Roland SR-JV80-11 User Manual [ja]

このたびは、ウェーブ・エクスパンション・ボード SR-JV80-11「Techno Collection」をお買い上げ頂きましてまことにありがとうございます。 このエクスパンション・ボードには、フレーズ・ループやシンセ・ベース、 シンセ・サウンド、各種ヒット・サウンド等の最新のテクノ/ダンスミュ ージック(Techno,Jungle,Drum'n'Bass,Ambient,Acid-House,Trip-Hop, Detroit,Trance,Gabba,Industrial等)に対応できるウェーブ・フォーム、 パッチ、リズム・セットが搭載されています。 フレーズ・ループは、バスドラム、ハイハット、各種パーカッション等の 楽器別に分けたウェーブも用意していますので、これらを組み合わせるこ とでさまざまなジャンルに対応することができます。 シンセ・ベース、リズム音色は、TB-303,TR-909/808/707等の定番音色に 加え、これらをディストーション等のエフェクト処理をした音色を豊富に 搭載していますので、より音作りの幅を広げることができます。シンセ/ ヒットの音色も IndustrialHit,VocoderVoice,ElectoricPercussion等、最 新のテクノ/ダンスシーンにマッチした音色を豊富に搭載しています。
● ウェーブ・フォーム :255種類
● パッチ JV-1010/1080/2080,XP-50/80専用 :256種類 JV-80/880/90/1000専用 :255種類
● リズム・セット JV-1010/1080/2080,XP-50/80専用 :8種類 JV-90/1000専用 :2種類
※ 使用機器の電源スイッチをオフにしてください。
1. 使用機器の底部、または上部にあるカバーをはずします。
2. 基板ホルダーを、図2のような向きに合わせます。
3. エクスパンション・ボードのコネクターを、本体のコネクターに完
ション・ボードから出るようにします。 ※ 回路部やコネクター部には手を触れないでください。 ※ 基板を無理に押し込まないでください。装着しにくい場合、いった
4. 付属の固定用具で基板ホルダーをLOCK方向に回し、エクスパンショ
UNLOCK方向に回し、固定用具を引っかけて取りはずします。 ※
* Turn off your instrument.
1. Remove the cover located on the bottom (or top) of your instrument.
2. Check that the plastic board holders are positioned as shown. Rotate
them if necessary.
3. While positioning the holes on the board over the board holders, carefully insert the connector on the board into the socket on the instrument. Make sure the connector is securely connected, and that all three board holders project through the holes.
* Do not touch any of the printed circuit pathways or connection
Never use excessive force when installing a Expansion Board. If it doesn't fit properly on the first attempt, remove the board and try again.
4. Use the supplied Installation Tool to turn the holders in the LOCK direction, so the board will be fastened in place.
(To remove the Expansion Board, turn the board holders in the UNLOCK direction, and lift up the board using the provided tool. Remove the board and secure the cover plate.)
When Expansion Board installation is complete, double-check your work.
5. Check if the Expansion Board is correctly installed. If the "EXP" display cannot be selected (doesn't appear) in the Waveform
Selection Screen (refer to the owner's manual of the instrument you use), remove the Expansion Board and install it properly.
21 3 4
Board holder
Board holder
Expansion board removal
エクスパンション・ボードの 取りはずし
Thank you for choosing the Roland SR-JV80-11 "Techno Collection" Wave Expansion Board.
This expansion board comes loaded with a complete range of waveforms, patches, and rhythm sets that fit in perfectly with the latest techno/dance music (Techno, Jungle, Drum'n'Bass, Ambient, Acid-House, Trip-Hop, Detroit, Trance, Gabba, Industrial,etc.)-­including phrase loops, synth bass and other synth sounds, and various hit sounds. Phrase loops also include waves for a variety of individual musical instruments, such as the bass drum, hi-hat and other percussion instruments. By combining these, you can find just the right sound for almost any kind of music. The synth bass and rhythm sounds include not only all the old standards from the TB­303 and TR-909/808/707, but also include various sounds that have been processed with effects like distortion, thus expanding your sound creation possibilities. Synth/Hit sounds include a great selection of sounds that fit in perfectly with the current Techno/Dance scene, such as Industrial Hit, Vocoder Voice, Electric Percussion, etc.
