Roland SR-JV80-16 User Manual [ja]

Thank you for choosing the Roland SR-JV80-16 “Orchestral 2 ” Wave Expansion Board. The SR-JV80-16 is a Wave Expansion Board offering waveforms, patches, and rhythm sets for a full range of stereo-sampled orchestral sounds, including strings and orchestra ensemble. It also offers string instruments, such as solo violin and cello; wind instruments, such as French horn, trumpet, trombone, flute, and piccolo; and percussion instruments, such as timpani. Additionally included are the sounds of Celtic instruments such as Celtic flute, tin whistle, uilleann pipe, busouki, clarsah harp, and bodhran. Also, when you combine it with the "Orchestral" SR-JV80-02 (separately available), you can play an even wider range of orchestral sounds.
• Waveforms: 153Kinds
• Patches
256 kinds designed for the JV-1010/1080/2080 & XP series; another 214 for the JV-80/880/90/1000. On the JD-990, you can use Patches designed to be used with the JV-80/ 880/90/1000 if you “Convert Load” them first.
• Rhythm Sets
2 kinds designed for the JV-1010/1080/2080 & XP series; another 2 for the JV-90/1000.
* The Rhythm Sets in this expansion board cannot be used with the
JV-80/880 or JD-990.
* Turn off your instrument.
1. Remove the cover located on the bottom (or top) of your
2. Check that the plastic board holders are positioned as shown.
Rotate them if necessary.
3. While positioning the holes on the board over the board holders,
carefully insert the connector on the board into the socket on the instrument. Make sure the connector is securely connected, and that all three board holders project through the holes.
* Do not touch any of the printed circuit pathways or connection
* Never use excessive force when installing a Expansion Board. If it
doesn’t fit properly on the first attempt, remove the board and try again.
4. Use the supplied Installation Tool to turn the holders in the
LOCK direction, so the board will be fastened in place. (To remove the Expansion Board, turn the board holders in the UNLOCK direction, and lift up the board using the provided tool. Remove the board and secure the cover plate.)
* When Expansion Board installation is complete, double-check your
5. Finally, put the cover of your instrument.
6. Check if the Expansion Board is correctly installed.
If the “EXP” display cannot be selected (doesn’t appear) in the Waveform Selection Screen (refer to the owner’s manual of the instrument you use), remove the Expansion Board and install it properly.
Handling Expansion Boards
To avoid the risk of damage to internal components that can be caused by static electricity, please carefully observe the following whenever you handle the board.
• Before you touch the board, always first grasp a metal object (such as a water pipe), so you are sure that any static electricity you might have been carrying has been discharged.
• When handling the board, grasp it only by its edges. Avoid touching any of the electronic components or connectors.
• Save the bag in which the board was originally shipped, and put the board back into it whenever you need to store or transport it.
Before using this unit, carefully read the sections entitled: “USING THE UNIT SAFELY” and “IMPORTANT NOTES” (p.
7). These sections provide important information concerning the proper operation of the unit. Additionally, in order to feel assured that you have gained a good grasp of every feature provided by your new unit, OWNER’S MANUAL should be read in its entirety. The manual should be saved and kept on hand as a convenient reference.
