Multifunction Backlight LED Drivers
for Small LCD Panels (Charge Pump Type)
BD6081GU, BD6081GVW
BD6081GU / BD6081GVW is compound LED Driver which is the most suitable for the cellular phone.
Main LCD Back Light LED Driver (Max 4 Light), Sub LCD Back Light LED Driver (Max 2 Light), 2 system RGB LED Drivers,
2Ch LDO (2.8V/1.8V) included. This is PMIC (Power Management IC) that is the most suitable for "the indication part" of the
cellular phone.A charge pump form is adopted, and a coil is never used for the part DC/DC. This IC achieves compact size
with the chip size package (VCSP85H3). [BD6081GU] This IC solves a mounting problem by BGA package
(SBGA063W060). [BD6081GVW]
1) Main LCD Back Light LED Driver (Max 4 Light)
4 Lighting / 3 Lighting can be chosen (register setting)
2) Sub LCD Back Light LED Driver (Max 2 Light)
2 Lighting / 1 Lighting can be chosen (register setting)
3) RGB LED Driver (2 System)
Slope control is built in.(2 system independence can be controlled.)
LED connection (for G1LED,G2LED,B1LED,B2LED) can be set up in the battery or the DC/DC output.(register setting)
LED connection (for R1LED,R2LED) can be set up in the battery only.
4) 2ch Series Regulator
2.8V output Iomax=150mA
1.8V output Iomax=150mA(normal mode)
1.8V output low current consumption mode / normal mode Switching is possible. (The outside pin control / regi ster setting)
5) Charge Pump DC/DC
Soft start Functions
Over voltage protection (Auto-return type)
Over current protection (Auto-return type)
6) Thermal shutdown (Auto-return type)
7) I
●Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25
C BUS Fast-mode (max 400kHz)Writing
*This chip is not designed to protect itself against radioactive rays.
*This material may be changed on its way to designing.
*This material is not the specification.
SymbolRatings Unit
Maximum Applied voltage VMAX 7 V
Power Dissipation
Operating Temperature Range Topr -25 ~ +85 ℃
Storage Temperature Range Tstg -55 ~ +150 ℃
cote1)Power dissipation deleting is 13.8mW/ ℃, when it’s used in over 25 ℃.
(It’s deleting is on the board that is ROHM’s standard))
Note2)Power dissipation deleting is 8.48mW/
(It’s deleting is on the board that is ROHM’s standard))
●Operating conditions (VBATVIO, Ta=-25~85
Parameter Symbol
VBAT input voltage VBAT 2.7 ~ 5.5 V
VIO pin voltage VIO 1.65 ~ 3.3 V
VBAT Circuit current 1 IBAT1 - 0.1 3.0 A
VBAT Circuit current 2 IBAT2 - 0.5 3.0 A
VBAT Circuit current 3 IBAT3 - 6.2 9.5 A
VBAT Circuit current 4 IBAT4 - 100 150 A
VBAT Circuit current 5 IBAT5 - 140 210 A
VBAT Circuit current 6 IBAT6 - 63 95 mA
VBAT Circuit current 7 IBAT7 - 95 143 mA
VBAT Circuit current 8 IBAT8 - 125 188 mA
【LED Driver】
LED current Step1 ILEDSTP1 32 Step
LED current Step2 ILEDSTP2 64 Step
LED Maximum setup current 1
LED Maximum setup current 2
LED current accurate ILED 18 20 22 mA
LED current Matching ILEDMT - 5 10 %
LED OFF Leak current ILKLED - - 1.0 A
【DC/DC(Charge Pump)】
Output voltage V℃P Vf+0.15 Vf+0.2- V
Current Load IOUT - - 255 mA
Oscillator frequency fosc 0.8 1.0 1.2 MHz
Over voltage protection
detect voltage
Over current protection
detect current
Output voltage Vo1 2.7162.80 2.884V
I/O voltage difference Vsat1 - 0.2 0.3 V
Load stability Vo11 - 10 60 mV
Input stability Vo12 - 10 60 mV
Ripple Rejection Ratio RR1 30 40 - dB
Short circuit current limit Ilim01 - 225 450 mA
Discharge resister at OFF ROFF1 - 1.0 1.5 k
Output voltage 1 Vo21 1.74 1.8 1.86 V
Output voltage 2 Vo22 1.71 1.8 1.89 V
Load stability Vo21 - 10 60 mV
Input stability Vo22 - 10 60 mV
Ripple Rejection Ratio RR2 30 40 - dB
Short circuit current limit Ilim02 - 225 450 mA
Discharge resister at OFF ROFF2 - 1.0 1.5 k
IMAX1 - - 32 mA
IMAX2 - - 31.5 mA
OVP - 6.0 6.5 V
OCP - 250 375 mA
Min. Typ. Max.
