Rondo SFS6115C, SFS6117H, SFS6117DD, SFI6117, SFI6117H User Manual

Service manual
Rondostar 3000
Edition SD123402
T echnical specifications subject to change without notice
Heimiswilstrasse 42 3400 Burgdorf Switzerland Phone +41 (0)34 420 81 11 Fax +41 (0)34 420 81 99
Via Lago di Albano, 86 36015 Schio (VI) Italy Phone +39 0445 575 429 Fax +39 0445 575 317
Hoorwaldstrasse 44 57299 Burbach Germany Phone +49 (0)2736 203-0 Fax +49 (0)2736 203130
RONDO S.à.r.l.
PAE "Les Pins" 67319 Wasselonne cedex France Phone +33 (0)3 88 59 11 88 Fax +33 (0)3 88 59 11 77
Unit 7, Chessington Park Lion Park Avenue Chessington, Surrey KT9 1ST Great Britain Phone +44 (0)20 8391 1377 Fax +44 (0)20 8391 5878
51 Joseph Street Moonachie, N.J. 07074 USA Phone +1 201 229 97 00 Fax +1 201 229 00 18
267 Canarctic Drive Downsview, Ont. M3J 2N7 Canada Phone +1 416 650 0220 Fax +1 416 650 9540
RONDO S.r.l.
Via Lago di Albano, 86 36015 Schio (VI) Italy Phone +39 0445 576 635 Fax +39 0445 576 641
Varschavskoge Chaussée, D 17, Str. 3 117105 Moskau Russia Phone +7 (495) 786 39 06 Fax +7 (495) 788 98 20
Regional Office No. 14-1 Mezzanine Floor Jalan 11/116B Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park Off Jalan Kuchai Lama 58200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Phone +60 3 7984 55 20 Fax +60 3 7984 55 95
1. Safety regulations
2. Full view of the machine
3. Recommended spare parts
3.1 Mecanical spare parts
3.2 Electrical spare parts
4. Notes for the service
4.1 Important notes
4.1.1 Improvements on the Rondostar
4.1.2 Software changes
4.1.3 Usage of the new software
4.1.4 General view of the special functions
4.2 Initialisation
4.3 Calibrating the roller gap
4.4 Parameter
4.5 Diagnostic program
4.5.1 Selecting the diagnostic program
4.5.2 Checking the inputs
4.5.3 Allocation of the outputs
4.6 Operating hours counter


5. Important notes, testing the drives
5.1 Mains voltage, mains frequency
5.1.1 Modifying the machine for a different mains voltage
5.1.2 Modifying the machine for another frequency
5.2 Functions of the machine
5.2.1 Machine start function
5.2.2 Roller adjustment drive function
5.2.3 Turning knob
5.3 Testing the drives
5.3.1 Direction of rotation of the drives
5.3.2 Testing the table- and roller drive
5.3.3 Testing the roller adjustment drive
5.3.4 Testing the flour duster
5.3.5 Testing the reeler
5.3.6 Testing the roller adjustment drive brake
5.3.7 Testing the Cutomat
5.4 Final control test
6. Compound operation
6.1 General comments
6.2 Function
6.2.1 Compound operation with one make-up line respectively donut line
6.2.2 Positioning the dough
6.2.3 Release signal for transfer
6.3 Special parameters for compound operation
7. Instructions for trouble shooting
7.1 Error messages
7.2 Construction of the control system
7.3 Checking the control system
7.3.1 Mains voltage
7.3.2 Control voltages
7.3.3 Control circuit main contactor K1M
7.3.4 Measure of the voltage on the plugs
7.4 Important notes to the frequency inverter
7.4.1 Types
7.4.2 Parameterization
7.4.3 Ground fault interrupter can be actuated when inverter is started
8. Part names, drawings
8.1 Machine head front housing
8.1 Machine head front housing Cutomat / Compound
8.2 Machine head intermediate parts
8.3 Machine head rear housing
8.4 Machine bases
8.4.1 Machine base
8.4.2 Maschine base with support
8.4.3 Machine base SFI
8.5 Machine tables
8.5.1 Machine table Inox to Cutomat
8.5.2 Machine table Inox to support type
8.5.3 Machine table Inox to socle type
8.5.4 Flour catch pan
8.6 Cutting station / Machine table Cutomat
8.6.1 Adjustment of spring range
8.7 Flour duster
8.8 Automatic dough reeler
8.8.1 Convert the automatical dough reeler from the right to the left machine table
8.8.2 Reeler raise SFI61 17.E
8.9 Electrical box
8.10 Electrical box Cutomat
8.1 1 Front cover: Electrical equipment
9. Electro circuit diagrams
Unbedingt zu beachtende Sicherheitsvorschrif ten und -hinweise
Bei allen Reparatur-, Inst andhaltungs-, Reinigungs- und ähnlichen Arbeiten an Maschinen sind vor Beginn die Netzstecker herauszuziehen und alle eventuell vorhandenen Druckluftzuleitungen zu unterbrechen und zu entlüften!
Weiter sind sämtliche Sicherheitsvorschriften und -hinweise, gemäss Betriebsanleitung Kapitel 1, zu beachten!
Prescriptions et conseils de sécurité à observer obligatoirement
Avant tout travail de rép aration, d'entretien, de nettoyage et de travail analogue à la machine retirer la fiche de contact et, le cas échéant, arrêter et purger tout approvisionnement d'air comprimé!
De plus, il faut observer toutes les prescriptions et conseils de sécurité selon chapitre 1 du mode d'emploi!
Safety instructions and information which must be followed
Before beginning any repair , maintenance, cleaning or similar work on the machine disconnect the mains plug and interrupt and deaerate all possible existing feeding pipes of compressed air!
In addition, follow all safety instructions and information according to chapter 1 of the operating manual!