この機器を正しくお使いいただくために、ご使用前に「安全上のご注 意」と「使用上のご注意」(P.7、8)をよくお読みください。また、こ
の機器の優れた機能を十分ご理解いただくためにも、取扱説明書をよ くお読みください。取扱説明書は必要なときにすぐに見ることができ
このた びは、ウェーブ・エクスパンション・ボード SR-JV80-16
「Orchestral 2」をお買い上げいただきましてまことにありがとうござい
ます。 SR-JV80-16にはステレオ・サンプリングのStrings/Orchestra Ensemble
をはじ め、Solo Violin/Cello 等の 弦楽器や French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Flute, Piccolo等の管楽器、Timpani 等の打楽器のような各種
オーケ ストラの音色に加えて、Celtic Flute, Tin Whistle, Uillean Pipe, Bousouki, Clarsah Harp, Bodhran といったケルティック楽器の音色を含
んだウェーブフォーム、パッチ、リズム・セットを搭載したエクスパン ション・ボードです。
また SR-JV80-02 「Ochestral」(発売中)と組み合わせることで、さら に幅広いオーケストラ音色で演奏する事ができます。
●ウェーブフォーム :153 種類
・ JV-1010/1080/2080,XP シリーズ専用:256 種類 ・ JV-80/880/90/1000 専用      :214 種類 JD-990 ではパッチをコンバート・ロードして使用することができます。
・ JV-1010/1080/2080,XP シリーズ専用:2 種類 ・ JV-90/1000 専用          :2 種類
※ JV-80/880,JD-990 では、エクスパンション・ボードのリズム
※ 使用機器の電源スイッチをオフにしてください。
1. 使用機器の底部、または上部にあるカバーをはずします。
2. 基板ホルダーを、図 2のような向きに合わせます。
3. エクスパンション・ボードのコネクターを、本体のコネクターに完 全に差し込みます。このとき 3つの基板ホルダーの頭が、エクスパ
※ 回路部やコネクター部には手を触れないでください。 ※ 基板を無理に押し込まないでください。装着しにくい場合、いったん
4. 付属の固定用具で基板ホルダーを LOCK方向に回し、エクスパン ション・ボードを固定します。
エクスパンション・ボードの取りはずしは、基板ホルダーをUNLOCK 方向に回し、固定用具を引っかけて取りはずします。
※ 取り付けを終えたら、正しく取り付けられていることを再度確認して
5. 最後にカバーを取り付けます。
6. エクスパンション・ボードの取り付けが正しく行われたかを確認し ます。
ウェーブフォームの選択画面(使用機器の取扱説明書参照)でEXP が選べない(表示されない)ときは、もう一度エクスパンション・
この基板は、静電気により部品が破壊される恐れがあります。基板 を取り扱うときは、次の点に注意してください。
※ 基板を持つときは、あらかじめ何らかの金属に触れて、体や衣類にた
※ 基板を持つときは、基板の縁を持ち、部品やコネクターの部分に直接
※ 基板を保管するとき、または輸送するときなどは、購入時に基板が
21 3 4
Board holder
Board holder
エクスパンション・ボードの 取りはずし


NO. Name
1 Strings L pA 2 Strings L pB 3 Strings L pC 4 Strings R pA 5 Strings R pB 6 Strings R pC 7 Strs L pA Lp 8 Strs L pB Lp 9 Strs L pC Lp 10 Strs R pA Lp 11 Strs R pB Lp 12 Strs R pC Lp 13 Strings L fA 14 Strings L fB 15 Strings L fC 16 Strings R fA 17 Strings R fB 18 Strings R fC 19 Strs L fA Lp 20 Strs L fB Lp 21 Strs L fC Lp 22 Strs R fA Lp 23 Strs R fB Lp 24 Strs R fC Lp 25 StrAttack 2A 26 StrAttack 2B 27 StrAttack 2C 28 VlSolo Vib A 29 VlSolo Vib B 30 VlSolo Vib C 31 VlSlSpicc2 A
NO. Name
32 VlSlSpicc2 B 33 VlSlSpicc2 C 34 VcSolo Vib A 35 VcSolo Vib B 36 VcSolo Vib C 37 F .Chor Aah A 38 F .Chor Aah B 39 F .Chor Aah C 40 F.Chor Mmh A 41 F.Chor Mmh B 42 F.Chor Mmh C 43 OrchUnisonLA 44 OrchUnisonLB 45 OrchUnisonLC 46 OrchUnisonRA 47 OrchUnisonRB 48 OrchUnisonRC 49 F.Horns2 pA 50 F.Horns2 pB 51 F.Horns2 pC 52 F.Horns2 pA+ 53 F.Horns2 pB+ 54 F.Horns2 pC+ 55 F.Horns2 fA 56 F.Horns2 fB 57 F.Horns2 fC 58 F.Horns2 fA+ 59 F.Horns2 fB+ 60 F.Horns2 fC+ 61 F.HornSolo2A 62 F.HornSolo2B
NO. Name
