1. Clack/4-Hour Timer
2. Upper Oven Thermostal
3. Cooktop Lighf Bunon
4. Upper and Lower Oven
Light Bunon
5. LiH-Up/Off Cooktop
6. Cooktop Burners with Chrome
Drip Bowl Liners
7. Cooklop Burner Controls
6. Lower Oven Thermostat
9. Roll-Oui f3roiler
10. leg Levelers
11. Full Black Glass Oven Doors
12. Conlinuous Cleaning Finish
on Oven Sides, Back, Top,
Bottom and Oven Door Linings
13. Pressure Regulator
(Convertible for LP Gas)
MODEL 1833
To 9~1:
Push in and turn the clock face
knob Lo the correct lime of day.
2. Turn the clock face knob,
wilhout pushing in, lo reset the
timer hand to OFF.
The timer may be set for any amount
of time from 1 minule to 4 hours. Turn
the clock face knob, without pushing
in, 10 set the timer hand lo the deslred
lime. When time is up, a signal will
buzz until you reset the limer hand to
OFF. The timer is only a reminder
and will not control the oven.
Your cooktop burners have gas pilot ignition. See your Use and Care Guide
ior details.
To use the ovens or broiler. se1 the correcl Thermostat for (he desired
temperature or lo Broil (lower Thermoslal only). When done, turn the Thermostat lo Off. Your oven/broiler burners have gas pilot ignition. See your
Use and Care Guide for delails.
Ovens: Push button to turn oven lights on and off.
Cooktop: Push button. and hold a few seconds. to turn cooklop light on and
Optional Se&-on Griddle Kit No. 100-6602, Flue Collar Kit No. IO&2100 and
Roper model 0777 vent hood are available from Your aulhorized Rooer

The coo+dop IlHs up and oft so the cooktop and area underneath can be
cleaned. Flrst. remove Ihe burner grates and drip bowl liners then grasp the
cooklop at the front drip bowl openings and IiH up lo releese lhe strikes. To
remove the cooklop. grasp al the sides and lift slraight up.
AHer you’ve flnlshed cleaning, carefully lower the cooktop pressing it down
make sure the slrlkes lesten in the catches.
NOTE: To rvold chlpplng or dnmaglng the porcelrln Ilnlrh, be careful
not to drop or f&ix the cooktop when mldng or lowering.
(Lower Oven Only)
The oven door muot be In the atop posltlon (sea Illuetmtlonr below) to
be removed.
To remove: Open the dmr to the slop position and grasp the door al each
side. LiH the door
the hinges by IlHing up, and at an angle toward you, all
in one motion.
To replace: The hinge arms must still be In the stop position. Hold the door
over the hinge arms with the slots al the bottom edge of the door lined up
with the hinges. Slide the door down over the hinge arms as far as il will go
and close the door.
NOTE: When oven door la
removed and hinge arma am
ti the Mop posltlon, do not
bump or try to move the hinge
arms. The hIngea could snap
back uualng Inlury to the
handa or damage to the
porcelain coating on tha front
of the range. You may wlrh to
cover the hinge arm8 wlth
toweling or an empty towel
roll while working In the oven
Your new oven also has the features listed below. See the cleaning chart in
your Use and Care Guide for lips on cleaning various parts of your range.
1. Chrome, glass and porcelain outside finish
2. Continuous cleaning oven tinish
3. Separate broiler compartment
Porcelain broiler pan and grid