MIDI Implementation
Model: SP-303
Date: Jan 10, 2001
Version: 1.00
●Note On/Off
❍Note On
Status Second Third
9nH mmH llH
n = MIDI Channel No.: 00H - 0FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
mm = Note No.: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
ll = Velocity: 01H - 7FH (1 - 127)
❍Note Off
Status Second Third
8nH mmH llH
9nH mmH 00H
n = MIDI Channel No.: 00H - 0FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
mm = Note No.: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
ll = Velocity: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
Received over the channels set with MIDI Channel.
* For instructions on setting MIDI channels, refer to “How to Change the MIDI Channel”
in the Owner’s Manual (p. 53).
At the factory settings, Note Numbers 23H–43H (35–67) are received.
* For instructions on restoring the MIDI settings to the values set at the factory, refer to
“Restoring the MIDI Settings to the Factory Settings” in the Owner’s Manual (p. 58).
When used as a rhythm sound module, Note Numbers 5FH–7FH (95–127) are received.
* For instructions on using the unit as a rhythm sound module, refer to “Using the SP-303
as a Rhythm Sound Module” in the Owner’s Manual (p. 58).
Pad Number
Pad A1 96 (60H)
Pad A2 97 (61H)
Pad A3 98 (62H)
Pad A4 99 (63H)
Pad A5 100 (64H)
Pad A6 101 (65H)
Pad A7 102 (66H)
Pad A8 103 (67H)
Pad B1 104 (68H)
Pad B2 105 (69H)
Pad B3 106 (6AH)
Pad B4 107 (6BH)
Pad B5 108 (6CH)
Pad B6 109 (6DH)
Pad B7 110 (6EH)
Pad B8 111 (6FH)
Pad C1 112 (70H)
Pad C2 113 (71H)
Pad C3 114 (72H)
Pad C4 115 (73H)
Pad C5 116 (74H)
Pad C6 117 (75H)
Pad C7 118 (76H)
Pad C8 119 (77H)
Pad D1 120 (78H)
Pad D2 121 (79H)
Pad D3 122 (7AH)
Pad D4 123 (7BH)
Pad D5 124 (7CH)
Pad D6 125 (7DH)
Pad D7 126 (7EH)
Pad D8 127 (7FH)
Note Number
Pad Number Note Number
Pad EXT SOURCE 35 (23H)
Pad A1 36 (24H)
Pad A2 37 (25H)
Pad A3 38 (26H)
Pad A4 39 (27H)
Pad A5 40 (28H)
Pad A6 41 (29H)
Pad A7 42 (2AH)
Pad A8 43 (2BH)
Pad B1 44 (2CH)
Pad B2 45 (2DH)
Pad B3 46 (2EH)
Pad B4 47 (2FH)
Pad B5 48 (30H)
Pad B6 49 (31H)
Pad B7 50 (32H)
Pad B8 51 (33H)
Pad C1 52 (34H)
Pad C2 53 (35H)
Pad C3 54 (36H)
Pad C4 55 (37H)
Pad C5 56 (38H)
Pad C6 57 (39H)
Pad C7 58 (3AH)
Pad C8 59 (3BH)
Pad D1 60 (3CH)
Pad D2 61 (3DH)
Pad D3 62 (3EH)
Pad D4 63 (3FH)
Pad D5 64 (40H)
Pad D6 65 (41H)
Pad D7 66 (42H)
Pad D8 67 (43H)
●AllSound Off (Controller Number 120)
Status Second Third
BnH 78H 00H
n = MIDI Channel No.: 00H - 0FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
Received over the MIDI channel set with MIDI Channel. It causes all sounds to stop
* For instructions on setting MIDI channels, refer to “How to Change the MIDI Channel”
in the Owner’s Manual (p. 53).
■System Common Message
●Song Position Pointer
Status Second Third
F2H mmH nnH
nn, mm = Song Position Point: 00H 00H - 7FH 7FH
When the MIDI Sync mode is set to “AUTO SYNC,” this is received if the pattern is
stopped. It sets the position from which the pattern is to be performed. If the Song Position
Pointer is at a point beyond the length of the pattern, then the Song Position Pointer is set at
the point where the pattern ends and the remaining patterns begin.
* For instructions on making the MIDI Sync mode settings, refer to “Using the SP-303
With a MIDI Sequencer (Tempo Sync)” in the Owner’s Manual (p. 54).
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION.

MIDI Implementation
* For instructions on making the MIDI Sync mode settings in the following material, refer
to “Using the SP-303 With a MIDI Sequencer (Tempo Sync)” in the Owner’s Manual (p.
●Timing Clock
Received while MIDI Sync mode is set to “AUTO SYNC” or “TEMPO SYNC,” this controls
the performance tempo of the pattern.
Received while MIDI Sync mode is set to “AUTO SYNC,” this starts the performance of the
Received while MIDI Sync mode is set to “AUTO SYNC,” this starts the performance of the
Received while MIDI Sync mode is set to “AUTO SYNC,” this starts the performance of the
The SP-303 has no MIDI OUT connector, so no data is transmitted.
