Rolls-Royce Helicon X3 User Manual

1 Introduction
User Manual
Rolls-Royce Helicon X3 P&T Control System
NB/Hull No.:
AL 021
3 System Description
4 Delivery Specification
5 Technical Data
6 Operating Instructions
7 Maintenance Instructions
8 Trouble Shooting
Installation Id.:
Vessel type:
Asgaard Navegac„o
9 Contact List
10 Spare Parts
11 Tools
12 Design Drawings
13 Revision
Copyright © 2010 Rolls-Royce plc
The information in this document is the property of Rolls-Royc e plc and may not be cop­ied or communicated to a third party, or used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written consen t of Rolls-Royce Marine plc. This information is given in good faith based u pon the latest information available to Rolls-Royce plc, no warranty or representation is gi ven concerning such information, which must not be taken as establishing any contractual or other commitment binding upon Rolls-Royce plc or any of its subsidiary or associated companies.
14 Subsuppliers Manuals


1 Purpose ........................................................................................................3
2 Warranty .......................................................................................................3
3 Contents .......................................................................................................3
4 Target Groups .............................................................................................. 4
5 Terms and Abbreviations ...........................................................................4
Copyright © 2010 Rolls-Royce plc
The content of this document is the property of Ro lls-Royce plc and may not be redistributed in whole or in part thereof without express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc.
Doc. No.: 13S000411
Revision: A
Doc. No.: 13S000411 Revision: A
Copyright © 2010 Rolls-Royce plc
The purpose of the Helicon X3 User Manual is to provide the necessary information to plan and perform a safe and correct operation of the installed delivered system, as well as under-standing the basic functionality of the equipment. The User Manual covers both operational and technical aspects of the system.
The personnel involved in using the system must have relevant experience and training with regards to the use of such systems.
2 Warranty
The product has a limited warranty. Please note that the warranty will be void if the equipment is misused or not handled in accordance to prescribed standards, for example dismantling the equipment to a level greater than described.
3 Contents
This manual contains the following chapters:
Chapter Contents
1. Introduction This chapter specifies the purpose and target groups for the manual. It also contains list of used abbreviations and a specification of the document conventions.
2. Safety This chapter specifies safety instructions to follow when operating and maintaining system.
3. System Description This chapter briefly describes the system components, the system design and the functionality.
4. Delivery Specification This chapter specifies the delivered equipment.
5. Technical Data This chapter contains technical specifications and performance data.
6. Operating Instructions This chapter describes how to use the Helicon X3 system.
7. Maintenance Instructions This chapter describes how to maintain the Helicon X3 system, including both preventive and corrective actions.
8. Trouble Shooting This chapter describes how to act when a malfunction occur in the Helicon X3 system.
9. Contact Information This chapter contains contact information for Rolls-Royce Marine, Dept. Propulsion Ulsteinvik and Rolls-Royce World Wide Support Organization.
10. Spare Parts This chapter specifies recommended spare parts for the Helicon X3 system.
11. Tools This chapter describes required and recommended tools for the maintenance of the system to use during the installation.
12. Design Drawings This chapter consists of design drawings that serve as an information source about the installed system for the installation.
13. Revision This chapter contains the revision history for the total binder.
14. Subsuppliers Manuals This chapter contains documentation from other suppliers than Rolls-Royce, if such has been delivered by RRM.
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4 Target Groups
The User Manual is primarily intended for the user of the system. The user must be properly trained in using and maintaining the system.
The installation of the system components must be made by yard mechanics with experience in fitting marine electronic equipment. Cabling into the units, wire termination and screen/shield termination should be made by yard electricians that have a certificate of apprenticeship or equal qualification on ship electrical installation. Commissioning and testing must be carried out by field service personnel from Rolls­Royce Marine, Dept. Propulsion Ulsteinvik or qualified service engineers from Rolls­Royce Marine Global Support Network (GSN).
