assembly instructions: riley duo bunk bed
full-length guard fence
(back of top bunk)
left end
59½" guard fence
right end
List of parts
2 – bed ends
4 – side rails
2 – slat rolls
2 – guard fences (one full-length,
one 59½")
1 – bunk ladder
17 – 1¼" coarse thread “bugle”
screws (black) to attach slats
and guard fences
Tools needed
Philips screwdriver
rubber mallet
MADE IN Pennsylvania
1. Hold left end upright near its desired placement.
2. With the metal bracket side of the side rail facing inward,
inser t round metal connector “buttons” of the side
rail bracket into the “buttonholes” on the headboard
bracket. Tap top of rail with rubber mallet until
connector “buttons” are locked fully into lower position.
Repeat with the other side rail. See Diagram A.
3. Attach other ends of side rails to right end of bed as in
step 2.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all side rails are locked into
5. Roll out corresponding slat rolls between top (twin) and
lower (full) side rails. The second slat from either end as
well as the middle slat of each roll should be positioned
between the cleat blocks as shown in Diagram B.
6. Secure each slat between cleats using 1¼" screws utilizing
the pre-drilled holes. See Diagram B.
6. Directions continued on page 2.
button hole
side rail
Diagram A
side rail slat ledger
Diagram B
800.301.9720 | roomandboard.com

assembly instructions: riley duo bunk bed
Directions continued...
7. Place the full-leng th guard fence on the side rail opposite the ladder side. Place the short guard fence on either end of the ladder side.
Attach both guard fences with the 1¼" screws provided, using the pre-drilled holes. See Diagram C.
8. Hang the ladder hooks over the upper and lower side rails in the ladder space reserved in step 7. Secure the ladder hooks to both
upper and lower side rails using the four ½" screws provided.
9. Place twin-size mattress (39" x 75" x 8" maximum height) on slat roll of upper bunk.
10. Place full-size mattress on lower slat roll of bottom bunk.
1. Follow the information on the warnings appearing on the
upper bed end structure. Do not remove warning label
from bed.
2. Always use the recommended size mattress to help
prevent the likelihood of entrapment or falls.
3. Sur face of mattress must be at least 5 in. (127 mm)
below the upper edge of guard fences.
4. Do not allow children under 6 years of age to use the
upper bunk.
5. Do not allow more than one person on upper bunk.
6. Periodically check and ensure that the guard fences,
ladder and other components are in their proper
position, free from damage, and that all connectors
are tight.
7. Do not allow jumping on the bed or horseplay on or
under the bed.
8. Always use the ladder for entering and leaving the
upper bunk.
9. Do not use substitute par ts. Contact Room & Board
for replacement parts.
10. Use of a night-light may provide added safety precaution
for a child using the upper bunk.
guard fence
left (or right) end
side rail
pre-drilled hole for
guard fence attachment
Diagram C
Wood naturally expands and contracts causing bed connections
to loosen over time. This process is a natural characteristic of
wood. Tighten hardware occasionally to restore the bed to
original stability.
11. Always use guard fences on both long sides of
the upper bunk.
12. The use of water or sleep flotation mattresses
is prohibited.
13. Keep these instructions for future reference.
800.301.9720 | roomandboard.com