2 Full View of the Machine

1 Dough Catch Pan 2 Flour Duster (Option)
3 Roller Head 4 Safety Guard 5 Machine T able 6 Machine Base 7 Main Switch 8 Black Push Button for Starting 9 Control Panel 10 Red Push Button for Stopping 11 Forked Support 12 Turning knob for data input 13 Automatical Dough Reeler (Option) 14 Cutting Station (Option)
SFS6115C / SFS6117C
Edition: 04. 2005
Service manual
13 Automatical Dough Reeler (Option) 15 Support 16 Lower Table 17 Forked Supports
Edition: 04. 2005
Service manual

3. Empfohlene Ersatzteile / Pièces de rechange recommandes / Recommended spare parts

3.1 Mechanische Ersatzteile / Pièces de rechange mécaniques / Mecanical spare parts

Bestell-Nr. No commande Ordering no
50284 * Zahnriemen GT Courroie dentée GT Toothed belt GT 11532 Haltering Anneau de blocage Retaining ring 11935 Zahnriemen HTD Courroie dentée HTD Toothed belt HTD 11936 Zahnriemen HTD Courroie dentée HTD Toothed belt HTD 50048 Gasfeder 100N ohne
50283 Zahnriemen GT Courroie dentée GT Toothed belt GT 50453 Kupplung Dispositif d'accouplement Clutch 50474 Zahnriemen Courroie dentée Toothed belt 50485 Gasfeder 200N mit
50607 Rippenband Tapis gouffré Ribbed belt 91339T05 Antriebsrolle Rouleau d'entraînement Drive roller 105467 Kunststoffband 640 x 3280 Tapis synthétique
106570 Exzenterhebel Levier excentrique Eccentric lever 106593 Schaltsegment Segment Segment 108241 Schraubendruckfeder Ressort à pression Compression spring 121093 Teigrückhaltebügel Archet de retenue de pâte Dough retaining hoop 121344 Kunststoffband 640 x 3570 Tapis synthétique
121344T02 Kunststoffband 640 x 2680 Tapis synthétique
122775T03 Abstreifermesser Lame de racleur Scraper blade 123568 Zahnrad Z = 22 Roue dentée Z = 22 Gearwheel Z = 22 123570 Zahnrad Z = 15 Roue dentée Z = 15 Gearwheel Z = 15 124107 Zahnrad Z = 18 Roue dentée Z = 18 Gearwheel Z = 18 124108 Zahnrad Z = 16 Roue dentée Z = 16 Gearwheel Z = 16 124802 Zahnrad Z = 15 Roue dentée Z = 15 Gearwheel Z = 15 125908 Rippenbandscheibe Poulie courroie striée Ribbed V-belt pulley 125909 Rippenbandscheibe Poulie courroie striée Ribbed V-belt pulley 125910 Rippenbandscheibe Poulie courroie striée Ribbed V-belt pulley 125953 Feder Ressort Spring 125954 Abstreifer komplett Racleur complet Scraper complete 126055 Federstab Barre pour ressort Spring bar 126084 Rakel Racle Ductor 126088 Wischer Bras de monture d'essuie Wiper arm 133577T03 Abstreifermesser Lame de racleur Scraper blade 134823 Abstreifer komplett blau Racleur complet bleu Scraper complete blue 135341 Kunststoffband blau
* = Ausführung Cutomat/Version Cutomat/Type Cutomat
Automatischer Teighaspel / Enrouleur automatique de pâte / Automatic dough reeler 50466 O-Ring O-Anneau O-Ring 130530 Antriebsrad Z = 10 Roue dentée Z = 10 Gearwheel Z = 10 130531 Antriebsrad Z = 12 Roue dentée Z = 12 Gearwheel Z = 12 130532 Antriebsrad Z = 13 Roue dentée Z = 13 Gearwheel Z = 13 124595 Motor mit Kabel Linak Moteur avec câble Linak Motor with cable Linak
Teilebezeichnung Désignation Part name
automatischem Haspel
automatischem Haspel
640 x 3280
Vérin à gaz 100N sans enrouleur automatique
Vérin à gaz 200N avec enrouleur automatique
640 x 3280
640 x 3570
640 x 2680
Tapis synthétique bleu 640 x 3280
Pneumatic spring 100N without automatic reeler
Pneumatic spring 200N with automatic reeler
Synthetic conveyor belt 640 x 3280
Synthetic conveyor belt 640 x 3570 Synthetic conveyor belt 640 x 2680
Synthetic conveyor belt blue 640 x 3280
3.2. Elektrische Ersatzteile / Pièces de rechange électriques / Electrical spare parts
Bestell.Nr. No commande Ordering no.
8935 Feinsicherung 2,0A träg Fusible 2,0A lent Fuse 2,0A slow 9371 Endschalter Interrupteur fin de course Limit switch 11334 Empfängerkopf Tête de récepteur Receiver head 11335 Senderkopf Tête de transmetteur Transmitter head 50477 Grundmodul Module de base Modul basic 50481 Handrad komplett Roue à main compl. Handwheel compl. 50482 Absolutwertgeber Codeur en valeur absolue Rotary encoder 50483 Drehknopf Bouton tournant Turning knob 50495 Feinsicherung 0,63A träg Fusible 0,63A lent Fuse 0,63A slow 50587 Prozessoreinheit Unité microprocesseur Microprocessor unit 106111 Lichtschrankenkabel Câble pour cell. photoélectr. Cable for light barrier 106112 Lichtschrankenkabel Câble pour cell. photoélectr. Cable for light barrier 135202 *** Frequenzumrichter 230 V Variateur de fréquenze 230 V Frequency inverter 230 V 135203 *** Frequenzumrichter 400 V Variateur de fréquenze 400 V Frequency inverter 400 V
Bestell.Nr. No commande Ordering no.
12061 Drehstrommotor 0,09 kW Moteur triphasé 0.09 kW Motor three-phase 0.09 kW 35493 Motor mit Bremse Moteur avec freinage Motor with brake 50044 El. magnetische Bremse El. freinage magnétique El. magnetic brake 50359 *** Hilfskontaktblock Module de contacts auxiliaires Contact component auxiliary 50361 Kleinleistungschütz Contacteur de petit calibre Contactor miniature 50362 Kleinleistungsschütz Contacteur de petit calibre Contactor miniature 50484 Flachbandkabel 20-pol. Câble plat, 20 pol. Ribbon cable, 20 pol. 50588 *** Elektrische Kupplung
50603 Motor 1,1 kW 50/60 Hz Moteur 1,1 kW 50/60 Hz Motor 1,1 kW 50/60 Hz 50604 *** Zeitrelais Relais temporisé Time relais 50925 Pilztaster schwarz Bouton poussoir noir Push button black 50926 Pilztaster rot Bouton poussoir rouge Push button red 50927 Hilfsschalterblock 2S Bloc de contacts auxiliaires Contact block auxiliary 2S 50928 Hilfsschalterblock 10 Bloc de contacts auxiliaires Contact block auxiliary 10 51309 Motor 1,1 kW 60 Hz, UL Moteur 1,1 kW 60 Hz, UL Motor 1,1 kW 60 Hz, UL
*** Nur für Cutomat
1. Stufe Teilebezeichnung Echelon 1 Désignation Variation 1 Part name
2. Stufe Teilebezeichnung Echelon 2 Désignation Variation 2 Part name
Embrayage électrique
Electrical clutch Cutomat

