stainless steel
Unique design and premium quality
made in Germany
All models are also available with
white enamelled casing:
types AK 1580, AK 2080, AK 3080
These superior cooking plates with unique 2-shell casing and attractive stainless steel surface cut
a fine figure everywhere – whether as additional appliance in the kitchen or as fully-fledged
cooking facility in the office or the holiday flat. This line, made in Germany, offers the only
genuine automatic cooking plates complying with the standards! The patented thermostat system
provides for highest temperature accuracy. The automatic cooking system, large, well-arranged
pilot lamps and an overheating protection offer high ease of use and safety. The durable cast iron
heating plates are perfectly suitable for all kinds of cooking vessels; the versions with express
heating plate (red dot) ensure a very short heating-up time. Whether single or double cooking
plate – this line is always the right choice for discerning customers.
Technical data:
superior 2-shell casing
stainless steel surface
durable cast iron heating plates
automatic temperature regulation, stepless
patented thermostat system
with automatic cooking system and
overheating protection
large pilot lamp(s)
due to analogue casing dimensions, all types
of the line can be combined in tandem position
type: AK 1599/E single cooking plate
230 V~ 1500 W, 145 mm Ø express heating plate
dimensions: 24 x 24 x 7.5 cm
EAN: 4001797150004
type: AK 2099/E single cooking plate
230 V~ 2000 W, 180 mm Ø express heating plate
dimensions: 24 x 24 x 7.5 cm
EAN: 4001797151001
R O M M E L S B A C H E R ElektroHausgeraete GmbH
Phone +49 9851/57 58-0 Fax +49 9851/57 58 59 e-mail: export@rommelsbacher.de Internet: www.rommelsbacher.de
Reg.-Court Ansbach HRB No. 77 Managing Directors: Sigrid Klenk Willi Klenk
type: AK 3099/E double cooking plate
230 V~ 3000 W
145 mm Ø 1500 W express heating plate
180 mm Ø 1500 W
dimensions: 48 x 24 x 7.5 cm
EAN: 40 01797 152008
Rudolf-Schmidt-Str. 18
91550 Dinkelsbuehl Germany