63 F.HornSolo2C 64 FluteVib2 A 65 FluteVib2 B 66 FluteVib2 C 67 Piccolo 2 A 68 Piccolo 2 B 69 Piccolo 2 C 70 Celtic Flt A 71 Celtic Flt B 72 Celtic Flt C 73 TinWhistle A 74 TinWhistle B 75 TinWhistle C 76 TinWhisOrn A 77 TinWhisOrn B 78 TinWhisOrn C 79 Clarinet 2 A 80 Clarinet 2 B 81 Clarinet 2 C 82 Oboe 3 A 83 Oboe 3 B 84 Oboe 3 C 85 Eng.Horn 2 A 86 Eng.Horn 2 B 87 Eng.Horn 2 C 88 Bassoon 2 A 89 Bassoon 2 B 90 Bassoon 2 C 91 Trumpet 3 A 92 Trumpet 3 B 93 Trumpet 3 C
NO. Name
94 Trombone 2 A 95 Trombone 2 B 96 Trombone 2 C 97 Uill.Pipe1 A 98 Uill.Pipe1 B 99 Uill.Pipe1 C 100 Uill.Pipe2 A 101 Uill.Pipe2 B 102 Uill.Pipe2 C 103 U.Pipe Orn A 104 U.Pipe Orn B 105 U.Pipe Orn C 106 Bousouki A 107 Bousouki B 108 Bousouki C 109 ClarsahHarpA 110 ClarsahHarpB 111 ClarsahHarpC 112 Harp 2 A 113 Harp 2 B 114 Harp 2 C 115 Harp Maj Up 116 Harp Maj Dn 117 MusicBox 2 A 118 MusicBox 2 B 119 MusicBox 2 C 120 Glocken 2 A 121 Glocken 2 B 122 Glocken 2 C 123 Tubular 2 A 124 Tubular 2 B
NO. Name
125 Tubular 2 C 126 Wind Chime 3 *2 127 JingleBell 2 *2 128 Finger Cym 2 *2 129 ChurchBell 2 *2 130 MalletCymbal *2 131 CymbalScrape *2 132 TunedBlock A 133 TunedBlock B 134 TunedBlock C 135 Bodhran MENU*1 136 Bodhran 1 *2 137 Bodhran 2 *2 138 Bodhran 3 *2 139 Bodhran 4 *2 140 Bodhran 5 *2 141 Bodhran 6 *2 142 Bodhran 7 *2 143 OrchPrc Hit *2 144 Grongkas *2 145 Timpani Roll *2 146 Timpani 2 p *2 147 Timpani 2 f *2 148 OrchSNR Roll 149 Orch SNR *2 150 Orch BD *2 151 Whistle Nz *2 152 Flute Breath *2 153 Vocal Breath *2
*1: These are Menu Waveforms. Many different Waveforms are
provided, each one assigned to a different key.
*2: In these Waveforms, a reversed sound is assigned to the
upper section on the keyboard. However, on the JD-990, they will instead be sounded in the forward direction, since the instrument does not support reverse playback.
When you create a Patch using the waveforms stored in the Expansion Board, observe the following points:
* If you make a Patch with a single voice and then later play it in a
chord, the sound may be distorted with certain settings for the Effects and TVA. If this happens, adjust the level of the Effects and TVA.


135 Bodhran MENU
Key Wave # Wave Name
C 4 136 Bodhran 1 D 4 137 Bodhran 2 E 4 138 Bodhran 3 F 4 139 Bodhran 4 G 4 140 Bodhran 5 A 4 141 Bodhran 6 B 4 142 Bodhran 7
*1: メニュー・ウェーブフォームです。複数のウェーブフォーム
*2: このウェーブフォームでは、鍵盤のアッパー・パートにリバー
ス音が割り当てられていますが、JD-990 ではリバース再生が できないため、正方向再生で代用して発音します。
このエクスパンション・ボードに収められているウェーブフォーム を使ってパッチを作るときには、次の点に注意してください。
※ 単音でパッチを作ったとき、エフェクトやTVA の設定状態によっ
うなときは、エフェクトや TVA のレベルを調整してください。
Menu Waveforms provide multiple Waveforms, with each one assigned to a different key.

