Roland SR-JV80-07 User Manual [ja]

このたびは、ウェーブ・エクスパンション・ボードSR-JV80-07「スーパ ー・サウンド・セット」をお買い上げいただきまして、まことにありがと うございます。
このエクスパンション・ボードは、サウンド・ライブラリーSO-PCM1シ リーズの01から08(04を除く)に含まれていたウェーブフォーム、パッチ、 リズム・セットを網羅し、さらにSO-PCM1シリーズを複数組み合わせて 作成した新作パッチも追加したエクスパンション・ボードです。
ピアノ、ギター、ブラス、ドラム・セクション、オルガン、ハープシコー ド、オーケストラ・ヒット、ハープ、バンジョーやマンドリン、スチー ル・ギター、アコーディオンなどのSO-PCM1シリーズで定評のあるウェ ーブフォームがそろっています。
本エクスパンション・ボードのウェーブフォームは、サウンド・ライブラ リーSO-PCM1シリーズ(04を除く)のほとんどを内蔵していますが、SO­PCM1シリーズとは多少音色の異なるものもあります。(SO-PCM1-04
JV-1010/1080/2080,XPシリーズ専用:255種類 JV-80/880/90/1000専 用:220種類
JV-1010/1080/2080,XPシリーズ専用:8種類 JV-90/1000専用:2種類
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the permission of ROLAND CORPORATION.
1. 使用機器の底部、または上部にあるカバーをはずします。
2. 基板ホルダーを、図2のような向きに合わせます。
3. エクスパンション・ボードのコネクターを、本体のコネクターに完
全に差し込みます。このとき3つの基板ホルダーの頭が、エクスパン ション・ボードから出るようにします。
4. 付属の固定用具で基板ホルダーをLOCK方向に回し、エクスパンショ
ン・ボードを固定します。 エクスパンション・ボードの取りはずしは、基板ホルダーを
UNLOCK方向に回し、固定用具を引っかけて取りはずします。 最後にカバーを取り付けます。
5. エクスパンション・ボードの取り付けが正しく行われたかを確認し
ます。 ウェーブフォームの選択画面(使用機器の取扱説明書参照)で"EXP"
が選べない(表示されない)ときは、もう一度エクスパンション・ ボードをつけ直してください。
* Turn off your instrument.
1. Remove the cover located on the bottom (or top) of your instrument.
2. Check that the plastic board holders are positioned as shown. Rotate
them if necessary.
3. While positioning the holes on the board over the board holders,
carefully insert the connector on the board into the socket on the instrument. Make sure the connector is securely connected, and that all three board holders project through the holes.
4. Use the supplied Installation Tool to turn the holders in the LOCK
direction, so the board will be fastened in place. (To remove the Expansion Board, turn the board holders in the
UNLOCK direction, and lift up the board using the provided tool. Remove the board and secure the cover plate.)
5. Check if the Expansion Board is correctly installed.
If the "EXP" display cannot be selected (doesn't appear) in the Waveform Selection Screen (refer to the owner's manual of the instrument you use), remove the Expansion Board and install it properly.
21 3 4
Board holder
Board holder
Expansion board removal
エクスパンション・ボードの 取りはずし
Thank you for choosing the Roland SR-JV80-07 "Super Sound Set" wave expansion board.
Your new expansion board not only gives you all the Waveforms, Patches and Rhythm Sets originally provided on cards 01 through 08 in the SO-PCM1 Series Sound Library (except for 04), but also includes completely new Patches created by combining the use of multiple SO­PCM1 Series cards.
In addition to the pianos, guitars, brasses, and drum sections that are essential for the Pop scene, there are also numerous other Waveforms offering traditional favorites such as banjos, mandolins, steel guitars and accordions. Moreover, a good collection of organs, harpsichords, orchestra hits, and harps (with typical performance techniques represented) allows you to readily cover classical music as well.
