrlclan It you are In doubt 8s to whether the appliance Is pmperly grounded. Do Not modify or remove the power supply cord plug. lt plug does not tit the outlet, have a pmper outlet Installed by s qualltled electrlclan.
Do Not use an extension cord wlth thls appliance.
Do Not have a fuse In the neutral.
Failure to follow these InstructIons
could result In a fire, electrlcal
shock or other personal injury.
Temporary groundlng method
Figure 6
If changing and properly grounding the electrical supply is impossible. and
where local codes permit (COnSUIt Your
electrical inspector]. a temporary adapter may be plugged into the 2­prong, wall receptacle to mate with the J-prong. power supply cord. (See Figure 6.1
If this is done. you must connect a separate copper grounding wire from the external grounding connector screw inslde the terminal box to the grounded, cold water pipe.’ [See Figure 5.)
Do Not connect fo electrical supply until appliance is permanently
The hot water line to the dishwasher must p&de between 15120 PSI water pressure. The hof water heater should be .M to deliver 140°F temperature lo the dlshwasher for besl results.
Use J/e” O.D. copper tubing or %” plastic tubing minimum inlet line. Dishwasher inlet Mlve has 3/a” internal pipe thread.
Rough In water line before installing dlshwasher using one of the routing methods shown In Figure 8. Cut a 5/e” or larger hole In cabinet, rear wall or floor for pipe
2. Install a shutoff valve in the water line where it can be easy to access
3, Flush water line into a bucket to get
rid of any particles that may clog inlet valve.
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