Role Audio
the best small loudspeaker s by N S M
The Windjammer: extraordinary imaging and bass response
"The Windjammers ... are my speakers to beat at the
price point."
"Integration from top to bottom is exceptional--the sound is woven
of a single fabric...”
"The 'Jammers' a lluring combin ati on of ar ti c ul a tion and
to nal comple te n e s s ...can enchant the listener. "
"Imagi ng and soundstaging are fi rs t ra te in th e tradition o f
the best mini-monitors."
“...sound surprisin gl y d eep and vibrant . ”
"In t h e h i gh e s t t re b l e , cymbals a nd triangles have lovely
shimmer without splasshiness... very nice indeed. "
"The sound is f u ll, n a tural, a n d s e a ml e s s . "
"The carbon-fiber w oo fe r is a g em . . ."
”...subtle nuances in articul a t io n and dynamics are
communicated mast e rf ully...”
“In k e ep i n g wit h t h e "l i f e style" theme of Ro l e Audio, the
'Jammers’ are a b reeze to s et up. Wh a t a relief f r o m t h e
usual ly twitchy placement most neurotic ' phi les h ave to
conte nd with.”
“there is always a meaty, palpable feel to instruments in the back of
an orchestra. ”
(Marc Yun, #148, Bound for Sound)
The Windjammer is a transmission line design that is based on the Kayak. Its innovative design
and high quality elements allow it to handle demanding music passages and it reproduces the
most delicate and nuanced music passages with finesse. It throws a wide, accurate soundstage
that envelops you in the emotion of the original performance. Measuring only 5 inches wide by
6.5 inches deep by 39 inches high, the Windjammer is an elegant complement to any decor. Its
svelte design allows easy placement to deliver great sound just about anywhere you want it.