Roland SR-JV80-14 User Manual [ja]

このたびは、ウェーブ・エクスパンション・ボードSR-JV80-14「World CollectionASIA」をお買い上げ頂きましてまことにありがとうございま す。 SR-JV80-14にはインド、中国、インドネシアなどのアジアを中心とし た様々な弦楽器、管楽器、打楽器などの各種民俗楽器の音色を搭載して います。 インドの楽器としてSitar,Santur,IndianFlute,TablaBayaなどの音色を 搭載しています、中国の楽器では GuZheng,YanQuin,ErHu,QuDi, Souna,TangGuなどの音色、またインドネシアでは Jegogan,Jublag, Pemade,Reyong,Gong,Kemple,CengCengなどのガムラン(Gamelan) に使用される各種楽器の音色を搭載しています。これら以外にも韓国や 日本の楽器の音色や各種打楽器を中心としたフレーズ・ループも搭載し ています。
● ウェーブ・フォーム: 175種類
● パッチ JV-1010/1080/2080,XPシリーズ専用: 256種類 JV-80/880/90/1000専用: 168種類
● リズム・セット JV-1010/1080/2080,XPシリーズ専用: 8種類 JV-90/1000専用: 2種類
※ 使用機器の電源スイッチをオフにしてください。
1. 使用機器の底部、または上部にあるカバーをはずします。
2. 基板ホルダーを、図2のような向きに合わせます。
3. エクスパンション・ボードのコネクターを、本体のコネクターに完
ション・ボードから出るようにします。 ※ 回路部やコネクター部には手を触れないでください。 ※ 基板を無理に押し込まないでください。装着しにくい場合、いった
4. 付属の固定用具で基板ホルダーをLOCK方向に回し、エクスパンショ
UNLOCK方向に回し、固定用具を引っかけて取りはずします。 ※
* Turn off your instrument.
1. Remove the cover located on the bottom (or top) of your instrument.
2. Check that the plastic board holders are positioned as shown. Rotate
them if necessary.
3. While positioning the holes on the board over the board holders, carefully insert the connector on the board into the socket on the instrument. Make sure the connector is securely connected, and that all three board holders project through the holes.
* Do not touch any of the printed circuit pathways or connection
Never use excessive force when installing a Expansion Board. If it doesn’t fit properly on the first attempt, remove the board and try again.
4. Use the supplied Installation Tool to turn the holders in the LOCK direction, so the board will be fastened in place.
(To remove the Expansion Board, turn the board holders in the UNLOCK direction, and lift up the board using the provided tool. Remove the board and secure the cover plate.)
When Expansion Board installation is complete, double-check your work.
5. Check if the Expansion Board is correctly installed. If the “EXP” display cannot be selected (doesn’t appear) in the Waveform
Selection Screen (refer to the owner’s manual of the instrument you use), remove the Expansion Board and install it properly.
21 3 4
Board holder
Board holder
Expansion board removal
エクスパンション・ボードの 取りはずし
Thank you for choosing the Roland SR-JV80-14 “World Collection Asia” Wave Expansion Board.
The SR-JV80-14 features sounds from a wide range of ethnic instruments, including strings, wind instruments, and percussion instruments, from a broad variety of countries in the Asian region, such as India, China, and Indonesia.
The sounds from India include the Sitar, Santur, Indian Flute, and TablaBaya. The sounds from China include the Gu Zheng, Yan Quin, Er Hu, Qu Di, Souna, and Tang Gu. The sounds from Indonesia include the instruments used in gamelan ensembles, such as Jegogan, Jublag, Pemade, Reyong, Gong, Kemple, and Ceng Ceng. Along with these, the sounds of Korean and Japanese instruments, as well as phrase loops (mainly of various percussion instruments) are also on board.
Waveforms: 175 Kinds
256 kinds designed for the JV-1010/1080/2080 & XP series; another 168 for the JV-80/880/90/1000. (On the JD-990, you can use
Patches designed to be used with the JV-80/880/90/1000 if you “Convert Load” them first.)
Rhythm Sets
8 kinds designed for the JV-1010/1080/2080 & XP series; another 2
for the JV-90/1000.
