STRUCTURE Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuit
PRODUCT SERIES Single-Phase Full-Wave Motor Driver for Fan Motor
FEATURES Pre-driver compatible for external Tr
Speed controllable by DC/PWM input
PWM soft switching drive
Built-in Speed control circuit by rotation speed feedback
Symbol Limit Unit
Supply voltage Vcc 20 V
Power dissipation Pd 874.7* mW
Operating temperature Topr -40 to +100 °C
Storage temperature Tstg -55 to +150 °C
High side output voltage VOH 36 V
Low side output voltage VOL 15 V
Low side output current IOL 10 mA
FG output current
FG output voltage
REF current ability
HB current ability
IFG 10 mA
VFG 20 V
IREF 12 mA
IHB 12 mA
Input voltage (H+, H-, CS, PWMIN) VIN 7 V
ICT and SHIFT current ability IIN 100 μA
Junction temperature Tjmax 150 °C
*Reduce by 7.0mW/°C over Ta=25°C.
(On 70.0mm×70.0mm×1.6mm glass epoxy board)
*This product is not designed for production against radioactive rays.

Limit Unit
Operating supply voltage range Vcc 5.0 to 17.0 V
Input voltage range 1 (H+, H-) VIN1
Input voltage range 2 (PWMIN) VIN2
0 to Vcc-2.0 V
0 to 7.0 V
0 to VREF V
0 to 6.5 V
less than Vcc=9.0V
more than Vcc=9.0V
less than Vcc=7.0V
more than Vcc=7.0V
Input voltage range 3 (MIN) VIN3 0 to VREF V
Input voltage range 4 (FIL) VIN4 0 to VFILH V
〇ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise specified Ta=25°C, Vcc=12V)
Min. Typ. Max.
Unit Conditions
Circuit current Icc 3.0 5.4 8.0 mA
Hall input hysteresis VHYS ±5 ±10 ±15 mV
High side output current IH 5.0 10.5 17.0 mA VOH=12V
High side output leak current IHL - - 10 μA VOH=36V
Low side output high voltage VLH 9.3 9.5 - V IOL=-5mA
Low side output low voltage VLL - 0.5 0.7 V IOL=5mA
Lock detection ON time TON 0.18 0.3 0.42 s
Lock detection OFF time TOFF 3.6 6.0 8.4 s
FG output low voltage VFGL - - 0.3 V IFG=5mA
FG output leak current IFGL - - 10 μA VFG=17V
OSC low voltage VOSCL 0.8 1.0 1.2 V
OSC high voltage VOSCH 2.3 2.5 2.7 V
OSC charge current ICOSC -50 -32 -20 μA
OSC discharge current IDOSC 20 32 50 μA
REF voltage VREF 4.6 5.0 5.4 V IREF=-2mA
Hall bias voltage VHB 1.3 1.5 1.7 V IHB=-2mA
Current limit voltage VCL 130 160 190 mV
MIN bias current IMIN - - 1.0 μA VMIN=0V
CS bias current ICS - - 1.0 μA VCS=0V
PWMIN bias current IPWM 15 25 35 μA VPWMIN=0V
PWMIN input high voltage VPWMH 2.3 - 6.5 V
PWMIN input low voltage VPWML 0.0 - 1.0 V
FIL output high voltage VFILH 1.3 1.5 1.7 V VPWMIN=0V
FIL source current IFILH -25 -15 -10 μA VPWMIN=0V
FIL sink current IFILL 10 15 25 μA VPWMIN=VREF
VCONT charge current ICVCON -145 -100 -60 μA
VCONT discharge current IDVCON 7 11 16 μA
VCONT charge/discharge current
RVCON 9.8 10.1 10.4 -
Soft start time TSS 1.2 2.0 2.8 s