Optical disc ICs
PWM driver for CD and MD players
The BH6504K is a 4-channel PWM driver designed for CD and MD player motors and actuator drives. The power MOFSET output stage allows for applications with low power consumption. This IC also has a charge pump circuit and standard operational amplifier (needed for power MOSFET gate drives), and so supports a wide spectrum of applications.
Portable CD players, MD players
1) Low power consumption.
2) A minimum of attached components.
3) Excellent gain precision because of the voltage feedback circuit.
4) Internal mute function for channel 1.
Absolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25C)
5) Allows for free-running and clock synchronization operation.
6) Internal standard operational amplifier.
7) Internal charge pump circuit for gate drive.
8) Switchable to doubled clock synchronization.
Recommended operating conditions