JV-80/880,JD-990では、エクスパンション・ボードのリズム・セット を使用することはできません。
The Rhythm Sets in this expansion board cannot be used with the JV-80/880 or JD-990.
この機器を正しくお使いいただくために、ご使用前に「安全上のご注 意」と「使用上のご注意」をよくお読みください。また、この機器の 優れた機能を十分ご理解いただくためにも、この取扱説明書をよくお 読みください。取扱説明書は必要なときにすぐに見ることができるよ う、手元に置いてください。
Before using this unit, carefully read the sections entitled: “USING THE UNIT SAFELY” and “IMPORTANT NOTES” These sections provide important information concerning the proper operation of the unit. Additionally, in order to feel assured that you have gained a good grasp of every feature provided by your new unit, this manual should be read in its entirety. The manual should be saved and kept on hand as a convenient reference.
1 Sitar/Drone 2 Sitar 2 A 3 Sitar 2 B 4 Sitar 2 C 5 SitarDrone 6 Santur 2 A 7 Santur 2 B 8 Santur 2 C
9 Santur Trm A 10 Santur Trm B 11 Santur Trm C 12 Sanshin A 13 Sanshin B 14 Sanshin C 15 Pi Pa A 16 Pi Pa B 17 Pi Pa C 18 Chung Ruan A 19 Chung Ruan B 20 Chung Ruan C 21 Gu Zheng A 22 Gu Zheng B 23 Gu Zheng C 24 Yang Qin 2 A 25 Yang Qin 2 B 26 Yang Qin 2 C 27 YangQinTrm A 28 YangQinTrm B 29 YangQinTrm C 30 Er Hu 2 A 31 Er Hu 2 B 32 Er Hu 2 C 33 IndFlute L A 34 IndFlute L B 35 IndFlute L C 36 IndFlute H A 37 IndFlute H B 38 IndFlute H C 39 Bang Di A 40 Bang Di B 41 Bang Di C 42 BangDi Vib A 43 BangDi Vib B 44 BangDi Vib C
45 Qu Di A 46 Qu Di B 47 Qu Di C 48 Qu Di Vib A 49 Qu Di Vib B 50 Qu Di Vib C 51 Sheng A 52 Sheng B 53 Sheng C 54 Suona A 55 Suona B 56 Suona C 57 Jegogan A 58 Jegogan B 59 Jegogan C 60 Jublag A 61 Jublag B 62 Jublag C 63 Pemade A 64 Pemade B 65 Pemade C 66 Reyong A 67 Reyong B 68 Reyong C 69 Reyong Sid A 70 Reyong Sid B 71 Reyong Sid C 72 Gong MENU *1 73 Gamelan Gong 74 Kempur 75 Kajar 76 Kelontuk 77 Kelontuk Mt 78 Kelontuk Sid 79 Kemong 80 Ceng Ceng *3 81 Kopyak Op *3 82 Kopyak Mt *3 83 Kane 84 Kane Side 85 Wind Bell 86 Korea MENU *1 87 Ching Open 88 Ching Mute
89 Kwaengwari p *3 90 Kwaengwari f *3 91 KwaengwariMt *3 92 China MENU *1 93 Xiao Bo 94 Nao Bo *3 95 Shou Luo 1 *3 96 Shou Luo 2 *3 97 HuYinLuoL Op *3 98 HuYinLuoL Mt *2