Waveforms: 255 Kinds
Most of the Waveforms that made the SO-PCM1 series as popular as it was, such as piano, guitar, brass, drum section, organ, harpsichord, orchestra hit, harp, banjo, steel guitar and accordion are included.
The board provides almost all the Waveforms that were in the SO-PCM1 Series Sound Library (except for 04). Some of them may sound slightly differently than the SO-PCM1 Series cards did, however. (The Waveforms of the SO-PCM1-04 "Grand Piano 1" are in the JV-90/1000 /1080 and XP-50's internal memory.)
255 kinds designed for the JV-1010/1080/2080 & XP series; another 220 for the JV-80/880/90/1000.
Rhythm Sets
Eight kinds designed for the JV-1010/1080/2080 & XP series; another two for the JV-90/1000.
JV-80/880,JD-990では、エクスパンション・ボードのリズム・セット を使用することはできません。
The Rhythm Sets in this expansion board cannot be used with the JV-80/880 or JD-990.
1 U Ac.Piano p 2 U Ac.Piano f 3 U E.Grand p 4 U E.Grand f 5 Rhodes A 6 Rhodes B 7 Rhodes C 8 Bright EP A
9 Bright EP B 10 Bright EP C 11 HPS_Front A 12 HPS_Front B 13 HPS_Front C 14 HPS_Back A 15 HPS_Back B 16 HPS_Back C 17 HPS_Lute A 18 HPS_Lute B 19 HPS_Lute C 20 HPS_Click 21 Ac.Guitar A 22 Ac.Guitar B 23 Ac.Guitar C 24 Reso.GTR p A 25 Reso.GTR p B 26 Reso.GTR p C 27 Reso.GTR f A 28 Reso.GTR f B 29 Reso.GTR f C 30 F.Mandolin A 31 F.Mandolin B 32 F.Mandolin C 33 Dulcimer A 34 Dulcimer B 35 Dulcimer C 36 FretNoise 37 Jazz Gt p A 38 Jazz Gt p B 39 Jazz Gt p C 40 Jazz Gt f A 41 Jazz Gt f B 42 Jazz Gt f C 43 Pd.Steel 1 A 44 Pd.Steel 1 B 45 Pd.Steel 1 C 46 Pd.Steel 2 A 47 Pd.Steel 2 B 48 Pd.Steel 2 C 49 335Pick A 50 335Pick B 51 335Pick C 52 335Mute A 53 335Mute B 54 335Mute C 55 Funk Gt Mute 56 Funk Gt 57 CleanEG A 58 CleanEG B 59 CleanEG C 60 Dist Gt p A
61 Dist Gt p B 62 Dist Gt p C 63 Dist Gt f A 64 Dist Gt f B 65 Dist Gt f C 66 Sax p A 67 Sax p B 68 Sax p C 69 Sax mf A 70 Sax mf B 71 Sax mf C 72 Trombopet A 73 Trombopet B 74 Trombopet C 75 Trombone p A 76 Trombone p B 77 Trombone p C 78 Trombone mf A 79 Trombone mf B 80 Trombone mf C 81 Trombone f A 82 Trombone f B 83 Trombone f C 84 ORG_Flute A 85 ORG_Flute B 86 ORG_Flute C 87 S_Recorder A 88 S_Recorder B 89 S_Recorder C 90 T_Recorder A 91 T_Recorder B 92 T_Recorder C 93 Musette 1 A 94 Musette 1 B 95 Musette 1 C 96 Musette 2 A 97 Musette 2 B 98 Musette 2 C
99 Musette 3 A 100 Musette 3 B 101 Musette 3 C 102 Master A 103 Master B 104 Master C 105 Single A 106 Single B 107 Single C 108 Bandoneon 1A 109 Bandoneon 1B 110 Bandoneon 1C 111 Bandoneon 2A 112 Bandoneon 2B 113 Bandoneon 2C 114 MasterBs A 115 MasterBs B 116 MasterBs C 117 Bs/Musette 1 118 Bs/Musette 2 119 Bs/Musette 3 120 Bs/Master