5 Terms and Abbreviations
Abbreviation or term Description
AC/DC Alternating Current/ Direct Current AQM Aquamaster AZP Azipull Thruster BC Backup Control CAN Controller Area Network CCW Counter Clock Wise CW Clock Wise DC/DC Direct Current/ Direct Current ESD Electrostatic Discharge EU European Union GSN Global Support Network GUI Graphical User Interface I/O Input/Output LCD Liquid Crystal Display LED Light Emitting Diode MP Main Propulsion NC Normally Closed PMS Power Management System PTI Power Take In PTO Power Take Out RC Remote Control RPM Revolutions Per Minute RR Rolls-Royce RRM Rolls-Royce Marine RUP Running Up/Down Program SAT Sea Trial Acceptance Test STBD Starboard TCNS Thruster Compass Nozzle Swing-Up TT Tunnel Thruster VVolt
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Abbreviation or term Description
VAC Volts Alternating Current VDC Volts Direct Current
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1 Introduction ..................................................................................................3
2 Disclaimer ....................................................................................................3
3 Safety Instructions ......................................................................................4
3.1 Safety Functions ............................................................................................4
3.1.1 Pitch Control .......................................................................................4
3.1.2 RPM Control Electric Engine ..............................................................4
3.1.3 Azimuth Control ..................................................................................5
3.1.4 Dynpos and Joystick ..........................................................................5
3.1.5 Autopilot .............................................................................................5
4 Safety Messages ..........................................................................................6
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The content of this document is the property of Ro lls-Royce plc and may not be redistributed in whole or in part thereof without express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc.
Doc. No.: 13S000411
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Doc. No.: 13S000411 Revision: A
Copyright © 2010 Rolls-Royce plc
This chapter provides information regarding safety precautions that must be taken to prevent injury to people and damage to equipment.
Whoever is responsible for the installation, operation or maintenance of this Rolls­Royce system, is obliged to read this chapter and fully understand its content before any installation, operation or maintenance of the system may take place.
2 Disclaimer
Undertaking any work envisaged by this document may either directly or indirectly create risks to the safety and health of the person undertaking the work or the product and/or its components while the work is being performed.
It is the responsibility of the user to protect the health and safety of the persons undertaking the work as well as risk to the product and/or its components. Therefore the user must ensure that appropriate controls and precautions are identified and taken in relation to the work envisaged by this document in accordance with the relevant statutory and legal and industrial requirements.
Neither this document, nor its use, in any way absolves the user from the responsibility to ensure that the controls and precautions referred to above are implemented.
If any Rolls-Royce product design related features which could create risks to persons, the product and/or its components are identified, Rolls-Royce should be contacted immediately.
It is the user's responsibility to make all relevant hazard identifications and risk assessments of all the activities associated with the use of this document.
It is the user's responsibility to design and implement safe systems of work and to supply safe equipment (including, without limitation, safety equipment) and training (including, without limitation, health and safety training) to anyone using this document to work on products to which it relates.
A user without relevant experience of working in accordance with this document, or with products to which it relates, should seek appropriate advice to identify the health and safety controls and precautions that need to be taken while working.
Technical assistance can be sought from Rolls-Royce and will be subject to Rolls­Royce's terms and conditions.
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3 Safety Instructions
This Rolls-Royce system is a remote control system that is controlling propulsion units on the vessel. By operating the system, the thrusts direction and pitch/speed performance can be controlled.
The operator must at all times be aware of:
• Consequences of operating the system to prevent injury to people, damage of equipment, damage to the vessel operated and damage to the surroundings.
3.1 Safety Functions
A number of safety functions are included in the system. These functions will become operative if a failure should occur in the propeller control system itself, or in external systems connected to the propeller control system.
Note: The backup control system has only interface to the control levers. The
backup control system does not have interface to external control systems like Dynpos, Joystick or Autopilot
Note: No azimuth restrictions or load control functions are included in the
backup system. When operating using the backup system, the operator must be careful not to overload the engine or the propeller system. If a load control system is included in the Rpm Drive, this will still be in operation.
Note: The safety functions described underneath will only be available if the
thruster(s)/gear(s) have got the described function in the first place.
3.1.1 Pitch Control
The pitch control is one of the redundant functions in the control system. The backup control system will automatically be engaged if a serious failure occurs in the normal control system. This includes loss of power supply to the normal control system, halt in the normal control cpu, failure on the normal control order potentiometer in the lever on the manoeuvre station currently in command, failure on the normal control field bus and failure on the normal control feedback potentiometer. Alarm will be given in the control system and in the ship's alarm system.
3.1.2 RPM Control Electric Engine
The RPM control is a redundant function in the control system. The backup control system will automatically be engaged if a serious failure occurs in the normal control system. This includes loss of power supply to the normal control system, halt in the
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normal control cpu, failure on the normal control order potentiometer in the lever on the manoeuvre station currently in command and failure on the normal control field bus. Alarm will be given in the control system and in the ship's alarm system.