Unit Condition
REG2 low current consumption mode,
REG2 normal mode, Io=0mA
REG1, REG2 normal mode, Io=0mA
DC/DC x1mode, Io=60mA,VBAT=4.0V
DC/DC x1.5mode,
VCSP85H3 CSP small Package
SIZE : 3.90mm×3.90mm(A difference in public: X and Y, together, ± 0.1mm) height 1.0mm max
A ball pitch : 0.5mm
1 B7 E4 VBATCP - - - GND Battery is connectedA
2 G2 B8 VBAT1 - - - GND Battery is connectedA
3 A5 E3 VBAT2 - - - GND Battery is connectedA
4 G4 D7 VBATREG - - - GND Battery is connectedA
5 A1 A1 T1 - - - GND Test Pin (short to GND) A
6 A7 H1 T2 - - - GND Test Pin (short to GND) A
7 G7 H8 T3 - - VBATGND Test Pin (short to GND) J
8 G1 A8 T4 - - VBATGND Test Pin (short to GND) J
9 F3 C7 CREF O - VBATGND Reference voltage output P
10 G6 G8 VIO - - VBATGND I/O voltage source is connected C
11 F7 H7 RESET I VIO VBATGND Reset input (L: RESET, H: RESET cancel) H
12 E6 H6 SDA I VIO VBATGND I2C data input I
13 D5 G6 SCL I VIO VBATGND I2C clock input H
14 B5 F1 CPGND - - VBAT- GroundB
15 F1 B6 REFGND - - VBAT- GroundB
16 G5 E7 REGGND - - VBAT- GroundB
17 B2 C2 BLGND - - VBAT- GroundB
18 D1 A3 RGBGND - - VBAT- GroundB
19 E7 F5 DGND - - VBAT- GroundB
20 B6 G1 C1N I/O - VBATGND Charge Pump capacitor is connected F
21 C6 H2 C1P I/O - - GND Charge Pump capacitor is connected G
22 A6 F2 C2N I/O - VBATGND Charge Pump capacitor is connected F
24 D7 F4 VOUT O 25 D6 G4 VOUTM O - - GND Charge Pump output pin output pin A
26 E3 A7 ISET I - VBATGND LED standard current O
27 F4 D6 REG1O O - VBATGND REG1 output pin Q
28 G3 C8 REG2O O - VBATGND REG2 output pin Q
29 A3 D3 MLED1 I - VBATGND Main LCD Back Light LED is connected 1 D
30 B3 D1 MLED2 I - VBATGND Main LCD Back Light LED is connected 2D
31 A4 E1 MLED3 I - VBATGND Main LCD Back Light LED is connected 3D
32 B4 E2 MLED4 I - VBATGND Main LCD Back Light LED is connected 4D
33 B1 B2 SLED1 I - VBATGND Sub LCD Back Light LED is connected 1 D
34 A2 B1 SLED2 I - VBATGND Sub LCD Back Light LED is connected 2 D
35 F2 A6 R1LED I
36 E1 A5 G1LED I - VBATGND Green LED1 is connected D
37 E2 A4 B1LED I - VBATGND Blue LED1 is connected D
38 D2 B3 R2LED I
39 C1 A2 G2LED I - VBATGND Green LED2 is connected D
40 C2 C3 B2LED I - VBATGND Blue LED2 is connected D
41 F6 F6 RGB1CNT I VIO VIO GND RGB1 LED external ON/OFF Synchronism Pin K
42 E5 G7 RGB2CNT I VIO VIO GND RGB2 LED external ON/OFF Synchronism Pin K
43 E4 E6 REG2EN I (VBAT)VBATGND REG2 ON/OFF control Pin (L: OFF, H: ON) L
45 D3 F3 TESTI1 I - VBATGND Test input pin 1 (short to GND) H
46 D4 C6 TESTI2 I - VBATGND Test input pin 2 (short to GND)H
47 C5 G5 TESTO1 O - VBATGND Test output pin 1 (OPEN)M
48 C4 F7 TESTO2 O - VBATGND Test output pin 2 (OPEN) N
※ The LED pin which isn't used is to short-circuit to the ground. But, the setup of a register concerned with LED that isn’t used is prohibited.
Total: Functional 48Pin
48 balls (BD6081GU)
63 balls (BD6081GVW)
Pin No.
- (Other) NC - - - - Non connect pin -
H3 C2P I/O - - GND Charge Pump capacitor is connected G
Pin Name I/O
ESD Diode
VBATGND Red LED1 is connected D
VBATGND Red LED2 is connected D
GND Charge Pump output pin A
REG2 Mode control Pin
(L: low current consumption, H: normal)
●I2C BUS format
The writing/reading operation is based on the I2C slave standard.
・Slave address
A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 W
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
・Bit Transfer
SCL transfers 1-bit data during H. SCL cannot change signal of SDA during H at the time of bit transfer. If SDA changes
while SCL is H, START conditions or STOP conditions will occur and it will be interpreted as a control signal.
Data lin e stable;
Data valid
Change of data
・START and STOP condition
When SDA and SCL are H, data is not transferred on the I
C- bus. This condition indicates, if SDA changes from H to L
while SCL has been H, it will become START (S) conditions, and an access start, if SDA changes from L to H while SCL
has been H, it will become STOP (P) conditions and an access end.
START Condition
STOP Condition
It transfers data 8 bits each after the occurrence of START condition. A transmitter opens SDA after transfer 8bits data, and
a receiver returns the acknowledge signal by setting SDA to L.
A register address is transferred by the next 1 byte that transferred the slave address and the write-in command. The 3rd
byte writes data in the internal register written in by the 2nd byte, and after 4th byte or, the increment of register address is
carried out automatically. However, when a register address turns into the last address (1Ah), it is set to 00h by the next
transmission. After the transmission end, the increment of the address is carried out.
SCL clock frequency fSCL 0 - 100 0 - 400 kHz
LOW period of the SCL clock tLOW 4.7 - - 1.3 - - s
HIGH period of the SCL clock tHIGH 4.0 - - 0.6 - - s
Hold time (repeated) START condition
After this period, the first clock is generated
tHD;STA4.0 - - 0.6 - - s
Set-up time for a repeated START condition tSU;STA4.7 - - 0.6 - - s
Data hold time tHD;DAT0 - 3.45 0 - 0.9 s
Data set-up time tSU;DAT250 - - 100 - - ns
Set-up time for STOP condition tSU;STO4.0 - - 0.6 - - s
Bus free time between a STOP