BD9G101G Eval Board (Back)
BD9G101G Eval Board (Front)
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L: Inactive
ROHM Switching Regulator Solutions
Evaluation Board:
Step-down Switching Regulator
With Built-in Power MOSFET
BD9G101G (5V | 0.5A Output)
This application note will provide the steps necessary to operate and evaluate ROHM’s step-down switching regulator using the BD9G101G
evaluation boards. Board layout recommendations, operation procedures, application data and build of materials are provided.
This evaluation board has been developed for ROHM’s step-down switching regulator customers evaluating BD9G101G. While accepting a
wide power supply of 6-42V, a step down output of 1V-29V can be produced. The IC has an internal 800mohm Nch MOSFET (1A max) and
a fixed operating frequency range of 1.5MHz. A Soft Start circuit prevents in-rush current during startup along with UVLO (low voltage error
prevention circuit), OCP (over-current protection) and TSD (thermal shutdown detection) protection circuits. An EN pin allows for simple
ON/OFF control of the IC to reduce standby current consumption.
Industrial distributed power applications
Automotive and battery powered equipment
●Evaluation Board Operating Limits and Absolute Maximum Ratings
●Evaluation Board
Below is the evaluation board with the BD9G101G. Component selection and board layout guidelines are provided in the
BD9G101G datasheet.
●Evaluation Board Schematic
Below is the evaluation board schematic for BD9G101G.
●Evaluation Board I/O
Below is the reference application circuit that shows the inputs (Vcc and EN) and the output (Vout @ 5V/0.5A)
●Evaluation Board Operation Procedures
Below is the procedure to operate the evaluation board
1. Connect GND to a GND pin on the evaluation board
2. Connect Vcc to the VCC_pin. This will provide Vcc to the Vcc pin of the IC
i. Note: EN pin is pulled HIGH as default. EN needs to be set to LOW for IC operation.
3. Output voltage can be measured from the VOUT_pin on the evaluation board. Output current can be measured with a
proper load at VOUT.
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●Reference Graphs Application Data for BD9G101G
Below graphs show efficiency, frequency response and load characteristics of the BD9G101G eval board.
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