4. Notes for the service

4.1 Important notes

4.1.1 Improvements on the Rondostar

In August 1998 the following changes have been made on the Rondostar.
Table drive:
Rondostar SFS611 is new equipped with clutches instead of the reversing gear (Like Compas 3000). Rondostar SFS611C (Cutomat, compound operation) is still equipped with the reversing gear.
Light barrier wiper (screen wiper):
New light barrier wipers, mounted directly on the roller, as by Compas 3000.
New scraper system, consisting of 4 single scrapers instead of the pairs of scrapers.

4.1.2 Software changes

The following software changes have been made:
- Control system for the table clutches
- Changes in the control system of the screen wiper
- Modifications for compound operation with make-up lines and transfer table. Previous software: 125921T01B V1.02
New software: 125921T01D V1.10
The EPROM is new marked as follows:
125921T01D / V1.10
125921T01D: Software identification by Seewer Rondo
V1.10: Software version, which is indicated below parameter 99 on the display
The software version is new also indicated on the processor beside the mark of the serial number.

4.1.3 Usage of the new software

The new software V1.10 can be used for all previous Rondostar. In doing so pay attention to:
- Table drive: Table clutches Parameter 31 = 1 Reversing gear Parameter 31 = 0
- Light barrier cleaning: new system on the roller Parameter 32 = 2 Parameter 33 = 450
old system with catch Parameter 32 = 320 Parameter 33 = 120
By delivery of the processors the parameters for clutches and for the new light barrier wipers are set.
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual

4.1.4 General view of the special functions

The software for the RONDOSTAR is equipped with special functions to assist the technical service.
Functions 1, 2: Access by the customer is possible (see operating manual) For entering press the key "OK".
Other functions: For entering press the key "flour duster". The information on these
functions is not contained in the operating manual.
The individual functions must be selected using a function code.
Allocation of the function codes:
with key function
code FU
Description of the function See
chapter "OK" 1 Parameters, access for customer possible ## "OK" 2 Diagnosis for customer, inputs indicated,
access to outputs is not possible
Flour duster 10 Parameters, for technical service 4.4
Flour duster 20 Final control test 5.4 Flour duster 30 Diagnosis for technical service 4.5 Flour duster 40 Test roller adjustment 5.3.3 Flour duster 51 Initialisation of the parameters 4.2 Flour duster 53 Initialisation of the programs 4.2 Flour duster 55 Full initialisation (parameters and programs) 4.2 Flour duster 67 Calibration of roller gap 4.3 Flour duster 70 Display operating hours counter 4.6 Flour duster 99 Indication of the software version -----
## For description of the functions see the operating manual The functions listed above are described in detail in the following chapters.
Warning Changing the functions requires great care and forethought.

4.2 Initialisation

When the processor is initialised, the basic data (parameters, sheeting programs) are loaded from the program EPROM into the processor's working memory.
When initialisating, all previously entered data such as customer programs, special parameters, etc. are overwritten by the basic data.
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual
When should the initialisation be carried out?
- Following the installation of a new processor in the machine Full initialisation (FU 55)
- Where faults are suspected in the processor's control procedure (software errors) In this case proceed as follows: Initialise the parameters (FU 51) ---> then test the machine
- If the problems are not rectified Full initialisation (FU 55) ---> then test the machine This results in the loss of all sheeting programs
memorised by the customer!
- If only the customer programs are to be deleted Initialise the programs (FU 53) ---> all sheeting programs are deleted
How to initialise?
Example: In order to initialise the parameters (FU 51) proceed as follows:
- Switch on working mode "Auto" LED "Auto" on continuously
- Press key "Flour Duster" for approx. 10 s Indication: FU 0 --
- Set "51" by turning knob Indication: FU 51 --
- Press key "OK" till Indication: FU 0 --
- Return to sheeting program Press the key "ESC"

4.3 Calibrating the roller gap

Calibration of the roller gap is imperative if:
- the processor has been changed
- changes are made to the absolute value sender (toothed belt, attachment of the sender, etc.)
- the roller gap shown on the display does not coincide with the actual roller gap The calibration of the roller gap takes place by a roller gap of 4,0 mm.
Proceed as follows:
- Switch off the machine at the main switch
- Set the roller gap to 4,0 mm, e.g. by turning the brake disk of the roller engagement drive. Check the roller gap with e.g. a 4,0 mm large sheet.
- Switch on the machine at the main switch
- Press key "Flour duster" for approx. 10 s Indication: FU 0 --
- Set "67" by turning knob Indication: FU 67 XX,X-
- Press key "OK" till Indication: FU 67 4,0
Calibration is complete Return to the sheeting program: Press the key "ESC"
XX,X = Numerical value The calibration of the roller gap is not affected by initialisation and is not deleted.
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Service manual