Waveforms: 255 Kinds
256 kinds designed for the JV-1010/1080/2080 & XP-50/80; another 255 for the JV-80/880/90/1000.
(On the JD-990, you can use Patches designed to be used with the JV-80/880/90/1000 if you "Convert Load" them first.)
Rhythm Sets
8 kinds designed for the JV-1010/1080/2080 & XP-50/80; another 2
for the JV-90/1000.
JV-80/880,JD-990では、エクスパンション・ボードのリズム・セット を使用することはできません。
The Rhythm Sets in this expansion board cannot be used with the JV-80/880 or JD-990.
この機器を正しくお使いいただくために、ご使用前に「安全上のご注 意」と「使用上のご注意」をよくお読みください。また、この機器の 優れた機能を十分ご理解いただくためにも、この取扱説明書をよくお 読みください。取扱説明書は必要なときにすぐに見ることができるよ う、手元に置いてください。
Before using this unit, carefully read the sections entitled: "USING THE UNIT SAFELY" and "IMPORTANT NOTES" These sections provide important information concerning the proper operation of the unit. Additionally, in order to feel assured that you have gained a good grasp of every feature provided by your new unit, this manual should be read in its entirety. The manual should be saved and kept on hand as a convenient reference.
1 PHRASE MENU * 2 120:House 1 ** 3 120:House 2 ** 4 120:House 3 ** 5 120:TeknoBNG ** 6 144:Tekno BD ** 7 144:TeknoHAT ** 8 160:Drum'nBs **
9 184:Gabba ** 10 132:Detroit ** 11 132:Agogo ** 12 116:Elect'80 ** 13 120:Electro1 ** 14 138:Electro2 ** 15 TB Dst Saw 16 TB Dst Sqr 1 17 TB Dst Sqr 2 18 TB Reso Sqr1 19 TB Reso Sqr2 20 TB Reso Sqr3 21 TB Saw 22 TB Solid Saw 23 TB Reso Saw 24 TB Square 1 25 TB Square 2 26 TB Square 3 27 Octa Bass 28 Rave Bass 29 FM Pluck Bs 30 FM Slide Bs 31 Solid Bass 32 JUNO-60 Bass 33 SH-5 Bass 34 Dirty Bass 35 Sub Bass 36 Jungle Bass 37 JP8000 Saw 1 38 JP8000 Saw 2 39 JP-6 Saw 40 Techno Saw 41 SH-1 Square 42 SH-1 Pulse 43 JP8000 PWM 44 JP8000 FBK 45 260 Sub OSC 46 Dist Synth 47 Dist Square 48 P5 Pipe 49 FM Garage 50 JUNO Pluck 51 Funky Synth 52 JUNO Bowing 53 JUNO Synth 54 JX Synth 55 Alpha Wave
56 Killer 57 Detuned Saw 58 Fat JP-6 59 Euro Dance 60 Noisy 101 61 Daft Wave 62 Pizzy Techno 63 Organ Pizz 64 Garage Org 65 FM Club Org 66 Org Chord 67 Dist TekGtr1 68 Dist TekGtr2 69 GTR FX MENU * 70 JP Siren 71 Cold Dress 72 HIT MENU 1 * 73 HIT MENU 2 * 74 Beam HiQ *** 75 Analog Bird *** 76 ElectronFall *** 77 Retro UFO *** 78 Jungle Beep *** 79 PC-2 Machine *** 80 Dr.Beat *** 81 Mental Perc *** 82 May Day Perc *** 83 PC-2 Spacers *** 84 Techno Scene *** 85 Pure Psycho *** 86 TAO Hit *** 87 Thin Beef *** 88 Organ Hit 2 89 INDUST. MENU * 90 PCM Press *** 91 ElectricDunk *** 92 Thrill *** 93 Drill Hit *** 94 MachineShout *** 95 Air Gun *** 96 Emergency 97 Buzzer 98 Tonality
99 Aah Formant 100 Eeh Formant 101 Iih Formant 102 Ooh Formant 103 Uuh Formant 104 Dist Ooh Vox 105 Talkbox 106 VOCODER MENU* 107 TOM MENU * 108 TR909 Tom *** 109 TR909 DstTom *** 110 TR808 Tom ***