PATCH LIST for JV-1010/1080/2080, XP Series

No. Patch Name V C
1 StStrOrc p/f 4 STR 2 StrSwell/Mod 4 STR 3 Emotionale 3 STR 4 Dynamic Str 4 STR 5 Str DownBow 4 STR 6 Adagio Str 4 STR 7 Dyna Marc 4 STR 8 FourSeasons2 4 STR 9 StrOrch /Vel 4 STR 10 StrOrch p/f 2 STR 11 StatelyBrite 4 STR 12 RichSymphony 4 STR 13 St.StrOrch p 2 STR 14 St.StrOrch f 2 STR 15 RichStrings2 4 STR 16 FullStrings2 4 STR 17 MedStr Sect 1 STR 18 DynamicRosin 4 STR 19 101 Violins 4 STR 20 Natural Str 4 STR 21 Fast Strings 3 STR 22 Fat Marcato 4 STR 23 StrAtk 2 1 STR 24 DecayStrings 3 STR 25 Piano Str 4 PNO 26 PyanniString 4 PNO 27 Pno/Hrp Str 4 PNO 28 Quartet 4 STR 29 Solo&Acomp 4 STR 30 Vln&Vcl 2 STR 31 Chamber Str 4 STR 32 St.Cellos 3 STR 33 String Duet 4 STR 34 Vln&Vla Atk 3 STR 35 Stratovolo 4 STR 36 Vienna Solo 2 STR 37 AlternateBow 4 STR 38 TronStrings2 2 STR 39 Tape Orchest 3 STR 40 Reverse Str 3 STR 41 SoloViolin 1 1 STR 42 SoloViolin 2 2 STR 43 Fiddle Spicc 2 STR 44 FdlGliss Vsw 4 STR 45 BariolageVln 2 STR 46 SadSolo Vln 4 STR 47 Chorus Vln 2 2 STR 48 Stereo Vln 2 3 STR 49 Agitato Vln2 2 STR 50 Solo Cello 1 STR 51 Dry Cello 1 STR
No. Patch Name V C
52 Solo Vc 3 2 STR 53 ChorusCello2 2 STR 54 Strngs&Horns 4 ORC 55 FullOrchest2 4 ORC 56 FilmOrchst p 4 ORC 57 FilmOrchst m 4 ORC 58 St.Orch Uni 2 ORC 59 Horns/String 3 ORC 60 Woody Orch 4 ORC 61 Orch Ens 2 ORC 62 Orch Unif 4 ORC 63 Orch Brass 1 2 ORC 64 Orch Brass 2 4 ORC 65 GRAND Orch 4 ORC 66 Last Noel 4 PNO 67 Celtic Ensbl 4 ORC 68 Harp & Flute 3 ORC 69 Celesta&Flt 3 ORC 70 Prokofiev 3 ORC 71 Mass In Cee 4 ORC 72 St.OrchBrass 4 BRS 73 Dyn HornSect 4 BRS 74 FrenchyHornz 4 BRS 75 Simple Hornz 2 BRS 76 Large Horns 4 BRS 77 Fr.Horn p>f 2 BRS 78 Fr.Horn sfz2 2 BRS 79 2xFr.Horns 2 BRS 80 Uni Hrns Duo 2 BRS 81 Swell-brass 4 BRS 82 Solo Fr.Hrn1 1 BRS 83 Solo Fr.Hrn2 1 BRS 84 Medieval OYA 4 BRS 85 Orch Horns 4 BRS 86 Brass Ens 9 3 BRS 87 BrassAttack2 4 BRS 88 Full Brass 1 4 BRS 89 Full Brass 2 4 BRS 90 Horn Accomp 2 BRS 91 Mood Brass 3 BRS 92 Trumpet Ens 3 BRS 93 3 Trumpets2 3 BRS 94 Centurions 2 BRS 95 Real Trumpet 2 BRS 96 Jazz Trumpet 2 BRS 97 Trumpet 4 1 BRS 98 Trumpet 5 2 BRS 99 El Bono 2 BRS 100 Solo Tb 5 1 BRS 101 Solo Tb 6 1 BRS 102 Solo Tb 7 2 BRS
No. Patch Name V C
