Gamma Correction IC with built-in DAC
This gamma correction voltage generation IC feature built-in DACs and provide a 1chip solution with setting control via serial
communications, a high-precision 10-bitDAC, and Buffer Amp (12ch).
1) 1chip design means fewer components
2) Built-in 10bit DAC
3) DAC output Buffer AMP (12ch)
4) Amp input select (CTL)
5) 3-line serial interface control
6) Thermal shut down
7) Power ON Reset Circuit
8) VQFN032V5050 Package
These ICs can be used with TFT LCD Panels used by Large-Screen and High-Definition LCD TVs.
●Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25℃)
Parameter Symbol Limit Unit
Power Supply Voltage 1 DVCC 7 V
Power Supply Voltage 2 VCC 20 V
REFIN Voltage REF 20 V
Amplifier Drive Current Io 30 *
Junction Temperature Tjmax 150 ℃
Power Dissipation Pd 2440 *2 mW
Operating Temperature Range Topr -40~+105 ℃
Storage Temperature Range Tstg -55~+150 ℃
*1 Pd, should not be exceeded.
*2 Reduced by 19.52mW/°C over 25°C, when mounted on a glass epoxy board.
(4-layer 74.2×74.2×1.6mm).
●Operating Condition (Ta=-40℃~105℃)
Parameter Symbol
Power Supply Voltage 1 DVCC 2.3 5.5 V
Power Supply Voltage 2 VCC 8 18 V
REFIN Voltage REF 8 18 V
AMP0 Drive Current IOA -40 - mA
AMP1~10 Drive Current IOB -20 20 mA
Source Drive Current (AMP0) IooA -60 mA DAC=7V,OUT0=13V
Source Drive Current (AMP1~10) IooB -30 mA DAC=3.5V,OUT1~10=0V
Source Drive Current (AMP11) IooC -10 mA DAC=0.5V,OUT11=0V
Sink Drive Current (AMP0) IoiA 10 mA DAC=7V,OUT0=15V
Sink Drive Current (AMP1~10) IoiB 30 mA DAC=3.5V,OUT1~10=15V
Sink Drive Current (AMP11) IoiC 60 mA DAC=0.5V,OUT11=2V
Load regulation (OUT0) ⊿V-A 10 mV Io=0mA~-35mA, OUTx=6V
Load regulation (OUT1~10) ⊿V-B 10 mV Io=-15mA~15mA, OUTx=6V
Load regulation (OUT11) ⊿V-C 10 mV Io=0mA~35mA, OUTx=6V
Slew Rate SR 3 V/µs
OUT Voltage High (OUT0) VOH-A VCC-0.4VCC-0.15- V Io=-35mA
OUT Voltage High (OUT1~10) VOH-B VCC-0.75- V Io=-15mA
OUT Voltage High (OUT11) VOH-C VCC-0.75- V Io=-15mA
OUT Voltage Low (OUT0) VOL-A - 0.75 V Io=15mA
OUT Voltage Low (OUT1~10) VOL-B - 0.75 V Io=15mA
OUT Voltage Low (OUT11) VOL-C - 0.1 0.2 V Io=35mA
Resolution Coding Res 10 Bit
Non-Linear Error (INL) LE -2 - 2 LSB
Differential Error (DNL) DLE -2 - 2 LSB
OSC Frequency fosc - 100 - kHz Internal oscillator mode
Sink Current Ictl 16.5 µA VIN=3.3V
Threshold Voltage VTH DVCC×0.2 DVCC×0.8V
OUT0 Voltage Vpre0 -
OUT1 Voltage Vpre1 -
OUT2 Voltage Vpre2 -
OUT3 Voltage Vpre3 -
OUT4 Voltage Vpre4 -
OUT5 Voltage Vpre5 -
OUT6 Voltage Vpre6 -
OUT7 Voltage Vpre7 -
OUT8 Voltage Vpre8 -
OUT9 Voltage Vpre9 -
OUT10 Voltage Vpre10 -
OUT11 Voltage Vpre11 -
VDAC Detection Voltage Vdet 2.6 3.2 3.6 V
Circuit Current ICC 5 mA CTL=”LOW”
This product is not designed for protection against radio active rays.
X 12/13
X 11/13
X 10/13
X 9/13
X 813
X 7/13
X 6/13
X 5/13
X 4/13
X 3/13
X 2/13
X 1/13
Error with ideal straight Range
Error with ideal amount of
REG amplifiers the voltage applied to REFIN by 0.5x and output it to the VDAC pin. Connect a 1µF phase compensation
capacitor to the VDAC pin.
・DAC Control
DAC Control convents the 10-bit digital signal read to the register to a voltage.
Amp amplifiers the voltage output from DAC Control by 2x. Input includes sample & hold function, refreshed by OSC.
The OSC generates the frequency that determines the Amp's refresh time.
External input can be selected using serial input.
・Power On Reset
When the digital power supply DVCC is activated, each IC generates a reset signal to initialize the serial interface, registers.
Adding a 1,000 pF capacitor to the CT pin ensures that reset operation can be performed reliably, without regard to the
speed with which the power supply starts up.
This block generates the internal reference voltage.
・TSD(Thermal Shut Down)
The TSD circuit turns output off when the chip temperature reaches or exceeds approximately 175°C(TYP) in order to
prevent thermal destruction or thermal runaway. When the chip returns to a specified temperature, the circuit resets.
The TSD circuit is designed only to protect the IC itself. Application thermal design should ensure operation of the IC
below the thermal shutdown junction temperature of approximately 150°C(TYP).
CTL signal can select Amp input. If CTL=”L”, each output voltage is fixed at REFIN voltage divided 13th equality.
IF CTL=”H”, each Amp input connect DAC output, and each output comply with each register.
A serial signal (consisting of 10-bit gamma correction voltage values) input using the serial interface is held for each
register address. Data is initialized by the reset signal generated during a power-on reset.
・Serial I/F
The serial interface uses a 3-line serial data format (LATCH, CLK, SDIN). It is used to set gamma correction voltages,
specify register addresses, and select OSC I/O.