MODEL 1353
To sel:
I. Push in and turn the clock face
knob to set Ihe correct time of day.
2 Turn the clock face knob, wlthout
pushing in, to reset the limer hand
lo OFF.
The timer may be set for any amount 01 hme from 1 lo 60 mtnutes Turn the
clock face knob, without pushing in, to set the timer hand to the desired time
When time is up, a signal will buzz until you reset the timer hand to OFF. The timer
is only a reminder and will not control the oven
The surface burners are Ilt by an electronic ‘sparker
push In the knob and lurn lull left lo LITE You should hear lnlermlllenl Clicks
These clicks are the electric sparks lgnlllng the gas lrom Ihe burner
As soon as the burner IS 111, turn Ihe knob to Ihe selttng you wan1 As you turn lhc
knob from HI to OFF, you will hear lhree clicks lndlcallng the HI MEDIUM. and LO
To llghl Ihe surface burners
1, Oven Selector
2. Door Lock/Unlock Button
3. Clock/l.Hour Timer
4. Delay Start/Timed
Oven Controls
5. Door Lock Signal Light
6. Oven Signal Light
7. Oven Thermostat
6. Lift-Up/Off Cooklop with
Chrome Drip Bowl Liners
9. Surface Burners
10. Push.To-Turn Surface
Burner Controls
il. Oven and Multl.Ray Broiler
12. SelfCleanIng Oven
13. Removable
Leg Levelers
Black Glass
15. Door Lock/Unlock Handle
16. Pressure Regulator
(Convertible for LP Gas)
use the bake and broil oven, set the Selector for the type of cooklnq then sel
the Thermoslat for the desired temperature or for BROIL
Bake: Use
Timed Oven:
Broil: Use
for baking, roasting and warming Only the boltom burner will heal
Use for roasting Only the botlom burner WI/I heat
for brolllng or rotlsslng Only the upper burner will heat

To set:
NOTE: This step is necessary only for
oven will start at once as long as the start time is the same as the
lime of day on Ihe clock
2 Set STOP TIME [posh in and turn)
4 Set THERMOSTAT lo Ihe desired terlperature
5 Whrn do.11~ ll~rn SELECTOR and THERMOSTAT to OFF
NOTE: Never let food sit for more than 4 hours before cooking starts,
when you set your oven for a delayed start. Room temperature
promotes the growth of harmful bacteria.
During the I~rs’ baC#ng and hro~l~ng cyc:cs on your new range, you may notlce
some odc#r This 1s normal and IS caused by the heating of new components and
~nsulal~ng msler~als The odor will dlsapnear wllhln a shorl lime An exhaust fan or
o!her vrn’llallon WIII help lo clear Ihe air
a delayed slart operation. The
Lighting gas burners with a match IS dangerous The Ilamr~s ( rlr, t~,,r~;
you or a bulldup of gas can explode You should malch l~c;hl ltli’ t)l,,r>,,N,,
only In an emergency
During a power latlure Ihe burners ~111 nol llghl aul~ma~~cnll~ lrl .lil ~~m(~~~~l~~ , ,
burners may be III with a match by lollowlnq lhe steps t,c+)+,,
1 Light a match and hold the flame near lhe hurncxr yolk ~,IIII 10 I,/~),I v:,:,,~J,,
matches are easier lo use
2 Push In and turn the surface burner knob slowly EC’ 1,111,’
correcl knob lor Ihe burner you are lighting
NOTE: II Ihe burner does nol
one minute before lrylng agaIn
During a power Iallure Ihe oven and broiIt,r burntars cannot (16. II’ ,IIJ~I
you should nol try to do so
light wIthin five seconds 1url1 Ih[z k~~lot, 01’ ,#I (! ‘2.
yr,,, ,I,( Il/rlll~,‘; l/i/
Oven: *III glow when the oven burner 1s on When the oven has reached the
sel lemperalure the llqht WIII go off, then cycle on and off with the oven
lo show the temperature IS belnq malnlalned
Lock: tillI qlow wt>lle the oven IS at or above the locking temperature The oven
door c.ir nol he unlocked while :he light IS on