Lift: The release velocity or speed with which your finger lifts off from a
Keywave: A wavelike element of the keywave surface that corresponds to a
single key on a standard keyboard. Each of the Five Dimensions of Touch can
be accessed on a single keywave.
Keywave surface: The entire playing surface including all keywaves and the
ribbons above and below them. The keywave surface corresponds to a
MIDI Mode: A mode of playing the Seaboard RISE in which the Touch Faders
can be assigned to any MIDI CCs for additional customisation of sound.
MPE : Multi-dimensional polyphonic expression (MPE) is a protocol for using
standard MIDI messages to communicate with and enable the operation of
multi-dimensional instruments such as the Seaboard RISE and GRAND. MPE
enables these instruments to control multiple parameters–such as pitch,
brightness (usually via filter cutoff frequency), vibrato, and much more–on a
per-note basis
. You do this with playing gestures such as velocity, aftertouch,
and sliding up and down the keywaves–what we’ve called the
Dimensions of
–and importantly, a gesture you perform on one note affects only that
note, not all of the others along with it, which is what happens on most
conventional MIDI controllers and synthesizers.
ROLI Dashboard: An application for modifying and customising the internal
settings of the Seaboard RISE. (
See “ROLI Dashboard Creator Manual” for more