Montego Double Sunbed Assembly Instructions
Loca te th e squ are-cu t end s of the
supp ort t ubes u nder the (2 ) out side
wood plat forms. Plug the three tubes
onto the bosses insi de of the b ase.
Lowe r the plat form onto the b osses
on o ther side.
Lowe r Ins ide w ood p latfo rm on to th e
boss es in the center secti on of the base.
Repe at s tep # 1 on the seco nd
outs ide pa nel.
Double Sun Bed Assembly Instructions
Loca te th e squ are-cu t end s of the
supp ort t ubes u nder the (2 ) out side
wood plat forms. Plug the three tubes
onto the bosses insi de of the b ase.
Lowe r the plat form onto the b osses
on o ther side.
Lowe r Ins ide w ood p latfo rm on to th e
boss es in the center secti on of the base.
Repe at s tep # 1 on the seco nd
outs ide pa nel.
Inse rt the (4) h olding brack ets in to th e
supp ort t ubes under the wood platf orms.
Usin g the blac k thu mb scr ews, attac h the
brac kets t o the fram e. (Th ese b racket s will
keep the wood platfo rms fr om ra ising off
of the frame )
Double Sun Bed Assembly Instructions
List of parts: 2 - outside wood platforms
1 - Inside wood platform
1 - stainless steel base
Hardware: 4 - holding brackets
4 - thumb screws
Tool needed: phillips screwdriver
Directions: 1. Set stainless steel base upright. Inser t 1 outside wood platform
(square cut end facing out) into the base. Repeat step with second
outside platform.
2. Lower inside wood platform into center section of the base.
3. Inser t the 4 holding brackets into the support tubes under the
wood platforms. Using the thumb screws attach the brackets to
the frame. NOTE: Brackets will keep wood platforms from raising
off of frame.
cut end
facing out
Step 1
Step 1Step 2
Step 3