111 TR606 Tom *** 112 TR606 CmpTom *** 113 TR707 Tom *** 114 TR707 CmpTom *** 115 Deep Tom *** 116 Kick Tom *** 117 Natural Tom *** 118 Can Tom *** 119 PERCUSS MENU * 120 TR808 Conga1 *** 121 TR808 Conga2 *** 122 Surdo mute *** 123 Surdo open *** 124 TMB&SKR MENU* 125 Tambourine 2 *** 126 Rattle Tamb *** 127 TechnoShaker *** 128 Dance Shaker *** 129 COW&RIM MENU* 130 TR808Cowbell 131 TR707Cowbell *** 132 CR78 Cowbell *** 133 TR727 Agogo *** 134 TR909 Rim *** 135 TR808 Rim *** 136 TR808 RimLng *** 137 TR808 Claves *** 138 CHH MENU 1 * 139 CHH MENU 2 * 140 TR909 CHH 1 *** 141 TR909 CHH 2 *** 142 TR909 CHH 3 *** 143 TR808 CHH 1 *** 144 TR808 CHH 2 *** 145 TR606 CHH *** 146 TR707 CHH *** 147 CR78 CHH *** 148 Pop CHH *** 149 Bristol CHH *** 150 PHH MENU * 151 TR909 PHH 1 *** 152 TR909 PHH 2 *** 153 TR808 PHH *** 154 TR606 PHH *** 155 TR707 PHH *** 156 OHH MENU * 157 TR909 OHH 1 *** 158 TR909 OHH 2 *** 159 TR909 OHH 3 *** 160 TR909 DstOHH *** 161 TR808 OHH *** 162 TR606 DstOHH *** 163 TR707 OHH *** 164 CR78 OHH *** 165 R8 OHH ***
166 Cym OHH *** 167 CYMBAL MENU * 168 TR606 Cym 1 *** 169 TR606 Cym 2 *** 170 TR606 DstCym *** 171 TR909 Ride *** 172 TR909DstRide *** 173 TR707 Ride *** 174 TR909 Crash *** 175 TR909DsCrash *** 176 CLAP MENU * 177 TR909 Clap *** 178 TS Clap *** 179 Clap Stop *** 180 TR707 Clap *** 181 HC2 Dry Clap *** 182 Scratch Clap *** 183 Comp Clap *** 184 Claptail *** 185 SNR MENU 1 * 186 SNR MENU 2 * 187 SNR MENU 3 * 188 SNR MENU 4 * 189 SNR MENU 5 * 190 TR909 Snr 1 *** 191 TR909 Snr 2 *** 192 TR909 Snr 3 *** 193 TR909 Snr 4 *** 194 TR909 Snr 5 *** 195 TR909 Snr 6 *** 196 TR909 Snr 7 *** 197 TR808 Snr 1 *** 198 TR808 Snr 2 *** 199 TR808 Snr 3 *** 200 TR808 Snr 4 *** 201 TR606 Snr 1 *** 202 TR606 Snr 2 *** 203 TR606 Snr 3 *** 204 TR707 Snr 1 *** 205 TR707 Snr 2 *** 206 CR78 Snare *** 207 Headz Snare *** 208 Deep Snare *** 209 Fat Snare *** 210 Antigua Snr *** 211 MC Snare *** 212 DJ Snare *** 213 Macho Snare *** 214 Clap Snare *** 215 Rage Snare *** 216 Indus Snare *** 217 TekRok Snare *** 218 Jungle Snr 1 *** 219 Jungle Snr 2 *** 220 Jungle Snr 3 ***
No. Name No. Name No. Name No. Name No. Name
221 Jungle Snr 4 *** 222 SideStiker *** 223 Ragga Snr 2 *** 224 Lo-Fi Snare *** 225 Jungle Snr 5 *** 226 Urban Snare *** 227 Sim Snare *** 228 Roll Snare *** 229 KICK MENU 1 * 230 KICK MENU 2 * 231 TR909 Kick 1 *** 232 TR909 Kick 2 *** 233 Plastic BD 1 *** 234 Plastic BD 2 *** 235 TR808 Kick 1 236 TR808 Kick 2 *** 237 TR808 Kick 3 *** 238 TR606 Kick 1 *** 239 TR606 Kick 2 *** 240 TR707 Kick 1 *** 241 TR707 Kick 2 *** 242 Culture Kick *** 243 Optic Kick *** 244 Lo-Fi BD *** 245 Wet Kick *** 246 Video Kick *** 247 JungleKick 1 *** 248 Street Kick *** 249 Turbo Kick *** 250 JungleKick 2 *** 251 Tekno Kick *** 252 Sim Kick *** 253 Amsterdam BD *** 254 TR909 Dst BD *** 255 Roll Kick ***
** フレーズ・ループのウェーブフォームです。ウェーブ・ネームに付いて
いる116から184の数字は、C4キーで演奏したときのB.P.M.(テンポ)で す。また、これらのウェーブフォームはシーケンサー等との同期が可能 です。
*** このウェーブフォームでは、鍵盤のアッパー・パートにリバース音が割
り当てられていますが、JD-990ではリバース再生ができないため、正方 向再生で代用して発音します。
These are Menu Waveforms. Many different Waveforms are provided,
each one assigned to a different key.