3.1.3 Azimuth Control
The azimuth control is a redundant function in the control system. The backup control system will automatically be engaged if a serious failure occurs in the normal control system. This includes loss of power supply to the normal control system, halt in the normal control cpu, failure on the normal control order potentiometer in the lever on the manoeuvre station currently in command, failure on the normal control field bus and failure on the normal control feedback potentiometer. Alarm will be given in the control system and in the ship's alarm system.
3.1.4 Dynpos and Joystick
If operating using an external Dynpos or Joystick system and a failure occurs either on the pitch order, the rpm order or the azimuth order signal from the external system, the external system is disengaged and the propeller responds to the control lever order on the manoeuvre station in command. Alarm will be given in the control system and in the ship's alarm system.
3.1.5 Autopilot
If operating using an external autopilot system and the azimuth lever order on the manoeuvre station in command is changed more than the adjustable limit, normally 20 degrees, the autopilot is disengaged and the thruster will respond to the control lever. This is indicated by blinking the Autopilot button, and the buzzer will sound until the Autopilot button is pressed to acknowledge the mode change back to lever control.
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4 Safety Messages
Safety messages in this manual are always accompanied by a safety alert symbol and a signal word. The safety alert symbol is used to alert the reader about a potential risk of personal injury or damage to the equipment.
The following types of safety messages are used within this manual:
Warning: Risk of... Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in death or
personal injury.
Caution: Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in damage to
equipment or property and seriously impact the function of the equipment.
Note: Alerts the reader to relevant factors and conditions which may impact the
function of the equipment.
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System Description

1 General .........................................................................................................3
2 System Overview ......................................................................................... 3
3 Design ..........................................................................................................4
3.1 Lever .............................................................................................................4
3.2 Control Panel .................................................................................................5
3.3 Emergency stop and dimmer panel (optional) ...............................................7
3.4 Indicators .......................................................................................................8
3.5 Viewcon .........................................................................................................8
3.6 Controller cabinet ..........................................................................................9
3.7 I/O Cabinet ....................................................................................................9
4 Functions ...................................................................................................10
4.1 Pitch Control ................................................................................................10
4.1.1 Normal Control .................................................................................11
4.1.2 Backup Control .................................................................................11
4.1.3 Backup Control Operation ................................................................11
4.1.4 Backup Control Limitations ...............................................................11
4.1.5 Local Control ....................................................................................11
4.1.6 Pitch Indication .................................................................................12
4.1.7 Pitch Order Scaling ..........................................................................12
4.2 Thruster Azimuth Control .............................................................................12
4.2.1 Normal Control .................................................................................12
4.2.2 Backup Control .................................................................................12
4.2.3 Backup Control Operation ................................................................13
4.2.4 Backup Control Limitations ...............................................................13
4.2.5 Local Control ....................................................................................13
4.2.6 Azimuth Indication ............................................................................13
4.3 RPM Control ................................................................................................14
4.3.1 RPM Control Electric Drive Motor ....................................................14
4.3.2 External RPM Control .......................................................................14
4.3.3 RPM Order Output ........................................................................... 14
4.3.4 Propeller/Shaft RPM Indication ........................................................14
4.4 Command Transfer ......................................................................................14
5 Location of Manufacturing Number ......................................................... 14
5.1 Marking Locations .......................................................................................14
5.1.1 Company Identification .....................................................................15
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The content of this document is the property of Ro lls-Royce plc and may not be redistributed in whole or in part thereof without express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc.
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Copyright © 2010 Rolls-Royce plc
System Description
1 General
This chapter provides an overview of the Helicon X3 system and a technical description of the main components that give the required knowledge about the system.The figures, drawings and text in this chapter are general and may not comply to the actual installation on the vessel. For details on the delivered equipment, see chapter 4 Delivery Specification.
2 System Overview
The Helicon X3 remote control system is a micro-processor-based system, controlling the propulsion units on the vessel. The following main functions are included:
• Combinator control, allowing accurate and reliable control of the propeller pitch and motor speed (RPM). The combinator curve optimises the pitch/speed performance to give the best operational conditions and fuel economy.
• Pitch control, allowing accurate and reliable control of the thruster pitch.
• Speed control, allowing accurate and reliable control of the motor speed (RPM).
• Direction control, allowing accurate and reliable control of the thrust direction.
• Follow-up backup control from control levers.
Helicon X3 consists of the following main components:
• Instruments, screens, levers and Viewcon on the bridge (1).