4.4 Parameter

Key Funct. Param. Description Value Unity
OK 1 0 Entering data: Side end for folding not defined 0
Side end for folding right 1 Side end for folding left 2
OK 1 1 Entering data: Side end for man. reeling not defined 0
Side end for man. reeling right 1
Side end for man. reeling left 2 OK 1 2 Compound operation: Time band stop waiting postion 15 0,1 s OK 1 3 Compound operation: Time for transfer 300 0,1 s
FD 10 10 Entering data: no Auto-reeler 0
Auto-reeler right 1
Auto-reeler left 2 FD 10 11 Entering data: no cutomat 0
Cutomat right 1
Coutomat left 2 FD 10 12 Time Auto-reeler finished
photocell free --> conveyor belt stop FD 10 13 Time handreeler finished
photocell free --> conveyor belt stop FD 10 14 Position of the dough handreeler placement
Dough in photocell --> conveyor belt stop FD 10 15 Time conveyor belt stop for folding
photocell free --> conveyor belt stop FD 10 16 Time conveyor belt stop for cutomat
photocell free --> conveyor belt stop FD 10 17 Roller opening by cutting (Cutomat) 50 0,1 mm FD 10 18 Time open Auto-reeler 12 0,1 s D 10 19 Time close Auto-reeler 15 0,1 s FD 10 20 max. dough thickness in mm for Auto-reeler 90 0,1 mm FD 10 21 Delay time dough in photocell 2 0,1 s FD 10 22 Indicator period 8 0,1 s FD 10 23 Indicator break 2 0,1 s FD 10 24 Cutomat: running time high speed at the start 10 0,1 s FD 10 25 On delay-time for flour duster 8 0,1 s FD 10 26 Time for changing the program-no. (Flashing of the program-no) 50 0,1 s FD 10 27 Time press the key for selecting the program mode 30 0,1 s FD 10 28 "long time" for key OK respectively flour duster for special
functions FD 10 29 "short time" for key OK respectively flour duster for special
functions FD 10 30 Compound operation:
no compound operation 0
compound left 1
compound right 2
compound operation left/right no passages without roller
adjustment (special) 3
compound operation left/right: for left machine place dough on
left side, for right machine place dough on right side 4 FD 10 31 Rondostar with table clutch 1
Rondostar with reversing gear 2
(Cutomat/Compound, machine delivery before August 1998) FD 10 32 Light barrier wiper "above"
For new screen wiper on the roller, inactive 2
For old screen wiper with catch, function active 320 FD 10 33 Light barrier wiper "below"
For new screen wiper on the roller, inactive 450
For old screen wiper with catch, function active 120
Values in brackets are valid for short tables
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Service manual
15 (10) 15 (10) 15 (10) 2 0,1 s
2 0,1 s
100 0,1 s 30 0,1 s 0
0,1 s 0,1 s 0,1 s
Key: Select special functions with the key "OK" or with the key "flour duster" The customer has the option, to change parameter 0, 1, 2 and 3. See description in the operating manual.
Function: The function is selected with the turning knob. Function 10 and the associated parameters are exclusively intended for the
Parameters: The parameters are selected with the turning knob and confirmed with "OK"
technical service (no notes in the operating manual).
Value: The figures given in the column "value" are loaded into the working memory from
the EPROM during initialisation and may subsequently be changed.
Attention: By the software version V1.02 it was as follows:
- Parameter 31: Time for transfer in the compound operation
- Parameter 32: Time band stop waiting position in the compound operation There were no parameters for the light barrier wipers.
Changing the parameters:
Example: The time to switch to "programming" is to be changed from 3 s to 5 s. Use function (FU) 10 to change parameter (PA) 27 from 30 to 50
- Switch on working mode "Auto" LED "AUTO" on continuously
- Press key "flour duster" during 10 s Indication: FU 0 --
- Set "10" by turning knob Indication: FU 10 --
- Press key "OK" till Indication: PA 10** (0)
- Set parameter "27" by turning knob Indication: PA 27** 30
- Press key "OK" till Indication: PA 27 30**
- Set value "50" by turning knob Indication: PA 27 50**
- Press key "OK" Indication: PA 28** XX,X return to the sheeting program: Press key "ESC" twice
XX,X = Numerical value ** = Indication is flashing

4.5 Diagnostic program

The Rondostar is fitted with an automatic direction of rotation control, i.e. after switching on the electricity supply (mains switch), when a sheeting program is started for the first time, the direction of rotation of the mains is checked. The drives are subsequently controlled in accordance with the direction of rotation of the mains.
Before using the diagnostic program, the machine is briefly started in a sheeting program or in the working mode "manual" (direction of rotation check). As soon as the conveyor belts start to move, the machine can be stopped and the program may be aborted using "ESC". The turning direction of the net will be indicated with LED 9 (see chapter 4.5.2)
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual

4.5.1 Selecting the diagnostic program

- Switch on working mode "Auto" LED "AUTO" on continuously
- Press key "flour duster" during 10 s Indication: FU 0 --
- Set function "30" by turning knob Indication: FU 30 --
- Press key "OK" till Indication: d. 1** 0
- Return to the sheeting program: Press key "ESC" twice ** = Indication is flashing

4.5.2 Checking the inputs

The statuses (On/Off) of the inputs are displayed on the LED of the roller reduction steps, whereby they are numbered 1 - 9 from left to right.
LED No. 1 Control voltage processor Control voltage OK = 1 LED No. 2 General control voltage Control voltage OK = 1 LED No. 3 Right push button Right push button operated = 1 LED No. 4 Left push button Left push button operated = 1 LED No. 5 Main contactor K1M Main contactor engaged = 1 LED No. 6 Frequency inverter, Frequency inverter and contactor K2M contactor K2M ON = 1 LED No. 7 Turning knob Slow turning of turning knob = 0/1 LED No. 8 Photocell Photocell covered = 1 Photocell free = 0 LED No. 9 Direction of rotation of mains Right rotating field = 0 Left rotating field = 1
"1" indicates that the corresponding LED illuminates "0/1" indicates that the LED switches on and off when the turning knob is turned. "0" indicates that the corresponding LED is switched off
If all inputs should be tested, proceed as follows:
Select the diagnostic program (FU30) Safety guard open illuminate: LED1, LED2
These two LED have to illuminate always. Close safety guard
Press right push button illuminate: LED3 LED5 LED6 Push button no longer pressed illuminate: LED5 LED6
Press left push button illuminate: LED4 LED5 LED6 Push button no longer pressed illuminate: LED5 LED6
Open safety guard LED5 has to switch off imediately LED6 has to switch off with approx 1 s delay
Turn turning knob slowly LED7 has to illuminate Photocell LED8 illuminates when photocell is covered
LED8 doesn't illuminate when photocell is free
Edition: 06.2011
Service manual