** These are the phrase loop waveforms. The numbers (116-184) included
in the wave name represent the B.P.M. (tempo) when played at the C4 key. And these waveforms can be synchronized to a device such as a sequencer.
*** In these Waveforms, a reversed sound is assigned to the upper section
on the keyboard. However, on the JD-990, they will instead be sounded in the foward direction, since the instrument does not support reverse playback.
When you create a Patch using the waveforms stored in the Expansion Board, observe the following points:
If you make a Patch with a single voice and then later play it in a chord, the sound may be distorted with certain settings for the Effects and TVA. If this happens, adjust the level of the Effects and TVA.
このエクスパンション・ボードに収められているウェーブフォーム を使ってパッチを作るときには、次の点に注意してください。
● 単音でパッチを作ったとき、エフェクトやTVAの設定状態によっ て、その音を和音で演奏すると音が歪む場合があります。 このようなときは、エフェクトやTVAのレベルを調整してくだ さい。
C 4 2 120:House 1 C# 4 3 120:House 2 D 4 4 120:House 3 D# 4 5 120:TeknoBNG E 4 6 144:Tekno BD F 4 7 144:TeknoHat F# 4 8 160:Drum'nBs G 4 9 184:Gabba G# 4 10 132:Detroit A 4 11 132:Agogo A# 4 12 116:Elect'80 B 4 13 120:Electro1 C 5 14 138:Electro2
C 4 GTR FX 1 * C# 4 GTR FX 2 *
C 4 74 Beam Hiq C# 4 Noise Click * D 4 Electro Prc * D# 4 75 Anaolog Bird E 4 76 ElectronFall F 4 77 Retro UFO F# 4 78 Jungle Beep G 4 79 PC-2 Machine G# 4 Dance Prc * A 4 80 Dr.Beat A# 4 CR78 Beat * B 4 81 Mental Perc C 5 82 May Day Perc C# 5 83 PC-2 Spacers
C 4 84 Techno Scene C# 1 85 Pure Psycho D 4 86 TAO Hit D# 4 87 Thin Beef E 4 Techno Tone * F 4 88 Organ Hit 2 F# 4 Scratch 4 * G 4 Scratch PUSH * G# 4 Scratch PULL * A 4 Tape RWD * A# 4 Reel Stop *
C 4 Indust Bomb * C# 4 Door Comp * D 4 90 PCM Press D# 4 91 ElectricDunk E 4 92 Thrill F 4 93 Drill Hit F# 4 94 MachineShout G 4 95 Air Gun G# 4 Swish * A 4 96 Emergency A# 4 97 Buzzer B 4 TB reso * C 5 98 Tonality
C 4 VP "ei" * C# 4 VP "ii" * D 4 VP "ai" * D# 4 VP "ou" * E 4 VP "ju" * F 4 VP "one" * F# 4 VP "two" * G 4 VP "three" * G# 4 VP "four" * A 4 VP "music" * A# 4 VP "techno" * B 4 VP "groove" * C 5 VP "dance" * C# 5 VP "funky" * D 5 VP "rhythm" * D# 5 VP "machine" *
Key Wave#
Wave Name
メニュー・ウェーブフォームは、キーごとに異なるウェーブフォームが割 り当てられています。
Menu Waveforms provide multiple Waveforms, with each one assigned to a different key.