99 HuYinLuoH Op *3 100 HuYinLuoH Mt *3 101 TablaBy MENU *1 102 TablaBaya 1 *3 103 TablaBaya 2 *3 104 TablaBaya 3 *3 105 TablaBaya 4 *3 106 TablaBaya 5 *3 107 TablaBaya 6 *3 108 TablaBaya 7 *3 109 TablaBaya 8 *3 110 Dholak MENU *1 111 Dholak 1 *3 112 Dholak 2 *3 113 Dholak 3 *3 114 Dholak 4 *3 115 Dholak 5 *3 116 Dholak 6 *3 117 Dholak 7 *3 118 Dholak 8 *3 119 Dholak 9 *3 120 Dhol MENU *1 121 Dhol 1 *3 122 Dhol 2 *3 123 Dhol 3 *3 124 Dhol 4 *3 125 Dhol 5 *3 126 Kendang MENU 127 Wadon 1 *3 128 Wadon 2 *3 129 Wadon 3 *3 130 Wadon 4 *3 131 Wadon 5 *3 132 Wadon 6 *3
133 Wadon 7 *3 134 Bebarongan 1 *3 135 Bebarongan 2 *3 136 Bebarongan 3 *3 137 Pelegongan 1 *3 138 Pelegongan 2 *3 139 Pelegongan 3 *3 140 Japan MENU *1 141 Ho *3 142 Yoh *3 143 iYooh *3 144 Wadaiko *3 145 Wadaiko Rim *3 146 Shimedaiko 2 *3 147 Tsuzumi 2 p *3 148 Tsuzumi 2 mf *3 149 Tsuzumi 2 Hi *3 150 Ohkawa 2 *3 151 Mokugyo 1 *3 152 Mokugyo 2 *3 153 Hyoshigi 2 *3 154 Buk *3 155 Buk Rim *3 156 Changgo *3 157 Tang Gu Op *3 158 Tang Gu Mt *3 159 Shu Gu *3 160 Shu Gu Rim *3 161 Shu Ban 1 *3 162 Shu Ban 2 *3 163 Ban Gu 4 *3 164 Er Hu Phrase *3 165 GuZhengArpUp 166 GuZhengArpDn 167 122:GamelnP1 *2 168 78:GamelnP2 *2 169 78:Korea Ph *2 170 118:ChinaPh1 *2 171 132:ChinaPh2 *2 172 118:TablaByP *2 173 92:DholakPh *2 174 120:Dhol Ph *2 175 Asia Phrase *1
No. Name No. Name No. Name No. Name
*1 メニュー・ウェーブフォームです。複数のウェーブフォームが、キーご
*2 フレーズ・ループのウェーブフォームです。ウェーブ・ネームに付いて
いる78から132の数字は、C4キーで演奏したときのB.P.M.(テンポ)で す。また、これらのウェーブフォームはシーケンサー等との同期が可能 です。
*3 このウェーブフォームでは、鍵盤のアッパー・パートにリバース音が割
り当てられていますが、JD-990ではリバース再生ができないため、正方 向再生で代用して発音します。
*1 These are Menu Waveforms. Many different Waveforms are provided,
each one assigned to a different key.
*2 These are the phrase loop waveforms. The numbers (78–132) included in
the wave name represent the B.P.M. (tempo) when played at the C4 key. And these waveforms can be synchronized to a device such as a sequencer.
*3 In these Waveforms, a reversed sound is assigned to the upper section
on the keyboard. However, on the JD-990, they will instead be sounded in the foward direction, since the instrument does not support reverse playback.
When you create a Patch using the waveforms stored in the Expansion Board, observe the following points:
If you make a Patch with a single voice and then later play it in a chord, the sound may be distorted with certain settings for the Effects and TVA. If this happens, adjust the level of the Effects and TVA.