4.5.3 Allocation of the outputs

After leaving the diagnostic program, all outputs are automatically returned to their former status.
Functions of the processor outputs
A0 Supervision processor
A2 Table drive:Conveyor-
A11 Table drive:Conveyor-
A5 Table clutches
A6 Roller adjustment
A10 Roller adjustment
A7 Roller adjustment A9 Flour duster A8 Direction of rotation flour
A4 Selection between
A3 Auto reeler, table
A1 Reeler
Function by mains right rotating field LED No. 9 dark
belt runs to the left
belt runs to the right
0 = left clutch 1 = right clutch Cutomat: 1 = small number of revolutions
1 = drive ON 0 = upward
1 = downward 1 = Brake ON 1 = Flour duster ON duster 0 by right rotating
field 0 = reeler
1 = table clutch / Cutomat clutch
clutches, Cutomat clutch 1 = ON
0 = Open reeler 1 = Close reeler
Function by mains left rotating field LED No. 9 illuminates
Supervision processor (watch-dog)
Table drive: Conveyor-belt runs to the right Table drive: Conveyor-belt runs to the left Table clutches 0 = left clutch 1 = right clutch Cutomat: 1 = small number of revolutions Roller adjustment 1 = drive ON Roller adjustment 0 = downward 1 = upward Roller adjustment 1 = Brake ON Flour duster 1 = Flour duster ON Direction of rotation flour duster 1 by left rotating field Selection between 0 = reeler 1 = table clutch / Cutomat clutch Auto reeler, table clutches, Cutomat clutch 1 = ON Reeler 0 = Open reeler 1 = Close reeler
K8 Cannot be switched on
-inverter K13 Rondostar with table
K1/ K2
K3 / K4
K12 Switch on / off
or off processor fault A1=0 By Cutomat: Conveyor-belt runs always to the left By Cutomat: Conveyor-belt runs always to the right
The drives for roller adjustment and reeler each have:
- 1 relay for drive ON/OFF
- 1 relay for the direction of movement up/down respectively open/close With outputs A2, A8, A10, A11 the function changes when the direction of rotation of the
mains changes. Output A2: SFS Contactor K2M motor main drive, direction dough to left/right depends of mains direction of rotation. SFS Cutomat Signal to frequency inverter, direction dough to the left Output A11: SFS Contactor K3M motor main drive, direction dough to the left/right depends of mains direction of rotation SFS Cutomat Signal to frequency inverter, direction dough to the right
Edition: 06.2011
Service manual
Consider: - What do I want to switch on?
- Which output must be switched?
- Is the correct output selected? The drives can only be started when the safety guards have been closed. The individual outputs can be switched on and off as follows:
- Switch on working mode "Auto" LED "AUTO" on continuously
- Press key "flour duster" during approx 10 s Indication: FU 0 --
- Set function "30" by turning knob Indication: FU 30 --
- Press key "OK" till Indication: d. 1** 0
- Select output (for example A7) by turning knob Indication: d. 7** 0
- Switch on output by key "OK" Indication: d. 7 1
- Switch off output by key "OK" Indication: d. 7 0
- Return to the sheeting program: Press key "ESC" twice ** = Indication is flashing
In order to test the drives a number of special test programs are available. Testing of the individual drives is described in detail in chapter 5.3.

4.6 Operating hours counter

The processor is fitted with an operating hours counter. The counter reading can be called up using function 70. The display is given in hours.
In order to read the operating hours counter, proceed as follows:
- Switch on working mode "Auto" LED "AUTO" on continuously
- Press key "flour duster" during 10 s Indication: FU 0 --
- Set "70" by turning knob Indication: FU 70 --
- Press key "OK" (10 s) till Indication: h 000 045 (45 hours)
- Return to the sheeting program: Press key "ESC" twice
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual

5. Important notes, testing the drives

Rondostar without Cutomat: The drive motor for tables and rollers is supplied directly from the mains.
Rondostar with Cutomat (variable speed): The drive motor for tables and rollers is supplied by a frequency inverter during the sheeting and
also during the cutting process.
For the operating voltages 200 - 230 V and 380 - 460 V different types of frequency inverters and mains filters are necessary.

5.1 Mains voltage, mains frequency

The mains voltage and mains frequency must coincide with the data given on the machine
specification plate. The specification plate is to be found on the substructure where the mains cable input is located. The prescribed maximum fusing must be observed.

5.1.1 Modifying the machine for a different mains voltage

Motors: Table drive motor, roller adjustment motor, flour duster motor
200 - 230 V Motors delta-connected 380 - 460 V Motors star-connected
Attention: Rondostar with Cutomat (variable speed) cannot be switched over
from 200 - 230 V to 380 - 460 V. (Different frequency inverters!) Transformer: The transformer in the basic module must be switched to the new voltage.

5.1.2 Modifying the machine for another frequency

The following parts depend of the value of the frequency: 50 Hz 60 Hz
motor 50400 50421 V-belt pulley 124128 124138 V-belt 50401 50403
Attention: Rondostar with Cutomat (variable speed) can be operated with 50 or 60 Hz
without a change.
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual

5.2 Functions of the machine

5.2.1 Machine start function

When the machine is started, the following control process runs automatically:
1. One of the black push buttons is operated. Here the black push buttons have a dual function. On the one hand they switch on the main contactor, on the other hand they issue the
command for the direction of rotation of the conveyor belt to the processor.
2. Main contactor K1M engages.
3. At the time of the first start after switching on the mains, the direction of rotation of the
mains is checked automatically as follows: The roller drive is briefly switched on and the direction of rotation of the motor is checked. If the roller rises when given the command "close" (wrong direction), the direction of rotation of the table, roller adjustment and flour duster drives is automatically changed.
4. The roller adjustment drive starts and the roller moves to the roller gap shown in the
display. At the same time the automatic reeler is opened if it is not already in the upper
end position.
5. The table drive starts automatically when the roller end position is reached.