• Electrical cabinets in the instrument room (2) and thruster room (4).
• Instruments, screens and levers in the engine control room (3).
Helicon X3 may interface several external systems (5), like Dynamic positioning systems and Autopilots.
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System Description
Instrument room ECR
Fore bridge
El.unit El.unit
I/0 I/0 I/0I/0I/0
El.unit El.unit
Aft bridge
Slave Chair
Main Chair
Port Wing
Stbd Wing
3 Design
3.1 Lever
Each thruster has its own lever. Their main functions are:
• Control of pitch, RPM and azimuth direction (dependant of application)
• In operation
• Command transfer
• Lever in command
• Back-up control
• Alarm The control lever has integrated buttons and indication lamps for command transfer,
backup system on/off, alarm indication/buzzer and push button for reset of buzzer. The display in the base shows set command (pitch and direction) from the lever.
The lever contains two redundant electronic circuits, one for the normal control system and one for the backup system.
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System Description
Figure 1 Lever
Symbol Command Description
In operation/running Thruster is started and ready to use.
Control transfer Transfer command between bridge and ECR.
Command transfer Take command. If light is lit, the lever is in command.
Backup control Independent controller that takes over if the main
controller stops. Redundant system.
Alarm Alarm indicator, see alarm screen for details.
3.2 Control Panel
The control panel (touch screen) is the main user interface for the operator and gives an overview of all the thrusters on the vessel. It shows the status of the system, indicates thruster forces, displays alarms, and shows selected modes. The flat button on the top of the screen is for dimming the illumination of the LCD display.
The screen is divided in two areas: a menu area in the left part of the screen, and a bigger command area to the right. The menu buttons to the left selects the content of the command area.
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System Description
There is one command page for each thruster, in addition to one system overview page and one alarm page. The overview page shows the most essential information for all thrusters, but to activate functions or to view all available information for a thruster, the particular thrusters' page must be selected.
The graphical design is based on the following principles:
• All functions pages are only one click away
• Large and simple buttons which are easy to read.
• Same design theme for all clickable objects.
• To avoid unintentional activation of functions, all function activation buttons require press on the accept button to proceed.
Figure 2 Menu area
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System Description
Figure 3 Command area
Colour on button Function
A ring around the button The button is push able Blue Indicates current status Green Start Red Stop 2 buttons flashing Select function 1 button flashing The button has been activated and will flash until the function
has started/stopped
3.3 Emergency stop and dimmer panel (optional)
The emergency stop is used to shut down the thrusters immediately. There is one button per thruster unit. The wheel (1) is used for dimming the background light on the indicators situated on the
same control station. The dimmer may be delivered in a separate panel, if the emergency stop buttons are not
part of the delivery scope.
1 2
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3.4 Indicators
DC 1
DC 2
ST 1
ST 2
The indicators give feedback on various data and can be found on the bridge and in the engine control room.
There are three main types of indicators:
• Azimuth indicator
• RPM indicator
• Pitch indicator
In addition a bridge order indicator may be delivered on some vessels.
System Description
3.5 Viewcon
Network cabinet
The network cabinet(s) contains several switches. The network cabinet(s) connects the panel PCs and the controller cabinets.
Operator stations and electronic units are linked together in an Ethernet network. The network is single and may contain several separate switches.
(CAN bus is the internal communication between levers, I/O modules and Marine Controller.)
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System Description
3.6 Controller cabinet
Usually located on bridge or in instrument room. This cabinet distributes signals to and from the bridge and ECR. It controls all the signals from the Helicon X3 and send them to the I/O cabinet. There is one controller cabinet per propeller/thruster.
Communicates with the I/O cabinet located in the thruster room.
1 2
Marine Controller Marine Controller
1. Rolls-Royce Marine Controller (Normal)
2. Rolls-Royce Marine Controller (Backup)
3. I/O modules
4. Power distribution
5. Network switches and terminals
6. Signal isolation amplifiers (optional)
7. Power Distribution
8. Main power supply (AC) / fuses
9. Backup power supply (DC) / fuses
3.7 I/O Cabinet
The I/O cabinet is often located in the thruster room near sensors and actuators. This cabinet distributes signals to the different propulsion/thruster units. There is one I/O unit per propeller/thruster.
The I/O cabinet sends signals to the actuators on the propellers/thrusters and receives signals from the sensors. There is CAN bus communication between each I/O and controller cabinet.