C 4 108 TR909 Tom C# 4 109 TR909 DstTom D 4 110 TR808 Tom D# 4 111 TR606 Tom E 4 112 TR606 CmpTom F 4 113 TR707 Tom F# 4 114 TR707 CmpTom G 4 115 Deep Tom G# 4 116 Kick Tom A 4 117 Natural Tom A# 4 118 Can Tom
C 4 120 TR808 Conga1 C# 4 TR808 Conga3 * D 4 121 TR808 Conga2 D# 4 Hi Bongo L.F * E 4 Lo Bongo L.F * F 4 Mute CGA L.F * F# 4 Hi Conga L.F * G 4 Lo Conga L.F * G# 4 122 Surdo mute A 4 123 Surdo open A# 4 H Timbal L.F * B 4 L Timbal L.F * C 5 Tabla Comp *
C 4 125 Tambourine 2 C# 4 126 Battle Tamb D 4 127 TechnoShaker D# 4 128 Dance Shaker E 4 TR808 Maracas * F 4 CR78 Guiro *
C 4 130 TR808Cowbell C# 4 131 TR707Cowbell D 4 132 CR78 Cowbell D# 4 133 TR727 Agogo E 4 134 TR909 Rim F 4 TR909 Dst Rim * F# 4 135 TR808 Rim G 4 136 TR808 RimLng G# 4 TR707 Rim * A 4 Ragga Rim * A# 4 137 TR808 Claves
C 4 140 TR909 CHH 1 C# 4 141 TR909 CHH 2 D 4 142 TR909 CHH 3 D# 4 143 TR808 CHH 1 E 4 TR808 CHH 3 * F 4 144 TR808 CHH 2 F# 4 TR808 CHH 3 * G 4 145 TR606 CHH G# 4 TR606 CHH 2 * A 4 TR606 CHH 3 * A# 4 146 TR707 CHH B 4 147 CR78 CHH C 5 DM CHH *
C 4 148 Pop CHH C# 4 Pop CHH 2 * D 4 149 Bristol CHH D# 4 Lithe CHH * E 4 R8 CHH *
C 4 151 TR909 PHH 1 C# 4 152 TR909 PHH 2 D 4 153 TR808 PHH D# 4 TR808 PHH 2 * E 4 154 TR606 PHH F 4 TR606 PHH 2 * F# 4 155 TR707 PHH G 4 HH Pedal *
138 CHH MENU 1
139 CHH MENU 2
Key Wave#
Wave Name
C 4 157 TR909 OHH 1 C# 4 158 TR909 OHH 2 D 4 TR909 OHH 4 * D# 4 159 TR909 OHH 3 E 4 160 TR909 DstOHH F 4 TR808 OHH 2 * F# 4 161 TR808 OHH G 4 TR808 OHH 3 * G# 4 162 TR606 DstOHH A 4 TR707 HH * A# 4 163 TR707 OHH B 4 164 CR78 OHH C 5 DM OHH * C# 5 Hop OHH * D 5 165 R8 OHH D# 5 166 Cym OHH
C 4 168 TR606 Cym 1 C# 4 169 TR606 Cym 2 D 4 170 TR606 DstCym D# 4 171 TR909 Ride E 4 172 TR909DstRide F 4 173 TR707 Ride F# 4 174 TR909 Crash G 4 175 TR909DsCrash
C 4 177 TR909 Clap C# 4 178 TS Clap D 4 TR909 Clap 2 * D# 4 179 Clap Stop E 4 808 Comp Clp * F 4 180 TR707 Clap F# 4 181 HC2 Dry Clap G 4 DM Clap * G# 4 182 Scratch Clap A 4 Real Clap * A# 4 Groove Clap * B 4 183 Comp Clap C 5 184 Claptail C# 5 909 Clp Fuzz *