5.2.2 Roller adjustment drive function

The position of the roller gap is measured with an absolute value sender. With an angle of rotation of 360° (roller gap 45.0 - 0.2 mm), the absolute value sender has 256 positions. A specific roller gap is allocated to each of these 256 positions in the software.
Here the correct calibration of the absolute value sender at a roller gap of 4.0 mm is paramount. (See chapter 4.3)
The direction of rotation of the mains is checked using the roller adjustment drive. The controls of the table drive and the flour duster are dependent on the direction of rotation of the roller adjustment drive.

5.2.3 Turning knob

The turning knob consists of an impulse sender with 128 impulses per revolution. The turning knob is used to input the data during programming, when selecting the program and during diagnostic work, etc.
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual

5.3 Testing the drives

5.3.1 Direction of rotation of the drives
The machine automatically tests the direction of rotation of the mains and controls the machine accordingly.
The roller adjustment drive always depends directly on the direction of rotation of the mains. If the direction of movement of the table drive or of the flour duster is incorrect, proceed as follows:
Flour duster: Switch 2 phases on the motor terminals Table drive: First check if the black push buttons are correctly connected.
(See checking the inputs, chapter 4.5.2, LED 3 and LED 4)
Are the push buttons correctly connected, switch 2 phases of the
motor cable on contactor K2M.

5.3.2 Testing the table- and roller drive

Testing the drive
Testing the drive is best not carried out in the diagnostics program but directly in the working
mode "Manual". Proceed as follows:
- Select "Manual" working mode
- Operate left push button conveyor belt must run to the right Stop by using red push button
- Leave the program with "ESC"
- Operate right push button conveyor belt must run to the left Stop by using red push button
- Leave the program with "ESC"
Testing the clutches table drive
Note: The clutch of the infeed belt is always switched on. The infeed belt only runs when the clutch is switched on!
For testing the clutches in the diagnostic program, proceed as follows: Switch on diagnostic program as described under 4.5.1
Testing the left clutch:
- Set d = 4 by turning knob Indication: d 4** 0
- Switch on by key "OK" Indication: d 4** 1
- Set d = 3 by turning knob Indication: d 3** 0
- Switch on clutch by key "OK" Indication: d 3** 1 ** = Indication is flashing
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual
Testing the right clutch:
- Set d = 4 by turning knob Indication: d 4** 0
- Switch on by key "OK" Indication: d 4** 1
- Set d = 5 by turning knob Indication: d 5** 0
- Switch on by key "OK" Indication: d 5** 1
- Set d = 3 by turning knob Indication: d 3** 0
- Switch on clutch by key "OK" Indication: d 3** 1 ** = Indication is flashing

5.3.3 Testing the roller adjustment drive

In order to test the roller adjustment drive, a special test program "Test roller adjustment" is available. Proceed as follows:
- Switch on working mode "Auto" LED "AUTO" on continuously
- Press key "flour duster" during 10 s Indication: FU 0 --
- Set "40" by turning knob Indication: FU 40 --
- Press key "OK" till Indication: d. XX,X 45,0**
- Set roller gap (example 35 mm) by turning knob Indication: d. XX,X 35,0**
- Close safety guard Start of the roller adjustment drive by black push button
Roller moves to the selected roller gap Indication: d. 35,0 35,0** XX,X = Numerical value
** = Indication is flashing

5.3.4 Testing the flour duster

The correct direction of rotation for the flour duster has been determined by the automatic check on the direction of rotation of the mains. (Do not change output A8).
To check the flour duster, switch on the diagnostic program as described under 4.5.1
- Switch on working mode "Auto" LED "AUTO" on continuously
- Press key "flour duster" during approx. 10 s Indication: FU 0 --
- Set function "30" by turning knob Indication: FU 30 --
- Press key "OK" till Indication: d. 1** 0 Now the diagnostic program is switched on ** = Indication is flashing
Processor output 9, flour duster On / Off
- Close safety guard, press the black push button briefly
- Set d = 9 by turning knob Indication: d 9** 0
- Flour duster ON by key "OK" Indication: d 9** 1
- Flour duster OFF by key "OK" Indication: d 9** 0 ** = Indication is flashing
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual

5.3.5 Testing the reeler

The motor of the reeler drive is equipped with limit switches which automatically interrupt the electricity supply in the end position.
To check the reeler in the diagnostic program proceed as follows:
Switch on diagnostic program as described under 4.5.1
Switch on reeler
- Set d = 3 by turning knob Indication: d 3** 0
- Reeler ON by key "OK" Indication: d 3** 1 The reeler is now switched on
Open / close reeler
- Set d = 1 by turning knob Indication: d 1** 0 (1) The reeler can now be opened and closed by the key "OK".
- Press key "OK": Close reeler, wait until the reeler is closed completely Indication: d 1** 1
- Press key "OK": Open reeler, wait until the reeler is opened completely Indication: d 1** 0
** = Indication is flashing
Warning: Do not change the direction of rotation while the reeler is moving.

5.3.6 Testing the roller adjustment drive brake

In order to test the brake of the roller adjustment drive in the diagnostic program, proceed as follows:
- Switch on the diagnosic program as described under 4.5.1
- Set d = 7 by turning knob Indication: d 7** 0
- Brake ON by key "OK" Indication: d 7** 1
- Brake OFF by key "OK" Indication: d 7** 0
** = Indication is flashing
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual

5.3.7 Testing the Cutomat

For the operation Cutomat the Cutomat clutch (outputs A3 and A4 = 1) as well as the slow speed (output A5 = 1) have to be switched on.
For testing the function Cutomat, set a simple auto-program with Cutomat in program 1, 3 positions:
Initial roller gap 10 mm Final roller gap 6 mm Roller reduction curve 5
Function Cutomat:
Now the program will start in the final test (See 5.4). If the endthickness is reached, start the machine with the black push button. Now the rollers open about 5 mm and the machine starts with the Cutomat speed. The table on the infeed side has to run exactly as fast as the table on the outfeed side. A click of the driving wheels in the front housing is audible (normal).