3. Supplementary material
●Decimal/Hexadecimal table
(hexadecimal values are indicated by a following “H”)
MIDI uses 7-bit hexadecimal values to indicate data values and the address and size of
exclusive messages. The following table shows the correspondence between decimal and
hexadecimal numbers.
|10 |16 ||10 |16 ||10 |16 ||10 |16 |
| 0 | 00H || 32 | 20H || 64 | 40H || 96 | 60H |
| 1 | 01H || 33 | 21H || 65 | 41H || 97 | 61H |
| 2 | 02H || 34 | 22H || 66 | 42H || 98 | 62H |
| 3 | 03H || 35 | 23H || 67 | 43H || 99 | 63H |
| 4 | 04H || 36 | 24H || 68 | 44H || 100 | 64H |
| 5 | 05H || 37 | 25H || 69 | 45H || 101 | 65H |
| 6 | 06H || 38 | 26H || 70 | 46H || 102 | 66H |
| 7 | 07H || 39 | 27H || 71 | 47H || 103 | 67H |
| 8 | 08H || 40 | 28H || 72 | 48H || 104 | 68H |
| 9 | 09H || 41 | 29H || 73 | 49H || 105 | 69H |
| 10 | 0AH || 42 | 2AH || 74 | 4AH || 106 | 6AH |
| 11 | 0BH || 43 | 2BH || 75 | 4BH || 107 | 6BH |
| 12 | 0CH || 44 | 2CH || 76 | 4CH || 108 | 6CH |
| 13 | 0DH || 45 | 2DH || 77 | 4DH || 109 | 6DH |
| 14 | 0EH || 46 | 2EH || 78 | 4EH || 110 | 6EH |
| 15 | 0FH || 47 | 2FH || 79 | 4FH || 111 | 6FH |
| 16 | 10H || 48 | 30H || 80 | 50H || 112 | 70H |
| 17 | 11H || 49 | 31H || 81 | 51H || 113 | 71H |
| 18 | 12H || 50 | 32H || 82 | 52H || 114 | 72H |
| 19 | 13H || 51 | 33H || 83 | 53H || 115 | 73H |
| 20 | 14H || 52 | 34H || 84 | 54H || 116 | 74H |
| 21 | 15H || 53 | 35H || 85 | 55H || 117 | 75H |
| 22 | 16H || 54 | 36H || 86 | 56H || 118 | 76H |
| 23 | 17H || 55 | 37H || 87 | 57H || 119 | 77H |
| 24 | 18H || 56 | 38H || 88 | 58H || 120 | 78H |
| 25 | 19H || 57 | 39H || 89 | 59H || 121 | 79H |
| 26 | 1AH || 58 | 3AH || 90 | 5AH || 122 | 7AH |
| 27 | 1BH || 59 | 3BH || 91 | 5BH || 123 | 7BH |
| 28 | 1CH || 60 | 3CH || 92 | 5CH || 124 | 7CH |
| 29 | 1DH || 61 | 3DH || 93 | 5DH || 125 | 7DH |
| 30 | 1EH || 62 | 3EH || 94 | 5EH || 126 | 7EH |
| 31 | 1FH || 63 | 3FH || 95 | 5FH || 127 | 7FH |
D: decimal
H: hexadecimal
* Decimal expressions such as used for MIDI channel, Bank Select, and Program Change
will be the value 1 greater than the decimal value given in the above table.
* Since each MIDI byte carries 7 significant data bits, each byte can express a maximum of
128 different values. Data for which higher resolution is required must be transmitted
using two or more bytes. For example a value indicated as a two-byte value of aa bbH
would have a value of aa x 128 + bb.
* For a signed number (+/-), 00H = -64, 40H = +/-0, and 7FH = +63. I.e., the decimal
equivalent will be 64 less than the decimal value given in the above table. For a two-byte
signed number, 00 00H = -8192, 40 00H = +/-0, and 7F 7FH = +8191. For example the
decimal expression of aa bbH would be aa bbH - 40 00H = (aa x 128 + bb - 64 x 128.
* Hexadecimal notation in two 4-bit units is used for data indicated as ‘nibbled’. The
nibbled two-byte value of 0a 0b H would be a x 16 + b.
What is the decimal equivalent of 5AH?
From the above table, 5AH = 90.
What is the decimal equivalent of the 7-bit hexadecimal values 12 34H?
From the above table, 12H = 18 and 34H = 52
Thus, 18 x 128 + 52 = 2356
What is the decimal equivalent of the nibbled expression 0A 03 09 0DH?
From the above table, 0AH = 10, 03H = 3, 09H = 9, 0DH = 13
Thus, the result is ((10 x 16 + 3) x 16 + 9) x 16 + 13 = 41885
What is the nibbled equivalent of the decimal number 1258?
16 ) 1258
16 ) 78...10
16 ) 4...14
0... 4
From the above table, 0=00H, 4=04H, 14=0EH, 10=0AH
Thus the result is 00 04 0E 0AH