121 Bs/Single 122 Bs/Bandneon1 123 Bs/Bandneon2 124 Fiddle A 125 Fiddle B 126 Fiddle C 127 Gliss Maj 128 Gliss Min 129 Tremolo p 130 Tremolo sfz 131 Tremolo f 132 Cluster 133 Pentatonic 134 Gliss Maj Lp 135 Gliss Min Lp 136 Tremolo p Lp 137 Tremolo sfLp 138 Tremolo f Lp 139 Cluster Lp 140 PentatonicLp 141 Orch Hit Maj 142 Orch Hit Min 143 Orch hit Dim 144 Orch Hit f 145 Staccato p 146 Staccato f 147 F.Horn Rip 148 Brass Fall 149 Tps Fall 150 Brass Stacc 151 Harp m7 Up 152 Harp m7 Dwn 153 Harp 9th Up 154 Harp 9th Dwn 155 Harp +7 Up 156 Harp +7 Dwn 157 Harp b9 Up 158 Harp b9 Dwn 159 Harp m7 UpLp 160 Harp m7 DnLp 161 Harp 9thUpLp 162 Harp 9thDnLp 163 Harp +7 UpLp 164 Harp +7 DnLp 165 Harp b9 UpLp 166 Harp b9 DnLp 167 Fat BD 168 Pillow BD 169 Mondo Kick 170 Deep Kick 1 171 Solid Kick 172 Ambo Kick 173 Reverb Kick1 174 Deep Kick 2 175 Reverb Kick2 176 Room Stick 177 Snappy SN 178 Cross SN 179 Crisp SN 180 Brash SN
181 Bigshot SN 182 Crack Snare 183 Atomic Snare 184 Power Snare 185 Trash Snare 186 Hard Snare 187 Combo Snare 188 Induced SN 189 Tiny Snare 190 Rock Snare 1 191 Rock Snare 2 192 Reverb Snare 193 SharpTom Lo 194 SharpTom Hi 195 Rock Tom 1 196 Rock Tom 2 197 Rock Tom 3 198 Rock Tom 4 199 Ambo Tom 1 200 Ambo Tom 2 201 Ambo Tom 3 202 Ambo Tom 4 203 Closed Hat 1 204 Closed Hat 2 205 Room Hat 1 206 Room Hat 2 207 Room Hat 3 208 Room Hat 4 209 Open HH 210 Open HiHat 211 Pedal HiHat 212 Claps Real 213 Crash Cym 214 Ride Cym 215 Ride Cymbal 216 Ride Bell 217 China Cym 218 Cowbell 2 219 Tambourine 220 Gong 221 Hat & Tom 1 222 Hat & Tom 2 223 Cymbal 224 Kick & SN 1 225 Kick & SN 2 226 Kick & SN 3 227 Kick & SN 4 228 Kick & SN 5 229 Kick & SN 6 230 Kick & SN 7 231 Kick & Snare 232 Tom Set 233 HiHat Set 234 Ride & Clap 235 REV Hit Maj 236 REV Hit Min 237 REV Hit Dim 238 REV Hit f 239 REV Stacc p 240 REV Stacc f
No. Name No. Name No. Name No. Name No. Name
241 REV Hrp m7Up 242 REV Hrp m7Dn 243 REV Hrp9thUp 244 REV Hrp9thDn 245 REV Hrp +7Up 246 REV Hrp +7Dn 247 REV Hrp b9Up 248 REV Hrp b9Dn 249 REV PillowBD 250 REV SnappySN 251 REV Cross SN 252 REV Brash SN 253 REV Crisp SN 254 REV Tom Hi 255 REV Gong
リストの中で、名前に"REV"が付いているウェーブフォームはリバー ス(逆方向)再生で発音するようになっていますが、JD-990ではリバ ース再生ができないため、正方向再生で代用して発音します。
Waveforms in the list which have "REV" as part of their name are designed to play in reverse when sounding. However, on the JD-990, they will instead be sounded in the forward direction, since the instrument does not support reverse playback.
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