このエクスパンション・ボードに収められているウェーブフォーム を使ってパッチを作るときには、次の点に注意してください。
● 単音でパッチを作ったとき、エフェクトやTVAの設定状態によっ て、その音を和音で演奏すると音が歪む場合があります。 このようなときは、エフェクトやTVAのレベルを調整してくだ さい。
No. Name No. Name No. Name No. Name
1 Sitar/Drone 2 Sitar 2 A 3 Sitar 2 B 4 Sitar 2 C 5 SitarDrone 6 Santur 2 A 7 Santur 2 B 8 Santur 2 C
9 Santur Trm A 10 Santur Trm B 11 Santur Trm C
33 IndFlute L A 34 IndFlute L B 35 IndFlute L C 36 IndFlute H A 37 IndFlute H B 38 IndFlute H C
101 TablaBy MENU 102 TablaBaya 1 103 TablaBaya 2 104 TablaBaya 3 105 TablaBaya 4 106 TablaBaya 5 107 TablaBaya 6 108 TablaBaya 7 109 TablaBaya 8 110 Dholak MENU 111 Dholak 1 112 Dholak 2 113 Dholak 3 114 Dholak 4 115 Dholak 5 116 Dholak 6 117 Dholak 7 118 Dholak 8 119 Dholak 9 120 Dhol MENU 121 Dhol 1 122 Dhol 2 123 Dhol 3 124 Dhol 4 125 Dhol 5
172 118:TablaByP 173 92:DholakPh 174 120:Dhol Ph
15 Pi Pa A 16 Pi Pa B 17 Pi Pa C 18 Chung Ruan A 19 Chung Ruan B 20 Chung Ruan C 21 Gu Zheng A 22 Gu Zheng B 23 Gu Zheng C 24 Yang Qin 2 A 25 Yang Qin 2 B 26 Yang Qin 2 C 27 YangQinTrm A 28 YangQinTrm B 29 YangQinTrm C 30 Er Hu 2 A 31 Er Hu 2 B 32 Er Hu 2 C
39 Bang Di A 40 Bang Di B 41 Bang Di C 42 BangDi Vib A 43 BangDi Vib B 44 BangDi Vib C 45 Qu Di A 46 Qu Di B 47 Qu Di C 48 Qu Di Vib A 49 Qu Di Vib B 50 Qu Di Vib C 51 Sheng A 52 Sheng B 53 Sheng C 54 Suona A 55 Suona B 56 Suona C
92 China MENU 93 Xiao Bo 94 Nao Bo 95 Shou Luo 1 96 Shou Luo 2 97 HuYinLuoL Op 98 HuYinLuoL Mt
99 HuYinLuoH Op 100 HuYinLuoH Mt 157 Tang Gu Op 158 Tang Gu Mt 159 Shu Gu 160 Shu Gu Rim 161 Shu Ban 1 162 Shu Ban 2 163 Ban Gu 4
164 Er Hu Phrase 165 GuZhengArpUp 166 GuZhengArpDn 170 118:ChinaPh1 171 132:ChinaPh2
57 Jegogan A 58 Jegogan B 59 Jegogan C 60 Jublag A 61 Jublag B 62 Jublag C 63 Pemade A 64 Pemade B 65 Pemade C 66 Reyong A 67 Reyong B 68 Reyong C 69 Reyong Sid A 70 Reyong Sid B 71 Reyong Sid C 72 Gong MENU 73 Gamelan Gong 74 Kempur 75 Kajar 76 Kelontuk 77 Kelontuk Mt 78 Kelontuk Sid 79 Kemong 80 Ceng Ceng 81 Kopyak Op
82 Kopyak Mt 126 Kendang MENU 127 Wadon 1 128 Wadon 2 129 Wadon 3 130 Wadon 4 131 Wadon 5 132 Wadon 6 133 Wadon 7 134 Bebarongan 1 135 Bebarongan 2 136 Bebarongan 3 137 Pelegongan 1 138 Pelegongan 2 139 Pelegongan 3
167 122:GamelnP1 168 78:GamelnP2
86 Korea MENU 87 Ching Open 88 Ching Mute 89 Kwaengwari p 90 Kwaengwari f
91 KwaengwariMt 154 Buk 155 Buk Rim 156 Changgo
169 78:Korea Ph
No. Name
12 Sanshin A 13 Sanshin B 14 Sanshin C
83 Kane 84 Kane Side
85 Wind Bell 140 Japan MENU 144 Wadaiko 145 Wadaiko Rim 146 Shimedaiko 2 147 Tsuzumi 2 p 148 Tsuzumi 2 mf 149 Tsuzumi 2 Hi 150 Ohkawa 2 151 Mokugyo 1 152 Mokugyo 2 153 Hyoshigi 2
141 Ho 142 Yoh 143 iYooh
Key Wave#
Wave Name
メニュー・ウェーブフォームは、キーごとに異なるウェーブフォームが割 り当てられています。
Menu Waveforms provide multiple Waveforms, with each one assigned to a different key.
