Riley Twin Bunk Bed Assembly Instructions
List of parts: 2 - high ends
2 - low ends
4 - side rails
2 - slat rolls
2 - guard fences (one full length,one 601/4")
1 - bunk ladder
Hardware: 17 - 11/4" coarse thread “bugle” screws
(black) to attach slats and guard fences
4 - 1/2" coarse thread “bugle” screws (silver) to attach ladder
4 - 4" metal pins to secure top bed to bottom bed
Tools needed: phillips screwdriver
rubber mallet
1. Hold one high end upright near its desired placement.
2.With metal face of side rail facing inward, insert round metal
connectors of side rail into the holes on headboard. Tap with
rubber mallet to ensure locked position. Repeat with other side rail.
3. Attach other end of side rails to other high end as in step 2.
4. Inser t four 4" metal pins into holes on high ends. See Diagr am A.
low end
high end
601/4" guard fence
full-length guard fence

5. Place low end (with holes pre-dr illed into the bottoms of their legs) on top of
the steel pins. Pull down on low end until flush with high end posts.Use rubber
mallet if necessar y to insure low end posts are flush with high end posts.
See Diagram A.
6. Attach side rails to low end.
7. Place slat role on side r ail cleats of both top and bottom bunk, spacing evenly
from headboard to footboard.
8. Secure each slat between cleats using 11/4" screws in the pre-drilled holes.
9. Place the full-length guard fence on side that will not have the ladder. Using 11/2"
screws, attach to inside of side rail facing inside the bed.
10. Place ladder hooks to inside of side rail flush against the uprights near the head
board or footboard. Secure to both upper and lower side rails. Attach facing
inside of bed. Secure using 3/4" screws.
11. Place 601/4" guard fence to inside of side rail near the ladder. Attach facing the
inside of the bed. Secure using 11/2" screws. See Diagram B.
12. Place twin mattresses (39 x 75 x 8" maximum height on top bunk) on top of
slat rolls.
end post
4" metal pin
low end
high end
side rail
side rail
side rail
601/4" guard fence
Diagram A
Diagram B
cleats to
hold slats