5.4 Final control test

For the final control test an automatic sheeting program (without dough) is used in a continuous way. The running time for the table drive in either direction of operation is approx. 3 s.
Warning: Continuous operation is only possible using programs with the functions "Stop for folding" or "automatic reeling".
- Switch on working mode "Auto" LED "AUTO" on continuously
- Press key "flour duster" during approx. 10 s Indication: FU 0 --
- Set "20" by turning knob Indication: FU 20 --
- Press key "OK" till Indication: FU 0 --
- Press key "OK", program no. 1 is displayed Indication: 01** XX,X XX,X
- Select desired testing program by turning knob Start machine with black push button, stop machine with red push button or safety
guard. Return to normal sheeting mode: Press key "ESC" XX,X = Numerical value ** = Indication is flashing
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual

6. Compound operation

The Rondostar SFS6117 is also qualified for compound operation with a transfer table (dough transfer with sheeting speed).
The Rondostar SFS6117DD is qualified for compound operation with a make-up line or a donut line. The variable speed for the dough transfer is approx. 1,5 - 7,5 m/min for make-up lines and approx. 15 - 25 m/min for donut lines.

6.1 General comments

In compound operation with make-up lines respectively donut lines, the Rondostar can be used together with one or two lines. The following operating modes are possible (parameter 30):
- Make-up line / donut line to the left of the Rondostar
- Make-up line / donut line to the right of the Rondostar
- One make-up line / donut line on each side of the Rondostar
Compound operation with make-up lines respectively donut lines is only possible with the Rondostar SFS6117DD. The Rondostar SFS6117DD can also be used like a standard machine (Function Cutomat not possible). Special processor parameters, see chapter 6.3.
The compound operation with a transfer table is possible with a normal Rondostar (without variable speed). The release for transfer takes place by the transfer table (high speed).
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual

6.2 Function

6.2.1 Compound operation with one make-up line respectively donut line

For compound operation a program containing the final function "Cutomat" mus t always be produced. Sheeting takes place as for a normal sheeting program. The dough band is stopped in the same position as for "place manual reeler". The dough position can be set by parameter 2. The dough transfer starts, if the release is given by the line (input E6). The dough band is transferred at reduced speed. The time for transfer can be set by parameter 3. When the transfer time is run down the sheeting program is finished (The rollers revert to the initial roller gap).
Transfer speed:
Adjustable on the potentiometer as by Cutomat. The time for the transfer of the dough depends on the speed! The time can be set by parameter 3.

6.2.2 Positioning the dough

During compound operation with one line (parameter 30 = 1 or 2) the dough piece can be positioned on the left or right table. During compound operation with two lines, sheeting takes place corresponding the selected parameter 30.
- Parameter 30 = 3: without a passage without roller adjustment. The number of sheeting passages (even/uneven) therefore determines the side on which for the left respectively right line the dough must be positioned. By sheeting a dough piece it is possible to determine the allocation of the side "position dough" to the left or right line.
- Parameter 30 = 4: Side to place the dough is defined as follows: for left machine place dough on the left side for right machine place dough on the right side

6.2.3 Release signal for transfer

The release signal for transfer is given by the make-up line by means of a floating contact. Contact closed = release Contact open = no release respectively stop during the transfer In special circumstances the release signal can be given by operating the black push button (the release is given as long as the black push button is operated).

6.3 Special parameters for compound operation

The following parameters have to be set on the processor for compound operation.
- Parameter 30: Definition of compound operation (left, right, both sides)
- Parameter 2: Stop position on the table end if the dough cannot be transferred.
- Parameter 3: Running time for the dough transfer (depends on the transfer speed). The parameters 2 and 3 can also be set by the customer (operating manual)
Parameterization of the frequency inverter, see chapter 7.4.2
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual

7. Instructions for trouble shooting

7.1 Error messages

The following error messages are indicated on the display:
Indication Error Causes
Err 1 Supervision of the control - Mains voltage to small voltage of the microprocessor - Control voltage to small, replace the basic modul
- Error processor (Input) Err 2 Supervision of the control - Check control voltage
voltage, Error input E2 - Check fuse F2 in the basic module
Err 3 Time-out roller adjustment - Motor runs only with 2 phases drive, i. e. adjusting the roller - Mechanism of the roller takes too long adjustment jams.
Err 4 No reaction of the sender, - Roller adjustment motor doesn't if roller adjustment drive turn is switched on. - The roller jams in the upper or the lower final position.
- Sender defective.
- Sender cable is not plugged into the processor
- Ribbon cable from the processor to the basic module isn't plugged in.
Err 5 Target value for roller gap, i. e. - Brake doesn't function divergence between set point - The transmitter doesn't work and actual value of roller gap properly (positions are partially is too big missing
Err 6 The main contactor K1M is By switching on the main switch welded. the contactor K1M is already tightened.
Attention: The black push button may only be operated if the indications on the display are illuminating, i. e. if the processor is ready for working
Err 7 Error frequency inverter or - Check the frequency inverter contactor K2M doesn't switch on. Switch of the mains switch for at (Input E4) least 30 s.
- Check contactor K2M
- Check time relay K3T
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual
Indication Error Causes
Err 8 Error frequency inverter or - Check the frequency inverter contactor K2M switchs off to (See also Error 7) early (Input E4) - Check the adjustment of the time relay K3T (1,0 s with off-delay)
Err 9 Contactor K2M doesn't - Check contactor K2M switch off - Check the adjustment of the time relay K3T
The errors can be eleminated by switching off the mains switch. The mains has to be switched off for at least 30 s, by machines with a frequency inverter (Cutomat).

