Thank you for your purchase of the MB15 ProMatch Stereo Dual
Converter. Specifically, the MB15 converts consumer level stereo
RCA signals to balanced XLR professional line level - and back.
level audio to pro-level and/or vice-versa.
... anywhere you need to convert consumer-
- Broadcast
For compete information on the Rolls 1 Year Warranty, and to regis
ter this product, see our website at www.rolls.com.
+4 dB IN LEFT and RIGHT XLR jacks: Female XLR jacks to be connected
to the output of a professional line-level device such as a sound reinforcement mixing board or recording device.
+4 dB OUT LEFT and RIGHT XLR jacks: Male XLR jacks to be connected
to the input of a professional line-level device such as a mixer or recording
-10 OUT Stereo RCA jacks: For connection to the input of a consumer level
device such as a cassette or CD player.
-10 IN Stereo RCA jacks: For connection to the output of a consumer level
device such as a cassette or CD player.
LEVEL 1: Adjusts the signal level of channel one, or the +4 dB IN to -10 dB
OUT channel.
LEVEL 2: Adjusts the signal level of channel two, or the -10 dB IN to +4 dB
OUT channel.
PWR LED: Indicates that power is applied to the MB15.
12 VDC jack: For connection to the Rolls PS27 12 Volt DC power supply.
The outside of the jack (barrel) is positive, the inside is negative.
The purpose of the MB15 is to connect consumer level equipment
to professional level equipment. An explanation of these are addressed here.
Consumer level signals typically come from devices such as
camcorders, cassette decks, CD players, and home video players. Professional level signals are associated with devices found
in recording studios and sound reinforcement systems like mixing
boards, signal processors, and their associated amplifiers.
- Install
- Studio
MB15 ProMatch
MB15 ProMatch
MB15 ProMatch
MB15 ProMatch
The MB15 converts stereo consumer level signals to
professional line level signals - and vice versa.
It may also serve as a balanced inline level control by
patching the four RCA jacks together.
- Stereo Direct Box
- Stereo RCA to stereo XLR
- Stereo Level control for each channel
- Works as stereo balanced line level control
Max Out: Bal: +18 dB
Unbal: +12 dB
Max In: Bal: +22 dB
Unbal: +22 dB
Input Impedance: RCA: 100k Ohm
XLR: 10 k Ohm
Output Impedance: RCA: 100 Ohm
XLR: 100 Ohm balanced
Noise Floor: -88 dB
Gain: +4 dB In: -8 dB
-10 dB In: + 20 dB
THD: .003%
Weight: 1 lbs. (.45 Kg)
Size: 4.15” x 2.46” x 1.55”
12 VDC 150 mA adapter (center negative)
Rolls Corporation
Salt Lake City, UT