103 Trombone atm 2 BRS 104 ConcertFlute 2 FLT 105 Flute 2 1 FLT 106 Flute 3 1 FLT 107 Flute 4 2 FLT 108 AmbientFlute 3 FLT 109 Jig Flute 4 FLT 110 Piccolo 2 2 FLT 111 Piccolo 3 2 FLT 112 PiccoloFlt 2 2 FLT 113 Dyno Celt 3 FLT 114 CelticFlt 1 1 FLT 115 CelticFlt 2 1 FLT 116 Celt Fl Trio 1 FLT 117 TinWhistle 1 2 FLT 118 TinWhistle 2 1 FLT 119 TinWhistle 3 1 FLT 120 Celtic Whisl 4 FLT 121 Sinking Duo 4 CMB 122 Beret 2 FLT 123 Hill&Sheeps1 2 ETH 124 Hill&Sheeps2 2 ETH 125 HilandChurch 2 ETH 126 C PentaPipe 4 ETH 127 UilleanPipe 3 ETH 128 Celt/Uillean 4 ETH 129 Celt/Fiddle 4 ETH 130 Oboe Vsw 2 WND 131 Oboe 6 2 WND 132 Oboe 7 2 WND 133 Clarinet 3 1 WND 134 English Hrn4 1 WND 135 English Hrn5 1 WND 136 Bassoon 3 1 WND 137 Bassoon 4 1 WND 138 Bassoon 5 1 WND 139 Oboe/E.Horn 2 WND 140 DelicateWood 4 WND 141 Oboe/Clari 2 WND 142 Jig Duo 2 WND 143 St.Bousouki 2 FRT 144 Bousouki 1 1 FRT 145 Bouski/Strum 2 FRT 146 Bousouki 2 1 FRT 147 Mafioso 4 FRT 148 String’O Fun 3 FRT 149 BosoukiDream 4 FRT 150 St.Harp 2 PLK 151 Harp Vsw 2 PLK 152 Clear Harp 2 PLK 153 African Harp 2 PLK
No. Patch Name V C
154 Rich Harp 4 PLK 155 Harp 3 2 PLK 156 Harp Pf 2 PLK 157 MelancolyHrp 4 PLK 158 CelticHarp 1 1 PLK 159 CelticHarp 2 1 PLK 160 Clarsah Harp 1 PLK 161 ElectraHarp 3 PLK 162 ArpeggiHarp 3 PLK 163 Harp Gliss 2 PRC 164 St.Cymbalon 2 PLK 165 Cymbalon 2 PLK 166 Cymbalon Duo2 PLK 167 Bohemian 3 PLK 168 Child’s Toy 4 EP 169 Xmas Piano 4 EP 170 OnReflection 3 KEY 171 Harmonium 1 2 ORG 172 Harmonium 2 2 ORG 173 St.Music Box 2 BEL 174 Old Mechanic 2 BEL 175 SecretGarden 4 BEL 176 Music Box 2 2 BEL 177 Victoriana 3 BEL 178 Meditation 4 BEL 179 TubulaBells3 2 BEL 180 TubulaBells4 1 BEL 181 TubulaBells5 2 BEL 182 ChurchBells4 2 BEL 183 BelfryChime2 4 BEL 184 ChurchBells5 2 BEL 185 HappyXmas! 2 4 BEL 186 Sweet Dreams 3 BEL 187 Huge Bells 4 BEL 188 Glocken 3 1 BEL 189 Mmms & Aaahs2 VOX 190 Pure Voices 2 VOX 191 CelticSpirit 3 VOX 192 Fem Ahs 1 VOX 193 Perc DigiVox 3 VOX 194 Fates 4 VOX 195 Aah:VelScoop 4 VOX 196 Heaven’sVox1 2 VOX 197 Heaven’sVox2 2 VOX 198 Mmh Vox 1 2 VOX 199 Mmms 2 VOX 200 Mmh Vox 2 2 VOX 201 StChr Mm/Ah 4 VOX 202 Umms & Aahs 2 VOX 203 Humming Chrs2 VOX 204 Ether Choir 2 FX
No. Patch Name V C