C 4 190 TR909 Snr 1 C# 4 191 TR909 Snr 2 D 4 192 TR909 Snr 3 D# 4 193 TR909 Snr 4 E 4 194 TR909 Snr 5 F 4 TR909 Snr 8 * F# 4 195 TR909 Snr 6 G 4 196 TR909 Snr 7 G# 4 909 Snr Dst * A 4 909 Snr Fuzz * A# 4 TR808 Snr 5 * B 4 197 TR808 Snr 1 C 5 198 TR808 Snr 2 C# 5 199 TR808 Snr 3 D 5 200 TR808 Snr 4 D# 5 TR808 Snr 6 *
C 4 201 TR606 Snr 1 C# 4 202 TR606 Snr 2 D 4 606 Snr Dst * D# 4 203 TR606 Snr 3 E 4 204 TR707 Snr 1 F 4 TR707 Snr 3 * F# 4 205 TR707 snr 2 G 4 206 CR78 Snare G# 4 Clap Snare 2 * A 4 Jungle Snr 9 * A# 4 Rage Snare 2 * B 4 Clap Snare 3 * C 5 Clap Snare 4 *
185 SNR MENU 1
186 SNR MENU 2
Key Wave#
Wave Name
C 4 207 Headz Snare C# 4 208 Deep Snare D 4 209 Fat Snare D# 4 R&B Snare * E 4 210 Antigua Snr F 4 211 MC Snare F# 4 212 DJ Snare G 4 213 Macro Snare G# 4 Lofi Snare * A 4 Pistol Snr * A# 4 214 Clap Snare B 4 215 Rage Snare C 5 216 Indus Snare C# 5 217 TekRok Snare D 5 Indus Snare *
C 4 218 Jungle Snr 1 C# 4 219 Jungle Snr 2 D 4 220 Jungle Snr 3 D# 4 Jungle Snr 6 * E 4 221 Jungle Snr 4 F 4 Jungle Snr 7 * F# 4 222 SideStickr G 4 Cross Snr * G# 4 Jungle Rim * A 4 223 Ragga Snr 2 A# 4 224 Lo-fi Snare
C 4 Jungle Snr 10 * C# 4 225 Jungle Snr 5 D 4 Jungle Snr 8 * D# 4 226 Urban Snare E 4 Lite Snare * F 4 227 Sim Snare F# 4 Electro Snr * G 4 228 Roll Snare
C 4 231 TR909 Kick 1 C# 4 232 TR909 Kick 2 D 4 TR909 Kick 3 * D# 4 233 Plastic BD 1 E 4 234 Plastic BD 2 F 4 TR909 Kick 4 * F# 4 235 TR808 Kick 1 G 4 236 TR808 Kick 2 G# 4 237 TR808 Kick 3 A 4 238 TR606 Kick 1 A# 4 239 TR606 Kick 2 B 4 606 Dst Kick * C 5 240 TR707 Kick 1 C# 5 241 TR707 Kick 1 D 5 242 Culture Kick
C 4 Hop Kick * C# 4 243 Optic Kick D 4 244 Lo-Fi BD D# 4 245 Wet Kick E 4 DR Cmp Kick * F 4 246 Video Kick F# 4 247 JungleKick 1 G 4 248 Street Kick G# 4 249 Turbo Kick A 4 250 JungleKick 2 A# 4 251 Tekno KIck B 4 252 Sim Kick C 5 Dance Kick 2 * C# 5 253 Amsterdam BD D 5 254 TR909 Dst BD D# 5 255 Roll Kick
187 SNR MENU 3
188 SNR MENU 4
189 SNR MENU 5
Key Wave#
Wave Name
This waveform is used only in the MENU WAVEFORM.