Key Wave#
Wave Name
Key Wave#
Wave Name
Key Wave#
Wave Name
C 4 73 Gamelan Gong D 4 74 Kempur E 4 75 Kajar F 4 76 Kelontuk G 4 77 Kelontuk Mt A 4 78 Kelontuk Sid B 4 79 Kemong C 5 80 Ceng Ceng D 5 81 Kopyak Op E 5 82 Kopyak Mt F 5 167 122:GamelnP1 G 5 168 78:GamelnP2
72 Gong MENU
C 4 154 Buk D 4 155 Buk Rim E 4 156 Changgo F 4 87 Ching Open G 4 88 Ching Mute A 4 89 Kwaengwari p B 4 90 Kwaengwari f C 5 91 KwaengwariMt
86 Korea MENU
C 4 157 Tang Gu Op D 4 158 Tang Gu Mt E 4 159 Shu Gu F 4 160 Shu Gu Rim G 4 161 Shu Ban 1 A 4 162 Shu Ban 2 B 4 163 Ban Gu 4 C 5 93 Xiao Bo D 5 94 Nao Bo E 5 95 Shou Luo 1 F 5 96 Shou Luo 2 G 5 97 HuYinLuoL Op A 5 98 HuYinLuoL Mt B 5 99 HuYinLuoH Op C 6 100 HuYinLuoH Mt D 6 171 132:ChinaPh2
92 China MENU
C 4 102 TablaBaya 1 D 4 103 TablaBaya 2 E 4 104 TablaBaya 3 F 4 105 TablaBaya 4 G 4 106 TablaBaya 5 A 4 107 TablaBaya 6 B 4 108 TablaBaya 7 C 5 109 TablaBaya 8 D 5 172 118:TablaByP
101 TablaBy MENU
Key Wave#
Wave Name
Key Wave#
Wave Name
C 4 111 Dholak 1 D 4 112 Dholak 2 E 4 113 Dholak 3 F 4 114 Dholak 4 G 4 115 Dholak 5 A 4 116 Dholak 6 B 4 117 Dholak 7 C 5 118 Dholak 8 D 5 119 Dholak 9 E 5 173 92:DholakPh
110 Dholak MENU
C 4 121 Dhol 1 D 4 122 Dhol 2 E 4 123 Dhol 3 F 4 124 Dhol 4 G 4 125 Dhol 5 A 4 174 120:Dhol Ph
120 Dhol MENU
Key Wave#
Wave Name
C 4 127 Wadon 1 D 4 128 Wadon 2 E 4 129 Wadon 3 F 4 130 Wadon 4 G 4 131 Wadon 5 A 4 132 Wadon 6 B 4 133 Wadon 7 C 5 134 Bebarongan 1 D 5 135 Bebarongan 2 E 5 136 Bebarongan 3 F 5 137 Pelegongan 1 G 5 138 Pelegongan 2 A 5 139 Pelegongan 3
126 Kendang MENU
Key Wave#
Wave Name
C 4 144 Wadaiko D 4 145 Wadaiko Rim E 4 146 Shimedaiko 2 F 4 147 Tsuzumi 2 p G 4 148 Tsuzumi 2 mf A 4 149 Tsuzumi 2 Hi B 4 150 Ohkawa 2 C 5 151 Mokugyo 1 D 5 152 Mokugyo 2 E 5 153 Hyoshigi 2 F 5 83 Kane G 5 84 Kane Side A 5 85 Wind Bell B 5 141 Ho C 6 142 Yoh D 6 143 iYooh
140 Japan MENU
Key Wave#
Wave Name
C 4 167 122:GamelnP1 D 4 168 78:GamelnP2 E 4 169 78:Korea Ph F 4 170 118:ChinaPh1 G 4 171 132:ChinaPh2 A 4 172 118:TablaByP B 4 173 92:DholakPh C 5 174 120:Dhol Ph D 5 164 Er Hu Phrase E 5 165 GuZhengArpUp F 5 166 GuZhengArpDn G 5 141 Ho A 5 142 Yoh B 5 143 iYooh C 6 144 Wadaiko D 6 148 Tsuzumi 2 mf
175 Asia Phrase
+ 8 hidden pages