205 SndtrkVoices 3 VOX 206 WinterChoir2 4 VOX 207 BreathVoices 2 VOX 208! 1 VOX 209 She Breathes 3 VOX 210 Movin’Vowels 3 VOX 211 Onya Vox 2 VOX 212 Vox Ghost 2 VOX 213 Spectral Mmh 2 SPD 214 Soft Mover 2 SPD 215 Analogue? 4 SPD 216 Dark Knight 4 BPD 217 XReeds 4 WND 218 C.Harp/pad 4 SYN 219 Phaze Strngs 4 PLS 220 Phaze Choir 4 PLS 221 Dreamsequenz 4 FX 222 Waterworld 4 FX 223 Midnight 4 FX 224 Colombus 4 FX 225 Titan 4 FX 226 Interspace 3 FX 227 Fountains 3 FX 228 SteppedGliss 2 FX 229 Your Mission 4 HIT 230 Mondo Hit 3 HIT 231 Orch Hit 1 1 HIT 232 Big Hit 4 HIT 233 Orch Hit 2 4 HIT 234 Orch FX 4 HIT 235 HorrorHit C4 4 HIT 236 Dyna Timps 2 PRC 237 Timpani 5 1 PRC 238 Dark Drums 4 PRC 239 St.Bodhran 4 PRC 240 Bodhran Vel 4 PRC 241 CrazyBodhran 4 PRC 242 Bodhran Menu 1 PRC 243 Percussn Mix 4 PRC 244 Wind Chimes3 1 PRC 245 Jingle Bell 1 PRC 246 Finger Cym 1 PRC 247 Cym Scrape 1 PRC 248 TunedBlock 1 1 PRC 249 TunedBlock 2 2 PRC 250 TunedBlock 3 4 PRC 251 Grongkas 2 PRC 252 Orch Snare 1 PRC 253 Snr Roll Vsw 3 PRC 254 OrchSnr Menu 4 PRC 255 Orch BassDrm 1 PRC 256 OrchDrm Menu4 PRC
*V: Voices *C: Category
To play patches on the expansion board, please set all the EFFECTS ON/OFF settings on the JV-1010/1080/2080 and XP series to “ON.” The display shown below is example settings on the XP-50.
On the above settings, Patches have already been programmed, and therefore it may sound quite different from what you expect.
* Some patches may change greatly if you operate a controller (such
as modulation, aftertouch, or an expression pedal) during sound generation. Be sure to give attention to the volume level as you play.
* Note that the Release Time has been set to a fairly long value for
some of the patches. As a result, if your sound generator has been set so “Patch Remain” is “ON,” the release portion of a previously sounding patch may continue to be heard even after switching to a new patch.
* Refer to the owner’s manual for your instrument for specific
instructions on how to play Patches on the expansion board.
* On the JV-1010/1080/2080 and XP series, you can not select only
the Patches which are designed to be used with the JV-80/880/90/
エクスパンション・ボードのパッチを発音させるときは、JV-1010/ 1080/2080, XP シリーズの EFFECTS ON/OFF の設定をすべて ON にして使用することをお勧めいたします。 下の画面は XP-50 の設定(例)です。
上記設定でパッチは作成してありますので、設定を変更された場合、 意図した音色にならないことがあります。
※ 発音中にコントローラー(モジュレーション、アフタータッチ、
エクスプレッション・ペダルなど)を操作すると、音色が大幅に 変わるパッチがあります。音量には十分注意して演奏してくださ い。
※ パッチの中にはリリース・タイムが長く設定してあるパッチもあ
りますので、音源のパッチ・リメインがON になっていると音色 を切り換えても前のパッチのリリースが残る場合があります。
※ エクスパンション・ボードのパッチを発音させるときは、使用機
※ JV-1010/1080/2080, XP シリーズでは、JV-80/880/90/1000
+ 5 hidden pages