PATCH LIST for JV-1010/1080 / 2080, XP-50 / 80
1 Teknoperator(132) 4 2 Transmission(144) 4 3 X-Tronic Jam(120) 4 4 Dirt Jungle(160) 2 5 DJ Spinnin(151) 4 6 Zipper Beat(151) 4 7 Tribal House(151) 3 8 Obsession(144) 4
9 Sonic Empire(144) 4 10 Double Dutch(140) 4 11 E-tronicBoom(116) 3 12 Chillout =->(116) 4 13 MecaTrip-Hop( 90) 4 14 Hero Beat( 90) 4 15 Hit House(120) 4 16 Voco Groove(122) 4 17 Hell Fire(151) 4 18 Lo:BD Hi:HH(144) 2 19 Detroit+Perc(132) 2 20 Crossfader(120) 2 21 Soft & Hard(120) 2 22 Space Shake(130) 4 23 Under Ether( 85) 2 24 Confusion(147) 4 25 Amsterdamer(184) 2 26 House that?(120) 4 27 Phrase Menu 1 28 Cyber-Trance 3 29 Creator 3 30 Etherality 4 31 Unplugged 4 32 Acid Melt 3 33 Brain Waves 4 34 1Shot Groove 1 35 FirstContact 2 36 Ambient S/H 4 37 Deep Machine 2 38 Big Blue 2 39 TeeBee V/Sw 4 40 303 Agressor 2 41 TB or not TB 3 42 HiLo303ModSw 2 43 2Square Bass 2 44 303 HollowBS 2 45 303 Bass 2 46 TB Saw Bass 1 47 303 Ow Bass 1 48 TB Square 1 2 49 TB Square 2 2 50 TB Square 3 2 51 Solid Bass 1 2 52 Solid Bass 2 1 53 FM Tube Bass 3 54 Drum'n'Bass 3 55 Sub Bass 1
56 Dirty Bass 2 57 Gate Me Buzz 1 58 Comprex Bass 1 59 Bass Invader 2 60 Ovdrive Bass 1 61 Housy Bella 4 62 Bassic Needs 2 63 Raver Bass 1 2 64 Raver Bass 2 2 65 Jericho Bass 2 66 Slippy Bass 2 67 Rise Bass 2 68 Cyber Bass 2 69 SH-2000 Bass 2 70 FM Bass 1 71 Razor Bass 2 72 SquelchyBass 2 73 RaversBass 4 74 Compu Bass 2 75 Jump Bass 2 76 VocoBass 2 77 Vocoder Menu 1 78 BPM 4 79 TeknoMusic 3 80 Retrocoder 2 81 u/i/e/o V/Sw 4 82 Talk Box 1 3 83 Talk Box 2 1 84 VT Vox 2 85 Artificial 4 86 BariVoise 1 87 After D ! 4 88 ARPsychea 4 89 Vintage Call 4 90 HarmoChimer 2 91 Ring Bell 2 92 260 & JUNO 3 93 260 MIDI 1 94 SquareKeys 2 1 95 Pure Sine 1 96 Ambient ORG 2 97 JX Planet 1 98 Clavi-Club 2
99 Sweep Clav 2 3 100 SquareTek 2 101 Retro Party 3 102 Rave Nature 2 103 Alias Square 2 104 Dirty Stack 1 105 Phenomena 4 106 Music Hi 1 107 Euro-Dance 1 3 108 Euro-Dance 2 3 109 Dance Stack 4 110 Raver Blade 4
111 White Gloves 1 112 Touchdown 4 113 Rave Station 2 114 Time Warp 3 115 Thin Rave 4 116 Igor Circus 3 117 Alpha Zone 4 118 Stars March 4 119 JP Velo-Saw 2 120 Rich Teeth 4 121 After Saw 4 122 Saw Cocktail 3 123 Poly Message 2 124 Xpressive 4 125 Earblower 3 126 Cutting Edge 4 127 Stalactica 4 128 LA Heaven 4 129 Euforia 3 130 Labo-Feedbak 4 131 Banded Jupe 1 132 Killer Pad 1 133 Mystic Pad 4 134 D-Mention 4 135 X-hale 4 136 Sirena 4 137 After's Pad 3 138 Warmer Pad 2 139 Phatt Pad 2 140 OB Sweep Pad 3 141 Murk Pad 4 142 Dense Floor 4 143 SecretMelody 4 144 Vaporish 4 145 Vintage Revo 3 146 Liquid Sky 4 147 Exploration 3 148 Drama Pad 4 149 Vapor Style 4 150 JP-6 Stack 1 151 Obilator 1 152 Glamour 3 153 Medium Solo 3 154 Singing'Mini 1 155 Analog Flute 1 156 SH-5 Bs/Lead 2 157 Classy Pulse 1 158 Jupiter-6 Ld 2 159 Just Lovely 1 160 DJ Devil 1 161 Simply June 1 162 Mr.Raw SAW 1 163 Crispy Lead 4 164 Dirty Lead 2 3 165 Disto Stack 4
