Action Camcorder Rollei Youngstar

This user's manual has referred to the latest information we had when this user’s manual was made. The screen
display and illustrations are used in this user's manual for the purpose of introducing details of this digital camera
in a more specific and direct way. Difference may arise between these displays and illustrations and the digital
camera actually available for you due to difference in technological development and production batch, under
which case, the actual functions of this video camera shall prevail.
Please read the Announcements carefully before using this video camera for proper and safe operation, so as to
bring its optimum performance into play and extend its service life.
Do not expose the video camera to sunshine directly, nor point its lens to sunlight. Otherwise, the image
sensor of the video camera may be damaged.
Take good care of the video camera and prevent water or sand particles from entering the video camera
when it is used on the beach or water, because water, sand particles, dust or component containing salt may
damage the video camera.
Keep the video camera contaminated free of dust and chemical materials. Place it in a cool, dry and well

ventilated place. Do not place the video camera in a high temperature, moist or dusty place.
Please check if the video camera can operate normally before use.
If dirt or stain is accumulated on the video camera or on its lens, use soft, clean and dry rag to wipe it away
gently. If the video camera or its lens is stained with sand particles, blow them away gently. Do not use
cloth to wipe arbitrarily. Otherwise, it may scratch the surface of video camera or its lens.
If it is required to clean camera surface, firstly blow away the sand dust accumulated on this surface, and
then wipe the camera gently with rag or tissue applicable to optical equipments. Please use the cleaning
agent of video camera for wiping if necessary. Do not use organic solvent to clean the video camera.
Do not touch the lens surface with fingers.
Please back up the data if the memory card inside this video camera is used for the first time.
The externally installed memory cards are manufactured from precise electronic components. Data may be
lost or damaged under the following circumstances:
1. Improper use of the memory card.
2. The memory card is bent, dropped or collided.
3. Place it under high temperature or moist environment or expose to sunshine directly.

4. Electrostatic or electromagnetic field exists around the memory card.
5. This memory card is taken out or power supply is interrupted when this video camera or computer is
connected to the memory card (i.e. during reading, writing and formatting).
6. Touch the metal contact surface of the memory card with fingers or metal materials.
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Before sealing the waterproof case, keep the camera housing’s rubber seal clean, a single hair or grain of
sand can cause a leak. You can test by closing the case without inserting the camera. Submerse the case
completely in water for about a minute. Remove the case from the water, dry off its exterior with a towel,
then open the case. If the entire interior is dry, the case is safe for use under water.
Remember to put the Mode Switch in your desired recording position before inserting the camera in the
waterproof case. There is no external button for the Mode Switch.
After every use in salt water you will need to rinse the outside of the housing with non-salt water and dry.
Not doing this can eventually cause corrosion of the hinge pin and salt buildup in the seal, which can cause
To clean the seal, rinse in fresh water and shake dry (drying with a cloth may cause lint to compromise the
seal). Re-install the seal into the grooves in the backdoor of the housing.

Microsoft Windows2000, XP, Vista, 7
Intel Pentium III of more than 800MHz or other CPU with
equivalent performance
Sound Card and
Display Card
The sound card and display card shall support DirectX8 or higher
Speed of 4 times or faster
Free space of more than 500MB
One standard USB1.1 or USB2.0 port
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