7.2 Construction of the control system

The electrical control consists basically of the following parts:
Processor with display
The machine is controled by the processor.
Basic module (fitted in electrical box)
The basic module contains:
- Power-pack consists of the transformer and the rectifier for the control voltages 24 VDC and 15 VDC.
- Relays for the control of the roller adjustment drive including the brake.
- Relays for the control of the flour duster.
- Relays for the control of the reeler.
- Contactors for the control of the roller drive / table drive
Contactor control system
The main contactor K1M carries out a safety function. When opening the safety guard or pressing the red push button, all drives are disconnected. The table drive is controled by the contactors K2M and K3M.
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual

7.3 Checking the control system

7.3.1 Mains voltage

Switch on mains switch and measure all 3 phases on contactor K1M, terminals 2, 4, 6. (by Cutomat terminals L1, L2, L3)

7.3.2 Control voltages

Attention: The connections of the control voltage transformer (fitted in the basic module) have to coincide with the phase voltage of the net!
Control voltage 15 VDC
Control voltage for the processor. Measure the voltage at plug X5 on the processor (Terminals 4 and 5). Check fuse F1 (0,63 AT) in the basic module.
Control voltage 24 VDC
Control voltage for contactor control system, in- and outputs of the processor etc. Measure the voltage at plug X5 on the processor (Terminals 1 and 2). Check fuse F2 (2,0 AT) in the basic module.
The control voltages can also be checked at the basic modul on the terminals TP1 - TP6 (Close to the fuses)
TP1: +24V TP3: +15V TP5: 26VAC TP2: G24V TP4: G15V TP6: 26VAC
Voltage 24 VDC for reeler drive (Up / Down)
Measure the voltage at plug X10-1 / X10-2. Check fuse F3 (2,0 AT) in the basic module.

7.3.3 Control circuit main contactor K1M

The release of the control voltage is done by the relay K8 in the basic module.
(See circuit diagram 500680, side 3, path 1 respectively 500681 side 3, path 1) Relay K8 switches on as soon as the processor works faultless. If the processor doesn't run (Error in the processor), the red LED in the basic module is illuminated.
The control voltage can be checked as follows:
- Measure against ground, e. g. earth terminal
- Terminal X1-1: Voltage existing if released off processor (Relay K8)
- Terminal X1-2: Voltage existing if safety guard OK
- Terminal X1-6: Voltage existing if red push button OK
- Terminal X1-5: Voltage existing if one of the black push buttons is operated
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual

7.3.4 Measure of the voltage on the plugs

All connections to the basic module are plugable and allow a quick and faultless exchange. The following picture shows the numbering of the plug connections. Based on these, in combination with the diagram, the output voltage on the basic module can be measured.

7.4 Important notes to the frequency inverter

7.4.1 Types

For 200 - 230 V and 380 - 460 V different types of frequency inverters and mains filters are used.

7.4.2 Parameterization

The frequency inverters delivered by RONDO Burgdorf AG, CH are already parameterized. The inverters can be used without a change for the sheeting machine Compas SFA612.
Important: All other parameters must not be changed.
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual
7.4.3 Ground fault interrupter can be actuated when inverter is started Leakage current flows through the inverter.
The inverter performs internal switching. Therefore, a leakage current flows through the inverter. This leakage current may actuate the ground fault interrupter, shutting the power off.
Use a ground fault interrupter with a high leakage-current detection value (sensitivity amperage of 200mA or more, operating time of 0,1 s or more) or one with high-frequency countermeasures for inverter use.
In addition, remember that a leakage current increases in proportion to the cable length. Normally, approximately 5 mA of leakage current is generated for each meter of cable.
Edition: 06.2011 Service manual
8. Teilebezeichnungen, Zeichnungen / Désignations des pièces, dessins / Part names, drawings

8.1 Maschinenkörper vorderes Gehäuse Corps de la machine carter avant 125895 Machine head front housing

Bestell-Nr. No commande Ordering no.
7153 Federkeil 8x25 Clavette 8x25 Key 8x25 7159 Federkeil 5x5x20 Clavette 5x5x20 Key 5x5x20 7249 Rillenkugellager Roulement à billes Ball bearing 7251 Rillenkugellager Roulement à billes Ball bearing 7272 Rillenkugellager Roulement à billes Ball bearing 7286 Rillenkugellager Roulement à billes Ball bearing 8102 Rillenkugellager Roulement à billes Ball bearing 10404 Gewindestift M4x4 Vis sans tête Set screw 11301 Kugellager Freilauf Roulement à billes libre Free wheeling with ball bearing 11335 Senderkopf Tête de transmetteur Transmitter head 11901 Distanzscheibe Rondelle d'espacement Spacing washer 11903 Lagerbüchse Coussinet Bearing bush 50044 El. Magnetbremse Frainage Brake 50283 Zahnriemen GT Courroie dentée GT Toothed belt GT 50284 Zahnriemen GT Courroie dentée GT Toothed belt GT 50451 Federkeil 4x4x14 Clavette 4x4x14 Key 4x4x14 50452 Lagerbüchse mit Bund Coussinet Bearing bush 50453 Wellenkupplung Dispositif d'accouplement Clutch 50474 Zahnriemen HTD Courroie dentée HTD Toothed belt HTD 50482 Absolutwertgeber mit
105444 Druckfeder Ressort à pression Compression spring 106112 Lichtschrankenkabel Câble pour cellule
106114T01 Kupplung mit Kabel Embrayage avec câble Clutch with cable 106814 Verstellschwinge Levier basculant Adjusting lever 106815 Exzenter Excentrique Eccentric 106817 Dichtteller Disque de joint Seal cover plate 122421 Kupplungswelle links Arbre d'embrayage à gauche Clutch shaft left 122422 Kupplungswelle rechts Arbre d'embrayage à droite Clutch shaft right 122423 Riemenscheibe Z=34 Poulie Z=34 Pulley Z=34 122425 Riemenscheibe Z=38/Z=44 Poulie Z=38/Z=44 Pulley Z=38/Z=44 122427 Riemenscheibe Z=46 Poulie Z=46 Pulley Z=46 122428 Distanzbolzen Bouton d'écartement Distance bolt 122431 Lagerbrille Plaque de palier Bearing plate 124110 Spindel Broche Spindle 124111 Mutter Ecrou Nut 124113 Spindellager Logement du broche Spindle bearing 124115 Hebel Levier Lever 124118 Riemenscheibe Z=21 Poulie Z=21 Pulley Z=21 124119 Riemenscheibe Z=65 Poulie Z=65 Pulley Z=65 124608 Motor für Walzenzustellung Moteur pour approche des
126050 Lager Palier Bearing 126063 Spindelhalterung Broche d'appui Holding device
Teilebezeichnung Désignation Part name
Codeur en valeur absolue avec prise mâle
Rotary encoder with plug
Cable for light barrier
Motor for roller adjustment
+ 108 hidden pages