166 Velo Cheese 3 167 Noiz Mania 4 168 Power Mutes 2 169 V-Beep 1 170 Freaky Fry 1 171 SQ Formule 1 172 DirtyOrgan 2 2 173 Oldies Organ 2 174 Edgy Organ 4 175 Juno Organ 2 176 Space Org X 3 177 Cabin Organ 2 178 Dream Organ 3 179 Club Organ 2 180 Perc. Organ 2 181 Organ Stabs 2 182 Techno Pizz 1 183 Captain Pizz 4 184 Pizzatek 2 185 Sleepless 4 186 Mega 5th 2 2 187 Chord maj7th 4 188 Chord min7th 4 189 5thDimension 4 190 StateXLChord 4 191 Sixth Sense 4 192 Garage Chord 4 193 Chordmaj7/5- 4 194 Planet EKNO 3 195 Optimum Rave 4 196 Arpege Me 2 197 VTransformer 4 198 Analog Attax 4 199 Maxi Fuzzy ! 2 200 Only by FXM 3 201 Hit & Run 4 202 Photon Attak 4 203 Predator 4 204 Village Hit 4 205 Hardcore Hit 4 206 Short Chord 4 207 ShortCircuit 4 208 SonofaPitch 4 209 Flutish SQUR 4 210 FazzyCow 808 3 211 Blurpy 3 212 Static Hit 3 213 Hi Attack 3 214 TonalTension 4 215 Jungle Stabs 2 216 Buzz Machine 2 217 Zapper 1 218 Blip 1 219 Iron Hit 2 220 Headz Direct 1
No. Name
No. Name
No. Name
No. Name
No. Name
221 Scratchy Hit 2 222 Hit&IndsMenu 3 223 GTR FX Menu 1 224 GTR Power 1 1 225 GTR Power 2 1 226 Snr Menu 1 3 227 Snr Menu 2 2 228 Kick Menu 2 229 Hi Hat Menu 4 230 Perc Menu 4 231 Tom&Cym Menu 2 232 Metal Dream 4 233 System D 4 234 Mayday Ring 2 235 Industrial 4 236 Tranceporter 3 237 Acid Copter 1 238 Roll Over 4 239 Gimme aBreak 4 240 RadicalAbuse 2 241 Echodrome 1 242 Trance Chime 2 243 Altamira 2 244 Locko Motif 1 245 SpaceFactory 2 246 Get Busy 4 247 Ayers Rock 4 248 Altern Saw 1 249 JP-6 Sync 1 250 Cold JX 1 251 Fancy Pad 1 252 Tune Breath 2 253 OrchestraGTR 2 254 Gtr Sweep 2 255 Trilly 2 256 Good Bye Spk 4
● パッチネームに続く()内の数字は、C4キーで演奏したときの B.P.M.(テンポ)です。
● パッチの中にはリリース・タイムが長く設定してあるパッチもあ りますので、音源のパッチ・リメインがONになっていると音色 を切り換えても前のパッチのリリースが残る場合があります。
● エクスパンション・ボードのパッチを発音させるときは、使用機 器の取扱説明書にしたがって、実行してください。
● JV-1010/1080/2080,XP-50/80では、JV-80/880/90/1000専用のパ ッチを選ぶことはできません。
The numbers in parenthesis following the Patch name represent
the B.P.M. (tempo) when played at the C4 key.
Note that the Release Time has been set to a fairly long value for some of the patches. As a result, if your sound generator has been set so "Patch Remain" is "ON," the release portion of a previously sounding patch may continue to be heard even after switching to a new patch.
Refer to the owner's manual for your instrument for specific instructions on how to play Patches on the expansion board.
On the JV-1010/1080/2080 and XP-50/80, you can not select only the Patches which are designed to be used with the JV-80/880/90/1000.
エクスパンション・ボードのパッチを発音させるときは、JV­1010/1080/2080,XP-50/80のEFFECTSON/OFFの設定をすべてONに して使用することをお勧めいたします。
EFFECTS | EFX| Chorus| Reverb ON/OFF | ON| ON| ON
上記設定でパッチは作成してありますので、設定を変更された場合、 意図した音色にならないことがあります。
On the above settings, Patches have already been programmed, and therefore it may sound quite different from what you expect.
To play patches on the expansion board, please set all the EFFECTS ON/OFF settings on the JV-1010/1080/2080 and XP-50/80 to "ON."
* The display shown below is example settings on the XP-50.
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