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System Description
1. I/O modules
2. Capacitors (optional)
3. Power distribution
4. Power distribution
5. Power / network / CANBus terminals
6. Local panel connection
7. Actuator interface card(s) (optional)
8. Relays (optional)
9. Signal isolation amplifiers (optional)
10. I/O terminals
Tunnel Thruster Control Functions
The control functions included in the Tunnel Thruster Control system:
• Pitch control
• Command transfer
Main Propulsion Azimuth Control Functions
The control functions included in the Main Propulsion Azimuth Control system:
• RPM control
• Azimuth control
• Command transfer
4.1 Pitch Control
The function of the pitch controller is to move the propeller blades in accordance to the control lever order. The actuator unit represents the interface between the remote control and the main servo system, which performs the actual positioning of the blades.
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System Description
4.1.1 Normal Control
The output from the pitch controller is computed on the basis of the input signals from pitch lever and the actuator position feedback.
Lever and feedback signals are scaled and checked against adjustable limits, with corresponding alarm for exceeding the normal range. The levers have one set of adjustments (minimum, zero and maximum) for each manoeuvre station. Multiple sets of feedback adjustments (minimum, zero and maximum) are available for various engine power take-outs.
In combined mode the lever signal is modified in a Combinator program, see chapter Pitch and RPM Combinatory (combined Control).
4.1.2 Backup Control
The Backup Control system consists of closed loop control identical to the Normal Control system. The Backup Control is a separate system, and is independent of the Normal Control system. A system failure in the Normal Control system will automatically switch to and engage the Backup Control.
Lever order signals and feedback are monitored and verified against adjustable alarm limits. If the signals exceed the limits this will release an alarm to the alarm plant and both visual and audible system failure alarm will be actuated at the manoeuvre stations.
4.1.3 Backup Control Operation
If a failure occurs on important parts of the Normal Control for the Pitch, Azimuth or RPM Control function, the control will automatically be switched over to the Backup Control system. A system failure audible and visible alarm will be activated on each of the control panels.
The thruster control will continue to follow the lever in command and transfer is done by using the common in command buttons. The command can be transferred between all bridge position and the bridge control levers will continue to work as in normal control.
A failure that occurs on important parts of the Backup Control for the Pitch, Azimuth or RPM Control function will not affect the Normal Control system. If a system failure occurs on the Backup Control an audible and visible alarm will be activated on each of the control panels.
4.1.4 Backup Control Limitations
The Backup Control system has only interface to the control levers. The Backup Control system does not have interface to External Control systems like Dynamic positioning systems, Joysticks or Autopilots.
Note: No pitch reduction or load function are included in the Backup system.
When operating using the backup system, the operator must be careful not to overload the engine or the propeller system.
4.1.5 Local Control
If both the Remote Control system and the Backup Control should fail it is possible to
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operate the propeller pitch locally from the pitch control valve.
4.1.6 Pitch Indication
The Pitch Indication system is independent of the Normal Pitch Control system by means of separate transmitters and electronic circuits. The pitch indicators are connected in series and are driven from the Backup Control system.
4.1.7 Pitch Order Scaling
The system may need to reduce the pitch order for different reasons. The pitch reduction can either be activated from a digital or anlogue input signal.
To reserve engine power to heavy consumers as alternators, fire pumps, etc., it may be necessary to reduce the available propeller output power. This is normally done by means of a fixed propeller pitch reduction.
If the drive motor is a diesel engine the system is prepared to handle a fuel limiter contact, from the RPM governor (i.e. high scavange air pressure). If the contact is closed the pitch order will stop increasing to a higher value, only decrease of pitch order against zero is possible.
For azimuth thrusters, a pitch reduction will be activated if the azimuth order is changed faster then the thruster azimuth servo can follow.
System Description
4.2 Thruster Azimuth Control
The azimuth control function is to obtain the correct thruster azimuth position in accordance to the control lever order. Valve controlled hydraulic motors or frequency controlled electro motors perform the positioning of the thruster azimuth.
Detailed information regarding the hydraulic system or motor data is available in the Thruster Instruction manual.
Note: Test point angle signals are ranged +/- 100%, representing +/- 180 degrees.
Some test points are named with degrees, displaying the angle in degrees (+/- 180 degrees).
4.2.1 Normal Control
The azimuth controller computes the thruster position and order on the basis of signals from the thruster feedback and control levers. A two-wiper linear potentiometer provides two outputs with 90 degrees of phase shift named cosine and sine phase respectively.
The lever order signals and feedback signals are monitored and verified against alarm limits. If the signals exceed the limits this will release an alarm to the alarm plant with a visual and audible system failure alarm on the manoeuvre stations.
4.2.2 Backup Control
The Backup Control system consists of closed loop control identical to the normal control system. The Backup Control is a separate system, and is independent of the Normal Control system. A system failure in the Normal Control system will
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System Description
automatically switch to and engage the Backup Control. Lever order signals and feedback are monitored and verified against adjustable alarm
limits. If the signals exceed the limits this will release an alarm to the alarm plant with a visual and audible system failure alarm on the manoeuvre stations.
4.2.3 Backup Control Operation
If a failure occurs on important parts of the Normal control for the Pitch/Azimuth/RPM control function, the control will automatically be switched over to the backup control system. A system failure audible and visible alarm will be activated on each of the control panels.
The thruster control will continue to follow the lever in command, and command transfer is done by using the common in command buttons. The command can be transferred between all bridge position and the bridge control levers will continue to work as in Normal Control.
A failure that occurs on important parts of the Backup control for the Pitch/Azimuth/ RPM control function, will not affect the Normal control system. If a system failure occurs on the Backup Control an audible and visible alarm will be activated on each of the control panels.
4.2.4 Backup Control Limitations
The backup control system has only interface to the control levers. The backup control system does not have interface to external control systems like Dynpos, Joystick or Autopilot.
Note: No azimuth restrictions or load control functions are included in the
backup system.
When operating using the backup system, the operator must be careful not to overload the engine or the propeller system.
4.2.5 Local Control
Local control is used if both the normal control and the backup control fail to operate the thruster azimuth. The thruster azimuth can be operated locally on the actuator unit. The Control System must first be disconnected from the actuator unit. This can be done by means of the Local Control switch mounted in front of the Actuator Interface Unit, or by disconnecting the plug from the actuator unit. If frequency converter used, operate service switch inside converter cabinet.
The Thruster Instruction Manual will give more details for Local Control operation.
4.2.6 Azimuth Indication
The azimuth indication system independent of the normal control system by means of separate transmitters and electronic circuits. The Azimuth indicators are connected in series, and are driven from the Backup Control system.
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4.3 RPM Control
The RPM Control function system controls the speed signal to the frequency converter for electrical drives or the engine governor for diesel or gas engines.
4.3.1 RPM Control Electric Drive Motor
The RPM Control system includes selection of different operational modes:
• Separate Mode
• Combined Mode
Selection between modes is possible by means of push buttons. RPM Control can be managed from engine control room only or from additional control panels.
4.3.2 External RPM Control
External RPM order signals from system as DP/Joystick/Auxiliary systems can be connected to the rpm controller.
The external rpm signal are checked against adjustable preset limits. Any error conditions on the rpm input signal will initiate a warning to the alarm plant and an error message will be displayed on the control panel.
System Description
4.3.3 RPM Order Output
The output signal from the controller is scaled to meet the actuator signal range from idle to full rpm, and then fed to external governor, IP converter or frequency converter. The output will follow a linear curve between idle and full rpm order.
The RPM output rate of change is adjustable and can be adapted to the engine/frequency converter reversing speed from idle to full rpm (increasing order) and vice versa (decreasing order).
4.3.4 Propeller/Shaft RPM Indication
The propeller/shaft RPM indicators are connected in series and are driven from the Backup Control system.
4.4 Command Transfer
The term Command transfer is used to describe the procedure performed when the control is transferred between manoeuvre stations without acceptance on either of the stations. This is normally the procedure between wheelhouse (bridge) stations.
5 Location of Manufacturing Number
5.1 Marking Locations
Electrical cabinets and junction boxes are physically marked with a unique tag, and also on all applicable drawings. The I/O cabinets are marked with the Rolls-Royce logotype in the upper left corner.
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System Description
The Rolls-Royce logotype is imprinted in remote control panels, alarm panels and cabin panels.
Cables are marked with a cable tag at both ends.
5.1.1 Company Identification
The Rolls-Royce Company Identification sticker shows where the product has been produced and is found on discrete places on all delivered items, e.g. on the inside of the cabinet doors.
Figure 4 Company Identification Sticker
Pos Denomination Meaning
1 TYPE NO Corresponding drawing number with the revision letter in
closed brackets 2 SERIAL NO Production order number 3 INST. NO Installation number 4 Q.A. DATE Date and signature by test responsible
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System Description
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